I Am Living With an Idiot

By BrightWhiteSnow

23.3M 744K 396K

Vena Anderson, a nineteen year old girl has moved away from home to attend college. She has no desire to live... More

||The Beginning||
Two || Hi My Name Is Vena
Three || Goodnight James
Four || Wow this looks good
Five || Where are we gonna eat?
Six || Tell me about yourself please
Seven || This is Awkward...
Eight || Oh God, Not Her
Nine || I Could Hit You So Hard Right Now
Ten || As You Wish, Darling
Eleven || You Are So Infuriating
Twelve || Grayson Would Not Be Jealous
Thirteen || The Agreement
Fourteen || You're Bluffing
Fifteen || All In Good Time James
Sixteen || Uh Oh This Can't Be Good
Seventeen || You Are So Adorable
Eighteen || I See You're Capable
Nineteen || Truth or Dare?
Twenty || Don't Panic
Twenty One || This Is Going To Be A Long Night
Twenty Two || His Darling
Twenty Three || Those Six Words
Twenty Four || Live a Little
Twenty Five || Staring is Impolite
Twenty Six || Game Over
Twenty Seven || Once a Player always a Player
Twenty Eight || Nothing More, Nothing Less
Nothing more, Nothing less {Grayson's Pov}
Twenty Nine || How Can I Trust You?
Thirty || Worth The Risk
Thirty One || Stupid Sweet Talk
Thirty Two || Life is Beautiful
Thirty Three || We Need To Talk
Thirty Four: How Serious Can It Be
Thirty Five || You Scared Me
Thirty Six || Such a Great Story
Thirty Seven || Afterwards
Thirty Eight || So Honest
Thirty Nine || Bouquet of Lillies
Forty || I Hate You
Forty One || His Kisses
Forty Two|| A Dilemma
Forty Three || I Don't Want to Hear it.
Forty Four || All Is Almost Forgotten
Forty Five || Maybe I Need This
Forty Six || Drunk Protests
Forty Eight || Trust me J.H.
Forty Eight || Trust me V.A.
Forty Nine || Tease
Fifty || Get Out
Fifty One || Betrayed
Hello from the other side
Fifty Two || He Didn't Cheat On You
Fifty Three || Don't Raise Your Voice
Fifty Four || This Should Be Good
Fifty Five || Christmas Tree
Fifty Six || Wake Up
Fifty Seven || The City
Fifty Eight || He's Home
Fifty Nine || That's Cool
Sixty || Calm Your Testosterone
Sixty One || Presidential Debate
Sixty Two || Family Dinner
Sixty Three || Explosive
Sixty Four || Punch Your Teeth In
Sixty Five || Of Course
Sixty Six || Calvin Klein
Sixty Seven || Big Spoon
Sixty Eight || Before It's Too Late
Sixty Nine || What if?
Seventy || He Never Knew
Seventy One || Cupcake
Seventy Two || Abandon
Radish Notice!
Seventy Three || Forgive Him
Seventy Four || Messy Situation
Final Author Note: Important.
"I Am Living With An Idiot" Playlist

Forty Seven || Hold My Hair

186K 6.7K 2.5K
By BrightWhiteSnow

I stumble into my apartment, fumbling to lock to the door behind me. It was awkwardly dark. I couldn't see anything. I feel the wall up and around to find the switch or something. When I finally find it, I flick it on.

I try to take off my shoes, but my balance isn't working. I want to stay up, but I keep falling down. I finally get them off. I try to get to the couch, but I tripped and fell on my face instead.

I hear loud walking. Who is in my house? I can't fight anyone in my state. I'm going to die today. That's it.

It's getting closer and closer. Oh my, God, this is it.

I'll just lay here on the floor and accept my fate.

The footsteps are so close, I'm pretty sure they are right beside my head. I will keep my head down and then they might think I am dead. That is a good idea, Vena.

"What are you doing on the floor," a deep voice asks me. Don't move, Vena.

"Vena," he shakes my shoulder.

I stifle a laugh and he groans. "Vena, get up. That is not funny," the guy tells me.

I turn over, flat on my back and look at him. I recognized him a bit, so he must not be here to kill me, hopefully.

"Hello," I smile.

He shakes him head, "What is wrong with you?" he asks in a not–so–happy tone.

