Bite Me, Sucker [Discontinue...

By simitelli

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[So, this story hasn't been updated since 2013, and I don't think I'll be continuing it since I want to prese... More

Chapter 1: Foolish Enemies
Chapter 2: Foolish Confession
Bite Me, Sucker - Foolish Choice
Bite Me, Sucker - Foolish Words
Bite Me, Sucker - Foolish Visions
Bite Me, Sucker - Foolish Greetings

Bite Me, Sucker - Foolish Fights

82 9 3
By simitelli

**I KNOW I TOOK A LONG TIME TO UPLOAD SO I'M SORRY FOR THAT! But I do have reasons... exams and whatnot... that's a valid excuse right? ANYWAYS the chapter is finally here, not that long but it's something and more like a filler... this will be edited, because I did write this a few months ago when my writing wasn't so good so yeah...but hey ho Noemi and Asher are back ^_^**

**Please vote and comment and sorry for any mistakes >.<**

Song: The click five ~ Just the girl

Picture of Asher:

~*~*~*~*~Asher's point of view~*~*~*~*~

She's mad.

"Hey, hold up. Hear me- stop biting me!" I hollered, pushing Noemi's face away with the palm of my hand. She was seething mad now, reaching out to me with her claws as I watched her whiskers grow. Her violet eyes burned with anger.

"No not the face." I screamed, grabbing onto her nose, well cat nose, and pinched it so she couldn't breathe. A man's got to do what a man's got to do. She started clawing at my hand because I wouldn't let go until she unclasped her legs from around my waist.

"You just can't seem to keep your hands off me." I snickered quietly, walking backwards until my back hit the wall. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Before I could utter another word, Noemi grabbed a fistful of hair and held onto it with a vice grip, like how a baby koala doesn't let go. Oh, but she's far from a koala.

"Noemi, let go. He's just winding you up." I heard Brenda in the background, trying to get Noemi off me but her voice was barely above a whisper, almost like she didn't want Noemi to let go. My gaze swiftly moved towards the three idiots sitting on the sofa, with a big bucket of popcorn resting between the three of them. It's like a never ending supply of popcorn.

"No, Brenda, he is going down." Noemi growled, catching my attention. And here comes the famous smirk. "Ooh so you like it when you're on top." I just had to finish that with a wink.

Something cold, that ran down my cheek, broke me out of my teasing mode as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Letting go off her nose, I swiped at my cheek with the back of hand and brought it up to my eyes to inspect it.


"Watch it, big boy, it's been a long time since we've fought, and I think it's safe to say I've been practising." She mocked into my ear, her cool breath running down my neck and sending shivers down my spine.

You thought I'd become all soft heartened because of these shivers, even though they feel so good, it reminds me why I'd let her leave in the first place.

When I didn't reply, I felt her squeeze her legs around my waist in a warning of some sort. But does this girl know what she just did. "Noemi... you shouldn't have done that." I whispered, noticing how our hips were pressed up against each other in a way that nothing could come in between. And after all, I'm still a guy.

I tried prying her legs off but she clutched on tighter, and her being a panther made her grip stronger. "Shouldn't have done what? This?" She asked innocently before clasping her legs and arms around me until she hung of my body with my arms loosely wrapped around her.

"Is this a fight... or some kind of fantasy you two are playing out?" Luke questioned with amusement, as Wesley cheered in the background. "Because I don't think you two need a crowd, unless you're into that kind of stuff. Remember use protection but then again, your choice." Luke stated, bringing his hands up in surrender when Noemi turned to him with a glare.

"I might have missed you, Luke, but I can still rip your head off." She growled, but then smiled in a sickly sweet manner. He just stared at her with a blank expression.

Just as I thought she was about to get off me and forget the whole thing, she turned to face me with a sultry expression, gripping tighter onto my hair. "For a vampire, you sure don't know how to hide your weaknesses." Oh she's just taking the mick now.

I brought my face closer to hers until we were only a few millimetres apart. I watched as her eyes fluttered down, but they instantly were brought back up to meet my eyes with curiosity. Oh, she has no idea what my weakness is.

Her lips were slightly parted, probably to utter another word but I cut her off as I quickly turned us around and pressed her back up against the wall. A gasp escaped through her lips as she looked at me with shock. Now that caused her whiskers and ears and claws to retract until she was in her human form again.

As for me, my fangs were sharper than ever before. And that's when her eyes widened and a petrified look overtook her features. So she's still scared of me. "Noemi, you have no clue what my weakness is. But then again, I think it's quite obvious." I whispered as I ran my nose down the column of her throat.

I felt her gulp.

I thought about skimming my fangs over her soft skin but that's taking it a bit too far. "After all, I am a bloodsucker. Or have you forgotten that in a space of a few hours." I heard her suck in a big amount of air before she let out a loud scream.

"Get of me; get the fuck of me, Asher!" She yelled, thrashing about in my arms and trying to get out of my hold. I watched her quietly as she breathed out heavily, and I felt her fingers gripping onto my arms tightly.

"Asher, you're scaring her now. Let her go."

