It Never Felt Right Calling T...

By JaseyStellaRaex

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17 year old Hannah is a singer/songwriter & the younger sister of Alex Gaskarth, lead singer in hit band All... More

It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (1)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (2)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (3)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (4)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (5)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (6)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (7)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (8)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (9)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (10)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (11)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (12)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (13)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (14)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (15)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (17)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (18)
It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (19)

It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (16)

608 4 0
By JaseyStellaRaex

“Hannah, you're in room 401, it's a suite on the fourth floor. You can choose who you share with, not that that would be a problem for you now, but I don't want any crazy parties, okay? We have to be up and out by 10am tomorrow morning to get to our next show.”

We were now in the hotel lobby and Mat had just checked me in. Now all I needed to do was get the keys. I can't wait to spend a night in a real bed and not a crappy bunk.

“Don't worry, Mat, we'll be too busy having a party of our own to invite anyone else over.” Jack waggled his eyebrows at me as he spoke, causing me to giggle and, naturally, blush.

“Well I don't want your room neighbours filing noise complaints either, Barakat.” Although his voice was stern, even I could hear the teasing tone in Flyzik's voice. I snatched the room key out of his hand when I saw him wink at Jack. Oh God. He's up to something, I know it.

But they're guys, what can you do? They were both looking at me like they expected me to flip out...which I would normally do. So you know what they say, right? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

“The only noise they'll hear is the music we'll be playing to drown us out. Catch ya later, Matthew! Make sure you tell the manager to keep people away from my room, too, we don't want any interruptions.”

And then, with a quick wink to Flyzik, I headed off towards the elevator to go and try find my room. I only glanced back once but both guys were just staring at each other with bewildered looks, Flyzik's eyes holding humour. HA! TAKE THAT, SUCKERS! They most definitely weren't expecting that. I giggled to myself as the elevator arrived and I stepped into it, the doors partially closing before a hand stuck in between them and opened them again.


“Hey Hannah, did you really mean that? About, the um, sex because I thought we were gonna wait, you know and um-”

“No!” I cut him off abruptly. “Calm it Jackamus, I didn't mean it. It was worth it to see your expressions.”

“Are you sure you didn't mean it? Because if you did then I have absolutely no problems at all with it. I just thought you would want to wait because I know you're like, special. And um, I mean, you're worth waiting for and stuff...obviously I wouldn't ever turn you down and I’m not, I’m just kinda saying...yeah...”

All I could do was look at the boy in front of me, my eyes wide and my mouth open. He looked so vulnerable just standing there, scratching the back off his head and looking down nervously. I was barely able to stop an 'aww' escaping from my lips.

He thought I was worth waiting for? He thought I was special? I didn't know what to say so I just blurted the first thing that came to mind. Dammit.

“You think I’m special?”

His gaze lifted to me, then, his eyes locking with my own.

“ always have been to me, Hannah. I thought you knew that.”

“No, I didn't...”

I leaned in and hugged him tightly, not really knowing what else to do. Honestly, this boy has made me feel so amazing I’m not too sure why we waited so long to get together. Alex ended up being fine with it, the only worries I had were Jack's fans and QB. She said she would be back and I didn't take that threat lightly, I knew she would be.

All of those worries temporarily disappeared, though, when Jack hugged me back and I felt him kiss the top of my head, holding me close and running his hand through my hair.

Suddenly, the elevator doors pulled open with a 'ping' as we reached our floor. I reluctantly pulled away from Jack but grabbed a hold of his hand, swinging our interlinked fingers between us as we walked to our room.

Wow, Flyzik really did outdo himself this time. After pushing open the door I found that the room was absolutely beautiful! Part of me was gutted that I would only get to spend a night here! Everything in the living space was black and white, as it was in the small adjoined kitchen. There was a huge window looking over the city and opposite to that, two doors. I presumed those two doors led to single bedrooms but then...where's the en-suite? I left Jack admiring the city view and I walked over to the two doors. As I suspected, one of them was a bedroom with a double bed. Impressive. I went to the other room expecting a similar luxurious bedroom, only to find an en-suite.

But that means...