I shrug, although I do know. I stand up, waving a bit back and forth, but gain some balance. I stumble over to the couch. The boy crosses his arms, "Are you drunk, Vena?!" he shouts at me.

Wait a minute, I know who it is... James, the asshole.

I nod at him. I will not talk to him. "Leave me alone," I cross my arms across my chest. I don't have to talk to him.

He sits next to me. At the moment, my stomach didn't feel too good, actually, not at all. I'm going to be sick for sure.

I rush to the bathroom, surprisingly not tripping once.

I get on my knees and lean over the toilet. I could feel it coming up. I start to empty my stomach into the ceramic bowl. A moment later I feel my hair being pulled out of my face. I knew that I wasn't done yet, I drank a lot tonight.

A few minutes later, I was done at last. I felt a little more sober. Dammit, this is going to hurt like a bitch in the morning.

I reach beside myself and grab a piece of paper towel to wipe my mouth off.

I knew that James was behind me still. I stand up and flush the toilet. My legs felt wobbly and shaky. It's like that feeling you get when you haven't eaten in quite awhile.

James helps me into my room and helps me to my bed. I wasn't going to change. He made sure I was on my side. I guess that is smart considering, if I was on my back, I could throw up, choke and die.

He gives my shoulder a little rub and then leaves without saying a word to me. He shuts the door behind him and the room is completely pitch dark.

I may as well sleep and try to sleep some of my coming hangover off.



Why couldn't I just sleep longer? I wouldn't have to experience this hellish thing for as long. My curtains are open, when they were closed last night. I didn't open them. How nice of James to do for me... Note the sarcasm.

I'd say it's about one in the afternoon. I would look, but I left my phone in the living room... I think. I can hardly remember anything from last night, but I remember going to a party with Ryder. I really hope that my drunk-self didn't say anything to James last night.

I need to stop thinking so much, it's making my head hurt even more. I turn on my back and put my arm over my eyes, blocking out the sunlight.

Water is what I need right now. My mouth is dry and tastes terrible. I must've thrown up a lot.

I get up slowly and stand up. As I walk to the kitchen I hope that James isn't here because I am not in the mood to deal with his shit this morning.

When I reach the end of the hallway, it's silent. I glance at the clock and it's a little bit after two in the afternoon. I sigh, half the day is already gone and it's only Tuesday. I can't remember if I have a class today, I probably do. I have to go, so that should be fun...

I get myself a glass of water and chug all of it down. I need this horrid taste out of my mouth.

I set my glass in the sink and head to the bathroom. The only thing that water did was cure my dry throat, but definitely didn't get rid of this awful taste. I grab my toothbrush out of the holder and quickly put some toothpaste on it. I brush my teeth and my tongue. I brush them twice and that did the trick. Thank goodness.

People say that there isn't any real hangover cure, so I'm just going to have to wait for it to be gone. It's really the only way and if I have a class today, I need my brain to be working somewhat.

My stomach still hurts like I have the flu or something and my head is still throbbing. I grab my blanket room and turn off all the lights off and close all the curtains in the apartment, so it's pretty much pitch dark. All the light that there really was is from the light shining up at the top of the curtains.

I lay down on the couch in a fetal position and pull the blanket over my body.

I reach over and turn on the TV. I change the channel to the one that I usually watch. A show was on, that I have never seen before.

I wish I could just sleep off this stupid thing. I had something like eleven hours of sleep last night, so that would be why I can't sleep.

I just stared at the screen for a long time.



I open my eyes, my apartment is still dark. I'm glad that I slept for awhile. I needed that.

I hear shuffling around in the kitchen. I sit up a bit and look behind the couch. James is in the making something in there. He must've came in pretty quiet because I didn't hear anything.

There is only one light on in the kitchen, giving him just enough to work in. I am surprised that he didn't try his damnedest to wake me up. He could have turned all the lights on, opened all the curtains and be really loud in the kitchen, but he wasn't. It's weird, considering the fact that he is angry at me for some reason.

My headache is starting to fade and my stomachache is gone.

I need some Aspirin. I look down around and see my bag on the end of the couch. I grab my phone out and turn on the screen. They're are a lot of notifications, but there were two that stood out our of all of them.

One was telling me that I was a class at five and then there was a text message from Ryder.

