Once Upon A Dime (hiatus)

By sleepysheepies

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On May 11th, 1981, Bob Marley had stated his final goodbye's to the world, as he departed from this to the ne... More

1. Ice-cream and Ignorance
2. Carnivals and Claustrophobia
3. Friends and Foes
4. Visitors and Viruses
5. Secrets and Seekers
6. Movies and Meltdowns
7. Trips and Turn-ons
8. Friends and Family
9. Lasers and Ladies
10. Creeps and Crimes
11. Dead and Dread
12. Phone calls and Phonies
13. Anger and Arguements
14. Shopping and Showdowns
15. Comfort and Confrontations
16. Absense and Aggravation
18. Sorrow and Snowflakes
19. Promises and Proposals
20. Bryant and Bets
21. Burgers and Breakups
22. Torment and Torture
23. Lust and Lies
24. Dreams and Delusions
25. Fondness and Farewells
26. Saviors and Solutions
27. Passion and Promises

17. Morons and Money

235 9 0
By sleepysheepies

The week seems to have just a dandy time, coming by slothfully and ridiculously slow. Every minute seems to take four hours to pass by, and each time I look up at the clock, just above the door, I get all the more discouraged. I cringe at every time the second hand moves, waving at me as slow as it dares. Any slower, and I might just rip out my hair and scream. I'm not so slowly nearing my date for insanity. Thanks, Kenny.


Upon the thought of my blonde haired beauteous savior, a fresh set of butterlies spring up inside my belly, making an aloof, queasy feeling take a light effect. They transform into an abudance of incensed gorillas, thrasing on the inside of my organs for some escape. They pound and harass the side of my stomach, almost seeming as it might burst at any second.

"And your presentations on Chiang Kai Shek are due by...." Mrs. O'Heore brings out, tapping the top of her bifocals.

"Next Thursday, Mrs. O'Heore." The zombified students respond dispassionately around me, sporting dead features and sagging eyelids. To say that I'm scared would be the under statement of the year. I'd like my brains inside my skull, thanks.. Not in your mouths....

Thursday. That's what it is. The 29th. Two more days until I get to carry out my plan of mass destruction. Cue evil laugh!


No, I apologize.

"Hey!" A shrewd voice hisses from behind me, jabbing me in the shoulder. "This is from the kid over there."

She gestures to a small, blonde haired boy, chewing his nails. His striped blue and white t-shirt stands out against his tanned skin. Tanner. He gives me an elfish wave, before zoning in on Mrs. O'Heore. Such an over achiever.

"Thanks..." I scowl slightly at the girl behind me, realizing now that it's none other than Stinky Susan herself.

How dare she show up here, and uninvited! I should show her a piece of my mind! Oh, boy... The things I oughtn't do....

I seize away the tiny, folded paper before she has a chance to even think about reading it, and open it up in the secrecy of my protective binder.

'Hey. Never got to thank you for saving my life on the 14th. You're my angel! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥'

I shoot Tanner a provocative smirk, and he makes a heart with his hands.

Finally, after listening to more than one complaint from multiple different students about the project and what-not, I'm firmly convinced that my peers don't give two flying craps about their education. Such lazy people! Well, I can't say I'm much different.

I watch in a suspenceful agony as the second hand quickly approaches the hour. I drone out each and every separate sound, and focus solely on the syncopated slams that pass by excruciatingly slow. But nonetheless, it comes. The bell rings out, and the stampede of children around me flock towards the door, not caring if they snap or break each other in half, because of course; if they don't leave as soon as the fucking bell goes off, they're going to get stuck here forever and ever and ever.


I stroll innocently down the halls, minding my own business, as the football jocks and sports chicks prance heightly above everyone else, as if they somehow represented a higher class. Sure, the big game is Saturday, and no, I'm not planning to go. I don't know anyone on the sports teams, for starters, and I'm kind of busy that day, in case you didn't remember.

This week is having it's fun, oh yes it is, passing by as fast as an intoxicated slug.

 "Yo, hippie! Wait up!"

I scowl at nothing, earning a few disearning looks from passing teenagers, as I turn frigidly around to meet this annoying toddler of a boy.

Since yesterday, when I accidentally wore green with red, as well as purple shoes, Jackson's been calling me 'hippie'. It's not mean, and it's not even offensive. But it's starting to piss me off.

"What do you want, Jackson?" I snap, reeling away from his approaching hand.