I let out a growl of frustration, feeling stupid that I didn't figure this out earlier. Of course that stupid smart ass would do something like this! And I thought I got the better of him when I threw my witty reply back to him downstairs. Evidently not.

“What's up, Hannah ermm...spanner!?” Jack asked as he came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder.

“Look at this! I am going to MURDER Flyzik!” I shouted, flinging open the door to the double room with Jack still attached to me.

He was silent for about 3 seconds while he took in what he was seeing, before he burst out in laughter. It was so loud and powerful that I’m surprised the walls didn't start to crumble.


“JACK! It's not funny. I need to get the jerk back. Revenge is sweet, my child.” I joked, pressing my palms together and tapping my fingers together like an evil genius.

“It is kind of funny, Han. Don't I said on the way up here, it's all at your pace. Plus, revenge will be sweet. We'll get him, don't you worry.”

I smiled gently and gratefully at him, twisting out of his hold and kissing his cheek.

“Plus, I bet ours is the only room with a 42” plasma screen TV and DVD player. I KNEW I would get a chance to watch my Home Alone DVD's!”

I couldn't help but giggle at that. That damn movie...I must have watched the first 2 at least 200 times with Jack already. I couldn't stand the other ones, though...only the originals!

Just then I heard a brisk knock on the door...Mat. Now is our chance!

“Jack! That'll be Mat. Go see if you can find a huge bowl in the kitchen and fill it with cold water and those free Shampoo's from the bathroom! Quick!”

He nodded and winked, knowing what I was up to. I grabbed a pillow from the 400000 that were spread on the bed and ripped open the top, positioning myself in front of the door.

“One minute, Mat” I spoke trying to stifle my giggles, “We're just getting decent!” HA!

I heard him cough awkwardly just as Jack appeared next to me, a huge bowl full of slime in his hands.

“Jack...what's that?” I whispered, gesturing to the bowl. I thought shampoo and cold water would make loads of bubbles but this was even better!

“It's a crap load of free face creams and foot stuff, massage oil's too...there was loads of that crap! I thought it would be better than bubbles.”

“Dammit you're cool.” I kissed him quickly and went to throw open the door to the suite, counting to Jack on my fingers.


I pulled the door back and hid behind it as Jack threw the slimy crap all over Mat, once he was covered I jumped out from behind the door and started hitting him with the open pillow. Feathers were sticking to the slimy stuff all over him making him look like a crazy chicken. BRILLIANT!

I couldn't stop the loud laughter that was coming from my lips, so powerful that it was making my sides hurt.

I went over to Jack and high-fived him, ignoring Flyzik's shouts and cusses. Haha.

“That's what you get for setting up my girl, Flyzik!” Jack yelled, throwing the last of the slime on top of his head.

Mat went to talk but he had to spit out the feathers and slime that got onto his lips. Oh God, I wish I had a camera.

“Set up...what set up?! Oh yeah, was a joke, man! But you got me back good. Dammit. I knew I shouldn't have started a war with YOU. Mr Jack F***ing Barakat.”

We both laughed at him, grateful that he accepted this as his revenge. I couldn't be bothered with a full, all out prank war. Too yucky!

“Anyway, the manager has put a security guard at the end of this hall where all of your guys' rooms are. Anyone without a AAA pass from the show won't be allowed past unless they're with one of the guys or you, Hannah. Right, come on Jack. Your rehearsals and set up starts in half an hour.”

I nodded to Flyzik and thanked him, kissing Jack goodbye before they both left the room.

Well...I'm bored.

I wondered around the room a little more, admiring the gorgeous view from the window when I heard the room phone ring. Huh, must be reception or something.

“Hello?” I answered the phone cautiously, still not sure who it could be or what they would want.

“Hello, Miss. Gaskarth at room 401?” The ladies voice asked, too polite like most reception staff at hotels.

“That is I.”

“I have a Mr...Chris here to see you. He said he knows you personally but if he doesn't, I’ll be more than happy to get security to escort him from the building.”

Chris? CHRIS! Oh my gosh, I haven't seen him in too long! Only a few days...but still!

