Taming The Hybrid (TVD. Klaus...

By BeckySmolder

513K 9.9K 4K

Allison Lockwood, the older sister of Tyler Lockwood, returns to Mystic Falls after spending four years in Ca... More

Brotherhood of The Five
Obtaining the Sword
Dinner Date with Klaus
A Day in New Orleans
The Winter Wonderland
Kol's Death
Making Things Official
Klaus is Free
Saving Hayley
Expression Triangles
Back in New Orleans
Rebekah Visits
Meeting Marcel
Plan B is War
Carol and Tyler Visit
Bayou Bar Distraction
Unlinking Spell
The Baby's Blood
Klaus in Combat
To New Orleans
The Bar Attack
Casket Girls Parade
Four Elements, Four Stages
Mystic Falls Reunion
Saving Rebekah
Werewolf House Party
Magic Dreams
The Opera House
Rebekah's Trial
Feast of Blessings
The Bayou Attack
Dreaming of Mikael
Moonlight Rings
Esther's Decree
Home Town Comfort
Fighting for Family
Mystic Falls Return
The Wedding
10 Years Later
More Stories By Me

A Party for Peace

6K 169 39
By BeckySmolder

~Just asking...Can I get 15 votes on this chapter and at least 3 comments? Can you make that happen? 😢😘😘

Chapter Thirty

It's been a month, a whole month. It has been a very easy month full of nothing but Klaus and I. We've been spending a lot of time together. "You're so sexy," I complimented Klaus from my spot in an arm chair.

I was just watching him paint, while the book I was reading sat closed on the end table. I couldn't help but admire boyfriend. He was seriously so beautiful. "Thank you, love," he smiled, stopping his movements to give me a smile.

"Pardon," someone said. We both looked over to see Elijah in the doorway. I smiled and waved at him, getting to my feet and walking over to Klaus, wrapping my arms around him.

"Hi, Elijah," I greeted happily.

"Hello, Allison. Brother, may I have a word?" Elijah asked.

"Before you yell at him, we have some news for you," I grinned, looking up at Klaus who smiled back at me. We had a doctor's appointment this morning. We had one about three weeks ago which was amazing. Klaus loved looking at our little baby on the screen. And the rapid heartbeat of baby Mikaelson made me so happy all the time.

"Yes, we do," Klaus smiled, pecking my lips. "We went to find out the gender of the baby this morning."

"Oh," Elijah uttered, his eyebrows raising and a smile tugging easily at his lips.

"Do you want to tell him or shall I, love?" Klaus asked me.

"He's your brother," I pointed out. We literally found out an hour ago. After the appointment we had lunch then came home to do this, read and paint. I was ready to tell everyone now. It only made sense Elijah was the first person we told because he was here and I just couldn't help myself. After he knew though I was gonna hurry to call everyone back home.

"Well, brother, you'll be the first to know. Baby Mikaelson is a baby girl," Klaus smiled, staring down at me adoringly. I blushed under his gaze and stepped on my tip toes to press my lips to his for a small second.

"Congratulations!" Elijah exclaimed. I turned from facing Klaus to face Elijah and I grinned. I moved to hug him before excusing myself to call my family and friends. The first person I called was Damon.

"Hello?" Damon answered.

"Hope you're not busy. Get Stefan and then put me on speaker. I have something to tell you," I said and he groaned.

"Tell me first," he complained.

"No, get Stefan," I laughed. I was in the kitchen, making myself a snack. I was five months pregnant and well, I ate a lot. It was really bad. I had gained a lot of weight and it wasn't exactly healthy, I needed to 'gain weight steadily'. I should've been insecure and upset about getting fat but Klaus and I spent a lot of time in the bedroom so no need to feel anything but sexy and loved, that's how my man treated me.

"Hey, Allie," I heard Stefan on the other line.

"He's here. What's the news?" Damon demanded to know. I chuckled and shut the refigerator door, satisfied with my apple slices I grabbed.

"Well, you'll be the second person, well, people to know, but Klaus and I are having a baby girl!" I shouted.

"A girl!" Stefan shouted and I nodded. "Yes!"

"I was kind of rooting for a boy," Damon mumbled.

"So was I, but I'm so excited. I'm gonna have a baby girl. I can put her in frilly dresses and match outfits with her. I'm so excited," I gushed.

"Hello, Salvatores," Klaus greeted. I turned to see him right behind me. I gasped and smacking his chest before cuddling into his chest.