"What's up with you?" He half mocks, prodding on the side of my face with the eraser of his pencil. "I was just wondering if you were free Saturday."

"W-what?" I blurt, basking confusion. Is... Is Jackson asking me out? But I'm 19! And he's.... 16?

"Did you even hear me, hippie? I asked if you were free." He looks at me through the carved slits in his eyes, crossing his hands over his chest. "I need you to do something with me."

"A-are you asking me out?" I shout out, unaware of my volume. My outburst flings itself across the halls, carrying out for everyone to hear.

As if in slow motion, every single head in the hallway turns to stare at us, outraged horror on their faces. Oh. Fuck.

"What the?! No! Jenny!" He groans loudly, his mood having quickly turned sour. He snaps my shirt between his fingers, and tows me roughly down a hall and into a storage closet of some kind.

"No! Let me go! Let me go! I didn't do anything to you!" I wail on my way in, my feet dragging on the floor in front of me. "Mommy!"

"Quiet down, little hippie!" He ruffs, slicking back some of his hair with his palm. He locks the door behind him, and flicks on the lightswitch.

I instantly take notice of the two person leather couch on the far wall, opposing a basket of bagaged goodies, including Lays, Pringles, Tostitos, and more. My mouth waters at the very sight.


"I set this up for Paris. No one uses this space so..." He scratches the back of his head feverishly, a flush creeping up the sides of his neck. "That's why I brought you in here."

"What? Why?" I accuse him slightly with my words, towering a good two inches above his head. He shrinks down into a plush bean bag chair, brushing some of his distressed hair out of his face. He looks concerned. Horribly concerned. As if he's screwed up something, and awaiting punishment.

"I want to bring Paris here but..." He licks his lips, and continues to talk. "She's been down, and I think it's because of me. I need to get her something."

"Like what?"

"I don't know? A necklace? Hey, I'm a guy, stupid hippie. I don't know these things. That's where you come in." He looks up at me, bashful for some encouragement. Sure, he's being cocky as ever, but he's... he's just like a little puppy. He really cares for Paris, although I'm sure he's never admitted that.

"So? Are you in?"

"Can't. I... I'm busy on Saturday." I bite my lip cautiously, scanning the room for any possible escape routes.

"Then Sunday! Please, Jenny. I need this..." Jackson whinnies, pouting up at me.

"Okay, okay. Saturday it is." I wave him away, and as discreet as can be, ignore his frantic jumping motions and arm movements. His face, never having looked that happy before.

▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░Once Upon A Dime░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

"What does that one look like?"

"Uh... Gee, I don't know. A marshmallow?! I'm no good at these things!"

He laughs, and kisses the top of my nose, a pleasant tingle erupting in the back of my head and traveling down my body, warming my form.

"They can't all look like marshmallows, silly. Have an imagination." He grins freely, his signature blue eyes locking with mine.

How he could put up with my boring, dull, brown eyes is beyond me. All I know is he's starring into them as if he can't find himself anywhere else.

A blush navigates it's way to my cheeks, and I look away shyly. I flop back down onto the grass, gazing up at the melting clouds, and the abyss of objects that I can't seem to put a finger on.

So that one is supposed to be a bicycle? Kenny told me it was. I don't have an eye for these things!

"Hey, uh..." He clears his throat, gesturing for me to sit up and face him, as a non socially awkward teen would do. But, being the idiotic person I am, I stay put, and wait for him to finish his thought. "I'm really sorry.. About avoiding you. I just... I don't know."

"It's okay." I stay as stiff as a board, hoping the apologies will pour out of him at any moment. I deserve some explanation for his wild abandonment.

"No. It's not. I can't think straight, Jen. I c-can't..." He splutters, hugging his knees for any type of warmth. A strong gust swings by, tussling his hair every which way. His leg hairs stand sturdy on their ends. "It was hell. Hell, it was. Forcing myself away from you..."

"Why did you?" I say mousily, sitting in a pretzel now to confront him. My expression hardened itself, eager for the answers I'll finally be getting.

He takes one solemn look at me, before hurling himself on top of me, wrapping any stray limbs around my body. His arms coil around my torso, as we roll down a grassy hill. I get a variety of bugs and leaves into my mouth, but not before tumbling all the way down to the bottom, with him on top of me, pinning my arms at my sides.

"Explain yourself." I whisper shout, feeling my bottled rage begin to resurface. Don't lose your cool.. Don't....

"I love-"▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░Once Upon A Dime░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

"Jenny! Jackson's here!"

