Being Cindy's Sister

By Charislytherin

564 49 35

"My queen," said he. "My Kit," she answered, staring lovingly at him. And then they kissed. While it's alread... More

Chapter 1:Meet Alex, Ella's Stepsister
Chapter 3: The Prince is Back
Chapter 4: Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chapter 5: Nice to Meet You Again, Clifford
Chapter 6: Let's Just Say I Saw Something There That Gave Me The Idea, Cookie
Chapter 7: There's Still This One Secret
Chapter 8: You do look like trash. Smells like one, too.

Chapter 2: See How Animals Adore Me

83 7 4
By Charislytherin

Chapter 2: See How Animals Adore Me

"Why ask me to come with you? Me of all people! I was asleep!" I whined. "I'm literally in pajamas right now!"

"I told you, didn't I? I wanted to hang out with you"

"This early in the morning?!"

"Hush, it's not that early, girly."

I glared at his back. "Girly? Where did that come from now? And are you hearing yourself? Even Ella, when she was still enslaved by my mother and sisters, doesn't wake up at this kind of time! When I said yes about the hang-out thing, I didn't think it would be this early."

He ignored my whining, intrigued by another thing. "Ella's enslaved by your mother and other sisters?"

"Apparently yes. They're that evil, just because Ella's not really a part of the family. Well, she is. Her father and my mother got married but when her father died, they began treating her like some servant."

He nodded, deep in thought. "So Ella isn't really your sister?"

"She's my step-sister so she's my sister. She's the only one who understands me there. Funny how we're not blood-related but our souls' are meant to be sisters," I told him. I paused and think about the thought with a smile. "Soul sisters. I like it." I shifted my gaze towards him who's looking at me, amazed. "You know, you still owe me for waking me up so early in the morning."

"Yeah, I know. Let out another tantrum and I'll leave you," he warned. "On your own." He added.

I grinned. "Oh really? Leave me, then. I know I'll be able to find my way back," I teased him. "On my own," I mocked some more.

He gaped at me, not expecting my answer. "Fine," he turned his back at me and started walking away. My eyes widened. I didn't know he would take it so seriously! I was only teasing him. It's not my fault, still I felt that it is. I groaned to myself. "Way to go, Alex, you angered him," I whispered before hurrying up to catch up with him.

"Hey," he ignored me. Well, considering the fact that I've been a whiny brat and that I teased him at his 'I'm not in the mood' time, I think I can understand what he's feeling right now.

I guess he thinks I'm too amazing for him.

"Hey!" I raised my voice. "Geez, for a prince, you sure are one heck of a drama queen."

"Excuse me?"

I clapped my hands together. "And he speaks, people! Throw some confetti and bring out the cake, we're gonna celebrate!"

He shook his head, "I'm not a drama queen."

"Shut up and eat your cake, Clifford."

"My name's not even Clifford! And there's no cake!"

I shrugged. "You look like a Clifford so you're a Clifford now. Been there, done that. No complaints allowed. Anyway, don't talk about cakes. I'm starving."

"But you-" "Hush, prince charming."

Clint laughed softly, shaking he's head. "You really are something else."

That somehow made me smile. "Glad you find me entertaining." I really am though even though I shouldn't be making a big deal about it. Everything became so quiet after that and almost all that I could hear is the gushing of the wind and noise made by crickets. I looked up to see the moon and stars still up.

Yup, five in the morning alright.

Or maybe a little more than that.

Let's just say five fifteen or something.

"So where are we really going?" I asked out of curiosity.

"In an elephant graveyard," he snickered.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "An elephant what?"

He just shook his head, chuckling to himself. "Nothing nothing. But to answer your question, we'll be going through that forest to get to York."

"Oh! York! That's your pig, right?"

"It's my-"

"Wait, I think he's a dog. Oh gosh! You distracted me! I completely forgot about him."

"He's not a d-" "Wait a second- he's not a dog! He's your horse. Pshhh! Totally knew that!"

He rolled his eyes at me. I was just teasing him! Honestly, he needs to limit his seriousness sometimes.

"So we'll be going inside a forest to reach him? What forest, exactly?" He stoppd and my eyes trailed from him to the dark place in front of us. "Oh, that forest."

