Darkness In Phoenix (Severus...

By LittleBootsClark

131K 4.5K 923

Phoenix is 16, it's her 6th year at Hogwarts after transferring from Beauxbatons academy. Phoenix is a troubl... More

Something Strange
Screw Up
It's Out!
Knowing the Worst
Phoenix Ruby ?
Who am I?
Number 12 Grimmauld Place
The Dragon's Shadow
Love Is a Painful Thing
Ring of Fire
The Worst
Second Task
Crashing Down
Best friends?
Hogsmeade Trip
True Love
Coming down
Happy Birthday
Jonathans Anger
His Yule Ball
The Final Task
Morning Arousal
The Ending

First Task

4.6K 185 62
By LittleBootsClark

There were boulders all around me. Jagged rocks poked out of the ground, and I could see the crowd above me cheering? Why were there cheering for me they didn't know me?

I stood on a boulder and caught sight of the dragon. The small model did very little justice to the real deal. Although quite beautiful and magnificent it was the half the size of Hogwarts and I could see the Golden Egg I must retrieve between its spiked tail. I moved quickly over behind another rock as the dragon moved its head towards me. I pulled out my wand. Trying to shoot a spell towards it, it did nothing but make an earsplitting sound. I tried to go for the egg but the dragon whipped around and his tail sent me flying back onto a piece of wood. My wand spiraling away from me.

This was it. I was about to die. No wand. No way out. The dragon was a few feet away from me now. Its yellow slits staring down into mine. I got an odd sensation and the dragon seemed to be talking to me. Telling me you better leave. Don't take my egg.

My leg was throbbing and I felt warm blood coming from my leg. I looked at the dragon again thinking. "Can you understand me?" The dragon lifted its head more and brought it down.

I stood up shakily. My leg throbbing worse and I raised my hands out. "That egg it is a decoy. It is not yours. This is a task I must get that egg. Your real egg is in your bunk. I swear." I limped forward a bit.

The dragon stared deeply. "May I pet you?" I asked. Reaching further.

She came close almost making me stumble. I raked my hand across her scales. "You're very beautiful, do you trust me?" I asked pointing to the egg.

He moved his head away and walked to the egg; picked it up in his mouth; brought it to me, and set it at my feet. "Thank you kind ma'am." I bowed and he went to the nest pile with his other eggs.

When I picked up the egg a cannon went off. Its like the sound that was muted since I entered the ring turned up on high. There were cheers louder than ever and people giving me confused looks. I carried the egg back into my tent where I was bombarded by the other 3 champions and some teachers.

McGonagall came in first mouth dropped open. Fudge pushed past her quickly followed by Fluer, Viktor, and Harry. Severus walked leisurely being Albus who was now approaching me silencing everyone else.

"How did you get the dragon to hand you the egg my dear?" Albus asked.

"Cheatin' o've course. She must'n have." Fluer swung her hair back scowling.

"I didn't cheat you stupid little-" My heart began to pump fast but before I could get out the rest of the sentence Albus cut in.

"Why don't we all just calm down and Phoenix will explain what happened." Albus smiled shortly and sat beside me.

I look to Severus who kept his eyes on me clearly in deep thought. I kept my eyes on him for a second more and looked at Albus.

"I really don't understand. She was talking to me. I only told her it wasn't her egg just a decoy." I looked down now. Why could I understand the dragon? Does no one else speak dragon? "Why is it a big deal? I bet I'm not the only one who can understand dragons!" I finished.

"No, there are less than 4 people who know and speak dragon; now they're 5. There called fire spitters and your mother was one. The gene usually isn't passed down but it rare cases it can be." Albus spoke softly and my heart was racing.

"So is there anything else I don't know about myself?!" I stood up fast but regretted it quickly; I hit the floor harshly and groaned.

"Before we send you to the hospital wing let's hear the scores. Fudge?" Albus helped me back onto the couch.

"Yes given she was the fastest one to get the egg but did not use any special er... Well how would you score her? She did use a special way to get the egg but yet its only apart of her." Fudge asked confused.

"I think she deserves a full 10." For the first time Severus spoke handing me my dragon back.

"Thank you. I cradled the little baby dragon in my hands." Still listening to fudge.

"Okay then you get the highest mark. A full 10. Fluer you were graceful by distracting the dragon but failed to even retrieve the egg, you get a 5. Viktor a 8, stunning a dragon wasn't the best but you still got the egg. And finally Potter a 9 the use of a advanced charm was well above your year." Fudge smiled weakly and left.

"Great now can someone take me the the hospital wing?" I groaned rubbing my bloodied leg.

Severus swooped forward and picked me up. Albus told Severus he'll be there soon and left the tent.