“Yeah, I know him. But I know he can't come past security without a pass so could you tell him I’ll meet him in the bar, please? You do have a bar downstairs, right?”

“Of course I can, and yes Miss. Gaskarth we certainly do.”

“Thanks, tell him I’ll be down in 10 minutes.”

“Of course Miss. Gaskarth. Goodbye.”

The lady hung up the phone and I couldn't help the huge smile that spread across my face. I dashed to the bathroom and showered quickly, using the one bottle of shampoo that Jack left. After showering I quickly added some light make-up and dressed in the spare clothes I brought for tomorrow; short shorts and a semi-see through, off the shoulder flowing, light blue shirt. It was one of my favourite shirts because on one of my birthdays when the boys were drunk, I was wearing it and they had sharpies. Bad combination. I left the party with 'ALL TIME LOW WAZ HERE!' written on the back of it and a small message from each of them underneath it.

I loved it. So I had it treated so it wouldn't wash off and here it was today.

I pulled on my Nike hi-top sneakers and grabbed my hand bag before heading out of the room.

As I rounded the hall I saw two security guards stood chatting to a group of about 10 people, all trying to get past them. When I neared I noticed that they weren't chatting, they were arguing. Security wouldn't let the crazy fans through so they were playing up. Wonderful.

As soon as I was in sight everyone went quiet causing security to turn around and see what was keeping the mentalists at bay. I smiled in thanks at the security for keeping the people away, they had no idea how crazy their night would turn out to be. Believe me, I’ve seen it. The lengths that some girls will go to just to see my brother in his hotel room is unbelievable. Even kidnapping hotel staff and dressing up as them! Yeah, those 2 girls are still going through the courts.

I slid through security only to be bombarded by the fans.

“Hey guys.” I greeted. “Listen, I’m on my way to meet someone so I don't have much time. If you would all calm down and stop pushing me about I can speak to you all quicker.”

It was amazing how quickly they all shut up. I smiled gratefully at them before signing a few autographs and having a few photos. All the while I kept glancing at my watch, I was already late by 10 minutes!

“Guys I’m really sorry but I have to go...I'm meeting my friend Chris. It was nice to meet you all.” I turned to speed off but was stopped abruptly by a question that was asked which I knew I had to answer.

“Wait! Who's Chris? And I thought you were dating Jack Barakat?” Asked the light voice, sure it was friendly but it had curiosity sprinkled throughout.

“Chris is my friend from a band called Forever Again, you should check them out. And yes, I am dating Barakat.” I smiled at the gasps I heard from people when I told them I was going to meet Chris from Forever Again, I guess word was getting round about those guys!

Taking the bewildered silence as my chance, I turned and bolted down the hall and to the elevator. I pressed the button frantically until it arrived and I jumped in it, scaring an older couple half to death. Oops. As soon as the elevator stopped and the door opened, I speed walked out to find the bar.

I slowed down when it came into sight but that façade disappeared when I spotted Chris leaning on the bar, his back to me. I ran over to him quickly, jumping on his back with my hands over his eyes.

“Guess who!” I grinned happily as he turned around and placed me on a bar stool.

“Hello, Hannah Banana! I missed you!”

“I missed you, too!”

We hugged in greeting and I spotted his almost empty drink on the bar to his side, making me remember how late I was. I broke apart from his hug with an apologetic smile on my face.

“Sorry I was so long, I was mobbed when I left my room. Let me buy you a drink. What do you want?”

“Well, I’m certainly not going to turn down the offer of a free drink from a cute lady like yourself. I’ll have a JD and coke please, sweet pea.”

I giggled and turned to the bar, smiling at the barman to signal him over.

“Evening Miss, what can I get you?”

“Hey you. Um, could I get a vodka and orange juice, and a JD and coke. Doubles actually, please!”

“Sure, one second.”

As the barman made our drink, I turned to Chris and winked at his questioning face.

“Doubles, Hannah? Really? Don't you have a set to watch soon?” He asked, laughing slightly.

“Nah, I didn't really feel up to it so I got Flyzik and Jack to bring me back here. Oh! How did you even know where I was?” Chris couldn't know where I was because even the boys (apart from Jack, obviously) didn't know where we were staying tonight. He wouldn't have had time to see and ask Jack because he only left the hotel about 10 minutes before Chris arrived.

