No Turning Back

By NommDePlume

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"I didn't choose you. I just took one look at you, and then -- there was just NO TURNING BACK" - Anonymous More

No Turning Back
CH1: First Encounter
CH2: Torete
CH3: If We Fall In Love
CH4: Mistaken
CH5: Beggin [R]
CH6: He Got the Guts
CH7: Sparkle
Ch8: Meet the Fiance
CH9: Stranger
CH10: Engagement Party 1
CH11: Engagement Party 2
Ch12: Geronimo-Anderson Nuptial
CH13: The Reception
CH14: Life is Short
CH15: Hide-and-Seek [R]
CH16: Hide-and-Seek II
Ch17: 522
CH18: Secret Sanctuary
CH19: The Life Saver & The Heart Confuser
CH20: Just The Two of Us
CH21: Forever By Your Side
CH22: Only You
CH24: Insensitive
CH25: Adam & Eve???
Ch26: The Promise
CH27: We're the Perfect Two

CH23: Fairytale

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By NommDePlume


Sarah’s POV

I never thought in my life to walk hand in hand under the bright moonlight with the person I didn’t even imagine to fall for. Suddenly, a slow music started playing at the park as the water fountain danced accordingly with the tune of the song.

Today was a fairytale, you were the prince I used to be a damsel in distress.

You took me by the hand, and you picked me up at six.

Today was a fairytale, today was a fairytale

I looked up to see his face. He seemed emotionless as he looked straight our way. I bent my head down to see our fingers interlocking like how many couples do. A tiny smile formed on my face.

Today was a fairytale You've got a smile that takes me to another planet

Every move you make, everything you say is right

Today was a fairytale

Huy o!” he caught my attention while he was handing me a pink cotton candy. I didn’t realize that we already stopped from walking. I took the cotton candy from him. I was about to free my other hand from his but he didn’t let it go. Instead, he used his free hand to grab his cotton candy from the vendor. My heart skipped due to happiness. A bigger smile formed my lips.

Kainin mo na yan bago pa malusaw ng hangin yan”, he ordered as we continued walking. I stole a glance at him and caught him eating his cotton candy really fast.

I tried to eat mine too but I couldn’t finish it the way he did his. As I was about to lift my cotton candy, he held my other hand which made the both of us hold the stick. He faced me and stared at me.

Go ahead”, he said, pushing the candy near my mouth. I followed his order.

While my lips were feasting on the sweet food, Gerald slowly bowed down his head to be able to reach and eat the other half of the cotton candy. My cheeks felt warm immediately. I stopped myself from nibbling. I just stared at his beautiful face that was near mine. I was just watching him as he was taking bites of the candy. His eyes were closed. His already red lips were getting wet from eating. Abruptly, he opened his eyes and caught me off guard.

“Okay ka lang?” he asked in a casual tone as if what he just did was just something normal.

“Uhm yeah”, I answered. Is this your way of bringing me to your fairy tale? Because if it is, you are already succeeding. I thought.

I went back to eating, hurriedly finished my part of the candy. I heard a slight chuckle from him.

“What?” I asked. This is so weird. Why am I being timid? What happened to my tounge? Did it shrink?

Gerald shook his head. “Nothing”, he answered then he continued walking ---- fast, pulling my hand he was holding which caused me to almost stumble.

Kuya, bulaklak po. Kuya, mura lang po. Bili na po kayo”, a little girl in white dirty shirt offered Gerald. She had red roses in her hands. She seemed tired from walking the whole night just to find someone to buy her flowers.

With the help of my peripheral vision, I could see Gerald turned his head to see me. I didn’t look back at him because my eyes were fixated on the kid in front of us. I ignored Gerald. Questions just started bombarding my head. Why in the world a kid her age is on this street this time of the night? Why are her parents allowing her to work? Don’t they have jobs? Why these parents keep producing babies when they cannot even provide them good life? Jeez…I feel sorry for you, kiddo.

“Kuya, sige na po bili ka na”, she insisted. I sighed heavily, unconsciously. I knew this kid wouldn’t get luck from Gerald.

“Bilhin ko na lahat yan”, Gerald all of a sudden said. For the second time, my cheeks felt warm. My heart started jumping up and down. Am I hearing him right? He wants to buy all the flowers? For me? What got into him?

Gerald paid the flowers without taking his change. As we reached his car, he opened the back door and gently placed the flowers in the back seat.

