Beyond His beauty & his Charm...

By ScriptStories13

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Karla is just a normal 22 year old girl making a living in NYC . While trying to succeed in getting a her dip... More

Beyond His beauty & his Charm
Beyond His beauty & his Charm chap 2
Beyond His Beauty & His Charm... chap 3
Dreams or Visions
Walk in Central Park
walk in the park part 2
Angels Wings
Angels Wings - Part2
In a Italian Restaurant
If only She Knew!
New teacher is who?????
The truth comes out.
Sparks Fly
caught on the couch!
Introducing Libby
In the Mirror In My Dream
Secret Idenity ... he's a WHAT!
Home sweet Home [part 1]
Home Sweet Home [part2]
Baby Shower [part 1]
Baby Shower [part 2]
Love Bite Under the Moon Light.
Tied up
The Great Love Guru
The Night Of the Sacrifice.(part1)
The Night Of The Sacrifice (Part 2)
Back to New York
She's Missing
Mangers Office
Johnny's Timber,Cars and Co. [Part 1]
Johnny's Timber,Cars& Co. [ part 2]
At the hopital (chapter 27)
Chapter 28- Still The Same Raph.
The Perfect Distraction
30- Meeting Penelope Walsh
Thank you

Little Zoe

4.5K 26 3
By ScriptStories13

so here is an update :) i finnally finished it i had almost finished it yesterday but my dad came home early from work n i got kicked off the comp *sigh*! but i got it and here it is so please read relax enjoy! <3


Before you go into another one of your big brother lectures can you just hear me out?" I sighed dropping into the arm chair.

On my way to the kitchen I was abruptly pulled by Ted who'd run into me , literally, into the office. He stood leant against da- Greg's desk with his arms cross a stern look on his face.

I continued before he could reply "before you say anything, we were doing anything I was fully clothed and he had pants on though it may have not looked like it."

He didn't speak just gave me the I-don'-believe-a-single-word-you-are-saying look. A look of disapproval.

"I don't even see why you care I mean yesterday you walk in on us in the kitchen then asked him to play Xbox with you? Why do you all of a sudden care now??" I frowned at him.

"for one you two were fully dressed and two you weren't in bed" he arched his eyebrow

I let out a frustrated scream gripping the arm rests of my chair " I told you we weren't naked, I was dressed he was dressed we were sleeping, that what beds are for are they not?!"

"and a whole bunch of other things too" he shot back

"listen Ted im 22 not 12 I don't need you to look out for me honestly Im a big girl I can look after myself"

"I just care about you, you know, I don't care if you not my little sitter I still see you as mine." His voice was soft his face an expression of hurt and pain something I hadn't seen pass his face since grandmothers funeral.

"I understand you are my b- wait what?"

"I know"

"you. Know?" he nodded slowly now I understood why he had pain in his eyes "h-how?"

"I kind of over herd your whole conversation" rubbing his neck he laughed nervously "but I don't care, I don't care what the truth is. I don't care if your not really my sister, your still my baby sister and im always going to play the protective brother role. Even if you hate it" he said defiantly with a smirk.

tears welling in my eyes I jumped up and ran to him hugging him tightly burring my face to his chest two tears slid from my eyes "why couldn't you always be like this Ted" I mumbled against his chest feeling it vibrate as he chuckles hugging me back.

"because like I said your still my baby sister" he ruffled my hair with his hand I pulled away groaning fixing my hair "big brothers are supposed to annoy their younger siblings"

"way to ruin a heartfelt moment" I sighed shaking my head he just shrugged " but thank you"

"no worries" he smiled " im assuming because Im not supposed to know the others don't?"

"correct! Please don't mention anything I know it would kill them"

"it would" he nodded "secrets safe with me"

"really coz my last secret you spilled the beans on" he chuckled at the memory

"I swear" he put his hand up palm facing me "scouts honor"

I rolled my eyes "so is that all?" crossing my arms I shifted from foot to foot anxious to leave the room and eat my tummy was growling to be fed.

"Oh no ... next time if your going to you know maybe lock the door just incase you know dad walks in he'd have leons head even if he is friends with him" I nodded turning to leave.