“I asked some of the ATL groupies. They all knew where you were staying right away. In fact, they were on their way here, too. Crazy.”

He ended on a laugh and I couldn't help but laugh with him, too. He was right, they certainly are crazy.

I turned to get our drinks from the barman and pay him, talking to Chris while he sorted out my change.

“Aren't you playing a set today?”

“Already have done, Hannah Banana. We were the first band on at 12:00.”

“Ohhh. I was still sleeping then. I only woke up at 5, sorry! I really want to see you guys play.”

He laughed as he reassured me that it was okay and that I’d get the chance soon enough. By now, the barman was back with my change and something else in his hand. A Warped Tour ticket stub from a few days ago? Sweeeet!

I took my change and nodded at the ticket, “Dude, you went to Warped Tour? Have fun?”

He looked shocked that I was asking him but he nodded eagerly. “Yeah, I was on vacation at a friends house and it was in their town, he had tickets for it. It was really awesome! All Time Low kicked ass, by the way. So good that I even sprained my ankle half way through but still stayed to listen to the rest of the set.”

I smiled, bewildered. He sprained his ankle but still stayed in that manic crowd?! DEDICATION RIGHT THERE!

“I can't believe you stayed with a sprained ankle. Serious dedication, I’ll let the boys know. I hope to God you weren't at the show where Alex dragged me on stage. I think I’d just about die of embarrassment if you were.”

He smiled and let out a small laugh, sliding the ticket over the bar towards me.

“Actually, yeah I was. And since then I’ve been online to hear your music. I really loved your voice when I saw you sing at their set and needed to hear more. You have amazing talent, I love it. That's kind of why I have my Warped Tour ticket...I was hoping you could sign it, please?”

I couldn't help it, I blushed. Yeah, I blushed. I loved it when people liked my music, it gave me a warm feeling inside. I nodded and took the pen he handed me.

“Sure, what's your name?”

“Adam Demato.” Someone answered, but it wasn't the barman who did. It was Chris. I turned to him with a questioning look and all he did was smile and wink at that's why he wasn't bothered that I was late! He was too busy chatting up the barman! I wondered how the guy knew I would be here, he even had his Warped ticket ready. Oh dear, haha.

But then I suddenly had an idea. Just call me Cupid!

I laughed at myself and preceded to sign the guy's ticket on the back, writing;

'Dear Adam,

Try not to break sprain your ankle at All Time Low's show next week, too! You'd be well gutted. Thanks for the dedication, it means a lot.

Lots of love, Hannah Gaskarth xoxo'

Adam took the ticket with a smile but looked up at me confused after he read it.

“Um, I’m sorry, Hannah, but I couldn't get tickets for next week's show...”

I laughed at his density. I pulled out my phone and opened a new note, titling it 'Put Dedicated Barman On Guest List'.

“You'd be able to make it there, right?”

He still looked confused.

“Um yeah, friend could drive us there. Why?”

“Well, Mr Adam Demato, just tell the security guy your name and he should let you and your friend in. Call it a thanks, and a second chance to see All Time Low without being in pain all the way through their set.”

“W-What...?! Oh my God, have you seriously just put me on All Time Low's guest list?!” He asked, excitement clear in his voice.

“Yeah, I mean I know that the guys would love to meet you. Dedication is a big thing for them and the fact that you stayed through their set when you must have been in so much pain is unbelievable. I’ll make Flyzik put your name down in the morning. Be there! I’m sure me and the boys won't be the only ones who want to see you...”

I trailed off, looking at Chris pointedly. He blushed and narrowed his eyes playfully. I grabbed my drink, preparing for a chase. I was right. Thankfully, the bar was almost empty so I didn't make too much of a scene when I shouted a goodbye to Adam and ran off screaming and giggling.

Eventually, I fell down on a comfortable sofa and placed my drink on the table. I raised my hands in surrender.

“Okay, okay! I give up! You win!”

“I know I do.” Were Chris' last words before he pounced on me and started tickling me, making me laugh and squirm.

