Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian f...

By kealohas

544K 22.4K 2.1K

Living with guilt and a broken heart, Lacey joins the military to drown out the memories of her past. But the... More

Author's Note
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
What do you think?

Part 18

14.6K 700 142
By kealohas

Lacey's POV

I walked with Amelia the few blocks back to the hotel, my mind still spinning from the moments a few minutes ago. I stopped in front of the elevator and paced. 'What the fuck just happened!' I thought.

Moments later Lauren and Morgan busted through the doors out of breath. "Lace," Lauren rushed over, throwing her arms around me.

"Did you know?" I asked my voice shaking with anger.

"No." she answered, " she said she left him last year when I called and the last time I talked to her she said she needed to talk to us, which is when she invited us for Thanksgiving, she made me promise not to say anything," she continued. "I didn't know about. If I did..." She signed.

I looked over to Amelia who stood worriedly not saying a word. "I need to go for a walk." She nodded and placed a kiss on my cheek. I headed to the door and headed to the one place I always went to, to think.

I lost track of time as I sat there only realizing the sun was setting when a voice brought me out of my thoughts. "I never understood why you like it here, those fake plant people always gave me the creeps." Jackie's voice shuttered from behind me referring to the various topiaries decorating the park.

I sat there silently not sure of what to say to my old girlfriend, who was back from the grave. "Look I'm sure you have questions., She said hesitantly "I don't have any excuse for my actions. But you can't blame your mother. She only found out three years ago when I came home for my mother's funeral." She said sitting on the bench next to me, my eyes never leaving the pond in front of me. "I made her promise not to tell you, once she and my dad started dating it only got harder for her. That's when she contacted Lauren to ask her to bring you home."

I sat there still not knowing what to say. Only one question swirling in my mind, So I finally asked. "Why?" I whispered. "Why'd you let me think you were dead?"

"I didn't know Lacey, " she whispered back. " I had no idea at first that you thought that."

I laughed, "What an idiot." I laughed harder. "The way your father broke down saying you were gone!" I continued laughing. "I guess I was always one to read too much into things." I spat sarcastically as I stood and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" she asked. "we still need to talk."

"Another time maybe, I need to get back," I said quickly making my way back towards the hotel. I was no longer the same girl she knew and protected all those years ago. Seeing her here, alive I realized now that the memories I held onto were just that, memories.

I walked into the room finding Amelia sitting on a chair facing the window. "Ley," she cried out as she rushed into my arms.

"I'm sorry I left," I said hugging her close.

'Its fine baby, I was just worried about you. she countered. "after you left your mom, Jackie, and her dad showed up. Lauren got into a shouting match with them and Morgan took them to her room." She explained. "I didn't want to interfere so I came here to wait for you. "

I sighed and pulled Amelia towards the bed. "It's been a long day, we can worry about all of that tomorrow." I pulled out one of my long shirts for her and stripped down to my boxers and sports bra and climbed into bed exhausted, I reached my arm around Amelia once she got in and tugged her close to me and rested my head against hers. "I'm glad you're here with me," I whispered as I closed my eyes sleep coming quicker than I anticipated.


I woke the next morning to someone banging on the door. "make them go away." I heard Amelia whine as she hid under the pillow, the banging continued. I got out of bed and rushed to the door pulling it open forcefully.

"What the fuck!" I growled still groggy from sleep.

"Attention!" a voice boomed making me stand at attention. "you have thirty seconds to get you scrawny ass in gear Gunny, we're going for a run!" without even thinking I quickly threw on my sweatpants and running shoes, grabbing a warm winter thermal fleece jacket, before bolting out the door passing my sister on the way.

I heard my sister chuckle before exchanging a brief word with Morgan as I waited by the opened elevator. I shook my head realizing what just happened. "Damn Morgan!" I cursed as she stood next to me. she just laughed and threw her arm around me as I pushed her off.