" oh and Kelis had her baby an hour ago the reason why I was coming in your room in the first place was to tell you" I nodded smiling I couldn't wait to meet and hold my niece for the first time

"-Erin and I are leaving to the hospital in an half hour if you need a ride"

"that would be great since I don't have a car here"

"a half hour if your not in the car we are gone and you'll have to catch a taxi or something" I nodded now standing in front of the door

"thanks again Ted" he simply nodded I turned the knob pulling the door open and walked out.

*****Raphaella's P.O.V. ***********

School was a drag I just spent an hour making and sewing one of my new assignments for my winter fashion show all five of my fingers were red from being pricked about 10 times during the whole process and my head hurt from concentrating so hard.

All I wanted to do was relax in a bubble bath to escape this freezing snow it had fallen hard the past few days it covered cars to the extent you wouldn't be able to tell if it was giant pile of snow or a car. The trees fully covered and the flood as slippery as ever.

Freezing my butt off I decided to haul a cab instead of making the 15 minuet trek home and risking frostbite. With my hand I waved a cab the first one ignored me so I flipped them bird to which they honked at me for but the next one behind him slowly came to a stop in front of me grateful I rushed to its back door careful not slip on the wet road and yanked the yellow door open quickly closing it behind me.

"Where to?"

The husky voice of the driver came from the thick glass separating us he hadn't even said hi or how are. Not that I expected it this is New York after all the cabdrivers here aren't the nicest in the world. I lent back into my seat setting my shoulder bag onto my lap rubbing my hands together to warm myself, he didn't even have the heat on what the hell.

I gave him my address and he took off jerking me back into the seat " can you like not drive so fast I do actually want to live" I glared at him through the rear view mirror.

Anybody that knew me knew I wasn't afraid to say how I felt or what I was thinking.

"Whatever" he mumbled.

I harrumphed turning my gaze to the window at the falling snowflakes dusting the streets.

I hadn't herd from or seen Karla in four days that's like a year for us we've always been inseparable attached at the hip like twins since we fist met when some bitch was picking on her and I stood up for her.

shed told me briefly she was okay she was leaving to L.A. for her Nieces birth and some other stuff and that shed talk to me when she was back in town. Because it was brief I knew she wasn't okay but given her situation and all I understand why shed be this way that phoenix guy was pretty scary and believe me its not often I get scared guys are more afraid of me cause im not afraid to squeeze their manhood if they decided to be well men.

Though I may come across as the type to be a player I was a loyal girlfriend.

Of course living in New York was amazing but it had its cons. Like traffic lucky me I get let out during peek hour so now here I am caught up in traffic in the back of a smelly yellow cab with a ass of an driver.

Thankfully ten minuets later the lights changed and we made out way up the street 'booker' this was the rough side of town the opposite direction to my apartment.

I lent forward frowning this a-whole pee brain cant even drive a frigen cab he's just wasted a whole 16 minuets of my life and money. I knocked on the glass " hey uh mate your uh going the wrong way" I said loudly " my apartment is in the opposite direction your idiot now you've just wasted my money but I bet that was you plan am I right?"

I looked at his tag he was Latino 35 "Yo James turn the cab round before you waste more of my precious money." I snapped when hed ignored me I watched him turn on his blinker to turn left probably to do a u-turn "THANK YOU finally your doing something right" I fell back into the seat.

Only he didn't instead of turning the whole way down he turned down an alley. I went to shout at him but the sound of the doors locking stopped me " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"

he looked at the mirror peering at me through it I instantly recognize those blazing red eyes and that cocky smile.

"long time no see" he winked the car sped up going well over the speed limit booking it through the alley all of a sudden he slammed on the breaks and I went flying to the glass hitting my head and knocked out cold the last think that I herd was his roar of laughter

***** Karla's P.O.V*****

as we walked into the hospital hand in hand I couldn't help but feel on edge after my last experience in a hospital. My eyes darted to every person every dark and light corner to every door and window in search or those infamous red eyes I dreaded.