“Stop! Stop! Chris! Don't act like you didn't want me to ask him for you! You know...y-you know you're looking forward to seeing him!”

He smiled, finally jumping off of my and taking a long sip of his drink.

“I know I am, but that was fun!”

I giggled at him and took a long sip of my drink, too.

We settled down on the sofa next to each other, chatting for what seemed like forever. Naturally, he asked about Jack and when he found out it was true, he squealed. Yes, squealed. Like an excited little girl who found out her Daddy just bought her a pony. It was adorable, bless him! I found out that his band had been offered a record deal by a small recording company from Maryland, meaning that he would be in my home state a lot more through the months after Warped Tour. That made me insanely happy, I would love to introduce Chris to my friends back home and I will be able to see him much more! It's great that Forever Again have got a record deal, too, they're a truly amazing band from what I’ve heard.

Chris had just gone to the bar for our, um...sixth drink? Yeah, we were making a night of it. We might as well, I was loving every minute of hanging out with him and Jack and the boys probably wont be back until midnight. They usually get mobbed after shows and then Flyzik makes them help pack away. Haha, at least they're staying grounded and not turning into divas!

I looked towards the bar and saw Chris walking over with 3 drinks and another person in tow. It was Adam! Sweeeet! The more, the merrier Is what they say, right?

“Hey Adam” I greeted happily, a little TOO happily. Hey, I’m a happy drunk. What can I say? I wasn't even that drunk, just bordering it.

“Hi Hannah, mind if I join you? My shift finished and Chris asked me to come over.”

“That isn't all he'll be asking you to come over...”

“Hannah!” Chris exclaimed, a mortified yet cheeky expression on his face. All Adam did was blush, awwww cute!

Yep, I’m definitely drunk. Oh well, I was in company because so was Chris. Even Adam was. Because he would have been playing catch up, Chris apparently made him take 9 shots at the bar so he could enjoy the night straight away. 3 Sambuca, 3 Sourz and 3 Vodka. Yummy.

For the rest of the night the three of us just talked about random stuff and played weird drinking games. It was awesome! I really enjoyed the company of these two guy's, plus the fact that they didn't mind my hyper, not-thinking-before-i-talk drunkenness. Oh yeah, the 'come over' comment was only one of many throughout the night. I loved making Adam blush, it was adorable. He and Chris would make a cute couple, I can see it now. So cute.

“Right ladies!” I exclaimed, getting both of their attentions. “Wha-whaaattime is...isit?” By now my words were slurred and when I got up to move, I fell back down. Fun times.

Chris pulled out his phone but before he could answer me, I heard shouting and hyperness behind me. Who cares what time it is, these guys sound like my type of people! I jumped up to greet the newcomers, holding myself up on the side of the couch. I ignored Chris and Adam's drunken laughter at me.

“Hello, new peeeeeople! Come tojointhe PARTYYYY?!” I exclaimed...

...just before Alex, Jack, Rian and Zack came through the double doors, joined by Chris' band mates Stuart and Joe.

“OOPS.” I was meant to mumble, but it came out as I shout.

I hope they're not mad at me. Oh God, please don't be mad at me. I love you boys!

I thought I said it in my head until they all laughed and Jack hugged me, evidently not mad at me. I clung onto him for dear life, wrapping one arm around his waist and holding the arm he had around my shoulder with my other hand. Still, it didn't stop me swaying. Hehe.

“We love you too, Han. We knew you and Chris would be here living it up, we bumped into Stu and Joe and they told us he was heading here to see you.”

“Oooooookay. Guys! This Is Adam...he's Chris' toy boy.” I erupted into a fit of giggles and laughter came from all the boys around me, even Chris.

“No but really...he-he's DEDICATED.” Suddenly, I lost all of my energy. I think it's from all the jumping around and dancing I’ve been doing all night, it really took it out of me. Having Jack to hold me up just reminded me how wiped out I actually was.

“Broken neck...still watched your show...he's cute and i-i'm tiiiiiired.” Again, more laughter from around me. My head was rested on Jacks shoulder and I could feel him shaking with laughter. I could vaguely hear Alex talking to Adam and hearing the real story but I wasn't that bothered.