"Come on Lace, the run will do you some good, the girls will meet us for breakfast in an hour," she said pulling me into the elevator. "Y-you" she spluttered. You should have seen yourself I've never seen you move that fast since boot camp," she laughed.

"You caught me off guard. Asshole!" I muttered pulling the rubber band from my ponytail and redoing it as we exited the elevator and headed into the cold morning air.

"This is your town, lead the way," she motioned. It was only five in the morning as I led Morgan toward the High school knowing the track there would be empty. "Wow this is your high school?" she asked.

"Cristo Rey Columbus High School, yeah," I said sarcastically. " I hated this school."

"Yeah but look at you now, Gunnery Sergeant Crawford." She hollered. "Your such a badass now Lace, you'd have the women of Columbus dropping their thongs at your feet if you weren't such an introvert," She said laughing.

"Better not let my sister hear the way you're talking like that." I scolded.

She stopped and walked a little onto the field. "so how are you really doing?" she stopped and looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders and sat down on the field. "Look I know it's a lot to take in and it's just the tip of the iceberg."  She said sitting next to me while looking at me with sympathetic eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You'll have to let them explain." She answered. "Remember what I said though about your temper. It'll all work out for the best, besides you've got a beautiful woman waiting for you. I've never seen anyone make you as happy as she does."

I smiled thinking about Amelia, yes I loved Jackie once but Amelia completes me. "Yeah I do," I smiled. "Um Morg," I said timidly. "Do you think you can help me with something?"

"Sure" she answered getting to her feet and holding a hand out to help me up. "what is it?"

"Ineedhelpbuyingaring." I blurted. "waitdoyouthinkitstosoon?" I continued to ramble as I bounced from foot to foot as I looked at the ground.

"Awe my bestie it all grown up." she cooed as she pinched my face causing me to swat her hand. "Wait is this like a promise ring or..." she hugged me excitedly "Are you going to ask her to marry you?" she shouted.

I rubbed the back of my neck as I peeked up at her through my bangs, a sheepish smile on my face. "You think it's too soon?" I asked.

"Hell No!" she answered patting my back causing me to feel relieved, "we can go after breakfast if you like, let the girls do their own thing for a few hours." I nodded. "well let's go we're meeting them at that the diner." She said while heading in the wrong direction.

"Ah, Morgan." She stopped "it's this way," I motioned with my thumb over my shoulder.

She laughed. "Like I said before, lead the way."

We headed straight for the diner to find the girls sitting at the same table chatting away. "Finally!" Lauren chimed, "I was ready to eat the menu."

"Dang sis. You're always hungry. Did Morgan knock you up or something." I teased.

"No, but she is to blame for me burning off an excessive amount of calories," she teased back placing a passionate kiss on Morgan's lips.

"Eww! TMI. " I gagged causing the girls to laugh as I unzipped my jacket. I turned to see my girlfriend staring at my abs. I smiled as I ran my hands over them slowly, watching her lick her lips in response.

"That woman of yours in melting into a puddle Lace." Morgan chuckled causing Amelia's eyes to shoot up to my face as she blushed. "better put those away before she attacks you where you sit." Morgan kidded.

"But it's too hot," I whined attempting to zip my jacket back up. Amelia quickly reached for my hand shaking her head 'I'll behave.' She whispered. I leaned over and cupped her face as I kissed her, her fingers brushed over my taut abs causing me to shutter.

"Are you ready to order." the waitress asked reminding me where we were. I leaned down and grabbed the menu as Lauren ordered her pancakes.

"I'll have the Coach special, eggs over easy with crispy bacon and a cup of coffee," I said looking back to Amelia.

"Lace?" the waitress asked. "is that you?"

I looked up seeing an old friend. "Sarah?" I asked as she nodded, I stood and gave her a hug, she was a close friend of Jackie's in high school.

"Jackie said you were back in town. Wow look at you," she said eyeing me up as she let out a low whistle. "Jack!" she yelled out.