I hadn't noticed I d come to a hault until leon tugged lightly on my hand bringing me back into pace with him " you don't have to worry im here" he whispered with a light squeeze of our hands.

I nodded but still couldn't shake the anxiousness every little thud made me jump every other male voice besides Leon or Ted's had my heart skip a beat and not in the good way. Obviously.

We got the room number from the kind old woman from the reception desk whose eyes linger on Ted and Leon longer then needed. I saw I wasn't the only one who noticed Erin rolled her eyes sending me a small smile. But this woman was like 60 id expect this from younger woman not 60 year olds, in a strange way it amused me but still I couldn't help but feel abit jealous of her eyes roaming Leon like he was a piece of meat and her the lioness.

"You have strange thoughts" Leon lent in whispering into my ear his breath tickling my neck bring back flashes of last night burning my cheeks up. Chuckling he pulled away my blush not going unnoticed.

"Stop reading my thoughts" I glared at him playfully.

He raised his free hand defensively "I just want to hear your reaction"

"no you just wanted to embarrass me, admit it" I shoved him lightly I was surprised when he actually move an inch but he probably did it on his own.

"I just can't pass up the opportunity to make you blush" he shoved me back just as lightly "it's cute" he smiled down at me lacing his hand back with mine.

He thought me blushing was cute! That only deepened my blush.


He poked my cheek with his finger I smacked it away he just chuckled pulled me to catch up to Ted who was practically power walking down the hall pulling his wife behind him.

Just as we were approaching the room a few doors up I felt a shoot of pain seer through the front of my forehead throbbing straight through to the back I winced bringing my hand up to rub the painful area.

"You alright?" concern flooded his features when he noticed my grimace

I nodded "just a little head ache is all, it'll go away" with an unsatisfied glance he shrugged letting it drop.

Room b34. the door was opened when we arrived the sound of quiet chattering drifted from it walking in I saw Kelis cradling a bundle of blankets sitting on the edge of the bed looking over her shoulder was her beaming husband a small hand wrapped around his finger.

Greg and Lyla were standing to the side watching like proud parents. Tahliah was being Tahliah and texting sitting on the window sill probably face book the moment or something.

"Hey" Ted exclaimed quietly when we reached the middle of the room ; lucky for her it was private room and quite the fancy one at that with a great view of the sea outside a few streets away.

"Hey" Kelis raised her gaze to meet ours with a warm smile "you made it, come see you new niece" she smiled up at me while Ted greeted his parents and Tahliah.

Leon released my hand moving it to the small of my back pushing me towards her bed I almost pouted at how cold and empty my hand felt; weird considering he was a vampire and cold.

I moved to the bed standing next to Kelis "wana hold her?" she asked at first I was hesitant though id done it many times I still felt uncomfortable holding a new born after all they were fragile and I have a track record being clumsy.

ignoring the small fear of dropping her I nodded "sure"

"meet aunty Karla, Zoe" she said softly placing the baby into my ready waiting arms I sat back into the chair behind me looking down at the infant laying in my arms. To my utter surprise she blinked her eyes open they were the same as Kelis's, crystal blue.

What shocked me more is when they focused on me her small lips tugged back into a smile and small squealing type noise emitted from her open toothless mouth. I felt my heart melt at that moment all fear lost only the utter excitement filled me up. I returned the smile letting her little hand grab my finger.

********Leon's P.O.V. ********

I said my hellos to the rest of the family then turned my attention the glowing mother and beaming father sitting in bed in each others arms. Pure happiness radiated off them setting the mood in the room even brighter then we had arrived.

I smiled when kelis caught my eyes "congratulations" I said to both of them Kelis grinned nodding her head her husband grinning wider thanking me.

I turned my gaze to the right of the bed looking at Karla with the new born resting in her arms neatly wrapped in cotton blankets. The way she smiled down at the child with such love I wonder if that's what her mother looked like when she was first born. I missed Isabel I missed her crazy fearlessness I missed my best friend seeing Karla everyday was difficult because seeing her was like seeing her mother and it brought back the good memories and along with it the hurt.

shaking all thought of the past aside I continued to watch her whisper to the infant tiny fingers wrapped around her finger the other reaching up and touching her face, for an infant it was very alert and active but then again being vampire it should be.

