The Stalker-- sorry My Stalker

By Peace_life_Nh

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"Adventuring aye? Looking turns to seeing and seeing transforms into watching. Sometimes you can't control w... More

Chapter 1: Cuts
Chapter 2: Unexpectations
Chapter 3: Help!
Chapter 4: Judy
Chapter 5: Weird
Chapter 6: Death seems better than this
Chapter 7: Oh no
Chapter 9: hm.
Chapter 10: Names
Chapter 11: Scare me
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: owner
Chapter 14: what?
Chapter 15 Part one: Cries
Chapter 15 Part two: Cries Blake's P.o.v
Character selections. (In my mind)
Chapter 16 Part one: Beg
Chapter 16 Part two: Beg Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 16 Part three: Beg Blake's P.o.v
A/n: Important!!
A/n yoooo
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Hot
Chapter 19: Vulnerable
Chapter 20: Dead roses
Chapter 21: He knows
Chapter 22: Forever
Chapter 22: Forever Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 23: Confusion
Chapter 24: Break
Chapter 25: Chica
Chapter 26: Daze
A/n What's up?
Chapter 27: Masochist
Chapter 28: Strays
Chapter 29: Blushes
New Character Selections: Part One
New Charater Selections: Part Two
A/n Amazing
Chapter 30: Ooze
Chapter 31: He
Chapter 32: will
Chapter 33: kill
Chapter 34: her
Chapter 35: soon.
Chapter 36: Sinner
Chapter 37: Blue
Chapter 38: Fear
Chapter 39: Drunk
Chapter 40: Wicked
Chapter 41: Company
Chapter 42: Guilt
Chapter 43: Burnt out
Chapter 44: Ditching
Chapter 45: Ice Cold

Chapter 8: Days.

92 4 0
By Peace_life_Nh

Italics are hard to read so this is a

Past chapter

read if u dare...

Argh. Sigh. Guys are complicated.

I blame global warming.

Days seemed to pass by. Longingly and boringly. It was a week. A week since I looked at
the abandoned house. A week since I did any homework. A week since I talked to Jackie. A week since I saw Thomas.

However, it wasn't a week since I saw the same guy with the same hoodie. I guess people would've thought it to be weird. I didn't find it weird.

I just found it mysterious... In a strange way. Like you ever have that moment of just who is that person? What life have they lived? I wonder if they're okay. Hopefully, everything's going well for them.

I ended up seeing him Wednesday. When I wanted to go to the store again.

He was in the store talking to the same guy I always say hi to.

Usually, he greets me better. But he just looked down at his register. I looked down as well. Just deciding to get my stuff.

It was awkward. Since their conversation seemed to stop as I walked in. I got what I wanted a Coke and Doritos.

"On the house." He said. Except with a more distant outlook. I looked at him then at the guy with his hoodie. He was drinking something head down.

"Here," I said giving him the two dollars. Expecting two quarters back.

"On the house doll." He said. I was gonna open my mouth but the guy in the hoodie spoke.

"Just take your food and go." He said. I looked at the bagged items. At the register. Then his black hoodie. I walked out before I could say anything else.

"Now I've told you guys to stop being loud. Don't you hear? I've exclaimed it more times than I've given birth. You guys are louder than the middle school kids. Don't you hear? I'm sick of your guys bull shit. All of you are in high school. Act like your in high school." Her voice broke me from the memory. I wanted to snicker at the bus driver. The freshmen were the ones who were loud. I don't know why she has to give us a lecture every day about it. I got off the bus. Last like I usually do.

I didn't really care if I was last, first, medium, small. Who the fuck cares. We're all getting off, same stop. I got off the bus, and the cool autumn breeze hit my face hard. Shit. I need to remember to wear a coat out soon. At least a heavier sweater. It wasn't even a breeze. It was a slap in the face. I greeted the crossing guard with a smile.

"Come on little Jazzy, come on." She said. Sometimes. Today I guess was one of those days. I wondered what jazzy meant half the time. I guess I was just someone I reminded her of. I smiled, waved, and walked to my dreaded house.

