
By -shebebrax

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๐›๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฆ๐ž๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐œ๐š๐ง'๐ญ ๐›๐ž ๐๐ž๐ง๐ข๐ž๐ . . . More

A/N Review Book
*New Story*


3.2K 83 48
By -shebebrax


From the table of which I was seated, I watched as the beauty I'd happened to fall helplessly for, strutted in my direction. I listened to clacking of her high-enough inch heels, hitting against the silver, painted floor. I studied her figure from head to toe, that drove every man in this here place crazy of desire, and making every woman wish they had those curves and that oh so beautiful, carameled toned skin. That white dress she had been wearing definitely held her body in a way the men most likely wished to. I payed close attention as those perfectly styled curls bounced along her shoulders, causing judgment and speculation to swim through the room.

My Sher Bear was a show stopper, and that, I was sure of.

"Sorry I'm late, Polo." She said, dropping her smooth lips upon my cheek, causing those butterflies to jump, again.
Other than that perfect fitted, white dress and those 'music to my ears' shoes, her lips are lined with red, firing lipstick, and her nails are painted of gray. Why, oh why, did she dress so well, making me wish she was mine, and only mine? Not Khamar's.
"Had to pick up and drop off the bebes." She went on.

I hugged her with my slender arms. "Oh, that's okay, my love. A mother's job is never done, right?"

Sherri's head went up and down. "Right." She then looked at me, cheesing especially hard.

"What?" I wondered of her smiling.

"Well," Her pupils roamed my body. "Aren't you dressed beautifully, this evening?"

I laughed a bit, smiling just as hard as she was. "Y'know what? I think I am." I then moved my head from side to side, swinging my straightened, blonde hair.
Opposite of Sherri, I was dressed in a tight fitted, black dress. Heels of the same color covered my feet, and rose colored lipstick surrounded my lips.

She chuckled. "You're quite a character, Polo. Quite a character."

"So I've been told." I said back. "Seriously though, you look absolutely stunning. Does Khamar know you're here? That we're hanging out tonight?"

I then watched as Sher's brows rose. "Uh, no. I didn't mention anything to him. Why?"

A man dressed in an uniform, with the same words of this restaurant, imprinted on his apron, walked over to our table. First, he asked for which drinks my love and I would prefer, then told us he'd be back to take our official orders.

"Well, we uh...we are on a date, Sherri." I responded, once he had left. "You didn't tell him we're hanging out, just in case he gets worried or anything?"

Her shoulders shrugged. "He knows I'm out, just doesn't know where." She slightly smiled. "Besides, what he doesn't know, won't hurt him."

I wasn't too certain in regards to agreeing with Sherri's decision to not tell Khamar that she was 'hanging' out with me. Even though this was an actual date. But, I guess she was right that if he hadn't known, it wouldn't hurt to keep it that way. "Alrighty then."

I wanted for us to come together—this night—to enjoy eachother. Not to discuss Khamar. Though, I know I was the one who bring him up, I didn't really want to speak of him.

"You get any good sleep, last night?" So, I tried changing the subject.

Sher Bear smiled, revealing those perfect whites. "I've slept wonderfully. Better than I have in a long time." She then took a sip of her drink. "Ever since that night your lips touched mine."

When she'd said that, those butterflies, the same ones that had built a home in my stomach, danced with joy. She sure did know how to send chills down my body, sending them to places I never knew they could go. To places that boiled with heat, heat hotter than the sun.
"Is that so?"

Sher looked at me with eyes drowning of desire. "Mhmhm."

"Y'know," My index finger pointed within her direction. "I have to say I'm relieved to know that you feel the same way I've felt for awhile now."

Her nose wrinkled, forming a puzzled expression. "What? How come you never said anything? About those feelings?"

"Well..." My shoulders went up and down. "There are certain boundaries you just don't cross, when you fall for someone whom you know is married." (Someone should've told Monte that!😂 LMFAO) I said, reaching for my straw so that I could taste my beverage. "I didn't want to put you in an awkward position, knowing that you're married."