I watcher her with my arms a crossed and smile stretched across my face, this was the woman I was falling for. Karla was unique a one in a million my one in a million and I wasn't about to let anything or anyone take her away like her mother.

A small squeak came from the infant in her arms which made her grin also make me grin I didn't even care if I looked like some creepy person staring at her I just couldn't pull my eyes from her.

As if sensing my gaze she looked up locking gazes with me still grinning proudly

she beckoned me over with a nod of her head I felt nervous slowly making my way over to stand behind her looking over her shoulder to the little blue eyed dark blonde haired baby.

"Isn't she cute" she smiled eyes still on me I nodded "do you want to hold her?"

id lived for many years and yet I hadn't held a baby before besides my sister but I was little and my mom helped me. Unsure of myself I decided to just give it ago I mean its just baby. Im going to have to learn this one day right!

"Umm sure" she stood up cradling the baby in her arms "I uh ive never done this before" I smiled sheepishly. She chuckled at my nervousness

"sit ill help you" I obeyed her demand and sat in the seat she had previously occupied.

*** Karla's P.O.V. ****

he was nervous about holding my new niece it made me laugh on the inside id never seen him nervous before he wore the expression well I must say, well he wore every look well.

he sat in the chair looking up with scared eyes " hold you arms up like mine" he looked at my own copying their shape.

"Like this?" he asked unsure I nodded smiling.

"Okay im going to put her into your arms you have to watch her head she's not old enough to support it yet so you have to support it for her."

He nodded so I bent down a little and place her gently into his waiting arms letting her head rest her tiny head into the little v of his elbow. Once I was sure he was holding her securely I let my arms out and pulled back erecting myself.

he looked like some scare boy " your fine" I patted his shoulder lightly reassuring him his eyes stared at me for a minuet more before falling down to the bright eyed baby staring back at him. I felt my heart melt even more when she grinned a toothless grin up at him and he smiled back both her tiny hands reach up one grazed his jaw the other hit his nose which made him chuckle.

Was he perfect at everything did this guy id been falling for have no flaws?? Besides being a vampire of course ... but that didn't matter much now that I found out I was part vampire too so it'd be hypocritical to say it was flaw when I was partially the same as him.

I pulled the chair next to the one I sat in over and sat beside them watching over his shoulder smiling. MY new niece a new addition to the family it's hard to believe she was vampire too she had no fangs or red eyes like books and movies portrayed them to be. Bu then again neither did I. now I thought of it im a fangless vampire?

"MOMMYYYY" a little voice called out tiny footsteps ran into the room and little curls familiar curls cam into view. Cassie. "Mommy mommy mommy moommmy mooomy" I laugh at her eagerness she pulled her self up onto the bed and tackled Kelis into a bear hug.

i hadnt even notice Tahliah leave to pick them up she also left to get Will i guess since neither her or will were here yet.

"hello sweetie shh your baby sister is sleeping"

'I got a swisterrr?" she beamed "now I don't have to play princess alone"

we all laughed quietly as the baby had fallen asleep in leons arms about 20 minuets ago it was now 3 in the afternoon we'd spent all day in here talking and look at her peaceful face passing around giving each other turns at holding her.

"Yes but not for awhile she's too young" Kelis explained making Cassie pout and cross her arms.

"I wanted a brother?" grumpy Brandon grumbled crossing his arms frowning

"well you got a sister"

" but I wanted a brother to play soccer with"

" just because she's a girl doesn't mean she cant play soccer with you" he looked up at me questioningly

"but she's a girl . Girls don't play soccer they play barrrbies" he grunted at the mention of Barbie

"who knows she might be a tom boy and play in the mud with you" I shrugged

"oh please don't jinx it I have enough trouble cleaning Brandon up" Kelis groaned her husband laughed rubbing her back lovingly.

"Can we see her? Can we hold her?" Cassie bounced on her knees on the bed

"sure" Leon stood carefully walking to the bed Kelis helped Cassie hold her they both sat back against the bed looking lovingly down at their new family member Kelis looked so happy it warmed my heart.