I decided to start my routine again. Just because the house was here, and I was already staring at it. it was an abandoned house. I suppose. Due to the wooden door, shades that look like haven't been washed in years, a weird old man, tiles on the... Weird old man?

I looked at the house intently. Is he really though? I moved my head closer to the house without moving my feet. What an awkward way to look at something. I looked through the window. I stepped back a bit... Oh god no. I shook my head. I saw the same old man. Except he isn't a cardboard box. It's a real person. He was squinting his eyes and had a widened smile that reached his glasses filled eyes. My jaw dropped a bit. He looked scary as fuck! Like pedophile alert!

Oh hell no. I saw him nod his head. I scrunched my eyes brows. What? I started speed walking to my house. Nope no. I don't need an old man liking me or coming after me.

I started breathing heavily. Stop breathing like that. Stop it! I wanted to tell my body. My body just kept breathing as if it was in control. In the wrong control.

It felt like if you were getting dunked in a pool. And you were trying to tell whoever was dunking you in the water to stop. But the person was too busy laughing at you as you struggled. It started out a game. Where you both laughed it off. However, it soon turned into a life or death situation.

I kept walking to my house, but my breathing was not regulating. It's like my body was working on just enough air supply until it needed more. So it took as much air as it could subdue, in the most painful way. I was walking strangely too. I looked at my feet that were walking but not thinking of where it was walking too. Before I knew it. I tripped over my own feet.

Landing almost. Almost. Thank goodness, almost face first on the ground. Thank you instincts for putting my hands in front of my face. I have pretty slow instincts.

Ouch. Realization of me hitting the ground came into effect. I got up dusted myself off. Looking at my bruised hands. They weren't badly bruised. They weren't bleeding which was good. I picked up my book-bag. Yes, I have a book-bag and I'm a junior in high school. But you know, that's why I only have five friends! That's pretty damn good! If you ask me.

"Are you okay?" My eyes shot up to across my street, where my neighbor was carrying groceries. I nodded my head.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." I said starting my walk to my house again. Only a few houses down. I think falling made me breathe normally. Because it didn't seem like I had any problem. Oh god. His face came into my mind again. My breath hitched.


Okay. I fiddled with my book-bag to find my keys. I finally got it. Bingo! Only if this was bingo, and the cash prize was a million dollars. Oh, that would've been great.

Goodbye house I've lived in for years. Hello, mansion. My mansion. Hm. Well, I can dream.

I opened the beige door. Then slid down it. Ugh. I am so tired. I might just stay here a while. I looked at the other door, at the end of the corridor.

It was a weird establishment, type looking house. I feel like it was a mistake. They didn't have enough supplies to finish it. So they left it as a long corridor, to my actual living arrangement.

Ugh, I have to go in there anyway.

"Bang bang bang!" I heard loud knocks on the door. Well, now I have to get up. I bet it's Serenity, forgetting her keys again. I slowly picked up my book-bag and looked at who it could be. I tilted my head. Then my face turned into a confused expression.

"Thomas?" I said aloud. I wasn't expecting him to hear me. He looked up from his phone. With a smile.

"Hey, Trinity." I gazed at him weirdly. Why are you here? I'm never supposed to see you again. Why the hell are you here?

"Are you gonna open the door or just stare at me while I catch hypothermia?" He questioned. I raised a brow, then opened the door. I started my walk to my house. He came right behind me. Like where I could feel his breath on my neck. Um. I turned around. Then backed up a little.

"This is so weird.." I mumbled while looking at the floor. Touching my hair. I looked up to his face. He raised his eyebrow. I turned around to open the door.

"What's weird?" He questioned. I twisted the doorknob ignoring his question, but he stopped me from opening the door. Holding the doorknob in place. Hold up, pal.

"What's weird." He said again. I tried thinking of a way to say it to him. However, I just took the subtly, yet straightforward attire. Staring in his hazel eyes.

"You," I stated. Looking up at him. He was about to object, pulling at his light brown hair, however, I started talking before he could talk.

"Only because it's like my brother never brings his friends over more than once. So seeing you again. Is very.."

"Strange?" He questioned. I shook my head.