"Hey, Klaus. Congrtulations, you're having a daughter," Damon said.

"You ready to be a dad?" Stefan asked.

"Thanks, mate. And I still have four months to prepare. We have to get the nursery set up soon," Klaus said.

"Klaus is excited as hell, guys. He wants a baby girl to spoil to death," I smirked, pecking Klaus on the lips.

"Like he spoils you?" Damon snorted.

"I'm not spoiled," I gasped.

"No, he's just whipped. Duh, Damon," Stefan chuckled and I nodded.

"Exactly right, Stef-"

"Excuse me, love," Klaus interrupted, pinching my bottom. I gasped and smacked his hand away. I pouted at the sting and he smiled.

"Well, we have to go boys. I have apples to eat and a mom to text," I said.

"Bye!" They both replied loudly. I giggled and hung up after Klaus said his farewell. I then sent a text to everyone; Bonnie, Jeremy, Elena, Tyler, mom, and Rebekah. I was sure I wasn't missing anyone.

"What happened with Elijah?" I asked munching on an apple slice.

"He wants me to accept my responsibility of running the city. He wants to make the city whole again. I denied his offer to work together to do so," Klaus answered nonchalantly.

"What? Klaus. He's right. You wanted to run the city. You have the city, maybe you should focus more on it. I love the pampering and spoiling. I love all our time we've spent together. But I'm fine, Klaus. You don't need to babysit me, babe," I said, wrapping a hand around his neck to bring his lips to mine.

"I don't want to focus on the city. I like my attention on you and our baby."

"I want our daughter to have a safe home, Niklaus," I snapped, biting his bottom lip harshly. He took in sharp breath giving me a glare. I smiled sheepishly and pecked his lips. I've been a bit bi-polar lately. It was the hormones, they caused quick mood swings. He rolled his eyes and pulled away from me a bit. "I mean it, Klaus."

"Elijah, is taking charge," Klaus shrugged and I rolled my eyes this time. I took my phone and my pack of apple slices up to our bedroom, not caring if he followed me or not. I was a bit ticked off with him but my hormones made it hard to stay mad at him when I lusted after him all day long.


"These are the rules of the city according to Marcel Gerard," Elijah said holding a golden piece of paper. We were having a meeting. Or more like he was. He invited the heads of each faction. Vampires, witches, humans. "Which of course no longer apply because I am in charge."

Oh yeah, that night Klaus told me Rebekah left, Elijah exiled Marcel from the quarter and threatened to kill him if he saw him again. I was on board for that, he could die for all I care. I have a boyfriend, a baby, and a brother-in-law basically to worry about. That was all in this city of ours.

"You said if we came along we would get to run things by ourselves," Diego said. "Never mentioned anything about making yourself king."

"While you were each selected to represent your own communities and I'll honor that. However, issues which arise between factions, they will come to me," Elijah declared. "Now we are all to some extent responsible for the current chaos in the city. However, you have one very, very simple choice ahead of you here. You can all play nicely together, or you can leave."


"Father, calm yourself, please," Elijah said over the noise. I sat by his side hearing everyone argue. Father Kieran was here and was getting worked up on how none of them could agree to anything. Kieran was still hexxed though and sick so he needed to calm down. "Thank you. Now returning the issue of boundaries, you will all heed to the following."

"Are you serious?" Someone asked. I looked up to see some girl. It wasn't just any girl though, it was Hayley, Tyler's friend. During the last month she made it to New Orleans, somehow the pack of wolves was her family so she was staying with them. "You're dividing up the city and the werewolves don't even get a say?"

"What the hell is she doing here?" Diego asked. Exactly what I was thinking. I didn't like her. She wasn't bad but she was annoying and demanding. Her and Elijah had grew really close for a little bit before the bombshell about her previous arrange marriage to the alpha of the wolves, the guy Jackson from the fire, was blurted out. That was enough for Elijah to snap out of it and decide to leave her with her kind, not trying to involve himself with her.

"Diego, sit," I demanded. He looked at me for a moment and slowly sat down.

"We are not dividing the city. We're establishing-" Elijah began to explain, standing up.

"No, Elijah! There is not gonna be a peace if the werewolves are excluded. They want a seat at the table," Hayley said and Diego chuckled humorlessly. "And if they don't get one I can guarantee that you will all regret it."

