Saving Hayley

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Chapter Nine

It's been a few days and as promised Klaus got us a flight to anywhere I wanted. And we ended up in Australia. We had a very good day and a half there. Before we left though Klaus allowed me to add some girly things to the hosue. In our shared en suite all my stuff was in there so it was girly enough.

In the living room I added a few pink and purple decorated pictures. I also bought more pillow cushions for the couches. They were all plain and boring neutral colors. It looked too elegant. I wanted it to look like a home. So I added fuzzy neon pillows in the parlor, silver sequin ones in the living room, and pink ones in the bedroom which was all black.

I also swapped out the curtains in our room to let in a little light. It was black lace with a pink curtain infront of the lace part. It was adorable. Klaus didn't care. He rolled his eyes and laid around while I did whatever I wanted. If anything was too much for him or 'ugly' as he said he threw it away automatically.

Now here we were a day after our mini vacation, somewhere I'm not quite sure of, but we were here for Tyler's friend Hayley. She had called Klaus and told him to meet her. Why? I had no clue. Klaus had been the one to talk to her. All he told me was to get dressed if I wanted to go with him to meet her.

"Wait here, love," Klaus whispered, dropping my hand and flashing off. I could here a loud bang and I jumped in place. "Have a care, mate. That's no way to treat a lady," I could hear the sound of Klaus' voice. It sounded rather agressive though.

And then all that was heard was a man's screams. Seconds later there was a sound, a thud and then another one. "You came," someone said. Hayley.

"Well, you did say it was urgent," Klaus replied. I figured it was safe so I joined them. Klaus had pulled Hayley off the ground and then turned to face me adn pull me to his side as the guy groaning and bleeding on the floor got up and vanished. "Oh, don't worry about him, love. He'll never make it through tomorrow night," Klaus told Hayley as she looked worried.

"What if there are more?" Hayley asked.

"You were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova. She used you to fid the cure. Now you're nothing but a loose end. You'll be lucky if she lets you live."

"You said you would protect me," Hayley said and I raised an eyebrow at Klaus who ignored it. I had no idea about what said in their phone call. But I already wasn't liking it.

"And I will. Just as soon as you tell me everything you know about Katerina," Klaus said. I sighed and grabbed a napkin out of my purse, handing it to Klaus. He had blood all over his mouth. It was disgusting. "Sorry, babe," he winked at me and I rolled my eyes as he grabbed my hand, leading us away.


The next morning Damon was at our door. When we got home last night, Klaus showed Hayley to one of the guest rooms. I wasn't happy about her staying here but Klaus seduced mee into not throwing a fit about it. "Ah," Klaus uttered as he stared at Damon, who was smiling fakely and leaning in the doorway.

"Come in, Damon," I called from the couch.

"What an unpleasant surprise," Klaus muttered as Damon walked past him.

"Hello, Allie," Damon greeted, walking towards me before addressing Klaus. "So I just came up with a list. It's called 'things you suck at.' Number one: Finding Katherine. Ever."

I laughed and then covered my mouth when Klaus shot us both a flat look. I patted my spot on the couch and Klaus reluctantly joined me. "Sorry, hon," I whispered in his ear, wrapping my arms around him.

Damon cleared his throat to get our attention. "Number two: Covering up your secret phone conversations with that little backstabber Hayley," Damon continued. I tensed up and slowly released Klaus as he stood up to face Damon.

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