Undead Apocalypse Complete

By AbelElizabethWalker

399 19 1

Ever since the Apocalypse happened almost two and a half years ago, Emma has be fighting off the undead horde... More

First Letter to Emma
Chapter one
Second Letter to Emma
Chapter two
Third Letter
Chapter Three
Letter Four
Chapter Four
Fifth letter
Chapter Five
Arthur's Note
Sixth letter
Chapter 6
letter 7
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter nine
chapter ten
Chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
the end posible sequel

Chapter fourteen

5 1 0
By AbelElizabethWalker

One day later

I ride my Harley up the dirt road with Renee and Jake behind me in the car. I rest my arm on my leg as I drive with my left hand letting my right rest. We have been on the road all night keeping the Dead on a steady stretch away from our group and now Merks farm.

We did not expect their to be survivors to be camping out at his place till we came over the hill just down the street from them. Luckily for them I noticed before they noticed us or the dead noticed them. We verd off course taking a side road and lead them about half a day away.

An have spent most of the night out in An abandoned farm house gathering saplys and getting sleep. We slept in three shifts, one slept while two watches. I and Renee took first watch then Jake and I took second.

Renee and Jake took last. I really didn't sleep waking every few minutes. Nightmares plagued me of the dead and brutal men taking down our group. The dead would sweep through first and those that managed to survive where taken as meat for the men.

I had watched helplessly as Aiden and his group had been taken as meat. I watched them be butchered still alive. I had shot up awake with my last attempt at sleep and had raced to the bathroom vomiting into the toliet. We had left shortly after and no one had said anything about my lack of sleep.

We have been on the for for about an four hours and have just past Merk's Farm. We can drive faster now that we are not leading a horde away and set a good pace back into town. We stop at a store on the outskirts of down and take a small break there.

I park my back inside the double door building and set on my bike watching the clouds passing by. I pull out my walky and set my wrist holding it against my mouth bitting the skin just below my glove. Renee and Jake come into the building holding a box of protein bares and three sodas. Renee hands me one of each and leans against the window to the right of me. She opens the protein bare eating it slowly.

I push the botton down. "Base, t3 here lookin for stat update. Over." I say over the walky knowing we are not to far from our new base

The walky clicks over a yawn filling the room as Jas's voices come over the walky. "Base here. All good here. The place is still safe from last scavenge. God Em never know how much I was worried till you where not here with me. How thing look on your end? How much longer? Over."

"Base thing good on out end. Not much longer at Av6, should be there in thirty. Base is their any new comers amonge you. Over." I ask and rest my mouth on my wrist again bitting 91st the glove.

"Yeah a few. They are locked up till tomorrow. Over." Jac says.

"Good. Over n out" I say putting the walky back and open the pacage of the bar with my teeth. I eat the protein bar and drink half the soda. I look over to the two grim faceing watching outside. Each face showing the hell they have been through since this all began. We are not the same people we where walking into this as we are now walking through it to get out at the end. We don't even know of we will ever make it out of this shit alive.

I finish my soda and look away from them out the window and sigh. "Ready." I say none of us wanting to talk about what happened and Daniel's.

"Yeah." Renee says a hardness to her that wasn't there before.

"Let's get the hell outa here." Jake says and we leave heading out to base. I drive behind them as they take the old familiar road to my father's old farm house. My parents split up when my brother and I where young. We spent most of our summers her till mom died then we lives with my gather till we moved out. He didn't survive the outbreak. I had to drag his dead body out and burn it a few months after getting to Roswell. Jake and Renee had been with me that day. None of us spoke of it. I can still smell the rancid smell of death as if I was standing before his corpse once more.

I push the thought from my mind as we turn down the long drive way into the woods. Large concert fences streatch out around his property that is not covered by trees. His farm is still up and running considering We left a large group of people her to run it while we stayed at Wal-Mart. We, at the time had wanted to clear out the town of saplys but had gained many new comers along the time we spent there. Now we are returning to the safety of my father's home.

The man was some what off his rocker and had believed the world was going to go to shit. He has prepared for it and at the time when I was 14 and had just started living with him full time. I had thought he had lost his mind and Now I am thankful that he had prepared for it. Sadly He had taken his own life. Unable to face the fate that he had been right. My strong willed father had caved and taken his life.