Everyone began talking at once. Everyone at the table already against the idea. I was truly pissed off. Hayley and Elijah had some stand off and I rolled my eyes. "All right! Be quiet! You are all dismissed. Besides the werewolf, tramp," I said, crossing my arms and glaring at Hayley. She ruined the meeting.

Once they were gone I looked at Elijah. He gave me a nod and I trusted him to handle her before I killed her. I left the church and headed to my car. Klaus let me have it for the day. He refused to come with me of course but I wanted to be apart of it. I wanted to know what was going on in the city.


"You should've seen your brother's face when Hayley walked in," I sighed. Klaus was painting while I was prancing around in my pajamas, I had tugged on a pair of Klaus' boxers and one of his sweaters over my panties and bra. I was telling Klaus about my day. After the meeting I went out to get my nails done then went looking around for stuff for the baby.

"I saw the light was on in the courtyard and took a chance that you were both decent. You are," Cami said. We both turned to face her. I sent her a wave and Klaus walked over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"What can we do for you, Cami?" Klaus asked.

"I'm here about my uncle," she said. "He's--deteriorating. The pills, the meditation, they're not working. His lucidity's shrinking by the day. A witch did this, a witch can undo it."

"It won't do any good. These hexes, they start with magic, but as they take root, they alter the very chemistry of the brain. I'm sorry, Cami," Klaus said. "The damage is done."

"I refuse to accept that," Cami said. "And you would too, if you had any concept of family." She then stormed out and I looked at Klaus who sighed.

"Maybe we can figure something out," I said and he shrugged.

"I don't know, love," he mumbled, pressing a kiss to my head.

"Can we go to our room? I'm ready for bed and I want to cuddle with you, baby," I pouted and he chuckled.

"Okay," he smiled. "Let's go love." He picked me up bridal style and carried me to our bedroom. The moment we got there he placed me on our bed. I was sitting on the edge with Klaus infront of me so I began to unbutton his pants. He raised an eyebrow as a small grunt left his lips.

"Stop it. I'm just trying to get you ready for bed. No sex," I stated.

"But Allie-" he began and I shushed him. I stripped him out of his clothes and then got myself under the covers. Klaus crawled into bed on the otherside and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you more," he whispered back in my ear. I turned around to face him and cuddled into his naked chest. He squeezed me tight and placed a hand on my growing baby bump. It was pretty big to be honest but I knew it would continue to grow. "You have to show me the stuff you bought for Zoey," Klaus told me.

"Oh yeah. The paint is downstairs. I didn't buy too many clothes but the bags are in the closet. Oh, I bought you some shirts too if I didn't mention that earlier," I mumbled tiredly.

"Mmm. You got purple paint right?" He asked.

"Mm-hmm," I hummed. Purple was the color we agreed on. I bought a beautiful pale purple. We were gonna color the room purple but one wall, Klaus was gonna paint a garden. I left that paint choice to him. We were doing a floral theme for her bedroom. Flowers and butterflies and stuff. I was estatic.

"Get some sleep, love," Klaus whispered.

"I need a big kiss first," I grinned lazily. I looked up at him and puckered my lips. He planted a long and passionate kiss on my lips that had me moaning loudly. "Fuck, babe."

"Watch that naughty mouth, love," he scolded and I blushed, burying my red face in his chest again. My eyes closed and I let myself drift off.


The next morning I woke up alone. I groaned and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then threw my hair into a bun since it was mess. Afterwards I set out to find my boyfriend. Of course the first place I looked was his little are study. And I found him outside on the balcony.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso, resting my head on his back. He sighed softly and his hands grabbed mine, locking our fingers together but didn't adjust my position of them. "Morning, beautiful," he said softly.

"Morning, baby. Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Of course. How about you and our baby?"

"Perfect as usual," I answered. We stared out at the rain for a few moments before he turned around to face me. I let him go and smiled as his hands cupped my face. "Morning kiss?"

"Of course," he smiled, pressing his lips to mine. The kiss was short but sweet. He deepened it, making my toes curl but pulled away soon after. "You need real clothes before I shove you against the glass door."

"You like me in your clothes?" I asked like I didn't know.

"Love, not like. It's a turn on and you know it," he smirked. I blushed and grabbed his hand, tugging him inside because it was cold out. I sat down on the armchair where I usually watched him. Klaus went to grab a paint brush and before either of us knew it Elijah was standing a foot infront of him. "Not a fan of cerulean blue?" Klaus asked his brother.

