My Brother's Best Friend

By JuneBaby92

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Bro Code Rule # 1: “Best Friend’s Sister is Off Limits” Ruthie and Michael Rosman are as close as brother and... More

Chapter 1 ~ Introduction
Chapter 2 ~ Party
Chapter 3 ~ Michael and Remy
Chapter 4 - Double Date Kinda
Chapter 5 - Confused Part One!
Chapter 6 - Confused Part Two!
Chapter 7 - She's Mine!
Chapter 8 - DATE!
Chapter 9 - Jealousy!
Chapter 10 -Two Can Play That Game!
Chapter 11 -Love You Too!
Chapter 12 -Here Comes Trouble!
Chapter 14 -Choose Your Brother!
Chapter 15 -I'm Not a Child!
Chapter 16 -Pixie!

Chapter 13 -Fall Out!

11.5K 346 39
By JuneBaby92

Chapter 13 -Fall Out!

Let me know what you think!

Hope you enjoy!

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(Christian's POV) the POV view will change in this chapter!


"What? No! You're whack, you know that." I shouted putting a protective arm around Ruthie's waist, holding her tightly to me. There is no way I'm her letting her go.

"Have it your way, send the pictures babe," Jace told Katie.

"No," Ruthie yelled breaking out of my grip tackling Katie to the ground sending the phone flying. Jace made a dash for the phone only to have me trip him grabbing the phone instead snapping it in half. I smiled and grabbed Ruthie's hand headed back to the lake.

"What if they tell Michael?" she whispered.

"Who Michael going to believe us or them," I stated knowing without the pictures Michael wouldn't believe a word out of their mouths.


(Ruthie's POV)

Michael and Remy were filling us in a huge fight we missed between Hunter Green and Alexis Kinder, voted cutest mixed couple in school, when Christian nudged me tilting his head to the right. I glanced in the direction and saw Jace and Katie making their way towards us. How did I know this wasn't over?

"Hey Jace, what going on?" Michael asked trying to b be polite.

"Why don't you ask your sister and best friend? Ask them what been going on between them?" He demanded.

"What are you talking about?" Michael wondered.

"They have been dating for what, the past month," Jace reveled as Christian and I pretended to look confused.

"What are you playing at Jace?" Michael said clearly annoyed.

"I'm not playing anything, I got proof," Jace asserted shoving his phone at Michael as a horrified expression crossed my face. I looked over to Christian who was looking back at me with the same scared expression; I then looked at Remy who looked at me with a worried expression.

"You think I was too stupid or drunk not to send copies of the pictures to Jace's phone?" Katie smirked at me; I scowled at her and turned to look at Michael. He was looked down at Jace's phone, the looked up at Christian and I with shock and hurt, then back down at the phone. Finally he looked back up at us, or rather at Christian with rage throwing the phone back at Jace.

"What the hell, Christian," He growled walking toward Christian.

"Michael, Michael, look at me," I tried but he just grabbed my arm pushing me behind him.

"Look Michael," Christian started but was cut off as Michael shoved him.

I lunged to get between them when Remy wrapped her arms around my waist, "Don't Ruthie." She ordered holding me where I couldn't break free. Michael kept advancing on Christian as he was backing up; they were too far to hear now. Yet you could see that Christian was trying to reason while Michael was fuming with angry dismissing whatever Christian was saying. Finally from the distance we saw Michael throw a punch and Christian went down. I struggled against Remy's hold yet she didn't release me, she only gripped my tighter pulling me towards the truck.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Katie was saying as we walked by giving me enough strength to be able to break out of Remy hold. I walked up to Katie and without warning slapped her hard across the face, stumbled back putting a hand to her now red cheek and stared at me dumbfounded. Then came Jace who had grabbed my wrist and I brought me knee up between his legs, he winced and doubled over in pain. With that I didn't even glance in the direction of Michael and Christian and followed Remy to the truck.

"You okay?" Remy asked once we slid into the truck. I didn't answer I just pulled my hoddie over my head leaving the hood up and stared out the window as silent tears fell. A few minutes later I heard Michael open the driver side door and get in, we also heard someone getting in to the bed of the truck. I knew without looking it was Christian.

"Ruthie," Michael started yet Remy put a hand on his arm.

"Michael don't," she whispered softly as he started the truck and took off. He took winding back streets a different way than we came; a big white brick house came into to view when I realized where we were. He pulled up the long driveway, it was Christian house, and I ducked down as Christian got out of the bed of the truck and headed towards his house. I waited till Michael was back on the street before completely sitting back up.

We finally pulled up our driveway; I got out of the truck slamming the back door. Without saying a word to earthier Michael and Remy, I stormed through the front up to my room slamming it shut looking it, not even five minute of crying passed before I fell asleep.


(Christian's POV)

Michael had be furious just like I knew he would be, however he had only shoved and punched me a few times, which is very generous consider what he would have done to someone else. Plus I didn't fight back like Jace did. He even gave me a ride me a ride home sort of, since I could really get home myself with the condition I was in.

I walked into my house greeting my nanny Gigi, who still lives with us, however I kind of always like to think it was more like we lived with her since my parents nor me are really home, my parents are always on trips for months at a time and I almost always at Michael's, or I was until tonight.

"Christian James Gold, what in the world happen to you," Gigi scolded when she saw me.

"I got into a bit of a situation," I replied as she took my arm and lead me to one of the downstairs

"What kind of situation?" She pried grabbing the first aid kit.

"Well Ruthie and have been dating for a while, well we didn't tell Michael, and he found out tonight by Ruthie's ex-boyfriend, who snapped a few pictures of us together, and beat me up." I uttered as she began cleaning me up.

"You knew that he would react like that, why the hell you two would keep that a secret?" Gigi asked.

"We knew he react like that is why. You knew how much I like Ruthie; in fact I think the most time I spent at this house was when Ruthie was in England. I finally caught her, she was finally mine, and neither she nor I wanted to give each other up. I told her I loved her only three weeks in you know, a little quick but true." I said remembering that night at the restaurant.

"You stay right here, I'm going to go get steak for your eye," she order and scurried off as I took in my appearance. She was right my left eye had swollen and began to turn black and blue, another bruise forming on my right cheek, and a cut on my right temple along with a nose bleed. All in all it wasn't too bad, at least not to Michael standards.

"Now," Gigi came back into that bathroom handing me an icepack, a raw steak, a bottle of Aspirin, and a glass of water. "Okay ice your cheek for ten minutes, rest the steak on your eye for twenty minutes, then take some Aspirin and go to bed." She demanded.

"Yes Gigi," I obeyed kissing her on the cheek before heading up to my room. I followed Gigi's instruction and finally laying down to sleep feeling exhausted as images of tonight ran through me head only backwards and stop at this morning where I had come downstairs to Ruthie's smiling and happy.


Hope you're enjoying this chapter!

What do you think?

What do you think of Jace and Katie?

What do you think about Michael beating up Christian?

What do you think about Ruthie little fight with Jace and Katie?

What do you think Remy thinking about?

What do you think will happen next?

Please leave me comments and/or ideas, thank for those who have already you guys are the best, I love you guys!

If you have any questions you want to ask me or any character in the story please type the question in the comment area and they will be answered!

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