Vixen and The Thug

By ChrissyM93

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Sly ran his hometown and everything that happened in it, so one night when he saw an unfamiliar face he could... More



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By ChrissyM93

Chapter IV. School's in Session

Every Saint has a past, and every Sinner had a future

-Oscar Wilde

Lauryn's POV

"You know Granny tried to kill me the other night when I can in from the club. She started talking in her Jamaican proverbs and making me feel like a child" I joked mocking my Granny's accent with Becca as we cleaned the kitchen for Granny since she was in the den watching Let's Make a Deal.

"Elle, you know how she get some times. Granny just trying to watch out for you 'little one'. Anyways I met one of your friends" Becca said playfully pushing at my shoulder as we washed the dishes together while dance to some reggae playing off of the speakers. Becca was the only family that I had other than Granny, she was a professional dancer so work kept her from home a lot so now that she was having a small break in her schedule she was choosing to spend that time with us. It was funny cause I was sort of raised with Becca expect for the fact that she was admitted into a fine art school early on since she was so gifted so I rarely actually saw her other than Holidays and breaks. She was my big sister even though she was more childish than me.

" know my circle small" I joked whinding real slow to the beat making her laugh.

"Right...It was Sly he was all in my face at the gym trying to press me for info about yo' ass" she joked taking some of the fun out of today. Was he really that noisy? What had I ever done to make him feel like I needed to be studied?

"He is not my friend. He just trying to keep tabs on Audi with her fast ass." I said rolling my eyes. I could already tell that I wasn't going to like the direction of this conversation. "Really, Becca he only speaking cause he saw me at the club. He not even interested in me" I said more to myself then her.

"If you say so. He seemed to want to be all up in your mix from the way he was talking to me but if you want I will chill on all that. So what's up with this school and stuff. Give me the tee" she said pushing me over to the kitchen table so we could really chop up what she missed.

"Well I start classes like next week which is really exciting. My advisor gave me a list of the makeup items and other stuff they recommend for someone taking my path. And you know the same drama with Milly and Mya's Mama. And of course Audi got that new apartment so that's about it" I sighed watching my cousin's thoughtful expression.

"You need money for school, I got you on that. I know Granny's bills starting to add up even with the little bit of Medicare she get. And Milly like all that drama that why he was entertainer her trifling ass to begin with and Audi don't need no apartment. She fast as hell. What the fuck she need an apartment for, so she can be running the streets" Becca scoffed. Becca always kept it real, she didn't care if what she said was mean because she always wanted people to know where she stood on every topic. I loved that about my cousin, while she didn't hate Audi she thought that I could do better in the friend department because she was a firm believer of if you the smartest nigga among your friends you needed new friends. I think the thing about Audi that rubbed her the wrong way was the fact that Audi didn't want to do anything with her life, she just wanted to be pretty and taken care of which, to Becca, was weak. Becca and Granny taught me you had to earn your space in this world and nothing was free. But, I think deep down that Audi did have dreams, she just wasn't ready to reveal them.

"Thank you, Becca. I got financial aid so school I think is good right now. And Granny's bill aren't that bad so don't be stressin' about that you know I always call when shit get tight. And stop dogging Audi you know she just spoiled. But speaking of her apartment she having a house warming party in a few days. She swear it's going to be hella bottles on deck, smoke, food. And you know she know a lot of fine boys. You up for it, rude gyal?" I asked getting excited, Becca and I always had fun together no matter what because she never was thinking about dudes, she was more the type to let them come to her so she didn't do the most when we went out.

"Drink, she know she not grown enough to be drinking and shit. She trying to be slump so some niggas can be running trains and shit? Yo' ass not going be out there looking foolish, so I'mma have to come." Becca joked.

"Stop trying to cook Audi. She not that bad once you get to know her, And Sly not going to even let it go down like that, he don't let no one even try to talk to her. He got her on lock and key already." I smiled as Becca quickly stood up and checked some stuff on her phone.

"Alright, I'mma be nice... I was just saying...Anyways let's go get some outfits, we ain't been to the mall in forever." I quickly grabbed my sandals and followed Becca out the door.

Sly's POV

"Mama, tell Sly to mind his business" Audi whined as I poured syrup over my pancakes. She was always difficult and now here she was talking about having a party at her spot. I think she lost her mind. When I originally got her the apartment I was thinking it would be a great way to help her grow up but clearly I was wrong. "And make him stop glaring at me with his hateful ass" Audi added sticking her tongue out at me. She was doing the most right now. To be honest I wasn't comfortable with a bunch of people knowing where my little sister stayed. And she was naive to the point she would be caught slipping even though I already tried to school her on basic game.

"Sly, let her have the party. It's probably just going to be her and some friends having wine and food. Nothing that should have you stressed" Mama reasoned, but I knew better. Audi was the type to want to take a simple kickback and turn into House Party, the remake and I wasn't having it. It was my reputation on the line if shit got out of hand at that party and I was the one on all the paper work so I needed her to chill on all that little kid stuff. "Speaking of the apartment when Mama going to be able to come over and see this place since my baby think she too good to come home" she joked making Audi whine even more about the need to finish getting furniture for the spot.

