Of Demons and Reapers

By Serenaofthesea

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After being sent back into the past with her friend Lizzie; Ariel is thrown into the world of myth and legend... More

Chapter 1: A Fateful Beginning
Chapter 2: How did this happen to us?
Chapter 3: Learning to Survive
Chapter 4:Our new Life
Chapter 5:Skeletons in the Coffin
Chapter 6: You have to Fake it to Make it
Chapter 7:To Trust, or Not to Trust
Chapter 8: Learning to get along
Chapter 9: Growing Pains
Chapter 10: You call that an Introduction?
Chapter 11:The truth about feelings
Chapter 12: Let's try this again
Chapter 13: Could I be evil?
Chapter 14:History at a Glance
Chapter 15:The markings relieved
Chapter 16:Let's have a Tea Party
Chapter 17:Fairy night songs
Chapter 19:The truth of the matter is...
Chapter 20:By the beautiful sea
Chapter 21:A tale of two parties
Chapter 22:A walk in the park
Chapter 23:Its just so long for now

Chapter 18:The other shoe drops

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By Serenaofthesea

The next morning she found herself cuddled into the side of her reaper. He had his arms around her protectively. She smiled to herself as she cuddled closer to him. She let out a deep sigh of contentment and let herself revel in the time she had with him. She knew once he woke up it would be back to the bodies and away from her. She thought about the fairy glen he had taken her the night before. She wished she knew the way back on her own, but she also knew she had to respect the rules.

As she thought to herself, she noticed Adrian began to mumble in his sleep. She looked at him trying to figure out what it was he was saying. It was difficult since he was speaking an odd language. She couldn't figure it out at first, but then he started speaking English. He started saying things like, "You evil demon you can't have her."; and "No Ariel please don't leave me, don't fall for his trap." He had begun to toss and turn as his dream obviously became more violent. She was able to get herself free from his grip as he began thrashing around now.

Ariel tried to wake him up by shaking his shoulders. His suddenly sat up as his eyes shot open wild and full of fear. He looked around not yet able to realize he wasn't dreaming anymore. Ariel looked at him with worry as she caressed his cheek to try and calm him down. After a moment he realized he was awake finally and pulled her into a tight hug. "Shh, it's alright Adrian. I'm right here see, nothing to worry about." She said as she hugged him back and laid her head on his shoulder. He sat there quiet just holding her as he let himself calm down.

After a few minutes he let her go and looked at her. "I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you Ariel. I think I would wish for death if that damned demon ever did take you from me." He said letting his hand slide through his hair. She sat there watching him as he let out a shaky breath. She crawled onto his lap and let herself lay against him. "I don't ever want to leave you Adrian. I'm not going anywhere willingly, and you already promised you would protect me. I hope you're not the sort to go back on your word."

He wrapped his arms around her and let his head rest on hers. "I will protect you my little one. I will not go back on my promise I made to you." She let her head lay in the crook of his neck as he held her there. She could tell he was deep in thought since he hadn't moved or spoken in a few minutes. He just sat there holding her like someone would jump through the door any moment and try to steal her away.

She looked up at him and pulled his face down with her hands to look him in the eyes. "I am right here Adrian, talk to me if you need to talk. We are mates after all so you will have to get used to it eventually." He looked into her eyes that were full of love and understanding. He began to give a weak smile and kissed her deeply. He pulled away after a minute and put his forehead on hers. He sat there with his eyes shut just taking her in as the morning ticked on.

Realizing they had to get to work soon, she kissed him again and started to get up from his lap. "We should get dressed and head down for work. I'll make breakfast while you change; unless Lizzie already made it." Ariel said as she began to walk towards the door. "Oh yes about that, Lizzie never came home last night." She froze turning around slightly to look at him. "I'm sorry I don't think I heard you correctly. Did you just say Lizzie didn't come home?" "Yes I did little one, I figured she would be here by the time we got back but she wasn't. So I waited up for a while to make sure she got in alright. After about an hour a messenger came to the door with a letter from Taran stating Lizzie had sprained her ankle and was staying at his house." He said getting up and stretching as he spoke.

Ariel stood there for a minute as she let his words sink in. Sure Lizzie could be rather clumsy, but how would she have sprained her ankle? She shook her head letting her thoughts go. "This is Lizzie we're talking about." She mumbled under her breath. Adrian gave a laugh hearing her words as he began to take his shirt off to change. Seeing this she gave a small squeak and quickly turned. "You could wait until I'm out of the door you know." She said walking away quickly to hide her bright red face and shaking her head. "But little one we are mates are we not? You will have to get used to it eventually." He replied laughing at her.

