My Best Friends One Direction...

By woah_there_styles

588K 14K 4.3K

Dakota Milne is a 18 year old girl who lives in her home town of Edinburgh, Scotland with her mum and stepdad... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Halloween Part 1
Chapter 9 Halloween Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
> Chapter 53 <

Chapter 50

7.4K 206 63
By woah_there_styles

After the girls and I finished getting our nails done, we went to a dress store. Me being the non-girly type, this wasn't my cup of tea but Mura convinced me. More like forced.

"Kota! What about this one!" She yelled from the other end of the store holding like 4 dresses, I sighed and got up from my seat on the couch.

The dress she picked out wasn't half bad to be honest. The soft white material was basically a shirt but it made it a bit tight around the waist, then the turquoise lace flowed down to my mid-thigh. I actually felt...pretty.

I know the fans would think differently.

"Oh my gosh you look spectacular!" Anna said from behind me, I gave a half smile.

"Yeh, I actually kinda like this one." I spoke, giving it a twirl. She chuckled and I took it off before we went to the checkout to find Mura talking to a girl around our age. When the girl saw me, her expression changed a bit, but I could tell she was forcing a smile.

"Auntie Mura! We finally found-" Anna stopped mid sentence when she saw the girl, her face was pure shock and filled with a bit of hatred, but she hid it with a smirk.

"Oh Ashley! Long time no see! This is Niall's GIRLFRIEND Dakota, she's so sweet and her and Niall are so happy together." She said, emphasizing the word 'girlfriend'. I gave her a strange look and saw Mura smirk over at Ashley again,

"oh well um, hi I'm Ashley." She said, sending a wave, not bothering for a hand shake.

"Dakota" I said, I gave a smile trying to lighten the mood but it was no use seeing as she kept a glare on me.

"Well it was nice talking to you guys, but uh, I got to go home, bye. Tell Niall I s-"

"Sure ok bye sweetie" Mura stated cutting her off, ok I'm so confused. Once she left, Mura gestured me to go to the register. I pulled out my credit card but she slapped my hand away and pushed hers into view.

"No, my treat" she said, giving me a smile. I returned it, "Thanks. Hey, who was that girl, and why was she giving me such a harsh stare?" I asked, I felt Anna tense up beside me, "oh she doesn't know what's coming" she said rolling up her sleeves, like in a fighting position. She was about to walk out the store but Mura stopped her, "Anna! Let it go!" She yelled, Anna groaned and came back over to us.

"She's Niall's ex, never treated him right. Real snotty too, if you'd ask me." Mura said, putting her card back in her purse.

"Why did they break up?" I asked, she sighed "The lass was always so negative to Niall, she complained he ate to much, that his friends weren't 'cool enough'. Even when he wanted to go for XFactor, she kept telling him how he won't make it, how he's a terrible singer, like he doesn't know what he's doing and such. So he broke it off, and now since he's famous she wants a piece of it again I guess." She explained, walking out the door as Anna held it open for us. Well she sounds like a lot to handle.

"We were pretty good friends too, long time actually, since like grade 4. Then when her and Ni broke up that's when Niall began 'hating' me and everything I think it's for being friends with her-which I regret so much- it doesn't bother me but what bothers me the most is that she tried to impress Niall by bullying me in school. She even called me last month to try to be friends again but I declined it, she's a little snob" Anna chuckled, opening the Prius. We all got in and we began to drive back to the house.

"I know you treat him much better than that little cunt dear, I can tell you two love each other" Mura said, her Irish cussing coming out earning a laugh from Anna and I.


"WE'RE HOME" Anna yelled, throwing her bags on the couch. "IN THE DEN" Niall yelled back, Anna took my hand and we ran down the hall to what looked more like a rec room. But not a classy one, like a family one with blankets and the old comfy couches you would find at my grandmas house.

"Hey babe" Niall said, not bringing his attention up from the screen. Him, Caden, and the guy I saw earlier today were playing FIFA 12. I sat down next to him and he still didn't move a muscle, not looking anywhere but the tv screen.

"Niall" I said, "Yes" he spoke back, his tongue coming out a little in concentration. "Niall" I said again, poking his cheek. "Babe I'm doing something right now, stop saying my name please" he said, earning a chuckle from the guy next to him, whom I still have no clue is.

"Oh really?" I said, no response. I looked over to where Anna was and saw she already left, along with Caden. Wow her boyfriend is nice. Well I guess I can just bother him more then.

I laid my feet across the right side of the couch and put head down on his lap, sighing. I glanced over at the TV and saw Niall was losing and was about to score to at least tie it up.

Oh not gonna happen.









"Niall" I looked at his face to see his eyebrows were scrunched up in focus and a bit of annoyance. Aw he's so cute.








"If you say my name one more time, I swear-"

"N-i-a-l-l" I said slowly, cutting him off. He clicked pause on the controller and threw it on the opposite couch. Tackling me over, he began tickling my sides vigorously saying,

"Dakota, Dakota, Dakota, Dakota, Dakota, Dakota, Dakota, Dakota, Dakota, Dakota, Dakota, Dako-"

"NIALL! ST-STOP!" I yelled out of breath from laughing, he smiled and kissed my nose.

"So you gonna introduce me or...?" I said, gesturing to the guy next to him. He seemed around our age, "I'm Sean, it's nice to meet you" he said, chuckling extending a hand over. I shook it and Niall got off of me, pulling me by my arm.

"God I'm hungry" he said, I giggled and we went back down the hall and into the kitchen. Sean trailed behind us and Niall took out a bag of chips and we sat down on the island.

"So what do you do, Dakota?" Sean asked, after taking a bite of a chip. Niall gave him a confused look, as did I at first but shook it off. He may not watch soccer.

"Dude, you're kidding right?" Niall asked, scrunching his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes, "I'm the Midfielder for Manchester United" I said, taking a handful of chips and eating one at a time. I wonder what we're eating tonight for dinner.

"And I'm a model? No seriously, what do you do?" He said chuckling. Oh so he wants to play it that way? Niall was about to protest, but I cut him off.

"Yeah I'm joking, I suck at soccer. We should play a little" I said, gesturing to the grass outside. He gave me a confused glance, "Are you sure? I don't want to cause any tro-"

"It's alright. Lets go" I said, grabbing Niall's hand.

"Babe go get a ball" I said, brushing my jeans off. I walked over to the glass door and opened it up for Sean.

"After you" I said, putting out a hand. He smirked and walked outside, oh he doesn't know what's coming.

"I must warn you, I was on my primary school team for 2 years" oh what a big shot. Who cares, I was on a travel varsity team. We never lost a game, won at least 3 points ahead every time.

"Yeah I've never been on any teams, nothing like that. I just...suck, I guess"

Niall came around the corner with a ball and he passed it over to me, "She goes first" Niall chuckled, sitting down with his hands crossed over his mouth.

I faked a terrible dribble and it went straight to Sean, where he scored a goal from the half mark.

"Sore one, Sean. Originated from Norther Ireland" Niall said in his announcer voice.

"Alright, I'll go a bit easy now" he said, ok now it's time for some action.

"You sure?" I mimicked him from earlier, he smirked and I did a chip shot over his head and a couple skilled moves to the goal. Leaving Sean behind, I turned around and saw his mouth agape and his eyes wide.

"You do play for Man U, don't you?" He asked dumbfounded, I nodded.

"I'd rather wear cleats than heels" I said, walking back into the house and over to Anna and Caden.


After dinner, we all watched a movie but everyone else was sleeping through it. Eventually we all made it to our rooms, seeing as it was Niall and I's last night here we're packing at the moment.

"Babe, pass me my socks" he said, I turned around and threw his socks over to the bag yelling "Kobe" but missing terribly.

"Dakota, never do that again" he chuckled, I huffed and went over to the bed. Snuggling under the covers, I felt the mattress sink next to me indicating Niall was beside me.

"I was just kidding" he whined, I smiled. He's so gullible!

"So how was today?" He asked, pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Your mum took us dress shopping"I spoke, cuddling into his chest. And may I say, he wasn't wearing a shirt and his abs are amazing.

"Oh sounds fun, especially for you" he said sarcastically, I smacked his side.

"Well, wasn't too fun after we ran into someone. No one seemed very fond of her" I said, Ashley seemed like a clique girl in my opinion.

"Who might that be?" He asked, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.

"Ashley, apparently she's not very loved by the Horan's?" I chuckled,his face immediately turned into a disgusted one at the mention of her name.

"That bitch" he hissed, "She's not very loved by anyone. You didn't talk to her, did you?" He asked concerned. I shook my head, "I mean, I tried to make conversation but she was too stubborn. Later Anna and your mum told me what she did." I said, repeating his actions and brushing some hair out of his face.

"She seems like the popular kind of girl who gets anything she wants. Like she would bully me in school or something" I spoke, he chuckled, "Funny you say that, she bullied anyone who got in her way. She's a real cunt" he said, I laughed I can see him and Mura are defiantly related.

"What?" He asked, chuckling a bit.

"Your mum said the same thing about her today." I giggled, he pulled me closer to him into his chest.

"That she's a cunt?" He asked, I nodded and could feel the vibrations of his chest from laughing.

"I love my mum" he finished, pulling me up to his face. We were inches apart, our lips barley to touch.

His eyes flashed from mine to my lips, as I did the same. He leaned in closer and soon our lips were connected, dancing with dominance. He deepened it by letting his tongue slip across my bottom lip asking for entrance, I did the same and soon we were in a deep make out session. He was straddling me kissing my neck, until we heard the door open.

"Niall if you hadn't noticed, your bed is insanely old and squeaky. So I think it's a good idea not to do anything here." Anna spoke, her eyes half open. I moved to the other side of the bed, and Niall threw a pillow at her.

"Shut up Anna! Get out of my room!" He yelled, Anna caught the pillow and smirked at Niall, earning a chuckle from me. Niall groaned, "Get out!" He yelled again, Anna giggled as she was walking out and shut the door behind her.

"Night Niall" I said, closing my eyes and snuggling under the covers.

"Whaaaaaaat? Not fair! We were just-"

"Babe, go to bed. We have an early flight tomorrow." I said, he groaned and went under the covers, slipping a hand around my waist.

"God damn Anna" he cursed, closing his eyes.

Oh my god I love Anna.



But anyways!
So another Tuesday, another upload right?

Question of the Tuesday:

How old are you?

Lol I'm 13, but 14 in a month. Yay





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Btw I start school tomorrow if anyone cares.
Ok I love you guys so much



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