"Mama, you can come today if you not busy with the church ladies. I know y'all stay having meetings all though out the afternoon." Audi said trying to steal bacon off my plate.

"You right baby, I don't think I can come today. Let's try tomorrow. But let me get going so I can met with the Pastor before anything to serious happens. And remember to lock up once y'all leave" she called as she shut the door. Now that Mama was gone we were about to hash out this party business.

"Audi don't play with me. I already hear from a bunch of lil niggas you trying to have some Project X shit going down in that apartment and that's not even you. I already told you we need to thinking about your future like, what you want to do with yourself instead of always trying to focus on impressing people. Niggas always want to be cool with you when you got money but, wait 'til shit go down and see who really with you" I said taking the gentle approach knowing that she could get sensitive if I didn't word my thoughts correctly.

"Sly, I just want to have a little fun. I can have a small party with a few people over and some bud and a few wine coolers? I mean I'm just trying to celebrate a little. You already pretty much ban me from Body can I at least live it up one night then we can focus on me getting a job" she said taking huge gulps of apple juice between words. I sighed, I knew that she had already won so instead of saying anything I just nodded and focused on my breakfast. "See, I knew we could come to an agreement big brother. I think I'mma call Elle to see if she want to help me get the last few things for the house since I know she probably bored at home" Audi said typing away at her phone.

"Yo' what's up with your friend Lauryn why she be acting like that" I asked not meaning for it to come out of my mouth like that.

"Like what? Elle be chillin'" Audi shook her head and went back to her messages with whoever was on her phone. I hope she wasn't text bunch of those young boys because I already knew what they wanted from her and I wasn't going to have my sister out there looking crazy.

"Right...she stay flexin' when I was trying to be friendly. She act like a nigga got Ebola or something. Damn, I was just trying to get a read on her since you stay spending all your time with her" I said stuffing my face with pancakes. Pancakes where my favorite food as a kid because it was one of the only things that my pops knew how to cook so it always held a special spot with me.

"She really don't be. I think you probably reading too much into it. Now, Becca she the one you need to be worried about if you want to talk about flexin' cause she don't play" Audi said rolling eyes at the name. So Becca was like that with everyone, good to note.

"Becca isn't that bad, she just direct with that shit. Anyways what you need for this party?" I asked wiping my mouth while trying to reply to Que text about running up on some boys who been giving Dre a hard time while he been on the block.

"If you say so. Maybe Becca don't like me. Because she stay saying some slick stuff when I be with Elle. But, I don't be listening for real cause Becca is hardly ever in town anyway" Audi said get up to rinse her dishes. The fact that Audi was just spilling information and I didn't even have to ask had me thinking that I might need to start spending more time with my sister. If I want to get Lauryn I just need to figure out what would make her melt like putty in my hands. "Oh, and I just wants some bottles, and smoke. I already go the rest for the party so don't stress yourself out about it." Audi said going out the front door leaving me to wash the rest of the dishes. I quickly decided against that and check my gun to make sure that everything was in order and called Que.

Que was already there and said there seemed to be a lot going on and he felt like my presents was needed so I made my way to my car and sped over because I didn't want stuff to pop off while I was chilling. Parking my car around the corner from the block I watch as some dudes started a yelling match with Que which had me shaking my head at how hot it looked. I quicken my pace and as soon as the other dudes saw me they were on hush mode. I had a reputation for being a killer and no one wanted to be on the receiving end of my gun.

"What's good?" I asked as I took in everything with my gun still tucked. I refused to go in situations with clouded judgement so I left my gun in place. For some people the power attached to a gun cause them to start thinking irrational and I refused to let anything have that much power over me.

"We just chillin', Sly we don't want no trouble" the smallest one said with a weakness to him. I already could tell I was going to be the one to handle it.

"No, you going to leave this block cause this my shit. And the next time you fuck with anyone that got ties to me... it's over. I don't take disrespect and I don't play about my money. Wait...fuck that" I said pulling my gun and shooting all three of them at point blank. You never show mercy because people have the tendency to take kindness for weakness and I wasn't weak. "if any other niggas come on this block and be wildin' for respect let me know" I said putting my gun up like it was a normal occurrence and making my way back to my car with Que on the phone trying to find some people to help him get these bodies off the block. I personally would have helped but I was supposed to be at the warehouse to check over a shipment in a little while so I have to prioritize things.

I dialed Milly's number to see if he would be available to help get this block secure since Dre was one of the younger dudes allowed to work for me. Milly told me he would be over there once he dropped Mya back at his Mama house, which was cool with me. My nerves where on edge knowing that some of these young boys where trying to get bold, I held the black in my mouth and lit it trying to relieve some of the stress from having to come up with a new strategy to solve this problem. To me it seemed like I might need to beef up security for my Mama and Audi. And that I might need to start laying down the law with no remorse since everyone thought that they might catch me sleep at the wheel. Like that would ever happen.

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