Dark, dangerous and scary-looking will a perfect fit to describe it. Then again, what's life without a little bit of adventure? "Just to be sure, Clifford, this is safe- right?"

"Alex, my name's not Clifford."

"Then answer me Clint!"

He shrugged before answering me, "It is. I'm actually very familiar of this woods."

"That's nice to know." I said. "At least, I think it is. It made me a lot more comfortable."

"Don't worry, sweetie, I'll protect you along the way." He winked at me.

Me? He'll protect? I don't think so. "I can take care of myself, thank you very much."

"Keep telling yourself that."

How dare he not believe me!

"So what's so special about York that he lives here in the woods and not back at the palace?" I asked him. He turned to look at me and I suddenly felt conscious whether I said something wrong. "Not that I don't think he's special."

"He is. Very." He said, his gaze shifting up the dark blue sky. "Freedom makes him and his family special. They're free to do whatever they want. He's free to soar the wind whenever he likes." I smiled at the way he's talking about him. His eyes are clear and sparkling. I can see how he really loves York.

I quickly avoided his look when he noticed me staring at him. "Well, now you know," he concluded before giving me a knowing grin, waggling his eyebrows. "Attracted to me now, are you?"

"Gross! Of course not!" I denied. Just when I'm already admiring him, he decided to ruin the mood. "You'll never get ever your cockiness, huh?"

"Of course not," he mocked me. I rolled my eyes at him before laughing.

Time passed fast and I was sure that our long walks through the woods is slowly becoming more and more worth it. I get to spend time with him, getting to know each other. I'm slowly becoming very fond of him.

Maybe this is the start of our friendship.

There and then we decided to officially become friends while joking around and messing with each other.

At the end of the path of the forest was a grass field where I could watch how the dark shade was slowly being lifted from everything green. I looked up and saw the sun shining down on us.

"Heat! Finally!" I yelled at the top of my lungs before running towards the grass.

Clint motioned me to be quiet before taking a sit. He nodded his head at my direction as a command to sit with him. I obeyed and followed his actions. As if planned, a herd of horses came running to the field. "It's usually at times like this whenever they come and decide to have breakfast."


"So that's York," he said, pointing to a marvelous grey horse. I blinked. Majesty looking and glorious, all right I expected that but the color. York seems to be the only one with the color from the whole herd. It's almost unbelievably beautiful.

"York looks so precious," the first thing that came in my mind that came out of my mouth.

"He does, doesn't he?" he chuckled. "Hey Alex?"


"Can you do me a favour and take care of him for the next four years?"

I looked at him, shocked. "What?" I gasped.

He sighed, "Listen, I'll be going to this thing called Royal Boarding School and I'm afraid, I'm gonna be there for a span of four years. "

"That can't be," I said, his words sinking in. Just when I already gained a new friend? He's being so unfair! No, he's not. The situation is being so unfair! "What is school, anyway? Bet it gives children nightmares."

"It also gives children knowledge," he retorted.

"Knew it! Nightmares!" I insisted. I sighed, finally giving in. "Do you really have to go? We've got schools here in town. Do you really have to go somewhere else?"

He nodded. "I do."

I gave him an understanding look. "Fine. I'll look out for York."

Clint smiled. "Yeah, you do that. Make sure you wouldn't let him forget me. To be honest, I'm scared that he'll someday forget me."

"If there is one thing I know about animals, it's that they never fail to recognize a friend," I assured him. "and an enemy. But most importantly, a friend."

"Thanks. I need that," he said. "So, what do you say about the idea I'm thinking right now of you getting to know York?"

"That'll be great! Animals love me, you know. They always beg my hand for marriage."

He raised an eyebrow at me, "Really now?"

I nodded cockily. "Yup! They adore me!"

Minutes later, I found myself kicked by horse. Clint laughed, seeing the humour at this very moment. I see nothing funny at this kind of situation! "You were...right," he said struggling to breathe. "They do... adore you." And then he laughed again.

And Alas, a new form of hateship is born.



Hi guys!

How've you been?

I'm so glad you liked the last chapter and i'm so thankful to those who voted for it, especially to His Bubblegum Klutz author CJustMe. Thank you so much!

Oh and this chapter is dedicated to NoFaMoA. I really appreciate her comment.

Love ya people!


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