Trapped 2: Truth Unmasked (Se...

By EmmaWilliams66

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After the events of Trapped Louis has been very distant from Liam and everyone else. Everyone has been busy w... More

Trapped 2: Truth Unmasked (Sequel to Trapped One Direction Fan fic)
Chapter One: Love you too
Chapter Two: Not a word
Chapter Three: Two paths and one wrong turn
Chapter Four: Where have you been
Chapter Five: Revenge is sweet
Chapter Six: Maybe, maybe one idea

Chapter Seven: Last one around, first one across the bridge

93 4 1
By EmmaWilliams66

Louis's POV

Josh led the way, the rain tumbling down upon us. The rain isn't going to clear up any time soon. I think we are all hoping that he knows what he is doing. Why we all asked him if he had a plan, is mystery to me but at the same time Josh is the type to think quickly in a situation like this.

Liam was holding my hand in the rain. "Are you alright?" he asks. I smile back, "Of course I am just very wet," I laugh.

Josh stops above a high tree which somehow seemed to block most of the rain out. "We set up camp here," he smiles.

"How did you know about this?" asks Harry.

Josh looks at Harry looking a bit taken aback. It looked like he was about to cry but he seemed to compose himself. "When I can't sleep I go out walking. It helps me," he whispers.

"I know that but you only went out one time right you came this far?" he asked confused.

"No a few times I just didn't tell you about the other two times as I knew you were already worrying too much," Josh says softly. Silence fell between us all, so I decided to break it. "Well, its a good thing at least we got covered shelter," I say.

Everyone agrees and we start setting up camp but Harry hadn't moved an inch. He stood in the same place for more then ten minutes. I was thinking about going to talk to him but Josh had just had the same thought and walked towards him. If anyone can turn Harry around is Josh the one that made him feel like that in the first place. It's a strange but it always seems to work out that way.

I've felt down for so long, so distant even Liam didn't seem to cheer me up as much as he probably hoped but it was something I had to get through myself but this camping trip has really helped me to come to terms with everything. To not hold onto the past any longer look towards the future.

Liam sat next to me right next to the tree routes and placed his head on my lap. "What's on your mind sexy?" he asks cheekily.

"Harry and Josh," I say telling him the truth.

"Yeah me too but there be fine. Harry come around, Josh only did it to not worry him so much," says Liam.

"Yeah I know but we all worry don't we," I laugh.

"Yes we all do. How you holding up?"

"Good actually, I'm really glad we came. It's really helped me to come close to you all again," I say as I pull out a carrot from my rucksack. Liam smiles, "You and your carrots," he says smiling.

"Would you love me if I didn't eat carrots and love them?"

"Maybe but you wouldn't be Louis if you didn't. You wouldn't of been the one I fell in love with but I might of stilled loved you, as much well who knows," Liam nudges me.

"Very true," I say as I kiss him on the lips and we share a tight embrace and in that moment nothing could knock us back down. I wouldn't tel Liam go, whatever happens.

Harry's POV

Maybe I had been a little harsh on Josh. He had been struggling to sleep and he only didn't tell me not to worry me but I want him to know as much as I worry it don't matter. It's what you do when you love someone no matter how bad or worrying it can be.

I would go out on walks with him, I don't mind staying up with him. I just not sure he'll ever really understand. "Harry are you alright?" Josh asks me. I hadn't moved in probably about ten minutes no wonder he was asking me if I was alright.

"Yes I'm fine Josh but can you promise me something?" I ask.

"Anything," he smiles.

"Next time on your crazy adventures at night take me with you. If you can't sleep I'll stay up with you," I say to him.

Josh looked a bit sad like he was going to argue, maybe say that's one promise he can't keep but his mouth slowly crept into a smile. "I promise."

"Good," I smile back as I bring him into a cuddle and we kiss each other slowly turning into a more passionate kiss later on.

We all settled down in our sleeping bags next to each other and warmth coming from the lit fire. We shared a few ghost stories before we all tried to sleep. I kept my eyes wide open, Josh right next to me. I could tell he was trying to sleep but just encase he couldn't I would stay up till I'm sure he is a sleep. It never came, an hour went by and Josh was still trying to sleep.

I sit up which makes Josh jump and sit up too. "What is wrong?" he asked shocked.

"Nothing but you can't sleep can you?" I asked.

"No, I can't," he whispers.

"Want to go for a walk?" I ask.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Of course, we'll have a quick walk together then try again it may help you. It normally does right?" I ask him.

"Yeah all the time," smiles Josh.

Liam's POV

Morning came quickly, I had slept right through the night. I woke up my bladder begging me to empty it. I get up and head over to a tree hiding behind it before pulling down my trousers and taking a piss. When I finished I pulled my trousers back up just in time as Harry and Josh came into view they looked knackered wet and dirty.

"What happened to you two?" I ask as we head back to the others so I could start some breakfast.

"We went for a walk and got lost. We stepped straight into this mud and we sank quite far down took us ages to get out and find our way back," says Josh.

"Took us ages is an understatement it took all bloody night and morning," Harry sighs.

"His hairs ruined he went fully under trying to help me out," says Josh.

"He'll get over it won't you Haz," I say putting my hand through his hair and my hand coming back full of mud, "Or not," I laugh heavily.

It took two hours to get everyone fed and packed up as well as Josh and Harry getting cleaned up. Harry had did his best with his hair but nothings really going to fix that until we go back home now. We travelled in silence for sometime until we found the mud they had fell into. 

"Alright how about this. The last one around this muddy mess is the first one to test that Bridge," I point towards a Bridge up ahead. Everyone starts to moan and complain but I cut across. "Someone is going to have to do it so why not just make it a little fun. You can go through the mud if you want to make sure your not last but I'm not. After I say three we all ready?" I ask.

Everyone nods there heads. "One, two...three!" I shout. I was off in front of everyone else rushing around the mud being as careful as I could. Behind me I heard them all shouting and someone falling into the mud as I heard a splash.

I was struggling to keep my feet gripped, around the out side of the muddy pool is slippery. I kept my balance and managed to reach the other side. Only one thing that would need cleaning for me is my shoes. I turn around to see how everyone else is doing.

Kurt had been the one too fall in and I watch as he climbs up next to me. "Having fun?" I ask.

"Not really," he frowns as he shakes himself to get rid of some of the mud and misses me by inches, "Watch it," I laugh.

Louis was pulling slightly behind but he pushed himself running by Niall, Connor and Zayn. I watch as Connor stumbles and falls right into the mud pool. He started shouting. Niall sprinted on while Zayn stopped looking at Connor struggling. Zayn chucks his shoes, his rucksack and hat to Niall who catches them as he continues to run while Zayn jumps in right next to Connor.

Louis arrives next to me which I smile about. Harry and Josh had been carefully taking the other side of the mud pool where no one had actually thought to take. They both arrived next to us. "We were not going to get in there again," laughs Josh.

Zayn helps Connor across the mud and pushes Connor up first just as Niall arrives. Zayn struggles out with Connor's help sighing. "Well Zayn it looks like you be the one crossing first. Zayn shakes himself and the mud splashed on my face and top. "Oh sorry about that," he says as everyone cracks a smile. 

Zayn is covered in so much mud he sighed when Niall went to give his hat rucksack and shoes back he pushed them away, "Keep them for now please," he sighs.

"Last one around, first one across the bridge go ahead Zayn," I smile as I wipe  the mud off my face.


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