She turned her head back to glare at him as she kept walking. She could see a confident smirk plastered on his face with nothing but mischief in his eyes. She just turned her head back and walked out closing the door behind her. "God that reaper will be the death of me one day." She said as she leaned on the door a little. Suddenly she heard scratching on the door behind her. In her flustered state she had forgotten about Anubis being in there. "Sorry baby boy but Adrian can let you out when he's done." With that she walked out to the kitchen and began cooking.

As she began cooking she hummed to herself the song the fairies had been dancing to. She began swaying along again as she danced around the kitchen cooking. As she began to twirl around she was suddenly taken into Adrian's arms as they danced along to her humming. She laughed and smiled as he danced there with her in the kitchen. Adrian began singing the song as he twirled her around the floor.

She was entranced by his voice, his voice sounded beautiful; and his dancing was like they were floating on air. She stared up at him smiling as his voice filled the room. When the song came to an end, he spun her around so her back was against his chest. He then dipped her slightly as he kissed her. He helped her straighten out as she spun back around. "I didn't know you could dance and sing like that." She said smiling at him as she wrapped her arms around him.

He wrapped his arms around her as well, "Of course I can little one, I have lived over five thousand years after all. I should at least have mastered dancing by now." He said giving a chuckle. She smacked him lightly on the chest as she moved away from him. "You certainly have mastered being a smartass." She said with a smile on her face as she began to walk back towards the room. Before she could go far however, Anubis trotted in front of her and began nuzzling her back towards the table. "Anubis sweetie what are you doing?" She said as he kept pushing her back.

Suddenly she heard someone coming up the stairs and turned her head to look. The first thing she saw was a mass of red hair bobbing up and down. She began to have a bright smile spread across her face as Christian came up onto the landing and looked at both of them. She smiled at him as she then rushed over to him and tackled him in a hug. "Gingy I missed you!" She yelled out as she fell back against the wall with him. He let out a shriek as they fell back landing against the wall causing him to slide down.

Ariel continued to hug him through all of this and looked up at him still smiling brightly. He began to laugh as he hugged her back, "I missed you too you annoying little sister. Where is my other little sister? I figured she would be up here since she wasn't down stairs." Adrian stepped up to them and knelt down trying to pull Ariel away from him. She pushed her shoulder back at him and cuddled closer to Christian. "Back off I haven't gotten to see gingy in almost a month and I sleep with you every night." She felt Christian stiffen up under her as her words. She looked up at him to see him staring straight at Adrian.

Adrian gave a sigh as he pulled her away from him and stood her up. "What do you mean you two sleep together every night? I haven't even been gone for a month and you're already sleeping together?!"Christian began freaking out at Adrian as he stood up. Ariel then stepped in front of Adrian at that point and put her hand on Christian's chest pushing him back slightly. "Listen gingy you've been gone for a while and have missed a lot and I do mean a lot. I'm going to go get dressed while Adrian here will fill you in I'm sure. If you want to eat I just finished cooking breakfast. I'll be out in a few minutes, try not to kill him please gingy."

The whole time Christian's mouth was hanging open as he listened to Ariel speak. After she was done she turned around and began heading back to her and Adrian's room to change. "You actually live in his room now?! What in the hell did I miss Adrian that she is in the same room as you!?" She could hear Christian yelling from behind her. She gave a sigh as she walked in and closed the door. After a few seconds she could hear Adrian getting him to calm down enough so he could tell him everything that had happened since he had gone.

After a few minutes she came out after making sure she looked presentable. She needed to look good since she was going over to Taran's today to see how Lizzie was doing. She knew she would be fine there since Taran would always dote on her. Walking out she saw Christian sitting at the table with a grim look on his face and a glass of water in front of him. Adrian was sitting across from him eating while Anubis and Zwei lay at his feet. Upon hearing her walking out Christian looked up at her. "So I'm guessing you got the story of everything that has gone on?"

He nodded his head and gave a sigh putting his elbow on the table and setting his head in it. "So you have already started the exchange, I didn't think it would be so soon." He said nonchalantly. "Well we weren't really left with much of a choice. After Caspian's little maneuver it became obvious he wouldn't stop any other way." She replied grabbing a plate and sitting down to eat. "Yes so I've gathered, to think he grew so bold as to break in that night and try to kidnap you in your sleep. Only a demon would stoop so low as that." She could see Christian's hands turn into fists as he spoke.