"Yeah.. Me too..."

"Don't make me come up there!"

"No, no, really. I'm good..."

The creak of a door interrupts my quiet slumber, and I grumble into my pillow. Without warning, a burst of light streams in, stinging my eyes through their lids. I yelp in pain, crashing my palms on my violated sockets, and come toppling over the bedside. My head hits something like a rock, and a singe of pain tickles my brain. A constant throb irritates the back most crevices, and I writhe in pain.

"Leave me alone."

"Jackson's here!" Mom taps my ribs with the tip of her boot, spurring a variety of muscle spasms and quivers to radiate throughout my body.

Jackson? Mmm. Why would he be here? For Paris?

"So?" I yawn groggily, sitting up from the floor, and scrubbing my face free of any debris. She grins heartily down at me, offering a hand of which I gladly accept.

"He told me what you guys are doing today for Paris..." She giggles excitedly, hopping in place. "Go on! Get down there!"

She swiftly flees the room, not one trace of her ever having been in here. I sigh, and shrug on a pair of jeans, before escaping down the stairs to meet my unruly fate, the blush from my dream never leaving the apples of my cheeks. Jackson stands tall, hiding in the shadow of the television. His complexion, filled to the brim with angst, appears uncertain and wary, as if he's in a lion's cage with a hungry beast, waiting to pluck out his organs.

His eyes navigate to my body, and a dwarfish smile plagues his face. "Ready to go?"

"You bet. Let me just get my wallet." I attempt to floor it to the kitchen, but his hesitant hand bracing my shoulder says otherwise.

"We're just goin' to pick something out at the mall. Why would you need to pay for it?" He lowers his eyes to meet mine, unsaid questions residing deep inside himself.

Wait. Did he just say....

The mall?!

Oh no. No, no. There is absolutely no way I'm ever going back in that place after last time.

The virtual memory of being taken ransom by whatever his name is still plagues my dreams constantly. Except I can't keep out of my head the fact that Kenny saved me... Twice now.

Jesus Christ! Now that I think over it for the billionth time now, he's putting himself in danger, again, because of me. If what the doctor said is true, about the bullet belonging to a hunting rifle, there's no way that Kenny's name won't come up. But.. The thrill of knowing he'd do that.. for me....

A rhino rams on the inside of my stomach, provoking a tingling feeling to spread throughout my body, coating me in butter. I bite my bottom lip, containing a beaming smile, as I jump into the passenger's seat of Jackson's SUV. How could he afford something like this? I hadn't known him to be very rich.

Oh, Lord. We're going out, to a store. And I'm dressed as well as a pig on Christmas morning.

"You are so smitten." Jackson turns a corner, thrusting me to the side. I glare at him from beneath my baby caterpillars, and stifle a sigh.

"Am not."

"You are to! You're a lucky guy. Kenny's a keeper. Not try'n be gay, or nothin'."

"W-what? I wasn't thinking about Kenny!" I cry, feeling a false accusation takes it's toll on my pride. I despise being accused of something I didn't do. Hate it. Hate it, hate it, hate it!

But.. In this case, I may be lying.

Okay, okay. I know what you're thinking. How could I love an ass like him? I don't know, but certainly no one will be finding out any time soon.

"You so were!" He laughs. "Everytime you think about him, you blush, and bite your nails."

"Shut up." I grumble, feeling that signature red carry up to my cheeks, yet again. "Can we not go to the mall?"

"Why not?" He frowns slightly, his protruding lips forming a thin line.

"I just.. Don't go there." I fold my knees up to my chest, and rest my chin on top.

He seems to sense the tenderness of the topic, for he doesn't press it. His eyes do a 360 around our surroundings, choosing the best destination to practice his lovely 'U' turn skills. He spins the wheel swiftly around, careening the car into the next lanes beside us.

"Okay, I've had my actual driver's liscense for about two months, but I'm very sure that was illegal." I point out, fashioning my fantastic observational skills, and he winks at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Why don't you drive more?"

"Oh, believe me. If I had a car to drive, I'd be on the roads all day." I wash over my face with my hands, hopefully waking up my dead features. I don't even think I'm awake yet. This is probably another stupid dream, and I'm probably going to have a nightmare right after this. Watch and see. Watch, watch, w...

"Yeah, well... Don't get too used to driving." Jackson narrows his eyes, his breaths coming out jagged and uneven. His words, sounding something similar to bullets, pierce through the glass in front of us, petrifying the outside air. His tone is colder and more sour than the weather.

