My Master Also My Mate

By Envyxthexplague

457K 5.7K 415

Book 1 in the Blood Series (Under construction and editing) Prologue The full moon lurked over a town called... More

Chapter Two
The Tension Builds
Blood Fuels the Beast
What now?
Chapter Three
Damn him!
It Can't Be!
Bloody Hunter
Bloody Lies
Chapter Four
Aida Saved Me
Can't Live Without Her
Getting My Mate Back
Surprises From a Heartless Alpha
Death and Dinner
One and Only

Prologue/Chapter 1

89.4K 508 38
By Envyxthexplague


The full moon lurked over a town, Ravenwood Hills. This was a type of night mere humans called "The Dead Night". No one dared to go out after dark when a full moon raked over the town. This night had been initiated in the early centuries when the pack moved close to the town. Yes, there are those werewolves that mix with the humans and attempt to conceal their identity, but these werewolves are the ones that have centuries worth of grudges against humans and have a high blood lust. This was a night that the werewolves reigned the streets. They would roam around the town when the full moon rose. Rumors of many murders, disappearances, and the legends of werewolves roaming the streets had spread like wildfire. Yet some have tested that we don't really exist in "their" so-called world and they have disappeared and are never seen again. Some lucky ones who were blessed by the grace of the Alpha have survived and spoken about their experiences.

One man, in particular, had a more interesting story than the others. The man had finally come out of hiding and spoke of the horrors he had witnessed. Oh, the horrors of a wolf that never leaves the Alpha's side. The man swears on his life he had seen Satan himself inside the she-wolf, he told the town that she was under the Alpha's power doing exactly what he has asked of her. The man spoke of the horrors he had witnessed of what she would do with men and women who would cross her alpha, and he described this she-wolf as a gorgeous woman. Her beauty was so alluring yet the coldness and hate in her eyes rendered you from getting near her. 'She had to be a Siren crossed breed', the man said. An evil temptress on land, the only horror that walked this earth.

He warned the town. "Do not tempt nor belittle the Alpha of the werewolves for, you will be placed under a spell of fear and death of this Siren Demon."

Chapter One

Trevor tried to rush quickly down the street, hating the feeling of people glancing out their windows probably thinking he and his friend were mad, while his best friend tried to keep pace with him. Trevor knew he was making Rayne ticked off by the way he heard him grunt and growl to himself, but he could not help it. He knew that 'she' was now after them. Trevor looked around the streets both ways seeing it empty, he was paranoid beyond belief. He was making sure he didn't see her waiting for him to be off guard to send him to his bloody gruesome death.

Trevor heard his best friend snarling to himself as he tried to keep up with him still. Rayne finally growled lowly, trying to make Trevor slow down. This was ridiculous! Why the hell did he have to rush him, it was only ten thirty at night. He could be easily luring women out of their homes at the moment to get rid of his needs. Yet, his friend continued to insist that they go home immediately. This was ludicrous, it was the night he could get rid of his needs without any reciprocation of his actions from the Alpha.

When Rayne noticed that Trevor didn't pay attention to his irritated growl, that was the final straw. Rayne was now finished with Trevor's behavior which seemed to start up at the end of their pack meeting. Trevor kept looking around while Rayne grabbed his friend's arm, yanking him in front of him. Trevor pulls out of Rayne's grip and starts walking quickly again. Trevor frantically says 

"Hurry up Rayne, we need to get home safely."

Rayne then grabbed his shoulders tightly while saying 

"BRO, stop for a second! Why the hell are you rushing me?"

Rayne holds his shoulder in a tight grip making his best friend come to a complete stop even though he kept looking around. Trevor kept trying to pull away but stopped knowing Rayne wasn't going to let go of him. You could see the fear that grasped tightly onto his eyes as his body was trembling under Rayne's grip making him frown. Trevor finally looked him in the eye, the fear was grasping tightly to his soul. Trevor finally replies to Rayne's question. 

"We pissed off the alpha earlier remember, Rayne?"

Rayne rolls his eyes at Trevor, so what they embarrassed the little prick and made him look like a complete idiot in front of the pack. The Alpha was just pissed he couldn't find his damn mate while even the packs' nerd found his mate Marilyn, seriously come on. It's like a huge sign over the alpha's head screaming out make fun of me! Which was an odd thought coming back to thinking about Marilyn, he means Marilyn was a super hottie and well... Hector was not the right type for her in Rayne's opinion. 

The Alpha was just wishing to be made fun of and I was the one who started it in the meeting embarrassing his pathetic ass. I had also called him out for being pathetic about searching for his mate. Why should he even think about apologizing, he's going to mate some worthless... He didn't even know what she was, but all she had to be is pathetic and slutty. All based on every woman he had dated especially the one he was with now. Rayne then grumbles out. 

"So what? I'm not fucking scared of him plus, he needs to get that stick out of his ass, maybe that worthless bitch slave can help pull it out for him."

Trevor suddenly looks around looking a bit frightened making Rayne frown at his best friend. Trevor was looking frantically in all directions as if he heard someone. Yet there was no one in sight. Why was Trevor, of all people scared, of a weak Alpha?

