The Terran Enclave - Klithian...

By maxd01

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This is the second series based on my Folician Chronicles stories. There are six books and one stand alone i... More

Chapter 1 - Kevin heads to Earth
Chapter 2 - Misty becomes a ship Liraque
Chapter 3 - Misty and Blake
Chapter 4 - I need help Kevin
Chapter 5 - Welcome Liraque Silvery Skies
Chapter 6 - You are hired
Chapter 7 - Come to Folicia with me
Chapter 8 - Welcome to Folicia Cindy and Sophia
Chapter 9 - Will you marry me Dark Storm?
Chapter 10 - Who let my mother in here?
Chapter 11 - Saul I accept being your mate
Chapter 12 - Can I help you Sophia?
Chapter 13 - Hands what happened to you?
Chapter 14 - You want me for what?
Chapter 15 - Heading towards where they belong
Chapter 16 - Stan this is the Goddess
Chapter 17 - Stan I do love you

Prologue - Welcome Brice

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By maxd01

Books in the Folician Chronicles series

Dog Got Your Tongue – Folician Chronicles 1

Homecoming – Folician Chronicles 2

The Temple – Folician Chronicles 3

We have to keep moving forward – Folician Chronicles 4

The Goddess and the Pack Lord – Folician Chronicles 5

The Past is the Future – Folician Chronicles 6

Dawn of Hope – Folician Chronicles 7

A Folician Christmas

The Terran Enclave – Klithian Chronicles 1

A New Balance – Life and Death – Klithian Chronicles 2 (in progress)

Brice comes for an interview

Brice walked into the office section of the large warehouse and had to wonder what they actually did. The advertisement indicated they were looking for some warehouse workers. He had submitted his application for the manual labor work since he badly needed a job. Brice knew that it was hard to get work for someone with his disability and he really was hoping he could get a job. His family needed the income even if it was something barely better than minimum wage. He had a younger sister and an aunt to support.

When Brice walked in he glanced around. The waiting room and reception desk were well designed and very nice. Brice had done his best to dress as best possible to make a good impression. His suit was second hand as was the shirt but they were in excellent condition. When the woman at the front desk looked up and asked what he was there for, he handed over his resume and application. He gave her a tentative smile though he didn't say anything.

Alonia took the paperwork and glanced at it and after a check of her computer she returned the smile, "Please have a seat and you'll be called in shortly." She turned to the computer and entered he was there. Even as she was clicking the keyboard she was using the implant to let both Gloria and Ready know he was there. They did keep detailed computer records but the information came from their implants. She had seen the notice on his appointment he couldn't speak and to send for Gloria as well.

It was only a few moments later when Ready came out, "Mr. Hans if you will come with me please. I am going to be doing the job interview." When the man stood she gave him a quick look and he was an interesting looking male. He was tall and fit but slender and came across as somewhat reticent. Ready had been taught by both the harem and Temple how to evaluate the humans applying for a job to pick the best. What Simon had said about the earlier picks had hit home with the Temples and government. To an extent what was wanted had changed.

Brice stood up and again gave her a tentative smile as he followed her from the office. When they entered the office, the woman indicated a chair to sit in which he did. Since there was a folder with his resume in it on the desk, he settled his bag down next to him.

She glanced at the paperwork before looking at him, "I see you are looking for a job. I also see that in this case you are looking for one in our warehouse as a worker. Can you tell me what you can do to help us?" Ready gave him an expectant look.

Brice lifted his hands and started gesturing to explain what he wanted. He had no idea she didn't have any idea that he was mute, though he could hear he couldn't speak.

Before he could continue Ready held a hand up, "Give me a moment please." *Gloria and Kevin, I need you to tell me why he is using his hands to try and, well I guess, speak. Can you help me?* For whatever reason she either hadn't caught his being mute or what it meant.

Gloria quickly entered the room and gave Brice a stressed smile, "Sorry Mr. Hans, I was busy with something. Can you repeat what you were saying?" She settled down near him, *He is mute, it means he can't speak using his voice and speaks with his hands. I thought I had indicated that when I sent you his application. I have uploaded the America Sign Language to my implant. Don't react since he does have some very good letters of recommendations. I will have Storm check and then Kevin if she approves.*

As Gloria was sending to Ready, she was talking to Brice, "Again, I was supposed to be in the meeting but was delayed. I have reviewed your resume and am pleased with what it showed. We do deal with people with disabilities here and please don't feel impinged by that."

Brice glanced at the woman behind the desk moments before another female came in. He carefully listened to what was showing and being said. Once the new woman had settled down he repeated what he had originally signed. Both women were very attractive. It didn't matter since he was here for a job but it was nice to see pretty women. He really hoped he would get the job since his family needed it.