Severus carried me up to the school without saying a word. Even though my leg was throbbing I felt warm with him. The place where his arms wrapped around me were on fire and I could once again feel his hot breath tingling on my face. My stomach lurched when I heard his whisper in my ear.

"What will you name the small now pet dragon. They won't grow or eat. Just nibble or set small things ablaze." He focused his eyes forward and the baby dragon nipped at my finger.

"What should I name you?" I asked the dragon. Be perked his head up.

"So you can speak to dragons?" I was shocked at the question.

"Yes sir." I mumbled.

"Very rare." He kept his eyes forward.

"Thanks... I guess... It's just scary to think what else don't I know about myself. Its not like my finding out I was a witch this is terrifying. What will people think? First I'm the broken, weird, useless girl, then the headmasters daughter, now I'm in this dumb tournament and I'm a fucking dragon whisperer. Not to mention my leg is on freaking fire right now." I threw my arms around Severus and cried. Great now I'm making a fool of myself.

"I don't think your broken, weird, or useless. I'd be proud to have Albus as my father, and you've got a extraordinary talent." I pulled my head up to look at him while we metered the school. The halls were empty since everyone was still at the quidditch pitch.

"Thank you Severus. Your a good friend... And professor..." I added trying to less awkward it.

"Yes well here you are." He carried me into the hospital wing and set me on the bed. Madam Pomfrey hurried over asking what happened. Severus explained it to her quickly and advised to give me certain antidotes.

She gave me a blood replenishing potion first, after that she gave me some essence of dittany to regrow the skin I had lost on my leg. I handed Severus the baby dragon and whilst I was being tended too.

Severus was beginning to leave after I drank my potions. I panicked, in no way did I want to be alone. "Sev- Professor Snape? Will you stay with me? Until headmaster arrives, hold on to the little guy?" I hurried gesturing towards the dragon.

He didn't say anything but returned to my bedside and sat in the chair.

"Th, thank you. I don't want to be alone." I fiddled with my hands.

"I understand." He nodded gracefully.

There was a flash of white light and a book appeared in his hands. He opened it and began to read.

I sat there quietly, my leg still hurt a bit but not as bad. Although a hour or so ago I thought I was gonna be eaten by a dragon or burned alive I was instead having a conversation with one. And earlier this morning I found out my dad isn't my dad but instead the headmaster of Hogwarts and my mom had a thing of older men.

"What book are you reading?" I picked the first question that popped into my head. The silence was horrible and I didn't want to be in my own thoughts anymore.

Without looking up he relied "Sherlock Holmes."

"I love that book. In the Muggle world there's movies about it. Its rather good actually. What part are you on?" I leaned forward a bit to see his book.

"Chapter 7." He turned the book so I could see.

"Brilliant chapter 8 is my favorite. The chess scene is so well written." I smiled and I could almost see a smile forming at the corners of his mouth. We were leaning close together so we could both see the page. When the door opened I jumped a bit.

"How are you feeling Phoenix? Albus smiled.

"Better thank you... Sir." I added after seeing Fudge.

"Please Phoenix you don't have to call me Sir or headmaster. You may call me what I am or you may call me Albus. Either way I'll be happy as long as you are." He smiled and Fudge stepped forward.

"Letting a student call you Albus? I would expect that you would suppress that they respect there elders." Fudge spoke in s disbelieving tone.

"Ah yes but she is more than just my student and I more than just the headmaster of this fine school Cornelius. She is my daughter and I am her father." There was a small gasp coming from Pomfrey and the minister was mouthing words.

"This will be head lines I'm sure of it. But how did you find out? What about Wren?

"It is not up for discussion on how we found out. Only know that she is my child and I will protect her from the public eye of insults and lies. That is all Cornelius." Albus had a urge of forbidden and finality in his voice.

Fudge finally said farewell before there was a crack in the air and he disappeared.

"Have you picked a name so when I tell the beast to stop trying to set my robes on fire he'll listen." Snape growled.

"Help me name him." I said half smiling and giggling.

"Bomb, spark, br-" snake was listing names before I shouted.

"Spark that it. Since he can't make full flames. He can be our little dragon." I smiled and studied his face he seemed concerned but then calmed.

"You keep it." After that he reopened his book and started reading.

While he was reading I was thinking. My mind was racing. What lies would be told of me in the Dailey prophet? Fudge wasn't gonna live this down.

But the thing I was thinking about most well person was the man sitting beside me. Reading his book and every now and then glancing at me. He was so handsome even when his dark eyes were traveling the pages of the book. I couldn't help but smile lightly when he wasn't looking.

*** What Do You All Think So Far? ***

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