But at the same time I felt jealous. The way she stared down at her daughter had my heart feel like it was being pricked at with pinks and my eyes begin to water. I was jealous of my niece for having a living loving mother what was wrong with Me.?

I stood abruptly "im uh going to go get a drink" I muttered trying to mask my hurt and hiding my face as I walked out.

I had made it out fine without question I power walked out to the hall to the large window looking over the beach I stood with crossed arms feeling angry with my self for even being the tiniest bit jealous. I should be happy.

two hands cupped my shoulders gently massaging them I felt my shoulders get less tense and a sigh escaped my lips "what's wrong" Leon came to stand next to me.

I shook my head " nothing"

"you cant lie to me" he whispered in my ear

"Its just argh I just I don't know" I sigh shrugging my shoulders watching the waves roll into the shore in the distance and the palm trees sway with the sea breeze. Unlike yesterday it wasn't as sunny and bright there were grey clouds lingering scattered across the sky threatening rain but just when you were sure they'd pop they're gone into the distance. I guess it was nicer then yesterdays heat since im so used to New York's coldness.

"You can tell me." he pushed

I moved my eyes to stare up into his finding the comfort of them calming my whole body and mind.

"I- its so stupid . but I just felt abit you know jealous"


"because" I looked down " because of the way Kelis was looking at Zoe"

I laughed at me pathetic-ness looking back to the sea. " I know I shouldn't , I should be happy - I am happy . its just I and I don't know why but I just felt abit jealous I know its pathetic."

"its not" his hand wrapped around my waist pulling me to his body our chests touching my head fell resting onto his chest " I understand, its not pathetic."

"But it is" I pulled back to look at him "it's pathetic because I shouldn't feel jealous. Yeah I wish I knew my mother I wish she was here to look at me in that way but I also had Lyla she was my mother. I just can't help It, its like now that I know a small part of me is missing. It hurts knowing their not my real parents that all this time they lied letting me believe them."

"they only did it for you they love as much as they did before!" I nodded already knowing what he was saying

"I know , I just you know I cant bring myself to call them mom or dad when their not" I buried my face into his chest when I felt the tears coming on " I just wish I could've met mom and dad in person and at least known them or remember what they were like" I whispered while he stroke my hair comfortingly

"Im sorry" he kissed my hair " I wish I could change the past" he pulled back holding my shoulder with one hand the other cupping my cheek " but I cant and even if I did we wouldn't be like we are now you d just be in my eyes my best friends daughter."

That was true I hadn't thought of it that way. A small smile crawled onto my lips at his sweet words. This was so weird I don't think id be getting used to this new Leon any time soon.

"I understand your hurting now you know the truth but look at it from Lyla and Greg's prospective. They raised you from an infant all they've known of you is like a third daughter"

"I know" I sighed "am I a bad person for the way ive been to them since?"

"No! they understood from the very beginning they'd have to go through this they were prepared for it"

"this is all just too weird" a laugh escaped my lips

"what is?" he frowned resting his hands on my waist

"you and my family knowing each other, us all being you know"

"I suppose it is" he smiles "I guess it just makes it easier"

"I guess"

'Wouldn't be like we are now' his words swirled in my mind making me more curious as to what we were. Were we a couple, friends with benefits - not so much the sexual way , just friends , dating?

"What wrong?" he suddenly asked breaking me from my train of thought im glad he hadn't chosen to read my mind at that minuet.

"Oh uh ... can I ask you something?"

"You just did" he smiled smugly I whacked his shoulder feeling his chest vibrate against mine with laughter "okay okay. Ask away m' lady"

rolling my eyes I took a deep breath calming my nervousness "well uh you said before 'we wouldn't be like we are now' WH-what exactly are we?" I felt my cheeks heat up once I finished the question.

"well..." he looked up thinking still holding me close to his body so much I could feel his coolness through his shirt. He looked back down at me grinning "I know things are complicated in you life right now, but its apparent im apart of it too now and well I wouldn't have it any other way"

"sooo...?" I asked confused

"sooo..." he mimicked me " you would make me so very happy if you would have me"

" what does that mean?"