“HanHan sweetheart, I think it's time we get you back upstairs before you collapse.” I heard Jack whisper in my ear as he brushed his hand through my hair soothingly.

“But, but it'sstill waaaay too early!” I said in protest. Although, it wasn't much of a protest because I was still clinging to him and not putting up a fight at all.

“It's 1am, baby. Come on, lets go.” I nodded and turned to Chris and Adam. I just about staggered over and gave them both a hug goodbye before I fell to the ground.

Oh God. Oh no, this is not cool.

Instead of trying to get up and lose even more of my dignity, I just laid my head back and settled down on the floor. I didn't even care about all the laughter going on around me, I was just so tired!

And the next thing I knew, I was laying on the bed in my room. Jack was sat cross legged looking down at me. He had the cutest smile ever on his face but it somehow didn't reach his eyes.

“Well, that was quite a show, Han.” He laughed slightly and I smiled back. Thing is, though, the laugh didn't fully reach his eyes, either. Just like the smile. Something is wrong.

“Ah, Jackamus. I’m so happy you're mine.” I said honestly. Dammit! Why am I so honest when I’m drunk?! Instead of asking how he was, I said that. Ugh.

I leaned up and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him gently. It was a sweet kiss, not like the others where they were mostly hungry and desperate, needing to feel each other. However, he pulled away all too soon and that look was still on his face. Smiling, but not reaching his eyes. He almost looked worried. I know I may be drunk but I know my boyfriend and I know upset when I see it. Just as I was about to ask him, he spoke first.

“ there something you need to tell me? Is anyone, like, bothering you? A crazy fan or anything?”

I shook my head, immediately stopping when it gave me a blinding headache and made the room spin. I wasn't being bothered by anyone so I wonder why he thought I was? I thought hard, I knew there was something I should have been telling him but I couldn't really remember.

“No, I don't think so...” I said in a vacant voice, still trying to concentrate.

“Are you sure? No one who's been bothering you at all, maybe about me? Because you know, um, I would never leave you no matter what they say...”

Okay, okay, I’m truly confused now. What the heck was he going on about?! It still made me smile though, the fact that he would never leave me. I was about to pull him into a hug but when I leaned over, I saw something in his hand. A sheet of paper with my name written in huge, red letters. Huh?

“Jackamus, what's that?” I asked, suddenly sobering up. I tended to do that, sober up when I knew something was wrong.

“Oh, um...nothing. Just something I found when I carried you up here.” He answered shyly, putting the paper behind him. I leaned forward quickly, ignoring the room spinning, and grabbed the paper from his hands. I unfolded it and scanned the words quickly.

Then, suddenly, everything he said slotted into place and made sense.


I told you this isn't over,

so then you go and get with the boy you knew I wanted.


No one messes with me and gets away with it.

You're finished. One way or another, even if we have to kill you. You're finished baby girl, so say goodbye to Jackamus.

Can't wait until he's mine. I’ll be the one who's shoulder he can cry on after he's found you lying dead, face down in the dirt where only a few minutes ago an All Time Low moshpit was happening. He won't be able to resist my charm, the poor boy will be wondering why he was with you instead of me.

We're going to get you when you least expect it. After all, he can't have you when you're dead.

Watch your back, bitch. R. XO'

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Usually, if I wasn't drunk, I would go out looking for this bitch and murder her myself. But right now it was different...I was an emotional wreck when I was drunk, the slightest thing could set me off.

All I could do was sit in Jack's lap and cry, listening to his sweet whispers and feeling his hands holding me close to him and running through my hair.

I cried myself to sleep knowing that Rebecca and her friend were back and were going to stop at nothing to take Jack away from me.

*/ Sambuca, Sourz & Vodka are alcohol drinks that you mostly shot. Sourz are crazy nice flavours but Sambuca tastes like anaseed. Just in case you didn't know what they are :)

I have 2 more chapters already written, so vote on this and i'll upload quicker. Unfortunately i don't have internet at home at the moment, so i'm writing them at home and transferring them using a memory stick using my grans computer./* :D

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