One Last Dance (marcel/harry...

By fxvesaucelxrry

8.7K 159 20


One Last Dance (Marcel Styles/ Harry Styles one shot)
Part 2
Part 3 :)
Part 4 :)
Part 5!
PART 6 :)
PART 7 :))
PART 8 :)

First Part

1.7K 37 6
By fxvesaucelxrry


If I was describe myself, I am a total GEEK. Nothing more, nothing less. I wear the usual nerd outfit. Thick- frame big glasses, baggy pants, brown church shoes, bow tie,  wrap sweaters, long sleeves and some times suspenders. Some describe me as a 'genius' , 'nice'  for some who aprecciated, but usually what I got  was 'ugly' , 'freak' , 'geek' , 'nerd'  and 'stupid'. Everyday I expirience bullying.  Of course it's the usual for the 'nerds' .  But, I got my eye with the most popuar girl in school.  Alison Moore. She's the nicest person I've ever met. Were not close, not even close  to being close friends,but she says that she consider me as one of her friends and I'm glad that we are . But the thing that no one ever know, is that, I like her, or more like I'm in love with her. But thing that hurts me was that she has a boyfriend. The biggest jock in our school. Matt. 

"Hey Nerd!"  Matt greeted as he push me to my locker and pulled my collar. I just look down. Never wanting to see his gaze. I  know it sounds gay, it's just i hate to see him.

"Look at me coward!" I slowly look at him and he quickly punched square in jaw. Then pushed me thru the floor.

"Never, EVER, walk near my territory. Got it?" I just simply nod. I know I don't have options either.

I just get my books and notes, then two girls start to walk behind me and start a very loud conversation with their annoying tone.

"Hey gurl!!! Have you heard already?!" The girl at my back squealed...

"What is it ?!?!" The other girl ask her....

"The prom will be next week! And the thing is I still don't have a dress!"

"OMG!!! We should go to shopping! Wait, did you already have a date?"



I just walk past them after I gather all my things.

I start to think what would just probably happen if I will go to the prom.

Number 1. I might got 'out of place'

Number 2. They will just make fun of me.

Number 3. No one would dare to be my date.

Number 4. I'm a nerd.

Number 5. I really don't mind going.

Number 6. I will just get boring.

Number 7. I will just be alone there.

Number 8. I don't have any accompany.

Number 9. Alison will never notice me.

and Number 10. They don't know who I am.

So yeah, i go to my last period. Mathematics. It's actually one of my favorite subject though. I find it quite easy.

I just open my book and started to review all the things that we may dicuss for today, since Mr. Harvey said that we'll have a quiz and graded recitation. The others start to enter the class. Then there's Alison. Walking like a very gorgeous model. I don't know what's in me that I started to stare at her. I notice that she smiled at me. Those smiles... Those gourgeous smile that I fell in love with since 7th grade.

"Hey Marcel!"  She greeted as she sit beside me. I don't know, my heart started to race very fast. and my hands are starting to sweat.

"H-Hi A-Alison..." I'm always like this in front of her... Alway stuttering...

"So... Are you going to the prom?" She asks happily.

"Uhmm... I-I don't know. Maybe n-not." The she frowned... I can't help it. She definitely look cute when she pouts.

"C'mon Marcel it would be fun!"

"It would only be fun because you're popular... And I'm a Nerd." I silently say while i tilt my head down to my desk.

"Oh c'mon Marcel. puhleash *puppy eyes*" she took my hands and look at me directly to my eyes and start to pull her puppy eyes. I can't stand her puppy eyes!

"Uh... I-I'll think about it..." that's all I say. Then she jump in joy and start to walk in front where her seat is.

Then the other enter ther room... Mr. Harvey started to give us some mathematical problems, that I easily finished. So I pass my paper to him and I got an A+. It's easy though... But i hear every single one of my classmates cursing under their breath, complaining how hard was the problem, how complicated it was and how stupid is our teacher... And because I finished early, he let me get an early break. I leave the room and go to the canteen.

I'm just wandering along the coridor when I got pushed really hard to the brick wall. I look who made it. It was Matt. With full of anger in his face. Like he's gonna freaking kill me with those burning eyes.

The only question that keeps on running in my mind was 'What did I've done this time?'

"YOU F*CKING NERD! WHY WERE YOU TALKING TO MY GIRLFRIEND A WHILE AGO?!" So that's it. I'm gonnan freaking beat by him because I just freaking talk to her girlfriend. After he shouted at my face, he punch me to my stomach really hard, I actually don't mind, cuz I'm used to it. Then he punch again, kick, punch... for short he beat the shit out of me. I'm clutching my stomach because I can feel a sting of pain. Blood is shatter at my clothes and I got bruises in my face. The good thing is that, it's my last subject. He leaves after spitting his saliva at my sweater. Now my glasses are broken. I can't see things very clearly. I even hardly see things infront of me. I just got up and let my eyes recover. When I can clearly see everything. I got up and reached for my broken glasses. I go to the parking lot where I park my old car. Since I'll get a new one tomorrow. I go home and change my clothes.

Behind my sweater, long sleeves. I can say that I've work out alot. I got tattoos everywhere. But no one can see it. It's hiden from all my clothes. But I need to change. Change for myself. Change for the better. Change for Alison. I also need to change because I'm planing to audition for the X- Factor. I look at myself in the mirror. I felt disgust about myself. Bruises all over me and some marks of bullying at my body. I go to the bathroom to have a shower to remove all the blood stains over my body. Letting the warm water flow to my hair full of gel, which is actually natural curls. After the hair product is removed, i shampoo it then rinse. I wrap my waist with a towel and start to look at my closet. It's full of sweaters, long sleeves and baggy pants. Then I saw a plain white v-neck shirt and a tight jeans. I wear it and got some white converse. I also got some beanie and put it on my head. Then I look at myself again at the mirror, I look alot different. Maybe simple change make a big difference.

So yeah I got my phone and my wallet and directly go to the mall. Shopping time for a new look. I just walk going there 'cause it's just some blocks away.

As i walk at the side walk, I notice that many people especially girls are staring at me and gigling. I don't know if I just have some dirt in my face or what. I look at them and just smile. Then they start squealing. What did I do now? I jsut ignore their looks and enter to Jack Wills. The sales lady starts smiling at me very mad. That was a bit creepy. I just got a basket then I put the shirts I want. I also got some jeans that fits my legs. So I go to the cashier to pay what i got.

"Hey cutie." The cashier smiles at me in a very flirterious way. I just smile back. I hand her my basket full of shirts and jeans.

"That's 215.90 pounds babe ;)" She said with a smirk. I just hand her the money and got my change.

"Here's my number love. Call me sometime *wink*" WOAH. that was odd. I don't even know how did I got her number even doing anything... Maybe i should get used to it.

I go to the shoes area and got some pairs of converse. After I leave the shop, I got 7 numbers from different girls without flirting with them. Like wow.

So i just stop by a nearest starbucks and order some java chip. I sat there thinking...

Am I going to prom?

Yes. I'm going because I promised Alison.

Who am I going to date?

Maybe just stay alone at a table full of nerds like me.

What am I going to do?

Sing. The principal told me that I'll be performing at the prom. That's it I think...


I still don't have anything to wear.

So after sorting things out of my mind, i rush to a shop and got some tux for the prom.

Then procede to go home.

I saw my new car, park in front of my flat. Which is a Range Rover. I actually saved alot to got that car.

Then I got inside.

I think I will not attend classes until the prom....



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