She waved him off to try and change the subject, "Well we haven't seen them since the day of the exchange. Besides I have more important things to do today than to worry over stupid demons." "And what would be so important?" Christian asked raising his eyebrow at her. "I have to go see Lizzie today, which reminds me; Adrian do you know where Taran lives so I can go visit her?" Christian had been taking a drink of his water as she had spoken. Upon hearing that Lizzie was at Taran's house, his eyes grew wide and he promptly spit out his water.

"What do you mean go visit her at Taran's house?!" He cried out slamming his hands on the table. "Well there goes your breakfast." Ariel said laughing as she looked over at Adrian who had been sprayed by the water. He sent a glare over at his boss as he tried to shake the water off of him. "This isn't funny young lady! Why is Lizzie living with Taran now?" "Oh will you calm down before you give yourself an aneurism gingy. She isn't living with him; she just sprained her ankle while she was with him the other night. So she stayed at his house last night." She saw Christian visibly relax after hearing that. "Yes they have only been going out on dates and spending ample amounts of time with each other." Adrian said giving a dark grin at him.

Hearing this Christian once again became rigged. Ariel shook her head at their actions. "God and you people say humans are bad, you two are just as bad as us." Adrian began laughing as he got up and went to go change. "Let me go change little one then I will take you there." "But don't you have to work today? I don't want to pull you away from your job." She replied looking over at him. "Its fine now little one, since Christian has returned that means the death toll will go down once again."

She looked over at Christian as he looked sheepishly at her. "You were the reason he was so busy this past month?" She asked staring at him. "Well yes it was part of an assignment from my superiors. I may be the head of the London Division, but there are reapers still much higher than me who I must obey." He replied scratching the back of his head with a nervous smile. "I'd like to meet them one day if I could. I have a few things I'd like to say to them." Ariel said giving a mischievous smile. "Oh I'm sure you do, however you can't meet them until you are a full reaper. Which if my math is correct will take over a year to happen; and that's if you exchange faithfully every four months. It could take longer than that if something gets in the way of an exchange."

She gave a sigh at his words and let her head hang. She felt Anubis and Zwei come up to her and nuzzle her sensing her saddened mood. "Christian please stop distressing my mate or else I will be forced to feed you to a Chimera." Adrian said walking out in a nice dress suit. "Wait, Chimera's are real? Does that mean all those ancient monsters really exist?" Ariel said snapping her head over to Adrian. "You were speaking of distressing ones mate?" Christian said giving a dry laugh.

Adrian walked over to her and knelt before her taking her hands. "Yes they really exist little one. There is no need to worry however since they all exist in different realms." "Don't give me that crap reaper I know the stories, they can and have often been in our world; hell look at Zwei and Anubis! They are supposed to be in hell not in here cuddling up to me." He gave a nervous smile thinking of what to say, Christian on the other hand was sitting back with a big grin on his face. "Look I don't really mind those monsters as long as they stay away from me, or I know how to kill them." Adrian smiled at her as he gave her a small kiss, "You really are a strange one aren't you my dear." "And you really are stuck with me aren't you my reaper." She retorted with a smirk on her face.

He gave his signature grin back to her and stood up holding out his hand to her. "Shall we go to Taran's then?" She finally got a good look at him and noticed his suit. "Adrian why are you in a suit instead of your normal clothes?" She asked with a puzzled look on her face. "Can I not look good every once in a while little one? I will be escorting my beautiful mate wont I? I should look presentable so as not to shame you." He said with a grin as he pulled her up. Her face grew red at his comment, "You really do just love to see me twitch don't you, you twisted reaper." She said pushing him slightly.

Christian decided to speak up at that point, "As adorable as this little scene is, I am still right here you know. Shall we just head over to Taran's to see how Lizzie is fairing?" Ariel gave a laugh to this as she sent a mischievous smile over at him and she hugged herself closer to Adrian. "Awe what's wrong gingy? Are you uncomfortable with us being so close like this?" Christian's face started to turn a light pink as Adrian played along and pulled her into a deep kiss. Not being able to take it any longer Christian ran over and tore them apart his face a bright red. "Yes I am uncomfortable with you doing this right in front of me! Just do what you need to already so we can leave!" He yelled pushing them further apart.

Both began laughing uncontrollably seeing his reaction. "You are just as bad as him Ariel; you just wanted to see how I would react." Christian said putting his head in his hands and shaking it. She gave him a bright smile as she pulled him into a hug. "Yes I did do it just to see your reaction, and you played your part so well." Christian pushed her into Adrian and began walking towards the stairs in a huff. "When you two are ready I will be waiting down stairs to go." They stood there laughing another few seconds before Ariel put the boys in their room and they went downstairs.

