Finding A Way Out

By Kristiee18

9K 165 21

"NO!!", I screamed at him as he turned and started walking away. "What did you just say?", He said as he turn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 14

288 5 1
By Kristiee18

Yayyy! I Finally Updated! Though I Don't Like How Short It Is Because I Had Originally Planned To Have Chapter 13 And 14 In One Clump But I Was Taking So Long I Thought It Was Cruel To Make You Wait So Long On My Blank Mind! But At Least It's Out And I'm Gonna Try To Work On Chapter 15 Right Away Because I'm Super Duper Tired And Since School Barely Started I Don't Have To Worry About Homework!!! Yippeee Doodle!!!

AnyWays Enjoy!!! ^·^

 I'll Edit Later!!


He walked me to a huge room with a podium and hundreds of chairs. The room looked like it was made for meetings and the walls were painted yellow with wooden floor boards. I've never been in this room. Usually when I actually attended a meeting they were held outside and didn't last longer than ten minutes.

Of course this meeting was important if they were finally promoting James as Alpha. Although the pack likes having Alpha Jared as our leader, it is only natural that the Alpha's first male heir has all rights to be Alpha when they become the proper age of eighteen. But then again James has been eighteen for months now.

I wonder why they are barely announcing James as leader now when he should have gained the title of Alpha months ago?

I let go of James' hand and left to go have a seat with the audience as everybody started to file in. I didn't want to sit in the very front as to not cause attention to myself more than I already have. I went to the last row of chairs and sat down. I watched as everybody sat down all around me.

A shadow appeared over me and I looked up to see James looking at me with amusement. What was so amusing? "What are you doing?"

What? What does he mean 'what am I doing?' "Sitting?", I answered questionably. Was I not supposed to be sitting or what?

He grabbed my arm and gently lifted me out of my sitting position, "You came with me. So that means you sit with me in the front of the room", He said like it was obvious while chuckling.

In the front? "Uhh, n-n-n-n-"

"Oh come on, it'll be fine. You don't have to be nervous Michelle", he said softly, cutting me off. His words did bring me comfort, so I let him lead me up onto the stage where the podium and a few chairs were put. Alpha Jared and his mate, our Luna, Olivia were sat on two of the four chairs and me and James took the other two. While everybody was settling in, I took a look at the Alpha who looked really happy and the Luna who didn't look so happy. I wonder what was wrong?

The doors to the room closed when everybody was in and seated. We had around three hundred members in our pack so I was suprised there was enough chairs for every one. I would have thought that there would be people standing in the back of the room.

Alpha Jared stood and walked to the podium, his whole posture screamed authority. There was a lot a murmuring and whispers on what was going on and thoughts on what the meeting was about. It seemed like everybody was in their own world, talking amongst themselves. He put his hand up silencing everybody. "Thank you, now I know you all may be wondering what you are all doing here and we have a couple things to discuss. So I will try not to take too long, so you all may go to your homes", his voice was loud and deep and contained his Alpha power. Everybody had curiosity in their eyes and were so eager they were practically at the edges of their seats.

A small chuckle escaped my lips as I imagined everybody looking at the Alpha like they were starving dogs and he had a bone they all wanted. It was even funnier because the meaning behind 'dogs' wasn't quite so off.

"What's so funny?", James' whispered in my ear, making me jump almost out of my chair. Without opening my mouth, I reached into his mind showing him the images I had of the pack, the dogs, and the bone through the link. As soon as I finished he chuckled making the Luna look at him disapprovingly while shaking her head. He rolled his eyes in response but his whole demeanor seemed to change. His body seemed to go stiff and I had a feeling the moment with him and his mother had a double meaning. But whatever it was, having to sit inbetween him and his mother was making me feel a little awkward.

"A couple of days ago, we were attacked by rouges coming from the northern border. They came into our lands and attacked a member of our pack, Michelle. Gratefully, she was unscathed and occupied the enemy until we got there and handled the problem", people gasped at what he said and some pairs of eyes found me. Some held relief while others held distaste, as if it didn't really matter that I had been attacked, and some held shock. Probably because I managed being confronted by rogues without having a scratch on me. Rogues are known to be vicious werewolves, so the fact that I was perfectly fine was most likely surprising. They probably thought since they always beat me up, I couldn't protect myself.

Well they couldn't be more wrong. Maybe now they'll know better than to mess with me.

"But,", Alpha Jared said catching every ones attention again. "that does not exclude the fact that the rogues had managed to cross into our territory without notice. Our perimeter will be monitored at all times and the number of pack members per shift will be increased to four men. Also the northern border will be watched more carefuly due to it being the farthest from the pack house and the easiest entrance into our lands"

Our territory was quite big so I would see why the Alpha would be extra catious. Past the northern border was yards of rogue land. Some people call it No-Man's Land because the land isn't claimed by any packs and there are rogues that will attack and kill you. And the council can't do or say anything about it because you went out into the land on your own free will.

A loud smack echoed throughout the room as Alpha Jared clapped his hands together, "Well now that the serious discussion is over, we will get on with the main reason why we are having this meeting" His voice was loud as a large smile spread across his face, showing his perfect white teeth. With that said, all eyes were glued to him. Following his every move and listening to his every word.

"Unfortunately everybody I will be retiring..", he said pausing for emphasis before his smile, if possible, got even bigger. " Say hello to your new Alpha. James Quill!" As soon as he said that, the room erupted in cheers, clapping, and whistles. I was even clapping.

Before when I didn't know James. I wouldn't have been so ecstatic to know he would be our Alpha. The person in charge of three hundred plus wolfs. To take care of the whole pack all on his own. Back then I thought of him as selfish, cruel, and self centered. But over this past week I've gotten to know James on a more personal level and I have total faith in him. I was pretty sure it was a lot of pressure on a wolf to know he had a whole pack depending on him. If it were me I wouldn't know how to handle it; it would probably a handful and stressful. But Alpha, or should I say Ex-Alpha, Jared had no problem taking care of the Blackwood pack and I'm sure James won't either.

It seemed as if time froze and my body stopped functioning. I had all of a sudden gone deaf and there was a loud ringing in my ear. I'm sure my heart stopped for a second until going into over drive, pounding erratically. My brain on the other hand, was completely blank. It was like I was completely numb as Alpha Jared's next words whipped at me.

"And his chosen mate, Michelle Beggens!"


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