Trevor asks in a fearful shaky voice "Did you hear that?"

Both of them were silent and after a while, nothing, not even a needle dropped. They both looked around to see yet again, no one in the streets it was after all it was, The Dead Night and the full moon had risen. Rayne finally was done with this nonsense and decided to speak up. Rayne was fed up with Trevor's unnatural behavior. For crying out loud he was six foot three and weighed almost two hundred pounds of all muscle! He was a tank. He should never be afraid of anyone or anything! Rayne finally spoke truly pissed off 

"No, dude why are you being so paranoid? Zya will not do anything?"

Trevor looked around again as he felt like someone was staring him down. Trevor could feel the killer's eyes on his back and heart. He could swear that at any moment he would be attacked and killed by just standing here having to explain himself to Rayne. When he could do it easily in the comforts of their safe home. Trevor then spoke not looking at Rayne, making sure that she didn't pop up out of anywhere. Trevor just didn't want to be hurt or his best friend hurt by her. Trevor then says almost in a hushed voice. 

"Do you remember Alpha Zya has that one night slave... the one that does anything for him whatsoever not even questioning him... What if he has sent her out to get us?"

Trevor looks Rayne dead in the eye, he was completely honest, he was so worried about something so stupid and small. Rayne started to laugh loudly, he has heard about this pathetic woman, rumors of her killing whoever Zya ordered her to. Even got the old human man Jagger saying that she was a siren of the damned. She is rumored as the most ruthless killer who ever lived, what rubbish. I mean, if you saw her you would think she was a helpless pathetic woman. She was so skinny and small, yes, she had curves and an absolutely gorgeous face, but that's all she has going for her. 

No one in their right mind would mate with her, after all, she was only a slave and everyone knows she was born to do one thing and which was to serve her master. Who would be nothing more than that, Rayne felt bad for the poor guy who was her mate. Maybe that is why she doesn't have a mate yet, or he probably found out and rejected that little worthless slut already. Rayne smirked to himself, she was probably a good play toy though. It was so ludicrous, those rumors about her, it couldn't be true no slave would be that obedient to their masters. Plus a woman couldn't hurt him, thy Rayne. Rayne then said with a bitter tone. 

"Dude, you cannot be fucking serious... A female wolf could never hurt us, especially that pathetic night slave!"

~Plagues POV~

I glared heavily at the senseless fools, as one of them tried to hurry and get to their home safely. As if their home could keep them safe from me. How dare they offend my master like that, I obviously didn't have problems with saying yes to killing them for him. They had made my Master look foolish and humiliated him in front of the pack. This would not be just brushed off the shoulder. No, either they will apologize for their disrespect or die under my blood-lusting claws. The other reason I couldn't refuse my master was that he was my mate... I couldn't let him find out though, it would ruin his life, and his reputation, as the Alpha. I mean he would get shit about it, worse than him not finding his mate yet. I couldn't put him through the embarrassment again like tonight, so I didn't let him touch me or have a reason to touch me. 

That's why I couldn't refuse his wishes. I kept encouraging him to find a gorgeous woman who would satisfy his needs. Even though it killed me inside to allow him to do so, it was better than him knowing the truth. Those women... Oh, how I wanted to rip them apart, especially the one that hurt him the most. I hated to see him so depressed and sad all the time. Till he met a woman named Amaya. He seemed happier than the others, which made me a little happy. Yet I hated her still, but she was the only woman that made him happy as far as I knew, well, slightly happy. 

So I kept to myself and continued to please him one way, as his slave since he bought me at the traders. I was unattainable and I had bitten many men when they sought to buy me. Or even try to touch me, let alone attempt to get inside my cage. I was determined to kill anyone that thought they could make me their slave. The trader warned Zya that I was absolutely crazy and unattainable and that was right till I saw Zya. At first sight, I knew he was my mate. Male wolves had to touch their mate to see that they are their mate. With females, they can see and feel the bond by just locking their eyes for the first time. I grumbled to myself while Zya looked down at me with a questionable look plastered on his handsome face. I looked back down to snap out of my flashback and I then heard Rayne say loudly.

"So what? I'm not fucking scared of him plus, he needs to get that stick out of his ass, maybe that worthless bitch slave of his can help pull it out for him."

That made me so pissed, a growl erupted through my chest softly. I saw Trevor had heard me but Rayne didn't. It remained silent for a bit while Rayne continued running his mouth like the ignorant fool that he is. Then when he said I couldn't kill them all because I was a female wolf, that pissed me off so much. I looked at Zya with so much anger and fury in my eyes. Zya nods his head as his long black hair moved gracefully in the slight breeze. I grinned evilly turning into my wolf form, jumping off a roof that was near them, and landing in front of the two men. 