We come to the gate that slides open for us and as we enter I take a diffrent rought away from the main house. I head to the old house of my grandfather and grandmother who had past on my seventeenth birthday. The house is now used to house new comers till we know more about them. I park my bake beside the walkway and Rick walks up to me. I climb off walking slightly past him and place my hand on his back.

"Go to Jack. He needs you." I say and he doesn't hesitate. He run off and I head up the steps. I stand and pull out my walky. "Jake?" I say after turning it to our privet channel that he had a secret walky for.

"Yes Emma?" he asks to fast for him not to be exapeting it.

"My girls. They are okay right?" I asks wanting desperately to go check in them but know they are in good hands.

"Yes, they are napping now. Hannah had them help her and the other women in the fields. Tired themselves out." he says and I can hear the a smile in his voice.

"Good. Thank you for keeping them safe for me Jac." I say and sigh. "Over and out." I state clipping the walky onto my pants. I take a deep breath and open the door to My grandparents house. I find more of our men inside watching over the new comers and I look into the living room to find Aiden and my sweet Matthew sitting in a chair Aiden and I had often sat in together when we dated in high school. Matthew had only been here once before when he had come to see my father a few months after his birth. We had stayed here for two weeks. My father being kind enough to let is use this old house to sleep in while here.

I take a shaky step towards them an the floor board creeks anouncing my presence. Aiden looks up his and those beautiful blue eyes fall on mine. His mouth drops slightly as he sets down Matthew who continues to look at his book and I run to Aiden. He gathers me against him as I almost knock him down and I berry my face in his broad chest
He holds me tightly too him as His body shacks. I look up into his eyes as tears fall from my own and lean up our lips coming together with so much blissful passion that our knees bockle and We sit own the floor holding each other. Matthew looks up from his book, his eyes that are all mine look at me and he gasps.
Tears fall down his face as he jumps from the chair and I stand quickly catching him in my arms.
"Mommy." he crys into my shoulder as I hold him close. Aiden gathers us into his arms holding is close to him.

"My sweat little Matthew." I says missing every inch of his face. "Look how much you have grown. My.little baby isn't a baby anymore." I say happly. I look back to Aiden with a wide smile. The floor bords creak and I look over my shoulder to see Jac standing there with my Lilly and my Anna. I let go of Aiden and Matthew turning to my girls and open my arms to them. They cry running to me and I glance up at Jac glaring at him for even thinking of letting them come here when he did not know of these people will harm is
Even though I know they won't. I stand placing them both on my hips and turn to Aiden and my son.

"Aiden I want you to meet Lilly your daughter and Anna our new daughter." I say and Aiden's eyes widen as he take in the right of us. His eyes taken in every each of Lilly and he reaches out for her. She cowards back slightly but I urge her on. "Lilly it's okay this is your father." I stay and she looks over at him and slowly reaches out to him He takes her into his arms holding her tightly to him missing her forehead calling her beautiful and his sweet baby girl.

She reach for me with a wide smile and I take her. Aiden looks to Anna and reaches out for her. She looks sceptical but goes to him and he kisses her forehead and treats her like he did Lilly. Our little family is finally together again with a few new aditions. I turn to Jac with a wide happy smile that he surprises me by showing the same one.

"Jason this is my husband Aiden." I say and he steps forward streatching out his hand to Aiden. "Aiden this is Jason my best friend." I say not ready to let him know Jac and I where together for a year and a half now.

"Pleasure to meet you." they both says and from the look on Aiden's face I know he already knows about Jac and I. His eyes fall on mine and I see no betray within their depths just understanding. I know now I am not the only one who need someone beside them through this hard time while waiting to find out of the person they really loved was a love or dead.

"Thank you Jason for taking care of Emma and My girls." Aiden says letting Jason know but not the kids know that he had figures it out about us.

Jason lets go of Aiden's hand and steps back noding to him before he leaves. I look back to Aiden and mouth a sorry to him but he shakes his head at me. "I understand love. I truly do." He says and we all gather together in the couch not letting go of each other.

If this undead apocalypse does not end at lest we are together again. We will fight till our last breathes to see that day when it has all come to an end. The day we will stand together hand in hand knowing we have survived. Til then we will never give up and take joy in the little moments. This is our beginning and yet our end. We will either die fighting taking as many of them with us or come out on top with hope for a better future then what was deilt us.

Sorry could not end this story like I did. It was bugging the hell out of me to do so. This is the end of undead apocalypse hope you enjoyed It. Love and hope from Abel Elizabeth Walker. Thank you for reading.

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