The interview went on for about an hour as they talked. Once they were done Ready glanced at Gloria, *It appalls me that he has this issue but I like him. He is honest, straight forward, and appears to be willing to do what is needed. Can you talk to Storm and let me know?* She had to admit his scent was nice as well and had helped her to relax.

Gloria looked at Brice and gave him a pleased smile, "Ready has indicated that you have passed this portion of the interview. One more person will need to do a meeting with you before we can say yes or no. Do you need a ride home or taxi fair? I will contact you later this week about what is going to happen." *I'll talk to her this afternoon and update you. I have a good feeling about Brice.*

Brice was pleased that he had even gotten this far. When Gloria indicated that she would contact him he couldn't help but give her a shy smile and signed, "Thank you and I have a bus pass." When he stood Gloria showed him out of the office and was escorted out of the building. Brice could only hope it would work out.


Gloria talks to Storm about Brice

Gloria settled down next to Storm in the apartment they shared at the warehouse. Only those who were Folician's or in the know had an apartment in the building. They had laced the building with nanotech to the Folician standards. Earth wouldn't be able to detect it to the best of her knowledge. It was something the Folician's had to have. For a short visit such as when Ray and his family had come, it was one thing. For the Folician's who lived here it was different. They were so used to the almost immersive aspect of the nanotech they needed it.

Storm had Charles in her arms and was gently tickling the little boy with her whiskers. He was giggling at her as she was doing that and trying to keep her away from his neck and ears, "Such a sweety and how I hope mine will be like you." She sniffed his neck again and curled her whiskers again.

Gloria laughed at Storm and Charles as they were cuddling, "You two are so cute when you start snuggling." She had Danica in her arms and was cuddling her as well. As much as she cared for Ray, Storm was their other mother and the two pups didn't seem to care. They knew Ray and knew he was their father but Storm was there every day. She was their other mother, *I need to talk to you about a possible employee. He does have a human disability but he seemed to be a good solid person.*

When Charles returned the favor, and gave Storm's neck a light lick Storm had to laugh, "Silly little pup, I'm going to get you." She started to lightly nibble on his neck much to his amusement, *What type of disability?* It wasn't something many Folician's had really dealt with. Their nano tech was able to deal with most. Many were resolved in-utero before the child was born.

Gloria was relaxing against Storm and was enjoying the time with her lover and family. There was something she wanted to ask Storm about but now wasn't the time, *He can't speak though he can hear. He's mute but his resume was good and he cares for his family. Brice is their primary source of support and he needs a job. I like that he is trying to support his family.* She finally stood, "Time for bed you two. I will sing to you as you start to sleep."

Storm stood as well even as Gloria was talking to her. She had to look at Gloria before giving Charles a good nuzzle, "I think someone is tired as well. Let's tuck the two pups in." She followed Gloria to the pup's room, *I'll schedule an appointment and have Kevin sit in as well if possible. If you like him then that is something and I'll pay extra attention to him.* The idea of the human male not being able to speak bothered her. It wasn't something Folician's had to worry about. For the most part it was something which had been resolved many years ago for them.

Gloria tucked Danica into the bed the twin's shared and leaned over and gave both a good peck, "Sleep well you two and we'll see you in the morning." Once Charles was tucked in as well she had to admit how much he looked like Ray even now, "Love both of you and sleep well." Gloria stood and walked out of the room. The top floor of the warehouse was the living quarters while the nursery was on the main floor.

Once the two pups were tucked in and asleep Storm quietly left their room with Gloria. They were beautiful little pups and she couldn't wait for hers to be delivered. It was a good five more months until it was time. She had spent time with Kevin during her last heat and ended up pregnant with his pup. Storm knew it was going to be a boy pup and was so looking forward to having her first, *Send me his information and I will schedule an appointment in the next few days.*

The two of them moved to their bedroom and Gloria stripped off the Earth clothing before withdrawing her undergarments. When she turned around Storm had done much the same and Gloria had to smile in appreciation. Storm was about two months pregnant. "How beautiful you are and I can't wait to see your pup." Even if she was in a relationship with Storm, Gloria had been taught about what heat meant.

Storm almost glowed when Gloria complimented her and mentioned her pregnancy. It was something she had been very concerned about, Gloria being concerned that Storm might be distracted by having a pup, "You are as beautiful to me my Liraqua. I can't wait either and Kevin is very pleased also. We might need to start adding to the building due to the pups. Maybe start building more below ground."

Gloria closed the distance between the two of them, "Storm you are such a lovely woman, I do love you and I think you will be a wonderful mother." She was so nervous about asking Storm about the question which kept crossing her mind and had been for some time. She was going to ask very soon.


