My Brothers Monkey D. Luffy a...

By Depths_of_Darkness27

32K 715 132


Character List
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter One

4.7K 108 18
By Depths_of_Darkness27

I woke up this morning to my little friend jumping on my bed. I sat up, and stared at him. I got out of my bed, and went to my dresser. I grabbed a pair of jean shorts, and a red shirt. I placed them onto my bed, and I walked downstairs into the kitchen.

"What do you want for breakfast, Ryker?" I asked. He looked up at me, and smiled really big.

"How about eggs, with meat?"he asked in return. I looked down at the little boy. I slightly laughed, then went to the fridge, and got the meat and the eggs.

"Of course you want meat. I think Luffy has influenced you too much," I said in a small laugh. I scrambled the eggs, and chopped up the meat.

"Ryker, will you please go check the mail for me?" I asked. He nodded, then hopped down from his seat, and walked outside. I poured the eggs inside the pan, then slowly slid the meat off of the cutting board. I looked at the door, as I saw Ryker running into he house.

"It's basically bills. Except for this letter. It's addressed to you and I," he said. He smiled, then handed me the letter. I  opened the letter, and read it.

                    Dear Lila and Ryker,

            I hope you two have enjoyed your summer. I know I have with the crew. Due to the time of our traveling, we will be docking sometime soon. I hope to see you as we dock in. I was hoping that, maybe you can join my crew. I'd really appreciate it sis. I can't wait to see you again. Tell Ryker I said Hello. See you soon. I love you.

                                                       Your Brother,

                                                     Monkey D. Luffy

I looked a the letter, and smiled. Ryker walked over to me, and looked at the stove. He moved the pan to a cool surface. I slightly laughed. I grabbed to plates, and placed the letter on the table. Ryker went and read it.

"Luffy's coming back??!!!?!?!" he asked. I placed his plate in front of him, and nodded. He smiled a big smile just like Luffy.

"Alright. If you want to see them dock, eat up," I said. He began to eat, like there was no tomorrow. I stared at him as I ate my food. He got up, and cleaned his plate. He then sat down, and smiled at me. I finished my food, and cleaned my plate.

"Okay. Upstairs. Now. Go get dressed," I said. He ran upstairs. I followed slowly behind. He looked up at me, and smiled. He walked into his room. I sighed, then walked into mine.

I grabbed my clothes from my bed, and got dressed. I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in," I said. Ryker came in. He sat down on my bed. I looked at him, then went to my closet.

"Should I wear flip flops, or boots?" I asked with a smile. Ryker sighed, and put his hand on his face. I laughed.

"Flip flops," he sighed. I put on my flip flops. I smiled at Ryker, then we both walked to the bathroom. We brushed our teeth, and I did my hair.

"Ryker, go get my hat out of my room? It should be on the side of my dresser," I said. He walked into my room, and returned with my hat, and something rolled up in a ball. I took my hat, and put it on.

"What is that?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I don't know. When I grabbed your hat, it fell," he said. I took it, and unfolded it, then quickly ran in my room. How in the world would he find something like this? I asked myself so many questions. I stared at the object in front of me. I unrolled it. I stared at the pairs of lace lady briefs in front of me. I threw them into my closet, and walked to the bathroom, and brushed my hair. I blushed at the thought of Ryker actually knowing what those are. I mean, I'm 18, so I'm aloud to know, and own those. Ryker on he other hand is 11 years old, and too young to know about stuff like that. I laid my brush on the counter, and walked downstairs, with Ryker right behind me. I grabbed his hand as we walked outside. I locked the door, and we began to walk to the dock.

"PIRATES!!!!!!!" a boy yelled. "PIRATES ARE COMING. RUN. THEY'RE COMING!!!!" I looked at the boy running towards the town. I looked at the ship's flag. I saw the straw hat sign. I smiled.

"HEY KID!" I yelled. He stopped running, and came towards me.

"Yes Miss Lila?" he asked.

"That ship is not just a pirate ship. It's Luffy's. Him and his crew are coming to visit. So instead of telling everyone to run, go tell everyone to go to the dock," I said. He nodded, and then walked away. Ryker and I walked to the dock, and sat down as we waited for the slow moving boat to dock.

                                                                         ***AUTHOR'S NOTE***

                   I hope you like this chapter. These are rated PG-13, so if you can't handle it, don't read any of my next chapters Please rate, follow, and comment. Please also read and comment my other stories. Thank you!!!

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