Avatar: TLA : The Mysterious...

By Merijn_dk

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After the 100-year-war ended Team avatar had a new adventure. Azula escaped from prison and does whatever it... More

Chapter 1: A family reunion.
Chapter 2: A meeting at Ember Island.
Chapter 3: A true love kiss?
Chapter 4: heartbroken.
Chapter 5: A battle of Love and Hate.
Chapter 7: The First Speech.
Chapter 8: Ready to go!
Chapter 9: The secret Airtemple
Chapter 10: Bloody writing on the wall
Chapter 11: Ambushed before dinner
Chapter 12: You have been warned.
Chapter 13: Offer from the devil
Chapter 14: A Lost Soul
Chapter 15: Step 1: COMPLETED!
Chapter 16: So much knowledge

Chapter 6: When one problem is solved, the other starts.

203 4 2
By Merijn_dk

'Your magic trick doesn't apply to me, waterfreak.'

Did she just call me waterfreak?!
She's gonna pay for that!

'I'm not a "waterfreak".'
'Haha, sure!'

She shot a mega fire wave at me.
There was water everywhere.
So that's enough to defend me.

It was exhausting, I didn't prepare for that.
It drained my energy away, Azula is strong and crazy.
A horrible combination.


Azula was more powerful than she was before.
Our fight went on, she made a wall of fire at me, I had to block it with my waterbending.
When I pulled the water back, she jumped at me!
The long distance fight became a short distance fight.
I tried to punch her but she evaded it.
She tried to kicked me and I jumped backwards and with the water on the ground I pushed myself further from her.
I regained some distance, but that didn't matter.
I was getting my butt kicked.
She shot a few more fireballs at me, I blocked them.
But she was to fast.
And after the 6th fireball, which was a giant one, I pulled a lot of water upwards trying to stop it.
But it was stronger than my water.
When the fire touched the water it caused a big blast, which threw me one meter further (~3 feet).
She ran at me, I couldn't do anything because I was still recovering from the fall.

And at that very moment, from a little further down the road came a GIGANTIC fireball, as big as a house!

Azula had to jump on the roof with the help of her blue fire to survive.
Phew, I'm happy I got out of that sticky situation.

A long dark shadow came down the road, and it spoke loud and clearly:

'Azula, you must leave now!'
'Stop fighting, you have nothing to do here!'

I recognised the voice immediately, it was Iroh.
He must've heard the fight and came to help me.

'Uncle, long time since we saw eachother, too bad I can't stay for long.'
'The faster you're gone, the happier I am.'

When Iroh said that, She looked very angry.
And just a few seconds later, she was ready to strike.

She charged up some lightning and shot it at Iroh.
Meanwhile I was getting some water which was good since there was already some fire at my way.
I could hold it off and then Iroh shot the lightning high to the sky and was attacking Azula.
Azula, as agile as she is, could dodge them all with no problem while firing some fire at me.
Because she was standing on the roof, it was hard to hit her so I made a water tornado to get me a little higher.
Which gave her an idea, a pretty bad idea.
She shot a HUGE fire punch at Iroh which knocked him out.
Then she jumped off the the roof and elektrocuted the water.
I could just in time push myself away so that the water didn't touch me.

I fell on the ground, I screamed very loud and short while I was flying.
I played dead the whole time.
And Azula had her best day ever.


She looked at Iroh while she was laughing, then regained her calmness and said:

"Well, my task here is done, good luck with your friends, uncle."

Iroh got mad and fired a huge fire cloud at her.
When the cloud disappeared, she was gone.
Iroh ran to me and asked:

"Katara, are you allright?"
"Yes I'm fine, I didn't get hurt, I just pretended."

Iroh smiled at me.

"What happened over here?!"
"Azula attacked Zuko and Aang, I tried to help them..."

I ran to Aang and Iroh to Zuko.
I looked at Aang and his scarf on his back was open, he was bleeding heavily.

"Things don't look good with Zuko!"

He carried Zuko to me.
He was hit by a rock on the head, probaly from hitting that house.
He was also bleeding heavily, but my healing can stop that.

We layed Zuko and Aang on the ground.
I took all the water there was and started to heal them.
I stopped the bleeding and lowered the pain.
After a few minutes of healing Zuko woke up.

"What happened, where's Aang?!"

Iroh immediately hugged Zuko.
But it hurted still a bit.

"Sorry Zuko."
"It's alright Uncle, but what hapened?"

I explained what happened and Aang got up to, so I could explain it all again.

We cleaned the area up again, and went to Iroh's teahouse.
Toph was waiting on us.

We had a little talk and some nice tea.
Some hours passed and we went home, but Zuko wanted to stay a little while
So we left without Zuko, he would come in a few minutes.

The ride home was though, Aang felt sorry that he couldn't defeat Azula and that he caused alot of havoc.

"It's not you Aang, Azula caused all the chaos!"

I opened the door and I saw Sokka with tears in his eyes.
Suki was there too.
What was strange is that Sokka was holding a letter, it was green.
I never saw such a letter.

"What's wrong Sokka?"

Trying to hold his tears back, he showed us the letter.

"It's from dad, he's in trouble and we NEED to help him."

Sorry I didn't update the story, I was still figuring out how the story would go.

(mostly the next 2 chapters, this was already going to happen)

I know there is a lot of fighting, but next chapter(s) will have less fights.
Or do you guys want more fights?!

Let me know in the comments.
Serieusly, don't be afraid to comment or ask something about the story
Even start a debate if you want.
But comment please if you want more fights, because this could change the story.

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