"Not a fan of your continued indifference," Elijah said, his arms crossed.

"Well, it's difficult trying to unite a community that that has history of mutual loathing."

"Spare me the platitudes, Niklaus."

"A perspective then. If you want peace, you must begin with the werewolves. 100 years ago, they had a run at ruling this city. As of late, all they've had is time to watch their enemies tear down that legacy," Klaus replied while I began biting my nails.

"All the more reason why their enemies are reluctant to bring them to the table."

"Take a page from Bienville, brother," Klaus said, placing a hand on Elijah's shoulder. "If the table's the obstacle, remove it." He let him go and walked away a bit. "Do you recall in 1720 the Governor's desperation to secure our help to build the cities first levees? We sat with him and refused his offer, and so he plied us with wine, with corseted women, and with raucous camarderie until he had his yes."

"Are you suggesting that I throw a party?"

Klaus merely smirked and handed Elijah a drink while taking a sip of his own glass he just poured. I rolled my eyes, knowing where this was going. Party it was. Well, I guess I have to get something to wear. Dress to impress.


"I'm impressed, brother," Klaus said. We stood on the staircase, overlooking the party. Both brothers in suits while I was in a tight white and gold dress. My baby bump looked huge and round but the dress flattered it somehow. It was gorgeous and I felt like a princess with my hair curled and make up done.

"Yes. Now if I can just keep them from tearing one another to shreds," Elijah replied.

"Well, then for your sake here's to a spectacularly boring evening," Klaus toased. Elijah grinned and they clinked their glasses. I smiled at the two and wrapped my arm around my boyfriend's waist.

"Wanna dance, baby?" I asked him.

"One dance," he said. He finished his drink and gave Elijah his empty glass. I pulled my sexy beast onto the dance floor and he gave me one long dance, full of laughs. It was nice being twirled around and his innapropiate brushes over my bottom. "You are way too irresistible in this dress, love."

"Thank you," I blushed.

"Excuse me, love," he said. "I'll be back shortly." He then let me go and walked off. I furrowed my brows and rolled my eyes. I went in search of Elijah and found him approaching Diego so I joined him.

"Diego. You will be polite and welcoming," Elijah told him.

"Yeah. See, his people killed my whole family. My sister bled out on the floor right next to me. The only reason I'm standing here is because Marcel came along and turned me before I bled out, too," Diego said. "So I'm telling you right now I cannot be polite and welcoming to that."

"Diego, I understand your anger. However, there are certain overtures that need to be made if we are to find a degree of peace," Elijah replied and walked away, nodding at me to follow.

I looked to see Diego still ticked off. "You need to drop that attitude. I'm a very angry pregnant woman lately. His brother died by a werewolf and hence his mother turned them into vampires to protect the rest of their family. He understands. People move on though. They grow up. Now try it. I have a baby coming in about four months and I want this city stable and safe, or so help me I will kill each and everyone of you who stand in my way of making that happen," I threatened.

Shock covered his features and I walked off after Elijah. We spotted Jackson and I nodded at him. Elijah and I then made our way over to him, side by side. "Welcome to my home," Elijah greeted.

"I wouldn't be here if Hayley hadn't forced the issue," Jackson replied.

"No, you wouldn't be here if I said I didn't want you to be," I retorted, glaring at him. I was very cranky most of the time if I wasn't wrapped in Klaus' arms. Maybe that's why we spent so much time together. I was kind of rude to everyone else. But again I was a pregnant woman in pain and stuck in drama. I had a right to be angry.

"Yes. It's rather unlikely that you'll experience an outpouring of kind and sentiment here," Elijah said, placing a hand on my shoulder, warning me to calm down. "The vampires in particular view you as...well, barbaric."

"Hayley tells me that this peace treaty is important to you."

"Yes, it certaintly is. So much so, in fact, that if anyone threatened to dismantle what I'm building here, I'd destroy everything they hold dear," Elijah said smoothly. "Have a wonderful evening."

With a smile he walked off and I looked at Jackson. "Sorry for being rude," I apologized. "I just don't like Hayley and I'm really cranky all the time. But I'm with Elijah, except if you do anything to screw up this peace treaty I will have your head on a stick."

"Okay," he smiled, looking amused.

"Don't laugh, Jackson," I growled out and his eyebrows raised.