"Just weird... A good weird though." I mumbled good. He started smiling. I rolled my eyes.

"You like me." He stated. I rolled my eyes, turning the doorknob.

"Your face is hot. If that's what you mean." I exclaimed. Trying to open my door.

"Even if I did.." I walked in the house, turning around to see his face.

"I would never tell," I said looking him in the eye, with a challenging smirk. He ran his hand through his bronze like hair. Then winked. I turned around.

"So your not saying you don't like me?" He said. Walking closer to my back. I groaned in frustration.

"For a twenty-year-old, you don't act your age," I said closing my eyes. Then opening them to walk away. He pulled my arm to stop my motion. I know in all books, I've read this would be considered a "turn on." I just felt violated a bit. I know he's hot, cute but if you have a person you just met a week before, kinda pulling you...

I don't know maybe it's just me.

"How old are you seventeen? Sixteen?"

"Sixteen," I said.

"Four years apart." He said. I raised my eyebrow.

"What does that mean?" I asked. What the hell?

"Oh," he patted my head. I touched his hand to take it off. I had a serious expression etched on my face.

"For a sixteen-year-old, you don't comprehend very well." I frowned. He started walking away.

"Hey, you can't use my own words against me!" I yelled. Small smile coming onto my features.

"Just did, Doll." He said, and I saw my brothers door open.

I was currently in the dining room. Looking at the door that just closed. Hm. I walked into my room.

Kicking off my shoes immediately. I looked at my unmade up bed. Ugh. I dropped my book-bag on the rug and pushed all the covers towards the wall. Or at least making it look like it was presentable. Okay, it wasn't near presentable.

I'll fix it later. I picked up my book-bag and plopped it on my bed. Maybe I'll do my homework today.


I wish I could say nah. I didn't do it all week. My English teacher was getting upset with me doing it in her class. She caught me twice.

"Trinity this is very unlike you, to do other classes' work during my class," she said keeping me back a few minutes.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Cooper. I swear it will never happen again." I promised.

"Okay, Trinity. Now give me a hug." She is a very touchy teacher. She was older. Maybe that was why.

Only twice. Even though I did it for the whole week. Two out of five days was pretty damn good. And I did all of the missing homework assignments. Pretty good. Hold up...

Today's fucking Friday! Hell yeah! I... Wow. How did I not know this? Then again. I thought yesterday was Tuesday. So...

Whatever! I don't have homework till Sunday. I have to call my mother.

Oh shit. I haven't called her at all this week.

I left the room to get the house phone. Yes, house phones still exist. I dialed her number as quick as I could. Not in a hurry. Just to see how fast I could do it. It kept ringing and ringing.

"Answer you stupid... Hey mom!" I heard her shuffle against the phone. She was working.

"Sup Trini Trini. Why haven't you called your mom? I thought something was wrong." She exclaimed.

"I forgot. But are you picking us up tomorrow?" I asked.

"I'm actually picking you guys tonight." Oh great.

"Oh okay. Well, don't forget about his presence." I said about to hang up.

"Wait Luke's here?" She asked. I thought she knew?

"Yeah?"I said.

"Oh, that's what the hell he was trying to fucking tell me before I told him I couldn't talk." I rolled my eyes of course.  Here comes the mother I know and sadly have to love.

"Yeah, I guess."

"I have to call him now."

"Mom wait, I'll just give him the phone," I said. She said something, but the phone was already off my ear. I knocked on his door.

"Luke! Mom is on the phone." I said through the door. I didn't open the door. For all, I know they could be watching porn. I don't want to see them... Enjoy if they are.

"Luke!" I yelled. Thomas opened the door.

"Hey, you." He said. Poking my nose. I looked at his hand. Uh?

"What? Whatever can you give the phone to my brother?" He nodded.

"Sure." He says taking the phone.

"Thanks, Trini!" I heard my brother yell.

"Your welcome," I said quietly. Aye, I need to talk to my friends. I got out my phone that was in my back pocket and turned it on. Who am I kidding? The phone was already on. I turned walking back into my room.

