Chapter Seven

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I slowly turned with the small light aimed at the nightstand beside the bed. I breathed heavily and stepped towards wall.

"Are you deaf? Why are you in here?" the figure kept asking. I bit my lip nervously. The figured flipped on the lights to reveal Nami. I sighed in relief.

"Oh. Hey Nami. I needed a place to hide. Ryker and I had did something to Ace, and he is ticked and he started chasing us. I'm sorry" I spoke softly. Nami rolled her eyes and pointed to the door. I turned my head to see Ace standing there. I grunted softly and Ace picked me up and laid me over his shoulder. He started walking away. Ryker ran out of his hiding place and climbed up a pole. I giggle softly to myself.

"Where's the kid?" Ace said, anger ravaged in his voice. He sat down on the nearest bench and I stood up.

"Oh. There" I smiled as I looked up. I ran to the pole and climbed up it. I sat beside Ryker, and he climbed onto my back. I looked down not thinking the plan through thoroughly. Luffy walked onto the boat and stood beside Ace.

"Hey. What's going on?" He looked up at us with concern in his eyes.

"Oh my God....." Ace's voice trailed. He had always been so protective of me. "Lila!! Get down from there"

I looked down and bit my lip. Luffy stood there clueless.

"Come help us you rubber idiot!!" I yelled down to Luffy. He took a moment to process what I had said. He stretched to us and pulled us down. When we got down, Ryker slid off my back. Ace bear hugged me. Ryker sat on the bench beside us quietly.

"Hey! I am not an idiot!!!" Luffy yelled. I laughed softly against Ace's chest, making my voice muffled. Ace loosened his grip on me and sat beside Ryker. I fixed my outfit and put my hat on top of my head.

"Yes you are." I smiled and sat on the other side of Ryker. Luffy rolled his eyes and sighed. He trailed off to the other end of the boat.

"Ryker, don't feel bad. Everything's okay now. I'm not mad at you. I'm more than ecstatic that you two are safe. So lift that little head of yours. Everything is okay" Ace smiled and rubbed Ryker's back. Ryker slowly lifted his head up and wiped the one tear that had trailed down his face. He leaned against Ace. Ace picked him up and walked to an empty room.

"Do me a favor and take a nap. We will be right back" Ace soon closed the door and walked to me. "Alright Missy. Let's go back to town. We need a break." We soon walked off of the boat. Ace pulled my hat back and kissed my forehead.

***Author's Note***

I know you all have begged for a new chapter, so here you go. I hope you enjoyed it. If I have a snow day tomorrow, I will post another chapter, but if I don't, I will surely post next week. Thanks for reading. THANKS FOR GETTING ME TO 1,000 READS!!! Let's try to get to 2,000 reads. Please comment, follow me, and vote for this. Thanks!!!

My Brothers Monkey D. Luffy and Portgas D. AceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora