Into My Own

By lindsle

56.1K 2.1K 381

**Book 1 in the Coda Paxton Series! Right Back On and Big Girl Boots to follow** Coda Paxton was never really... More

Sequel: Right Back On


883 42 13
By lindsle

Oakley and I were working furiously to catch up with the steady stream of customers on Monday.

We were so busy, in fact, that we couldn't even take the time to small talk with the farmers. A storm looked to be making it's way in so they were all running to get every bit of cut hay baled and under cover.

I was surprised to see Kellan walk through the door around 12:30, hands coated in a heavy layer of grease. Through the rush I barely had time to send him a small wave before I was back to focusing on the line of farmers in front of me.

Oakley was frantically trying to radio Jake to see if we had any more net wrap in the warehouse.

As the minutes ticked by I saw Kellan glance at the clock on his phone more than once out of the corner of my eye.

It was nearing 12:45 by the time I had the line down to three people.

Oakley glanced from Kellan to me with a questioning look.

"I think he wants to talk to you. I'll finish this." She shoved me in his direction with a sly smirk.

I hesitantly approached the blonde, taking in his appearance. It was obvious he had just come from work with the grease stains all the way up to his elbows. He looked good though, in a red T-shirt and wranglers, a dirty ball cap in place of his black cowboy hat.

"Can I get you something? We're all out of net wrap if that's what you need," I informed him amiably.

He unfolded his long body from it's slouch against the wall. I felt like a midget as he towered over me.

"Nah, we do idiot squares, but thanks," he quipped. "I was actually hoping to talk to you real quick. Do you have a second?"

"I think Oakley has everything under control, so yes." I crossed my arms and glanced up to meet his blue eyes.

"Well, remember how you said you hated not knowing if a guy was into you?"

I nodded, unaware of where he was going with this.

"I guess I'd like to make some things clear to you."

He was struggling to contain his laughter at the sight of my confused stare.

"What I'm trying to say here is I'd really like to take you out on a date sometime... If you wanted."

My eyes went wide.

"I'm not here to profess my love to you at work or anything..." He laughed a bit uneasily. "But I think you're a really neat girl and if you're game, I'd love to get to know you one on one."

"One on one?" I blinked.

"Yeah," he glanced over his shoulder. "As in a date. A date where Oakley and Blake aren't there to watch and make fun of us."

I followed his gaze to find Oakley standing behind the cash register, listening intently.

A giggle escaped me as I thought of all the fun those two would have with this.

"If that's what you want, it's a date," I nodded, a smile playing on my lips.

He grinned hugely, dimples showing up full force. "Great! Are you busy Friday night?"

I shook my head.

"Is six thirty okay? I work until five and I'm pretty sure you'd like to see me a little cleaner than this." He held out his grimy hands for emphasis.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't care if you're gross. I'll probably be just as bad."

"Well maybe you don't want to shower first but I certainly do."

I smirked. "Six thirty on Friday is just fine with me."

The size of his smile grew. "Perfect. I'll pick you up at your place. But right now, I gotta get back to work. See you Friday!"

He waved goodbye to Oakley almost as an afterthought and bounded out the door to his Ford.

I took my time walking back to the register, knowing I would get a full interrogation from my best friend.

"He finally grew a pair, eh?"

The fact that her response was a sarcastic comment instead of an ear splitting scream was surprising until I realized there was still a customer in the store.

"I guess you could say that," I chuckled.

She quickly rang up the remaining farmer and then turned to me. "Tell me everything!"

"He just asked if he could talk to me and then brought up what I said on Saturday about not knowing if they're serious about you or if you're a side chick."


"Then he professed his love and told me we should elope to Egypt and never shower again--ow!" I rubbed the arm Oakley had just punched.

"Tell me the real story!"

"He said he'd really like to take me out on a date and get to know me one on one. Without you and Blake harassing us."

"He talked about me? Man, I feel so special... Just wait till I tell Blake!"

"I'm pretty sure she had something to do with this," I pointed out. "She seems to have a way of getting the boy to man up."

Oakley nodded in agreement. "That she does. I told you she's fabulous!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, when's your date?"

"He's picking me up at my house on Friday night at 6:30." I couldn't hide my grin. It had been a long time since I'd gotten asked out.

Oakley released the piercing shriek I had been waiting for. "I told you he liked you!"

I clamped a hand over her mouth. "Don't scream like that!"

She giggled loudly and continued to rib me about the upcoming event. I was incredibly grateful when another wave of farmers came in, successfully distracting us both.

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