"W-what?" I blink, honestly frightened about his split mood change. God! Everyone seems to have two personalities, around here.

"It's just..." His anger facade wilts, and his eyebrows draw together. "My brother would've been 25 today. He got...."

I can almost make out the lump in Jackson's throat, as he attempts to swallow down the pain. Either that, or it's his very evident Adam's apple.

"No, sh, Jackson. It's okay." I rub circular motions into his shoulder, yearning for his happiness to come and take over. "You were there for me at my darkest hour, I'm here for yours."

"Thanks." He fakes a smile, pulling into a parking space, and slipping the keys out of the ignition. "We're here."

I gaze up in wonder at the two story shop in front of me, wondering how something could get that tall. 'Marianne's Diamonds' are written in big, blinding letters at the far top, blinking different colors every few seconds. Even colors I don't have a name for feature for a few seconds on end. We hop out, and walk to the front, eyeing the different jewels displayed in their glass coffins.

"Hello! Welcome to-" A bubbly attendant shows up out of thin air, gesturing for us to come into her store, when she stops mid-motion. She glances between us, an eyebrow unconsciously making it's way up to her hairline, and she draws her hands together. "Can I help you two?"

"Yes, actually. I'm here to purchase." Jackson claps his hands together, approaching the gem maid with a vulnerable stare. She gawks at him, horrified by his age, and looks at me, her eyes yearning for some help.

"Purchase... what?" She says slowly, almost dreading his response. He begins to open his mouth, but I place a firm hand on his should- mouth, praying to God he won't lick my hand. Too late. I scowl at him, heaving him out of the way.

"Hi. We'd like a thin necklace, preferably sterling silver, with a locket on end in the form of a diamond." I smile all-knowingly, making her features light up. I guess all she wanted was a professional. Well, I'm not that professional, but I know what Paris likes. Diamonds are her favorite shape. Oh! I hope she knows I meant the shape and not an actual diamond...

"Yes! Of course. Right this way." She leads us through a wide section of rings, bracelets, and other jewels for different parts of your body, when we finally reach the section advertising the 'necklaces'. She pulls one out from the bottom most rack, eyeing it carefully, before presenting it to us. "Does this fit your description?"

A light, braided chain hangs gleamingly from her palm, hardly scraping on the surface below. A diamond shaped pendant hangs in the middle, classy red streaks spinning through it as if it were lightning. What a coincidence. Red is Paris' favorite color. It appears to be made of diamonds, as well. Man. Who could afford such a thing?!

"How much?" I pipe up, wary of the extreme value of the mere object.

"$970." She smiles, while nodding her head, assuring us that she's not a haggler, and never will be. I'd like to not get kicked out of this store, so I won't press it any more than that.

"That's all?" Jackson blinks, coming up to my side.

"Uh.." The woman behind the counter stutters, obviously not having prepared herself for that comment.

"We'll take it!" Jackson yips in place, holding the scruff of my collar in an attempt to force me and canter around with him to his heart's desire. He stops for a moment, peering into my eyes attentively. "Thank you, really. Now, I know I might be a jackass sometimes-"

"Ha! Jack-son. Jack-ass. Ha! I can't believe-" I feel a tear of joy escape down my cheek, and he pushes me away playfully.

"Thank you, for that." He says through a clenched jaw, and smiles with a curled lip.

"Here you go!" The lady behind the counter is almost too eager to hand the wrapped box to us, and almost loses hold of it. She laughs anxiously, straightening out the hem of her tight, pale shirt, and extending it out for us to take once more.

"Great. Thanks." Jackson smiles horribly, doing a terrible job at showing his disapproval of this woman. I smack him on the arm disappointedly, and he fakes hurt, rubbing his bicep for more than a few consecutive minutes. "Anyway, if Paris doesn't like this, I'm going to kill you."

"No you won't." I laugh at his meager attempt at a threat, but when I glance back at him, his eyes, lowered in annihilation, his lip, curved in murder, and his eyebrows, crossed in concentration, I shrink down to the size of a mouse, and disappear through the small hole in the wall, just above the electrical socket.

Okay, that was an over statement.

But, seriously. He will kill me.

And I'd be okay with that.

I'll see you in hell, Jackson.

- - -

A/N :

I've been trying to get one chapter a day out, but I don't think I'll be having a chapter come out tomorrow, but I'll try! I have most of it written actually. I LOVE YOU GUYS. Have a nice rest of the summer.

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