She continued on thrashing around in my arms. So I let my grip loosen until I wasn't holding her anymore. And she landed on her butt with a thud with a scream. "You broke my butt!" Noemi sobbed, sitting with her legs spread out like a child. She wants to murder me but since I've 'broken' her butt, I don't think she's getting up anytime soon.

"I don't think you should be screaming that, the people next door might get the wrong idea." I teased, quickly moving out of her way as she leapt forward to attack my legs. But she didn't get very far. Me being the thoughtful person that I am, don't laugh at that, gave her a helping hand which she refused to take.

I watched amused as she tried to pick herself up but kept wincing every five seconds. She looked around before her eyes landed on me and then she let out a huff of annoyance.

"Stop staring and pick me up."

~*~*~*~*~Noemi's point of view~*~*~*~*~

The idiot broke my butt.

I think it's permanently broken, it was a heavy fall might I add. My arms on their own accord reached out towards him so he could pick me up. Placing his arms around my stomach, he picked me up as if I weighed the same as a feather. "No need to show off your strength, idiot." I muttered quietly when he picked me up and placed me down onto the sofa. I heard him chuckle in response.

"Do you guys love or hate each other. I'm confused." Wesley muttered, dumping himself onto the sofa beside me. I rested my head against his shoulder as I gave a little shrug to that question. I guess you could say it is neutral feelings, with a pinch of hate because we're mortal enemies since we were born.

"I guess I'll never know until I rip his head off." I mumbled causing Wesley to roar with laughter, and that made Asher give him a weird look. "I swear if he's telling you about how I should come out of the closet and whatnot, it's not true." Asher spoke quickly, giving a stern look towards Wesley before turning back to Luke and Brenda with a look of irritation.

Wait, what closet? Is Asher interested in guys? Well that's a bummer, since he would make beautiful babies in the future. Wait, what, Noemi, what the hell are you saying? Maybe the packet of instant noodles I've been living off from for the past few months are getting to me.

"...beautiful babies'?" Brenda questioned, a look of confusion painted across her face. Holy shiznits, did I say that out loud. They must all think I'm sort of obsessed physco now. "You said that out loud, and you also said the physco part out loud." Asher spoke, his lip curling up into a smirk which made me want to dig a hole and throw myself in it.

"But I don't blame you, with the beautiful babies' thing. Pretty sure, most girls wouldn't mind making babies with me, and that includes you." This guy had definitely lost his mind if he thinks I'd want his babies' after trying to rip his head off. I knew a scowl had formed itself on my face and my eyes narrowed into a glare.

But it turned into a look of surprise when Brenda decided to finally make a random announcement.

"I don't think this is a good time to ask you if Asher could be your flat mate. There's not enough room in our flat, and I'm moving out to live with some distant cousin. I already packed his bags for you." And well what do you know, a suitcase stood near my apartment door.

"What?! Brenda, no, he can't live here. Take back his suitcase." I yelled, walking over towards his suitcase and tried, and I do mean tried, to push it out into the hallway. What does this boy wear – clothes made out of iron?

"Come on, Noemi, for a friend? Please, think about Asher, with him being a part time pizza boy, he ain't going to get very far, even though his parents are like loaded." She demonstrated the loaded part by spreading her arms apart wide and making a 'bam' sound.

And Asher, well he stood there with his mouth hanging open. "Brenda! First you make me move to New York for no apparent reason and now you're making me live with her." Boy, did he look mad. He looked like he was ready to tear something apart, with his hands or his fangs, but his murderous look was scary enough.

I knew I should have remained quiet but me being me just had to blurt nonsense out. "No one wants to live with you either, idiot. But I don't get why you're so mad. Did you leave behind a girlfriend or something?" I teased, enjoying this way too much when I knew I shouldn't be.

He looked at me with a blank expression as did the others. Wait... something strange is going on. When no one spoke, I felt my eyes widen as I finally realised what their silence was implying.

"...You left behind a girl, didn't you?" I whispered, feeling unusual all of a sudden when I heard a sigh coming from Asher. I looked up to see Brenda biting her lip, and Wesley and Luke shuffling about in their spot as an uncomfortable silence took over.

"Yeah I did... we had to break things off because she couldn't take a long distance relationship." He sounded so... heartbroken, but at the same time he seemed emotionless. I fixed my gaze on him, meeting his bright blue eyes with a look of confusion.

And there was something else there but I couldn't pinpoint what. No, it's not what you think so get that thought out of your mind. But my stupid brain just had to ask the question that suddenly appeared before my eyes.

"Would...would you go back for her, if you had the choice." I muttered, glancing towards Asher who stood there with an uncertain look on his face as he rubbed at the back of his head. I noticed that the three idiots were looking between me and Asher rather comically, but they all had the look of curiousness painted across their faces. I averted my eyes back towards Asher, his expression telling me that the gears were turning in his head to come up with an answer.

"Yes I would. I love her."

**THERE IT IS! I don't know what to say ._. what do you guys think about the last part? ASHER HAS, WELL HAD, A GIRLFRIEND :O Maybe he gave up waiting, or maybe he did mean it when he said he hated Noemi... but we can't be fooled *fist pumps air* o_o well there it is... hope anyone liked it :)**

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