Christian was lying across one of the coffins with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed. "Are you ready Christian?" Adrian asked standing beside the coffin. "Well it's about time, let's head out then. Taran lives on the other side of town and it looks like we might have rain soon. I'd rather not get caught out in it." He said getting up and stretching. "My dad always said if you aren't made out of sugar or shit then you won't melt. You are certainly not made out of either one of those, so I think you're safe." Ariel said walking towards the door. Adrian began laughing behind her, "You know she does have a point on that; an odd way to think of it though." Christian said walking out behind them.

Adrian checked to make sure the door was locked, then turned towards Ariel and offered her his arm. She smiled up at him and linked her arm into his as they began to walk down the street. As they walked along Christian filled them in on some of what he had been up to the past month. Apparently he had been ordered to reduce the population of the sick and those that lived in the gutters. Supposedly there was a big event coming up by the end of the year that this needed to be done for. He wouldn't say what the event was, but Ariel thought to herself about what it could be. Having come from the future did hold some advantages.

Thinking it over as they walked along she thought of all the things she could from this time period. "Gingy this big event you're talking about; it wouldn't happen to be Jack the Ripper would it?" Christian and Adrian froze looking at her. "You know about this event little one?" Adrian said looking down at her. "Yes it is very famous actually; well I suppose more like it will be very famous. I think it starts in August and goes until November maybe? Five woman in all are murdered, and rather viciously." "Well coming from the future certainly does give you an advantage over some things now doesn't it?" Christian said as he began walking again.

Ariel and Adrian followed him still with arms linked. "Well I suppose it does, but I preferred ancient history to anything else. I can't say dates or exact times, but I loved ancient history and all the stories of the gods and supernatural things." "So then you have always been weird, good to know." Christian said laughing. "Oh bite me gingy." Ariel said reaching out her free arm and smacking him in his shoulder. He just laughed and kept walking along.

After a few more minutes they finally came to a section of nice houses. Ariel followed the guys along until they reached a mansion that was white, with red trimming the accents of the building. "I do always love visiting this place." Christian said with a smile on his face. Ariel gave a snort and walked with Adrian up to the door. After knocking they waited until an older woman answered the door. She smiled up at the group, "Good morning, may I ask your business here?" She said in a frail sounding voice. "Good morning, we are here to visit Mr. Taran and Miss Lizzie. Will you please tell them we are here?" Christian said giving a smile back to the woman. "Of course sir, whom shall I tell my master is calling?" She said looking around the group. "Please tell him Mr. Crow and Mr. Morgan are here with Miss Lizzies' friend." "Of course sir, I will let them know please wait here for a moment." She closed the door and they were left standing there until she returned. "Please follow me; my master will be in within ten minutes. They are finishing breakfast at the moment."

The lady led them into a parlor and gestured them to sit. Ariel sat next to Adrian on a loveseat as Christian sat next to Adrian in an arm chair. Looking around Ariel could see how beautiful everything was. It was a mix of classic Victorian, with a Hindu twist to everything. She had to admit it looked great the way everything was done. "So what do you think of my house Ariel?" A voice said from behind them. Turning around she saw Taran walking in helping Lizzie to come in.

Ariel gave a smile at him as she got up and offered Lizzie her seat. "It is beautiful in here Taran. I love how you added your own Hindi twist to the decorations." Taran helped Lizzie to sit on the loveseat as Adrian got up so she could let her leg rest on it. "Only you would do this to yourself Lizzie." Ariel said walking up behind the seat and leaning against it. "Yeah I know, I know already. I am a klutz I can't help it." Lizzie said giving a sigh as she tried to get herself comfortable. "I did always say they should put you in a padded room. This just adds more proof to my statement." Ariel said giving her a grin.

Lizzie smiled over at her and wacked her hand lightly before speaking. "How is Zwei doing without me there? Was he worried about me last night?" Lizzie said looking up at her with worry in her eyes. "Honestly I don't know how he was last night. I let him and Anubis run around so they will be set for a few days. I ended up passing out before we got back though; Adrian carried me back and tucked me in. I didn't know you weren't home until he told me a few hours ago." Ariel said going around to the front and lifting her leg slightly. She then took a seat and let her leg rest on her lap.

