Why Would You Hide. A Severus...

By whelau29

35.2K 1K 314

Severus Snape has always admired the girl who only ever helped him. She is generous and accepting. But after... More

Chapter 1: The Start of it All
Chapter 3: Step One
Chapter 4: The Midnight Walk
Chapter 5: The First Lesson
Chapter 6: Rumours
Chapter 7: Acceptance
Chapter 8: The Unexpected Gift
Chapter 9: The Notice
Chapter 10: Spontaneous Visit
Chapter 11: Legilimency
Chapter 12: 10 Days
Chapter 13: Interruption
Chapter 14: Apprentice
Chapter 15: Separation
Chapter 16: Zuri
Chapter 17: Escape
Chapter 18: The Law of Love
Chapter 19: A Dance of Equals
Chapter 20: Foreshadowing Thoughts
Authors Note - Help?

Chapter 2: The Innocent Request

2.2K 72 28
By whelau29

By the end of the lesson, I still had not said a word to anyone. Snape too, had been surprisingly quiet, giving out no insults, only simple instructions for the class to follow, saying no more than he needed to, so I began to dread what he would have to say to me.

After the class was dismissed, and the homework given, I stayed at my seat. I noticed Ron and Hermione cast anxious glances between themselves, and then at me, but I didn't say anything to them. When everyone had gone I crossed my hands on top of the desk and looked down at them, apparently fascinated with my fingernails. For a short while all I heard was the shuffling of paper and the clinking of glass, Snape, clearing the classroom up. Then I heard the scraping of a chair, and silence. Eventually I looked up into the dark, warm eyes. Snape was looking straight at me. For a while we just watched each other. He looked so sad; eventually he blinked and turned away. I felt I should say something.

"Professor?" I asked, and was surprised to hear my own voice full of concern. He looked up at me again, his eyes wide.


"You asked to see me after the lesson."

"Yes. I know." He stood up and walked over to my table. To my surprise he pulled out a chair and sat down next to me.

"Amelia... It is okay if I call you Amelia isn't it?"

"Yes, it's fine." I replied, suddenly curious.

"Ever since my arrival here, there have been only two people who have accepted me or shown me any kindness. The first being Dumbledore, and the second being... you." He looked up at me with big eyes. "For this Amelia, I think the time has passed for me to thank you, for I should have done long ago."

I looked at the man who everyone thought was strict and cruel, and saw a different side. He was smiling. A warm smile, one that lit up his face and eyes, and made him look younger. And in that moment, I hated everyone who had ever judged him. He looked down again and gave and embarrassed sort of chuff. I looked at his hands placed in front of him on the desk, and in a moment of extraordinary courage, I placed my hand on top of his. His eyes shot up at me in surprise, almost fearful.

"It's okay... I'm on your side. And what the others think, that you're cruel. I find them judgemental and honestly quite vile. Because I can see you're not all you act like in lessons." Immediately his eyes softened. He put his free hand on top of mine and squeezed slightly, before removing both hands.

"About what the others think, that is the reason I asked you to stay behind."

"What do you mean?"

"Well..." He turned round in his chair to face me, so I did the same. "I... Need your help. Please."

"I. You! Wait... What?" That is not what I had expected! "Ahem..." I cleared my throat. "Help with what exactly?"

"Can you tell me why the other students despise me as a teacher?" I looked at the man in front of me, eyes wide, as if he was desperate not to disappoint me. And felt a surge of pity. I tried to back up the class though, for some reason.

"Sir, I think despise is quite a strong word. They don't..." He suddenly stood up and walked around the table; dragging his hand through his hair and making me stop short.

"Amelia, I didn't ask for your help so you could tell me I'm wrong. I asked for your help because you are one of only two people I trust, even the rest of the teachers here ignore me. I just want to know what I'm doing wrong." His voice wavered near the end of his sentence, making my heart go out to him. He trusts me! I watched as he sat opposite me and put his head in his hands, looking utterly defeated.

I got up slowly and walked over to his desk, aware of his eyes following me. I opened the top draw, which consisted of various quills, different ink pots and a letter seal stamp. Closing it, I opened the second drawer, and found what I was looking for. I walked back to my seat and sat down, once again opposite Snape. He watched my every move.

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