"Sorry. I got it though," he assured and then walked off. I huffed and set out to find Klaus. I didn't know where he went off to. Of course I couldn't find him though so after making a trip to the bathroom I decided to check if he left the party for his little art room, where he has spent pretty much all his free time. It was really adorable though.

I wasn't shocked when I found him there but I was surprised to see Jackson. I raised an eyebrow at the two and leaned in the doorway. "You want to make me a hybrid. I put my pack first," Jackson said. I cleared my throat to catch their attention. God, I was very pissed off the last few days.

They both turned to me, equally nervous. Good. "What's going on here, babe?" I asked him, jaw clenched. I didn't like the idea of him planning something without telling me. We trusted each other and told each other everything. But he didn't mention his secret meeting with Jackson about this hybrid business.

"We were just talking," Klaus told me. He knew how strongly I felt about this treaty. I was with Elijah whole heartedly. Not even Klaus was gonna ruin this. I wanted my daughter to be safe away from chaos and not used as pawn for any faction. So peace among everyone needed to happen. And that's where Klaus' focus should be.

"Continue then, Jackson," I said, narrowing my eyes on the other man.

"I am not gonna let anything compromise my family line, especially becoming some bloodthirsy vampire parasite," Jackson said, angrily. I really needed to get a hold of my hormones and emotions in general. I was either content and happy with Klaus, or anything related to the baby and then like a switch I was fed up with everything else.

"That pride... that sense of loyalty, well, that's exactly why I haven't snapped your neck yet," Klaus told him. The men were face to face and I was watching every move they made and hanging off every word said. I desperately wanted to know what was going on. What was Klaus up to?

"Well, if you're not gonna kill me, then what the hell do you want?" Jackson asked.

"Don't talk to him like that," I warned.

"Sorry. No disrespect to you, Allison," Jackson apologized and I nodded, for him to continue.

"I only want to give you back the city that was taken from you. How was that for poignant?"

"Why would I trust someone who's conspiring behind his own brother's back?" Jackson asked.

"Nonetheless trying to keep it from your easily tempered girlfriend," I added, rubbing my belly. I needed to calm down before I rose my blood pressure. I was gonna kill Klaus. I was seriously going to beat him with anything I could find.

"I'm not trying to undermine Elijah's venture. I'm supporting his vision. Vampires destroy life to survive, witches are only as powerful as their dead, but the werewolves have thrived because their strength comes from family unity. The safety of that unity is what I want for my unborn child," Klaus said.

I felt myself calm down a bit but I was still very suspicious. I didn't see where this was going. I didn't see how this could benefit us as a family. "The painful truth is vampires are the antithesis of unity," Klaus finished.

"So, what, after a thousand years you're finally ready to embrace the other half of your family tree?" Jackson questioned. "Maybe the other half doesn't want you."

"Oh, they will once they return to the quarter," Klaus said and walked away. My jaw clenched and I knew I was against this idea. This was going against Elijah's plan. We didn't need to move them into the quarter. It would stir things up with the witches and vampires, the exact opposite of what Elijah and I both wanted.

"You got a plan to back that up?"

"My mother was a very powerful witch. I watched her craft all maner of magical items, but her most prized possession was this ring," Klaus said. I observed him as he pulled out the ring from forever ago that Elijah gave him that time Klaus was really mad at me for betraying him, and calling Elijah to stop the hunt for the wolves. "I hadn't seen it for 1,000 years, and then it turned up hanging around the neck of a werewolf, a direct descendant of my biological father. I believe she gave him this ring as a way of freeing him."

"Is that so?"

"Daylight rings protect vampires from the sun. So why not a moonlight ring to protect the werewolves from the curse?" Klaus asked. "Think about it--no more breaking bones, no more losing control to the beast within."

"What do I have to do?" Jackson asked.

"Leave," I ordered.

"Love, don't be like that," Klaus said.

"Fine. I'll be in our room," I snapped. I stormed off to our room and struggled to get myself out of my dress. I changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. My curled hair ended up into a pony tail and just as I went to wipe the make up off my face there was a loud crash. Fudge.

I ran out the room to peer over the balcony. Jackson had Diego pinned to the wall and Elijah had some blonde guy pinned to a table top. "I mean, it was Oliver who handed Rebekah over to the witches so they could torture her, but then again, wasn't it Diego who led a werewolf massacre last month?" Hayley said, stopping the boys.