She looked at her ankle, "So how did you manage this one Liz? Trip over thin air again?" She said laughing. "Oh it was nothing really just me being klutzy as usual." Lizzie stated as her face started to go pink. Ariel looked over at Taran who had sat down across from them. His face as well had stared to go pink; seeing this she began to smirk. "Oh really now, how interesting from both of you." Hearing her words their faces began to get a darker shade of pink. "Now little one stop teasing them, it isn't nice." Adrian said with a grin on his face.

Ariel gave a snort and looked over at him with a dry look. "Says the reaper who scares people to see their reactions, and who loves to see me go twelve different shades of red." He only grinned back at her as he sat there. "Anyway, I will be staying here until my ankle is better. The doctor said it should only be a few weeks until I can walk again. Taran, do you think Zwei would be able to stay here with us?" Lizzie said looking over at him with hopeful eyes. "I'm sorry my dear but that can't happen here. I have too many business people visit me and you can't run with him to let him out." Taran said giving her a sorrowful look.

Ariel sat there watching their interactions and a smile came to her face. She was so happy for her friend, that she had finally found someone she seemed to be happy with. "So then he will just have to stay with us for now then Lizzie. Ariel and I shall take care of him while you are resting your ankle." Adrian had said breaking her out of her trance. "Alright I trust you guys to take good care of him." Lizzie said giving them both a smile. After that the men started talking about business which began to bore Ariel. She decided she would talk with her friend about woman things.

Turning her head she began speaking using their link. "Hey Lizzie, so are you going to tell me how you really sprained that ankle of yours?" She could see Lizzie turn to look at her as her face went red again. "Well Taran went to kiss me and when I went to kiss him back my foot slipped off the sidewalk and I fell into the Thames." She replied looking down as she hesitantly spoke. "Awe I am so happy for you Liz, it's about time you found someone. How like you though to sprain your ankle and fall into the river at the same time." Lizzie looked up at her smiling as they both laughed. "Yes it is just like me isn't it? He is so sweet to me though, just like for you and Adrian; of course I would find someone in Victorian London." "Well at least you found someone, that's the important thing. So then, are you two officially dating yet?" "Yes, he asked me last night after helping me out of the river." Ariel gave a squeak and hugged her tightly; to which Lizzie hugged her back and laughed.

Before Ariel could reply they both heard a cough and looked over to see the guys staring at them. "Would you care to share with the group little one?" Adrian said with a smirk. "As a matter of fact, I do care and therefore I won't." She said turning away from them. "You didn't hear a thing we were talking about did you?" Christian said shaking his head. "No we didn't, we were busy talking." Lizzie interjected while giving a small frown, "What was it we were supposed to hear?"

Taran spoke up looking back at Adrian, "I was telling them that Lord Gage will be over within the hour. So I suggested that if Ariel didn't want to see a certain butler, she should either head back or go up with you to your room." Hearing this news she let herself fall dramatically against the back of the loveseat. "Well at least I was able to get away from him for a month; that's something right?" "What would you like to do little one? I can come and collect you later or you can leave with us now." Adrian said looking over at her leaning himself back in the arm chair he had found.

She thought to herself for a moment before speaking. "As much as I would love to stay and see Lizzie and Taran some more, I would prefer to stay away from that demon as much as possible." Lizzie sighed hearing her decision; she understood it though and gave her a small smile. "Take care of Zwei for me, and come back in a few days and see me again." Lizzie said hugging Ariel and sitting herself up. "Can you help me upstairs Taran? I don't want to be down here when they get here." "Alright my dear, please excuse me for a minute everyone. I will escort you out when I have gotten Lizzie into bed again to rest."

Ariel stood there watching her friend limp out of the room with her new boyfriend helping her. She let a smile come to her face again as she watched them. "You know Ariel now that I think about it; couldn't you just heal her ankle and she would be all better?" Christian said standing up and walking up next to her. "Oh course I could, but that isn't what she wants silly. She is happy here with Taran and I would never take that away from her. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if they are engaged within the next few months." She replied crossing her arms and putting herself into a relaxed stance.

After a few minutes Taran returned to the parlor and began walking them to the door. She shooed Adrian and Christian ahead of her and Taran as she walked slowly next to him. "Taran I am happy Lizzie has found someone like you, you are a great guy and I like you a great deal. However I have to warn you," She said getting serious and coming to a halt turning herself to look right at him. "If you break her heart I promise you there is no place on this earth you will be able to hide from me. I may like you, but I love Lizzie like a sister; do you understand me." Taran looked at her with a smile on his face. He bowed to her and kissed her hand. "I assure you Ariel; I would never intentionally break her heart. I am also well aware if I were to ever commit such a grievous act that could never be fixed; you would have no issue with taking care of me in whatever way you saw fit. I will also assure you that I care for Lizzie very much and will always treat her as she deserves to be treated."