Why don’t you give them to me now? I promise I will hold them carefully. I am not going to let them fall apart. Oh my gush, Gerald...enough of the surprises for tonight. What else are you planning to do? Stop by at the store and get me a card or chocolates then hand me the flowers along with them once we finally get home?

A lot of things were running in my brain. Gerald was just focus on his driving.

What are we gonna do once we are inside our house? Am I ready to sleep in one room with you? Beside you? Am I ready to give myself to you? Kiss your cheeks… your nose… your lips… your neck… your chest… waaaaahhhhhh STOP! SARAH! STOP! You are crazy! Erase those crazy thoughts!

But then again, we are married so why not?! HAHAHAHA


“Anong nagyayari sayo? Nababaliw ka na naman?’, I stopped laughing when I heard Gerald talk.

“Uhurmm”, I cleared my throat. “ may naalala lang”, my excused. “Tanga tanga mo Sars”, I whispered to myself.

“What?” he questioned, facing me.

“I said nothing. I just remembered a friend”, I shrugged my shoulder. Then he kept quiet and faced back the road. Weirdo. I thought.


Sarah’s POV

Gerald opened the car door for me and when the both of us were out of the car:

Gerald: Good night.

Me: Aren’t you staying home?

Gerald: *shook his head* Get inside; I will leave once I know you are inside the house. *hands inside his pockets*

Me: Why?

Gerald: *shook again his head*

Me: Where are you staying?

Gerald: A friend’s house. Go on. Get inside. It is getting cold. Make sure that you lock all the windows and the door.

Why are you being like that? Why did you bring me to yopur fairytale when you cannot even make it last?

I remained standing. Gerald slowly took steps to be in front of me. He tilted his head while I, on the other hand was staring at him. I could feel a sharp pain in my chest. Earlier, my cheeks were the ones getting warm. This time, it was my eyes. I took a deep breath just to control my tears. I smiled and nodded few times.

“Oo na, papasok na! Eto talaga! Hahaha”, I laughed, trying my very best to control my about to fall tears. As I was to turn around, Gerald pulled my right arm to face him again. I closed my eyes tightly..waited for his lips to touch my lips. But instead, I felt his lips on my forehead.

“Good night. I’ll call you tomorrow”, he uttered as he released my arm.


Hmpf I hate grocery shopping”, Sarah mumbled to herself, holding three paper bags of foods she bought in a grocery store. The paper bags were blocking her view. She almost bumped into a fat lady. Thanks to the guy who grabbed her waist and pulled her to the side. Sarah got shocked. 

“What the?!!” she yelled.

“Need help?” the guy asked.

Sarah recognized the voice. She tilted her head to the side to be able to see the owner of the voice.

“Sammmm!!!” she screamed. She almost dropped the paper bags due to her excitement. Sam took all the paper bags from Sarah as she gave him a power hug.

Hahahaha pahreng hindi teyo nagkita metegal ah”, he said in his usual broken Tagalog. “Miss mo ko?” he added, acting like a cute little angel.

Sarah just rolled her eyes.

Just kidding. Pero eko, I missed you”, he seriously said while they were striding towards the parking lot. And when they reached Sarah’s car, she opened the trunk for Sam to put the bags.

Sarah crossed her arms over her chest as she raised one of her eyebrows.

“Te-le-ge?” she asked, mimicking Sam. “Eh beket hindi ka nagpahremdem?”

“Hey, quit mocking me! That. Is. Not. FUNNY!” Sam ordered, pointing his index finger on Sarah. Sarah tried to bite his finger but Sam was fast to dodge her attack. Sarah was persistent to bite his finger, she even tried to grab his arm and pull his hand to her.

“Wahhh, wag! Wag! Wag!” Sam cried. “Wag mo bite!” 

“Hahahahaha” Sarah laughed really hard as she stopped harrassing her friend. Both of them sat down on the trunk of her car.

Sarah: Little baby *arms over her chest*

Sam: Little monster *caressing the back of his palm*

Both: Hahahaha

Sam: Why your twin brother isn’t helping you do the grocery? You both live together, right?

Sarah: That jerk is as lazy as a koala bear. He’d rather sleep the whole day than do the chores.

Sam: *raised his eyebrow*

Sarah: What?

Sam: Tell me the truth.

Sarah: That is the truth, he is a lazy pig! Koala bear is too cute to be associated with that jerk.

Sam: He is not your twin brother, is he? I know, Sarah, stop the award winning act.

Sarah: *gave Sam a how-did-you-know kind of look*

Sam: I just figured. I am a man too. I know exactly how he feels about you. I can read his actions. Him, being protective of you. Him, being jealous of me.