Sherri sighed. "Truthfully, I'm not even sure if Khamar and I will continue on. Hopefully, we won't have to worry about him any longer." She paused, catching her breath. "I just don't know how much more of him I can take."

I was flabbergasted. Sherri had never, not once, mentioned separation to me before. Did Khamar really hurt her that much, that she was considering getting a divorce? "You uh..you thinking of leaving him?"

Her eyes moved to the floor. "Probably. Maybe it's what we need." Heavy breaths fell from her body. "Space, time apart."

I shook my head in an up and down fashion, showing my understanding. Well, at least I tried to understand. Sherri didn't give a complete answer. She was basically unsure. And, that was totally fine, considering the past few, painful months. But, if she was still hoping to be with him, even after all he had done, then I should've been aware. Because, if so, then what exactly were we? Furthermore, I found myself concerned because after that kiss at my house, I was pretty sure things between us had leveled up. And, I surely did not mean friend-wise.
"Are you still in love with him?"

She looked away, quite fast. Almost as if she needed time to think of her answer. "I...I don't know."


"You have to communicate." Dr. Mulligan informed my husband and I. "You gotta talk this out, express yourselves."

I breathed heavily. "We don't—we haven't."

Ever since Teri asked me about still being in love with Khamar, it had been the only thought resting within my mind.

I knew that I were to always have love for him in my heart. He had been my husband for an abundance of years, just as he was the father to my children. I was supposed to love him. But, continuing to be in love with him, after all he had done? That was where I was torn. How could I be in love with a man, who had hurt me terribly? Who caused me many sleepless nights, tears I never asked for? I had tried forgiving him, I tried letting it go, but something always pulled me back. And, whatever it was that was pulling me back, was he reason why I wanted our marriage to work, why I wanted our family back.

But, I was unexplainably in love with a woman, and I couldn't help it. I loved her more than she probably imagined, and I just wished I could prove that without it being done secretly. My Teri Polo deserved to know just how much I loved her. She was supposed to know. If I could've erase what I had for Khamar and just ended it all, then I would've . But, things took time. Moving on took time.

"Well, do you speak at all, around the kids?" Our therapist questioned.

"I uh..." I chuckled, ironically. "I just said we don't talk. We just haven't communicated like we should. Y'know?" I then placed the palm of my right hand over my forehead.

This therapy session was supposed to help us. But, all it had done was bring about more stress. Our therapist was truly a nice, middle aged woman. But whenever in her presence, I felt baffled. I hadn't known if it was her, or me and Khamar's situation. But, it was something. "If we do talk, it is most likely about the kids. That's it. Oh, and recently he did mention that he's going on yet another trip. Next week, to be exact."

I watched as Dr. Mulligan's eyes widened. "Really? How do you feel about that?"

I looked over at Khamar, who had been sitting right next to me, hanging his chin below his chest.

"Dr. Mulligan, how would you feel if your husband went on a trip that was to only consist of work, but he ends up cheating instead?" I grew of rage. "And only after a few months of trying to let it go and work through it, he says he has yet another trip to attend, which should only be about work.  But, as his wife, you don't want him to go away, because you can't help but to think about what happened on the previous trip?" I didn't hesitate to let any other word fly from my mouth. She told me to express myself, and that was what I was doing. "How would you feel?!"

She looked at me, flashing eyes of worrisome. Hell, If she knew my pain, she'd understand my rage.
"Khamar?" She then looked over at my husband. "Do you honestly think going away is the best thing to do, right now?"

The pain, trapped in the hairs upon his face, fell as he rose his head. Despair filtered his eyes, guilt consumed his soul entering through his heart.
"I'm an actor." He spoke, firmly. "I act. That's all I'm doing while I'm away. I already told Sherri making that same mistake won't happen again."

Dr. Mulligan's eyes traveled back to me. "Do you trust him, Sherri?"