She looked at him carefully for a moment before nodding and giving him a smile. Pleased with his response, she turned and began walking again. "Giving him your sisterly threat were you?" Christian said grinning at her. "Of course I was; it is my job to as a friend and adopted sister." "Well let's head out now little one before we run into your friendly kidnapper." Adrian said pulling her towards him as they opened the door and began to walk down the steps.

Taran waved to them as they left, "Goodbye everyone, please come back in a few days to check on Lizzie if you wish." "Goodbye Taran" Christian said as they reached the last step. Just as they were about to walk out of the gate a carriage pulled up with none other than Caspian himself riding it. Ariel felt her face pale slightly as Adrian's grip on her became stronger and he pushed her behind himself and Christian. Caspian jumped down not having noticed them yet and let Lord Gage out of the carriage.

As the Lord stepped out he looked in front of him to see Taran standing in the doorway, and everyone else halfway to the gate. "Adrian, Christian, what are you two doing here?" Lord Gage said giving them a quizzical look. "Oh dear Adrian, leaving Ariel all alone at the shop; how careless of you." Caspian said walking up behind his master. "Oh never mind, I see you have brought her with you. Good day Miss Ariel, I hope you are well." She let her head rest against the backs of the men she was using as a buffer between her and the demon. She gave a sigh before saying just loud enough for them all to hear. "Bloody fucking hell not you again."

"Well now, that is a bit much don't you think so Ariel?" Lord Gage said with his mouth slightly open. "No actually I don't think that is too much. I was quite happy not having to see that damned butler of yours." She replied coming out and standing next to Adrian and crossing her arms. "You seem a bit different if I may say so Miss Ariel." Caspian said staring her down with scrutinizing eyes. She got her Cheshire cat grin on her face as she let herself be wrapped up in Adrian's arms as she walked in front of him. "That is because there is something different about me Caspian." "And what would that be Ariel?" Lord Gage said watching carefully. "Simple my Lord, Ariel and I have started our blood exchange as mates. With a few more she will become a reaper like me and Christian." Adrian said pulling her in closer to himself and resting his head against her shoulder.

Ariel's grin never left her face as she saw Caspian's face go from shock to pure anger. She swore she even saw fire leaving his ears with how upset he was. "Well then I suppose I should congratulate you two." Lord Gage said giving a brief look over at his demon. "Thank you my lord, we are both very pleased for it." Adrian replied nodding his head to the lord. Caspian looked like he was about to kill someone with the expression he had. "Come Caspian we have work to attend to. Good day everyone, I'm sure we will see each other again soon." Lord Gage said walking up towards Taran. As Caspian walked past Adrian and Ariel he stopped briefly while still looking straight ahead. "You think you've won this reaper? I know that until the final exchange she can still be mine; and I tell you now she will be mine. Have your fun together now; I will make her come to me eventually." "You will take her over my dead body demon, you have no right to her anymore; in fact you never did to begin with. You killed the man she really loved to get her before, her heart has never been yours and it never will be." Adrian replied holding her tightly and keeping his own sight ahead of him.

Ariel saw Caspian give a dark smile, "I don't need to have her heart reaper, I just want her body and soul." With that he walked away leaving the three there standing in the walkway. Christian walked over to Adrian and put his hand on his shoulder. "We will not let him take her away from you Adrian. You two will be safe; I will speak to the Reaper council about this." She felt Adrian give a nod before picking her up and walking along the street with her. "Ariel are you alright?" Christian asked coming up alongside him and looking down at her. "I will be fine gingy; I just wish he would leave me and Adrian alone." "I will try my best for you two, for now let's just head back to the shop. You will have to put her down now Adrian."

Adrian reluctantly agreed and set her down, but held her arm in his again. As they walked along they were quiet until Ariel broke the silence. "You know what Adrian; I think I've decided where we should go on that vacation you promised me." "And where is that my little one?" "I want to go back to the ocean; I need the water to help get myself back in order. Promise me we can go to the ocean soon." She said looking up at him with pleading eyes. He looked down at her with love and compassion, "I promise you my little one we will go to the ocean before the week is out." She smiled up at him as she gave him a kiss. Walking along arm in arm, she rested her head on his shoulder. She would never willingly let that demon take her from him.

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