I was glaring at them with so much hate. My all-white fur blew in the wind making chills run up my spine in so much excitement. I was the only wolf that had all-white fur. It was absolutely gorgeous, but also it made my aqua-blue eyes pop out more like they were glowing. I was bigger than most female wolves, but I needed to be to even get jobs done for my master. The guys jumped back scared shit less while I snarled at them through my clenched teeth. Zya walked over in a graceful walk smiling evilly at the two men. I bare my teeth at them as a warning to them both. Trevor stepped back in fear. Trevor was the only one that hesitated to bow respectfully to Zya while Rayne glared at him not showing no respect. Which made me a step closer to him growling threateningly till he quickly bowed keeping an eye on me. Zya then says softly with his hand out to his side. 

"Settle down, Plague. I want to give these nice young boys a chance. I mean after all, they are only teenagers and still learning. They won't get a choice like this again, it's only a once in a lifetime offer."

I sat down a bit irritated that I couldn't sink my teeth into them just yet, but I closely watched Rayne not completely trusting him. Trevor was watching me nervously but paid close attention to Zya. Zya then said to the boys.

"So Trevor I know your father is off on a manhunt, but I believe he would be very disappointed in you if he heard what you and your friend had said at the pack meeting..."

Trevor quickly answered in an ashamed tone, interrupting him. 

"I'm so sorry Alpha Zya I will not start that again, and neither will Rayne, right?

Trevor looks at Rayne waiting for him to do the same but Rayne didn't speak. I narrowed my eyes deadly at him while Zya slowly looked at Rayne. It was in that creepy way that made anyones skin crawl. You could see the anger in Zya's eyes due to Rayne's silence. Rayne was begining to challenge Zya's patience. I walked slowly to the other side of my master which made me directly in front of Rayne. Rayne then hissed out hatefully. 

"Hell no! Sorry, Zya but you have been a fucking ass since you and Amaya had been together and you can't find your goddamn mate! I would laugh so hard if your pathetic little slave, is your fucking mate."

That was the reason I couldn't let him know... I was a disgrace to the pack. I couldn't let my master be a laughingstock of the pack... to all the packs. I just could not put Zya through that torment... I couldn't go through those sad eyes that people would give him. The worst thing I most feared was being rejected for me being his mate, it made me cringe deeply. I quickly stood growling at Rayne so hoping that what he said wasn't sinking into Zya's thoughts. In the corner of my vision, I saw him glance at me with a bit of a puzzled look written all over his face as if contemplating the situation. Oh god, please don't get that thought... I never wanted to disappoint him. Yet my actions were a bit hasty, I was never this quick to get in defense mode to just a comment.

Zya looked away from me after a good long second of staring at me. I looked up at Zya trying to see what his reaction was to this kind of news. Zya's face twisted up in a disgusted look. That was my answer, how could I still have that ray of hope in my heart that one day he would love me like a normal person? Then my thought turned to... How was he going to react to the question from Rayne?

Zya hatefully whispered to me. "Kill him, Plague."

My heart tightened was it that bad to be my mate that you got so angry at it that I had to kill the person? Yet, if I disobeyed him he would find out in a heartbeat. I had suddenly pounced on Rayne ripping at his flesh and tearing into him like he was made of paper. My teeth sank into his body as I memorized all the sounds of his bones popping and the screams that came out of his pathetic mouth. I loved all the feeling of my teeth tearing his flesh from him. He kept trying to push me away, but like that could stop me. He may have been a big strong man, but no one I mean no one could fight me off. I was ten times stronger than anyone, then again I had to be. 

I stepped away looking at Trevor seeing the horror written across his face, all the while Zya called me over. I sat by him, but not so close so he couldn't reach me and pet me as he does, to his other slaves when they did something good. I felt blood dripping down my fur and falling onto the cobblestone road. The warmth of blood made that void in my chest fill temporarily. I then noticed that Trevor was looking at me as if he knew my dirty little secret. Oh god, please do not let him know or spill my secret. I snarled towards Trevor making him quickly looked away from me. Zya then spoke a bit irritated and tiredly. 

"Let this be a lesson to you, Trevor... Don't mess with me, don't disrespect me, or I will have Plague kill you just like your friend Rayne here."

Trevor had sworn to Zya that he would never disrespect or call out Zya ever again. When we got home, I shifted back into human form thank god my clothes don't shred off into anything like most of the other pack members. Zya sighed heavily as he ran his hand through his long black hair. Oh, how I wanted to run my hands through it while I... Never minded that thought. I loved him so much that is why I will sacrifice my life to make him a better one. I could not make him go through the criticism of hatred of the pack knowing I was his mate. His slave was his mate, just think of all the shit he would go through. Once we entered the house immediately Amaya quickly ran down the grand marble stairs and right into Zya's arms. I could tell she didn't really miss him, I could smell Andy's scent all over her as if she was rolling in it or rolling on him. Zya always pushed that factor to the side, but I could see the pain in his eyes as he smelled it. Why did she have to put him through something like this all the time? It pained me to see him like this. All of a sudden my heart began to drop as I heard those surprising words come off her lips. Amaya squealed out happily.

Screaming at the top of her lungs, "So when are we going to mate together, Zayzay?"

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