I marched down the stairs, not caring about my small waddle and pushed Hayley against the wall, pinning her to it. "And aren't you the slut who used my brother and set up a plan to kill my boyfriend only for 12 innocent people to die instead? And the witches cursed the wolves, while the humans stood back and let it all happen, so when you think about it, everyone here deserves to die," I said. "Stop, thinking you run things when you're one of my biggest problems."

I was pulled off her by Klaus who I let hold me and cradle me. "Let him go, Elijah. And Jackson drop him now," I demanded. Both men did so hesitantly as Klaus shot them both glares to listen.

"If we can't all learn to get along, if our families can't create some sort of community, then what's the point? Kill each other and get it all over with before I kill everyone who dares to continue ruining this idea of peace," I finished.

No one moved an inch and I put my hand out. "The stake, Jackson," I said. He walked over and put it in my hand. I smirked and looked at my boyfriend. "I want you all out of my house, now. Not a word said by anyone. Vampire or not I will shove this stake through your heart. I am so over everyone being immaturre and selfish."

Klaus let me go and with the help of Elijah he made sure everyone was gone. I headed back to my bedroom and I sat on the bed, grabbing a pillow and placing it in my lap. Tears welled up in my eyes and before I knew it I was full on sobbing.

When Klaus got into the room, he came in cautiously. I threw my pillow at him and he sighed. He got onto the bed and I brought my hand up to slap him but I couldn't do it. I couldn't harm his gorgeous face. "I love you," I whimpered, grabbing his face and placing kisses everywhere I could.

"I love you too, Allison," he whispered, running a hand through my hair. "You are just a wreck aren't you, love?"

"Mm-hmm," I agreed. "Where's Elijah? Is he okay?"

"He's making a treaty with everyone," he said and I nodded, happy. "You won, love. You knocked some sense into them all."

"I'm still mad at you. You kept something from me," I pouted.

"I'm sorry, love," he apologized, pressing his lips to mine, but I pulled away immediately.

"No, stop. You're not getting out of this one."

"What happened to you'd always forgive me?" He frowned.

"I will, but I'm hurt. I'm cranky. I'm pregnant. I just want to be alone. Can I please have the bed to myself?" I asked and he sighed.

"I'll be in my study," he whispered. He kissed my forehead and left a few minutes later after grabbing a few things. Once he was gone I let out a shaky breath, climbing into bed. I needed space. I was so angry tonight, honestly it was out of control. And I wasn't going to let Klaus seduce me into forgetting whatever he's planning. I need to cope without having to depend on Klaus to make me feel happy or calm. He wasn't always going to be around. And tonight I was gonna make it at least an hour before I begged him to get in bed with me.

I made it two hours before I went into the study with a blanket and a pillow. I found Klaus sleeping on the couch. I grinned at my baby and climbed in behind him. Klaus grunted and sat up a bit. I placed the pillow under our heads and just as I went to pull the blanket over us Elijah cleared his throat.

We looked up at him and I groaned. I was exhausted now and I wanted Klaus' cuddles. We both got up and I grinned seeing the gold paper in Elijah's hand. He put it down and held out a feather pen to Klaus who stood to his side. "Sign it," Elijah ordered.

"Why? You've already done so on our behalf," Klaus argued.

"Brother, I'm not a fool. It's clear to me you're not as disinterested as you'd like me to believe. Sign, please," he smiled. "If there is no peace between us, then how can you expect others to follow suit?"

"Fine," Klaus agreed. "If it will make you happy, but I assure you this city's inhabitants will not adhere to this agreement."

"Well, you are welcome to wager against me," Elijah said, grabbing the pen now that Klaus had sign. He smiled kindly and held it out to me. I grinned, gasping in excitement. I took the feather pen and dipped it in the ink before signing right under Klaus' name. "You will lose."

He then took the paper and pen afterwards and left. I grabbed Klaus' hand and tugged him to the couch, too lazy go to the bedroom. Klaus and I both laid down and cuddled up under the large blanket. "Forgive me, love?" Klaus asked.

"Always, Klausy," I smiled, kissing him softly. He smiled against my lips, both hands on my stomach. I slowly pulled away and rested my head on his shoulder, drifting to sleep as he recited a poem. He was adorable, I swear.

~This book is coming to end. There's gonna be 40 chapters total, at the max. The next 4 months till the baby arrives are about to come quick. I'm going to try to keep uploading but my break from school is now over 😩😕 Bout to get busy but this book WILL be finished by the end of next month, February...Or at least that's the plan 😋😋

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