Follow up interview for Brice

It was two days later when Brice came back to the business. Again, he walked into the main offices. The woman at the desk gave him a warm smile before having him settle down until Gloria and Storm was available. Kevin was there as well and if Storm approved he was going to meet the man next.

It was only a few moments later when Gloria and Storm came out, "Morning Brice, this is Storm and she's going to do the next interview. Again, I'm going to interpret for you."

Storm was sensing his emotions and she did like what she was sensing. Even as picky as they had been in the last few years very few of the selected humans had passed. It wasn't most of the others were bad, simply they weren't what they wanted. Many of them simply couldn't handle knowing aliens existed. It was something they checked for before they were ever hired. Even though they were a business their primary concern was finding compatible humans. They did have people who worked for the company who'd never know but a number were potential donors.

Brice stood and gave both a pleased smile since he had been called back for a second interview. He really hoped that they would hire him. His family badly needed the income. When they waved him to follow Brice did and settled in a different office. He lifted his hands so he could sign, "Thank you for the second interview." He didn't want to sound desperate but he really needed the job. When they walked into the office he settled down in the chair he was waved towards. Brice had to wonder at the somewhat odd names. Ready as one and Storm as another? He chose not to ask.

Storm flipped through his folder, the one from the other day, and then back at him, "Are you sure you are just wanting to be a warehouse worker? I see that your scores and recommendations are very good. It looks like you have been trained to be a worker for people with disabilities."

He looked at Storm and then slightly away before signing, "I haven't managed to get a job in the area I wish, I need a job to support my aunt and little sister. I wish I could have a job where I want but I'll do what is needed to take care of them." For some reason, he was being more honest than he wanted. Brice wouldn't lie to get a job but he was being more open than he normally would be.

Gloria was working to read the signing and telling Storm what he was saying. For now, she wasn't going to send Storm her opinion since Gloria didn't want to impact on her lover's thoughts.

Storm gave Brice a pleasant smile as he talked and she had to admit she was expressing her powers to help him relax. In this case their race needed the best and the Goddess had given her and Smiles some leeway as to how they used their powers. There had been limits emplaced on them and Storm was being very careful. She finally replied, "Mr. Hans there is one more person who wishes to talk to you and he is the one who will make the decision. If you have some time Kevin will talk to you before lunch."

Brice was rather surprised since nothing had really been said in the short meeting. The striking woman behind the desk had barely spoken and now he had a final interview? Brice managed not to react other than to sign, "Thank you again for considering my application. I do have some time though I need to leave after lunch."

Storm stood and came around her desk and gave Brice a good handshake, "Kevin will be with you shortly and then we will make the decision. Thank you for your time coming in again. Gloria will show you to the waiting area. If you want something to drink or munch on she will take care of it."

Gloria snorted at Storm, "I'm going to grumble at you later since I am not a secretary!" She turned to Brice and gave him a good smile, "Come with me and I'll show you to the waiting area. Depending on how long Kevin will be, I might need to go and take care of my kids. Well, check on them and make sure they aren't raising heck that is."

He stood as well before giving Gloria an interested look. Brice signed at Gloria, "You have children and they are here? That is really nice of your company to provide daycare. So many don't. Thankfully my sister is a freshman in high school and my aunt takes care of her outside of school." Brice didn't even consider how that might sound.

After trading looks with Storm, Gloria gathered one of Brice's arms, "It's one of the benefits of this company, they care for their workers and do their best for them. I know the owner and Ray is a very good man. Family means more than a great deal to him. I should know since he is the father of my children. It was an oops for both of us but he loves them and does his best to take care of me and our children." Gloria took a different hallway and headed towards the nursery, "This is the nursery and several of the workers here have children, during the day they remain here."

Brice wanted to tense when Gloria took his arm but he simply couldn't. It was odd since he simply wasn't used to much physical contact with females. So many couldn't see past his being mute so they turned away. When Gloria mentioned she had children and with the owner of the company he looked rather shocked, "Really? But... It's good that they do care. More companies need to." He followed her as she walked with him until they arrived in the nursery.

When they did he couldn't help but step to the side when two young kids came running over and almost attacked Gloria. Both were rather cute and he could see how much they meant to her. As Gloria was talking to her kids he was looking around. There were several more females taking care of several babies and toddlers. Brice started to notice that there were a fair number of women working here. He didn't care but it was most interesting seeing that.

Even as Gloria was giving her pups good hugs, Kevin walked in. He smiled at the three before he walked over to Brice, "Morning Brice, I'm Kevin and I was asked to talk to you. How are you doing?" He gave the other man a good handshake and knew he was a good fit, "I understand you applied for a job working here? Welcome to the company and the job if you want it."


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