'Call me' is all it said. I don't know if it is super important or not.

I get up and go to the kitchen. All I am going to get is something for my head and just in there and get out.

I bypass James who was chopping something up and grab the bottle off the counter. I get myself a glass of water. I down two pills and dump the remaining water in the sink.

James didn't anything, he didn't acknowledge me either. I am getting really tired of this thing he has going on. It's really starting to piss me off.

Maybe I should say something to him. Although, I don't think that it would do me much good since he is mad at me for no reason at all. I guess I should ask him, what the worst that could happen? James getting even more angry?

"What did I do?" I break the eery silence between us.

"Don't talk to me, Vena. I am so beyond angry at you," he snaps.

Oh my God, he like a girl PMSing. Wait, no. He is PMS as a whole.

"Great, it's obvious why..." I mumble the sarcastic words as I leave the kitchen.

I hear a bang and James stomping after me. "I know where you were last night, Vena," he tells me.

I fake a laugh, "Oh, how funny. I do too."

I didn't even have to look back at him to know that he is absolutely livid. If he is going to be a prick, then I will be one right back.

"I am not in the mood for your sarcasm, Vena," he crosses his arms.

My eyes fell into the back of my head in disgust, "Do you realize how you have been acting, James?! You have been nothing but an asshole to me and I did absolutely nothing. For some reason, you feel the need that you need to me make me feel bad about something that I didn't do," I take a deep breath after I rant a bit.

He shakes him head, "You went out with Ryder, Vena!" he shouts at me, making my ears ring.

"No, James. I went to a party where there were a lot of people," I correct him because I didn't go out with Ryder.

He scoffs, "You went to his fucking dorm!" he shouts at me.

I turn around and look at him and he sure did look mighty pissed, but I don't care. Not one bit.

I nod, "You're right, I did. I went because you were angry about nothing and for some reason you felt the need to be an asshole about it, so I left," I declare to him. Well if he knows this much, then there is really no secret to keep.

"Why–" he starts, but I cut him off.

"I also got drunk, really drunk so I could forget about all the stress you put me under, all the confusion you gave me and you, I forgot all about you. I don't regret anything," I spit out at him. I needed to say this to him. He needed to know that much. He's been harsh to me, and now I have been to him.

He shakes his head at me, "You cheated on me, didn't you?" his voice is at the regular volume it usually is.

"Oh sure, James. Yes, I so cheated on you because that is what I do right?" I sneer at him in a mocking way.

He rolls his eyes, "You don't need to be a bitch, Vena!" he yells at me.

"I'm just stating the obvious in a sarcastic way," I cross my arms. I am not going to take offense to such a pathetic insult.

"I don't know why you feel the need to have to do that!" he yells. I'm no yelling, he is.

"I don't know why you need to be angry at me for no reason!" I shout right back instead of keeping my cool.

"You went to a party with another guy, it makes me think these things, Vena," he yells again.

At this point, I just walk away from him, right into my room. He is hot on my heelsa, following me right into the room before I have the chance to shut the door in his face.

"Don't shut the door on me, I am not done with you," he snaps at me.

I turn around and look at him, "Please, tell me again why I would cheat on you?" I ask him, "Tell me why I would cheat on you when I've been cheated on?" I take a step closer to him.

He huffs, throwing his hands up in frustration. "I don't know what to think with you, Vena," he sighs.

"Whatever, James. I don't care anymore. Just leave me alone if all you're going to do is make me feel guilty" I sigh and sit down on my bed. I look up at him, but he stood there with a frown on his face.

I shake my head and lean forward and hold my head between my legs. A moment or tow later, I feel a dip in the bed beside me. "If you're just going to yell at me, then get out of my room," I don't look up at him.

I suddenly feel a hand on my back. It moved up and down a bit. "I hate fighting with you," he breaks the silence.

I don't lift my head. I am still too angry to look at him. He was completely cold to me yesterday and I'm not going to just give to him again.

"I haven't been completely honest with you, Vena."

This makes me look up at him. What is he keeping from me?


Hi, guys, so I updated three times now and this will be the last one for now. School starts back up on Monday. I will try to update as much as I can.

I feel like this was a ...Okay chapter. I don't know. 


Coming Up Next... Trust Me

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