Mated To A Jerk |✓

By ranchchips

605K 16.8K 2.1K

Being mated to the future alpha isn't a breeze, especially for Cassandra. Wanna know why? Because he's a flat... More



7.3K 236 20
By ranchchips


Take these worthless people to Hell where they can be tamed and controlled.

Lash out your anger that you are holding in, take it out on them.

Slash their throats out.

"I-I can't." I whispered, rocking back and forth with my knees to my chest and my hands weaved through my hair. My cheeks were wet with frustrated tears, and my head was pounding beyond belief.

You can. You have the power.

"I d-do?" I stuttered, staring straight ahead at the plain, ordinary, white, puffy wall. It was probably puffy so I wouldn't hurt myself. I mean, I already did, scratching my arms and legs til they bled, and while I was unconscious they clipped my nails to the point I couldn't claw anything. That was my way of relief, and the bastards took it away!

That's right. Channel your anger, and use that to your power. Let your feelings take control.

"How?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper since I was scared. Before the demon could speak, a voice did, a very bitter voice.

"Channel your anger from the inside where you are keeping it, then just let it rise to your body and let the feelings speak through your actions. It isn't that hard really." Lucifer stated.

I jumped up off the clean white floor, apart from the vomit and blood stains. I rushed over to him and clutched to his arms, my eyes wide and my breathing fast.

"When is it over? When can I go home?" I asked, excited but also scared. I wanted to go home and take a nice warm bath, and I wanted to eat all the pickles in the pack house. Pickles sounded good right now.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes, but laughed at my behavior.

"You can't leave yet." He shook his head and I frowned, my posture sinking and my eyes tearing up again. My lips formed in a natural pout from my true upset feelings.

"But I want to go ride the ponies." I mumbled, defeated. Lucifer tilted his head, scrunching his face.

"You're a werewolf, not a horse back rider." He stated, and I flung my arms around him, holding onto his body like he was about to slip from my fingers, even though I didn't like him. I started to cry, but then it turned into a hysterical laugh.

"You're funny, Lucy!" I laughed and hit my legs, trying to calm down.

"Okay, I'm leaving. You're annoying me now-"

"Why?" I pouted, tilting my head.

"I can't stand crazy people right now." He rolled his eyes, jerking away from me.

"I'm not crazy!" I protested, crossing my arms over my chest, ignoring my sore limb protests. Lucifer turned and looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Really? I beg to differ."

"Why would I be crazy? I'm perfectly fine!" I shouted, a scowl now firmly placed on my face.

"You've been in this box for a week, listening to demonic spirits tell you what you should do, responding back to them and just sitting there taking it."


"You've gone insane in here, Dark Wolf. I feel a little bad considering you are our future queen, but this is only the middle part of your development. First pain, then influence, your change, your wolf's change, then completion of powers. Sorry, but I'll see you later." He waved his hand and suddenly vanished, but once he left I just sat on the floor again and cried into my hands.

I'm really crazy now aren't I? I mean, my thoughts are all over the place, and I haven't had any social time with anybody except Lucifer, but he doesn't count.

Turn your sadness into anger, and use that against them all. They put you here in your misery and left you here to go mental. Pay them back and show them what you're worth.

They're right. My pack did this to me. They enjoy watching me suffer in my head. I won't let them get away with it.

Blow your way out, find them and attack, send them to the pits of Hell.

I glared ahead, wiping the remaining tears off my cheeks, but stood as I did so. I walked over to the door that was locked in many different ways. I first just attempted to push it open, but since I couldn't successfully get it open I stepped back and thought. What could I use on this bolted door? My head was tilted to the right as I pondered over my choices.

I only had Hell though right? I mean, they said I had that resour-

All control over all evil

But, I thought there was only Hell. Now all evil on Earth as well...

Use Fire Manipulation. Burn this box down.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and channeling my anger to my surface. I felt the feeling on my fingertips, the electric touch on the pads of my fingers, manipulating the air into fire.

The door bursted in flames, but then I realized I couldn't go through it.

Walk through.

I was hesitant at first, but then I realized they wouldn't hurt their queen, so I walked through the flames to the other side. I was just heated, and no burns.

An alarm instantly started ringing through the building, but my anger only seemed to increase.

I strode down the long, narrow hall confidently, eyeing anyone who I spotted. If they saw me they backed up and let me pass, not wanting to try me.

Burn them!

They'll get what they deserve.

A doctor tried to stick me with a syringe before I made it out the door, but I turned in a flash and kicked his gut. He fell to the floor in a grunt, and I towered over him.

"You tried to take me back there!" I accused, and when he winced when I rose my hand I smirked. Fear me.

"Audible Inundation." I heard a manly voice say behind me. I sighed in frustration, but kept my eyes on the wimpy doctor.

"What does that mean?" I asked him, and he got closer.

"Ability to overwhelm another beings head with voices. Like I did to you. It's like pay back." Lucifer whispered, and I pursed my lips.

"That's not good enough." I hissed.

"Just do it."

I huffed, annoyed, but stared through the doctor's head, trying to focus on his thoughts. I could suddenly feel his emotions lightly behind my own, and that's when the foreign words left my lips naturally, like they were there the whole time. How did I...

The man lowered his now wide eyes, hearing the voices of whispers that I heard. Now mine were voices that talked loud and clear, overpowering my own thoughts.

I spun on my heel triumphantly, exiting the building. I planned on burning it down, burning all the doctors and nurses down with the box that contained me. But there were people crowded in the parking lot, watching me fearful from a distance.

"This isn't a god damn show!" I shouted, and some frantically got in their cars and sped off. I needed to burn this building down before Alpha Dawn or Chase come, knowing that they know I've escaped since news spreads like wildfire.

I turned on my heels and faced the building, a scowl on my face.

Burn them. Every single being.

A burning sensation spread down my arms and to my fingertips, but before I could release the orb I was tackled to the ground where I lost concentration. I growled angrily, squirming under the body.

"Get the fuck off me!" I yelled in protest, and they did, but immediately pulled me against their chest. God, why do I never have my way?!

"Cassandra, this isn't you." Chase told me as he struggled to contain my body.

"What are you talking about? I'm doing it as Cassandra, aren't I?" I growled.

"No, this is the persuasion and anger from the spirits you have inside. It's not what you want, it's what they want you to be doing. They want you to hurt others."


"Shh, I'm right here. Calm down, deep breaths." He hushed in my ear, and my body started to relax, but from that I just almost had done scarred me. I was really about to kill innocent people? My eyes started to water as I sniffled.

"I-I'm not stable."

"It's alright."

"No! I almost murdered innocent pack doctors!" I burst and he shushed me again, running his soft hand on my face.

"You're fine. It wasn't you, it was the spirits. Not your fault." I nodded slowly, gulping back my tears.

"It wasn't me." I repeated. Someone came up to us and grabbed my arm gently, then stuck a needle slowly in my forearm. "It wasn't me." I repeated, but this time like I was trying to convince myself.

"Go to sleep, Cassy. I'll protect you."

"You'll protect me." I mumbled, my eyes rolling to the back of m head. This time, my voice was breathy and distant.

"It wasn't me."



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