Bible Studying

By LoverOfChristC

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This is a bible study program for experienced Christians and people who don't even know God. Hope this helps... More

First Lesson
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Lesson Six
Lesson Seven
Lesson Eight
Lesson Nine
Lesson Ten
Lesson Eleven
Lesson Twelve
Lesson Thirteen
Lesson Fourteen
Lesson Fifteen
Lesson Sixteen
Lesson Seventeen
Important Note
Lesson 18
Parting Note

Lesson Five

4.5K 247 29
By LoverOfChristC

John 2:1-6
"My dear children, I write this letter to you so that you will not sin.  But if anyone does sin, we have Jesus Christ go help us.  He is the Righteous One.  He defends us before God the Father.  Jesus died in our place to take away our sins.  And Jesus is the way that all people can have their sins taken away, too.  If we obey what God has told us to do, then we are sure we truly know God.  If someone says, "I know God!"  but does not obey God's commands, then he is a liar.  The truth is not in him.  But if someone obeys God's teaching, then God's love has truly arrived at its goal in him.  This is how we know that we are following God: Whoever says that God loves in him must as Jesus lived."

The first four sentences have a lot of meaning. First of all, what is being said is that John doesn't want us to sin, of course he wouldn't. But he knows everyone is a sinner and the we have sins. So he says that since you are giving the effort to become better, he said that Jesus Christ will help us in becoming better.  Then Jesus is called the Righteous One, which means he is to bring justice and fairness to his people.  The last part shows how important we are to Jesus, saying that Jesus would defend us before his own father God.

Next there is an example of how Jesus showed his love for us, by dying on a cross! And being nailed to it, just so us sinners can live eternally if we believe in him. Then it says that Jesus sees us all equally.  If you do not believe yet then you can still have Jesus take away your sins. 

The last part simply put together means of you say you believe then in your heart you should and your actions should follow God's word. If you don't believe and you say you do, yet you act wrongly, that person is not truthful.

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