"Sup Serenity," I said looking at her. She was on her bed, with her phone doing god knows what. She waved and kept texting on her phone. I looked at my own phone.

I tried talking to Jackie. I literally tried. But she was always with Chase. I gave up after Tuesday or so.

BISH squad! Trinity

Hey guys.

BISH squad! Gloria

Sup Trinity Igtg I'm in gymnastic byeeeee. 

BISH squad! Trinity

You still do gymnastics?

I didn't know she still did gymnastics.

BISH squad! Gloria

Yes but ttyl byeeee!

BISH squad! Trinity


I typed. Well, she's not a person I can talk to right now. I guess I'll text Abby.


Sup Abbyyyyy how's it goinggggggg?! How's life!. I'm quite bored as you can tell. But ANSWER! So... I can have someone to talk to?

I texted lastly.


Omg what the hell do you want? I'm sucking some dudes dick rn.

I scrunched my nose.


I didn't need to know that!

I typed.


LMFAO the fact that you believed that. I'm dying. You really need to go to a party, and get wasted for a while


Sounds fun.

I typed. Not knowing what else to say. Biting my lip.


Well gotta go bish! I have to go to Bill's house.



Who the hell is Bill?

Is it the exchange student?

'I don't think an exchange students name would be Bill.'

You never know!


Bill is the new guy in my life. I give him oral every few weeks.

I disregarded the oral part and texted her.


How come you never told me about Bill?!?!?

I texted. Jeez did I not know my friends or something?


TRINITY! I am joking! Bill is a book character! Gotta go READ about Bill. Bye, bish!


Lol. Bye, I guess.

I sighed. Looking at the read message. I didn't want to do my homework. But I have nothing better to do.

'Or you could text Jackie or Karolyn?'

I scoffed. First of all, I don't text Karolyn. She was like that school friend. You got along with her at school, and only at school. She's that friend that if we ever went out, or talked outside of school it would be awkward. But she's a good friend.

Jackie hasn't texted me at all. So.. Sigh whatever. I turned my screen black.

Homework it is...

Ha, you would've thought! I turned my television on.

I turned to ABC family and saw a meaningless movie on. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

"Keep it here!" I heard Serenity yell. I looked at what was coming on next. Now You See Me.


"Okay." I simply said.

"Oh, moms picking us up," I say as well. Looking at the television.

"What? No! I'm supposed to go to Tina's house tomorrow!" She wined.

"Well ask her if you can is all I can say," I said. Monotoned.

"I'm thirsty." I got up and went to the kitchen. The radio was on like it always is. I got a cup and took out the water. I started walking back to my room.

"Hi, Serenity I'm Thomas, your brother's friend." I heard through the door.

"Why are you in my room?" I questioned incredulously, opening the door. Sitting on my bed.

"I met your lovely sister last week," Thomas stated. Serenity scoffed and laughed.

"And I want you to get out of my room," I exclaim sitting on my bed next to him.

"I just wanted to say hi." He pouted. I swear you are not twenty. A brief smile ran to my lips.

"And now you have. Bye Thomas." I waved with a smile. He sent a cheeky grin back, but he was still sitting on my bed.

"This isn't over doll. I got to go, or your brother will lash out at me talking to you." He started walking away toward the door.

"I'm sure he will," I said smiling back a little.


Hey, guysssss! Sorry for the chapter. It was stupid I know. And I feel like it was rushed, and I hate when things are rushed! But yikes. Maybe I'll fix it later, I don't know. Probably won't... But... Hm. Argh, I don't know. I feel like the first chapter to my story sucks. And it probably does so I might fix that a bit. Here's another knock knock joke. Lol.
Knock knock.
"Ugh not you again."
Just say knock knock!
"No, I want your jokes are Terri.."
"I will order James."
"Knock knock."
Who's there?
"Oh, Jesus."
"Orange who?"
Orange who?
"Orange you glad I didn't say banana?" Haha, this cracks me up. Lmao.
"No, I'm not glad at all."
Jeez why you gotta hurt me like that? *Cried softly.*
Well, that's it, for now, Lovely people! *Hearts all around.*

See yeah Lovely people! 😋✌️

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