" it means I want you to be mine and for me to be yours and no one else's.. On both ends"

" I still don't understand does this mean we're-"

"girlfriend and boyfriend, boo's, a couple, together... if you say yes" his eyes shone with excitement waiting for my answer.

even though the things he'd just said to me made me blush even more I decided Id use his own trick on him "well...."

" ha-ha" he rolled his eyes smiling while I laughed

"I guess I wouldn't mind it . I guess" I shrugged nonchalantly


"Yes" I smiled my voice more serious then before. He instantly held me tighter lifting my feet off the ground spinning me in a circle my arms round his neck.

he set my feet back down one hand slivered up my back into my hair holding my neck bringing my face to his " Finally" he whispered pressing his lips to mine sending sparks through my veins.

Me and Leon. Me and Leon. My boss and me his assistant/receptionist together.

"Umm what about um work?" I asked after we pulled apart from our kiss my head still abit light from the effect he had over me.

"They'll get over it though I might advise you to bring protection against my fan club."

I almost forgot the mob of girls who will everyday trying to kill me in new ways. Oh great as if having a stalker wasn't enough ill have 30 odd girls to joins this new 'lets kill Karla' club.

I groaned " I forgot them" I sighed which made him laugh throwing his head back a passing nurse looked at him like he was weird but then noticing his face when he gave her a small nod of apology I saw her melt much like every passing girl. How am I supposed to deal with that every girl hitting on Leon in front of me , my man. Mine.

That feels so weird to say. Leons my man. Ha! Who would have thought?

"That's quite insulting you know" he whispered lowering his head to mine his lips brushing against mine lightly "do you not want me as your man?!"

"I will never get used to the fact you can read my mind. Its unfair I can't read yours"

"well you could if you ever..." he trailed off

"ever what?"

"never mind" he shook his head kissing my lips softly making me forget what I was even talk about with him all too quick he pulled away and took my hand in his. "I think we should head on back"

I let him lead me back to the hospital room I noticed from the corner of my eyes all the way he kept stealing glances and the grin had yet to fall from his handsome features. But im sure I was the same I totally forgot why id left the room in the first place, well that's until we reentered and saw them all on the bed looking down at Zoe who was cooing with her hands in the air.

I felt him squeeze our intertwined hands I looked up he gave me a sympathetic smile kissed my temple then dragged me towards the bed to join the others. He really was the sweetest I don't know why it took me so long to see this.


one song came into mind when i wrote this "You make me so very happy - Blood Sweat & tears "

mainly because of what leon had said. oh n its on bridewars which i was watching the other night at the end haha random fact! so i just wanted to throw that out there ive been listenning to alot of avril lavigne lately i love her new goodbye lullaby album < and said song :) its great

anwyho more drama coming up so keep on keepin on reading im off

good night . morning . after noon which ever

much love oh and pleaseeeee do the usual show me some love which im very thankful for btw :)

please comment , vote, fan n whatever else

much love

xoxo thank you thank you thank you !!!!!! THANK YOUUUU my fans n readers you my friends are truely awesome dont let anyone tell you other wise ;) big love !!! haha okay byeeeee !!!!

sorry this is so long but i have a quick question ... its gonna sound stupid coz well this is me and anyone who knows me personally knows im not the brightest crayon of the bunch.

so i went out to luch with 4 friends for my bday one year and we were waiting in my friends car while he filled up one of my friends turned to us in the back and for some reason asked " do pigs sweat?"

yeah i know random so do they.

i cam to a conclusion which made them all piss their pants laughing ... a typical jessica simpson moment as my friends call them. my brain got rather hard thinking but my mouth replied instead.

i said " of course they do coz when you cook bacon .. it sweats and bacons pig right! soo... they should do"

yeah random question but its stuck with me over the years ... do pigs sweat? i wonder if it smells like bacon cooking?? hmmm i will probably dream of sweaty pigs now :s i dunno if i like that ... byeeeee :)

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