The swing doors from the kitchen opened as Jackie walked out. "What!" she called as she headed towards us finally seeing me standing there. "Oh hey... Lace." She said as she looked me over her mouth dropped open.

"Okay, maybe Lauren was right." Amelia piped in. "Zip-it Crawford, " she growled making me quickly reach for the zipper before taking a seat beside her.

"Sarah, Jackie. This is my girlfriend Amelia." I said proudly looking back at my girl. "You remember Lauren and her girlfriend Morgan."

Lauren and Jackie stared at each other awkwardly before Sarah broke the tension. "We'll talk to you all later, let's go get their order in shall we," she elbowed Jackie.

"Well, what's the plan for today Lauren said changing the subject.

"Lace and I have an errand to run after breakfast. Maybe you can show Amelia around for a few hours till we get back." She suggested.

"just make sure she keep her jacket zipped," Amelia grumbled quietly.

"This is all yours." I motioned to myself as I winked making her blush as Lauren and Morgan gagged.

After hunting through the various jewelry store in the mall, looking over the many rings, I was about ready to give up. Nothing seemed perfect enough for Amelia a simple diamond just wouldn't do. Then I saw it. a 3.30CT Blue Diamond ring set in 18k white gold. "is that the one?" Morgan asked over my shoulder. I nodded speechlessly. Morgan waived the clerk over and asked to see the ring.

"what size did you need this in?" she asked as I froze then looked at Morgan 'I'm such an idiot' I thought.

Morgan giggled as she answered "seven" as I looked at her in question. "What? I asked Lauren before we left."

Sighing in relief, I looked back at the ring. "you're in luck," the clerk smiled" that little beauty there is a size seven."

I grinned at her "I'll take it."

That will be $7,095. please, I handed her my bank card as I reached for the black velvet box. "she's going to love it." Morgan smiled as she patted my back. "when are you going to ask her?" I stared at her lost once again, she let out a hearty laugh. "you are hopeless," she teased. "but that's what best friends are for, I'll help you out."

"I've never done this before." I pouted. "she's even the first person I've asked to be my girlfriend."

"I know my friend, I know." She laughed grabbing the receipt for me as I headed out the door while still looking at the back box. "Incoming." Morgan said snatching my hand in hers. She nodded to the two beautiful women heading our way. "they haven't seen us put it away." I shoved the ring in my jacket pocket and zipped it up.

We hid behind a huge marquee sign and snuck behind them as they passed. "Lets have some fun, follow my lead," Morgan Whispered. "well would you looky here mate," she said in an awful Australian accent, those are the finest Sheila's I've seen all day." the girls hesitated for a bit then quickened their pace, "I want the blond one." She continued.

"Hey Red, Can I give you an Australian kiss? It's like a French kiss, but Down Under!" I chimed in causing Morgan to stifle a laugh.

"I wanna get lost in your Outback," Moran whispered in Laurens' ear as she gripped her waist. Lauren swung her elbow back catching her in the gut as they both turned swinging their shopping bags around as they did, catching us both of guard. "whoa, easy there, babe, it's us." Morgan hollered out.

I laughed as I watch Lauren continue her beating on Morgan, "You ass!" Lauren cried out.

My laughter came to an abrupt halt when a fist landed in my gut. "I'm sorry," I croaked out to a scowling Amelia.

Lauren slid her arm through Amelia's and quickly pulled her away as the left us there gaping. We looked at each other as we ran after them apologizing. "I wanna get lost in your Outback," Lauren muttered.

"Can I give you an Australian kiss? It's like a French kiss, but Down Under!" Amelia replied as they both burst into laughter. They stopped and turned to us. Our girls looked at each other before grabbing us by our jackets and smashing their lips to ours. I stood there stunned as the woman of my dreams walked happily away with my sister.

"I think I'm in love with your sister," Morgan confessed. As we made our way through the crowd towards our women.  

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