Sarah: We are married, Sam. * looked at somewhere with a creased forehead*

Sam: *swayed his head to the side to see Sarah’s face* That! I didn’t know.

Sarah: *blew some air* It is a long story. To make it short, it was an arranged marriage. We don’t love each other. *placed her two hands on the edge of the trunk as she blew another air then pouted her lips*

Sam: I believe the arranged marriage. But I don’t buy your last sentence.

Sarah: I am telling the tru----

Sam: Liar liar pants on fire…

Sarah: Hey! *slapped Sam’s shoulder* Okay! Yes, I love him now but I didn’t love him before.

Sam: What matters most is the present, Serah. Not the past. *Slightly jumped from where he was sitting. Held Sarah’s waist with his hands, lifted her then put her down.

Sarah: Know what? I am happy to be able to find another true friend. *smiled and gave Sam a peck on his cheeks*



Sarah’s POV

 I am a man too. I know exactly how he feels about you. I can read his actions. Him being protective of you. Him being jealous of me.

Sam’s statement earlier at the grocery parking lot kept playing in my head. Gerald? Being protected of me? Na-ah. You are wrong Mr. Sam Milby. He is just an A-hole himself. He just likes to play around. He leads me on all the darn time. I think that ass knows how I feel for him that is why he is enjoying playing my feelings.

As I was organizing the groceries I bought, I pulled out my mobile phone from my back pocket. No missed call, no text message. I exhaled.

I walked towards the living room to check the voicemail.


I took another heavy breath. See? Gerald told me that he was gonna give me a call today but it is already almost night time and he hasn’t called yet.

Is he really staying with his friend? Or…with his ex girlfriend Kim?

To whom did he give the flowers he bought last night?

Did he give them to his ex girlfriend Kim?

I went back to the kitchen, my mind was still wondering. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed an apple. As I was biting the apple, the house phone rang. It could be him! It could be Gerald! I placed the apple down on the countertop.

I ran fast to the living room, my knee even hit the coffee table. Ouch!

“Hello, Ge?” I greeted him.

Oh hi, may I speak to Mrs. Anderson?” the voice of the man on the other line didn’t belong to Gerald. I felt as if dark clouds were hanging all around me.

“This is she”, I answered devastatedly, caressing my knee. But felt proud when I heard him called me Mrs. Anderson.

“Mrs. Anderson, this is the owner of the boutique where you had your wedding gown made”, said the guy on the other line.

“Oh hi! I’ve finally heard your voice Mr. Wedding Planner! If I am not mistaken, you are interested with my Punk’d wedding idea?” I asked cheerfully.

“Hahaha, yes Mrs. Anderson. Actually, my receptionist suggested me that. I am sorry I wasn’t able to make it on your wedding day. Hindi man lang tayo nagkita. Anyway, when are you available for a meeting?

“I am available tomorrow, anytime”, I answered with a big smile plastered across my face. Hmmn odd... maybe I am just happy that my idea will be part of a wedding business. I guess business blood is really running in the family no matter how hard I push myself away from it.

“Dinner meeting at 7pm tomorrow ---“, he said when the door bell rang.

Ding dong.

Ding dong.

“I will see you tomorrow Mrs Anderson at M---“

“Okay, okay. I will see you tomorrow, Mr” I cut him midsentence.

“Mr —“ he couldn’t finish his sentence because I kept interrupting him. I was in a hurry to open the door, thinking that the person outside might be my husband.

“Mr. Sir. Mr. Wedding Planner. Im sorry I really have to go. See you tomorrow!” I hung up. The last sound I heard from him was a soft chuckle.

I ran fast to the door, when I opened it, a short man in white uniform carrying a big white box. Another disappointment.

The man handed me a booklet for me to sign my name as a proof that I received the box. After closing the door, I went back to the living room and placed the box on the couch. I took the tiny card and read it.

“Wear this next Saturday.

A reunion party will be held

at our high school alma mater.

–        Gerald”

I opened the box immediately. I lifted the piece of clothing inside it and what I saw made me want to slash his throat. Seriously? He wants me to wear a plain white sleep dress? What a disgust!

Another tiny note was attached to the box. I took and read it too.

“P.S. your Peter Pan will be waiting for you”

Urggghhh!!! No way! I am not gonna wear this piece of sh!* Not even to please you, Gerald. Forget about Wendy and Peter Pan! I am a princess of my own fairytale.



Song: Today Was a FairyTale bu Taylor Swift

Thanks to the owner of the vid!

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