I paced back and forth in the trailer Sherri and I shared, reciting my lines. While she was out filming a scene with Annika, I thought now would be the perfect time to go over my lines before I were to film with Danny. Apparently, Aj and his brother had run off, and Mike wondered if Stef had mentioned anything to the DA about Tye being the hit and run guy.

"Polo?" I knew the beauty that owned that voice. That sweet, soft voice.

"In here!" I responded, as the door flung open.

She marched right on in, those curls dangling. "I missed you out there." She then stepped closer to me, positioning her lips on mine.
I barely kissed back. It was just that I couldn't help but wonder if Sherri wanted to continue on with her marriage with Khamar, counting me out.

She noticed my slight kiss, when she asked, "What's wrong?"

"Sherri-" I paused, breathing heavily.

"What?" She grew worried. "What is it?"

I motioned between the two of us. "Are we serious? Help me to understand this—this thing that we have?"

"Of course we're serious." She grabbed at my hands. "Unless there's a reason why we shouldn't be."  

"Well, for starters, you're married, Sher. Plus, this 'thing' that we have is—it's an affair, love. I know that hurt people hurt others, but—"

She released our touch, and I never felt so bad. "Wait. I am not my husband. I would never hurt you, or anyone else. This is so sudden, Teri. I can't believe you think I would hurt—"

"No, you're not Khamar. That is very clear, and I know that." I knew that Sherri would never stoop that low to hurt any human being. She could never. She just wasn't that type of person, never had been. "All I'm saying is what if we get too serious, and you're still in love with your husband? What if you can't let go?"

Sherri tuggged at my waist, pulling us closer. "Listen, I'll always have love for him in my heart for obvious reasons, but that doesn't mean I love you any less." She planted her hand on my shoulder. "When you touch me, Teri, I even can't put the feeling into words. Or, when you look at me, with those beautiful, color changing eyes..." Sher laughed a little, stopping in the middle of her sentence. "I guess I can't really explain that feeling, either."

I smiled an enormous smile, loving the desire spiraling around us. "This is why I love you, Sherri."

Like me, she smiled as her eyes fell to my lips, covered of lust. "I love you, too." She then awarded me with a gentle kiss. "Always have." And, another kiss. "Always will."


I pulled into the drive way of my home, with a banging headache. The boys were with my sister again, so I didn't have to worry about them. Khamar was home, but the last thing I needed was any more drama from him.

It had been a long day at work. From having to shoot multiple scenes, to Teri thinking I would hurt her.
Honestly, I still couldn't grasp the fact that she thought I would, or could ever do that. I loved her too much to cause her pain. Way too much.

I opened the front door to my home, stopping at the doorway when I heard voices.
I walked through the living quarters, only to see no one. I found myself in the kitchen, placing my purse down on the table. I then heard whispers, and when I looked to my right, where our dining area was located, I spotted Khamar and a woman, whose face was rather unknown.

I walked over to them. My husband looked up at me, his pupils trapped in worry.
"Hey, Sher." He greeted me. Being completely rude and not introducing me to this figure standing in my home.

I slightly smiled. "Uh, hello."

Feeling quite awkward, I stood before the woman of blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, offering my hand to shake. "Hi, I'm Sherri, Khamar's wife. You are?"

"Michelle." She spoke with a low, guilt filtered voice.

Every fiber in my body began to boil, heating with puzzlement. If this was the Michelle that he'd been texting, then the both of them had better start praying.

My eyes widened, me growing furious. "Wait a minute, are you...Michelle Collins?!"

Khamar stood up, grabbing at my arm. He had some nerve.

"Yes." The woman answered, hanging her head low. "And, there's something I need to share."

My eyes jumped between the both of them.
And, If looks could kill, every breath that they breathed, would've come to an end.

"What? What could you possibly have to say?!" My voice rose, as I studied the woman, crossing my arms above my chest. I admit I was impatient to hear her speak.

Michelle's eyes marched upon the floor, leaving trails of unclear, yet aching signals.


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