Letters to friends

By BAMbooks

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Just a surprise to all of my friends who mean the world to me and need to be reminded how much I love them. ... More

Letters to friends
To: Laura
To: Jenni
To: Rose
To: Kaleb
To: Vlad
To: Mikey
To: Melody
To: Damon
To: Brookelle
To: Jade
To: Kelsey
To: Kate

To: Anjie

49 1 4
By BAMbooks

Dear Anjie, 

So you might have been wondering where the heck was your letter and I finally found the time to write it! lmao seriously.. I didn't have time e.o bleh but it's a Friday and I decided to quit math for the weekend.. or well for the time being of right now to write or well type this to you :3 lmao 

I just wanna thank you for being there for me when I need someone. I also wanna thank you for the help in Algebra. Girl I wouldn't be able to get that B without you! You are there to talk to everyday and that's awesome when you need someone to talk to XD 

So I love talking to you. Obviously or we wouldn't have facetimed for 9 hours the first time O.O I mean can you believe that? lmao And we found stuff to talk about which is awesome. Oh and then the next time we facetimed was only 3 hours but that was a good conversation too! I mean it's nice to have those long long talks some days you know? Like them girl talks in a cafe somewhere... OOO THAT SOUNDS SO NICE. WE SHOULD DO THAT SOMETIME!!! lol 

So can I just say thanks for being my friend? You're a really honest and genuine person and I admire that. You say what's on your mind and it's really awesome. Oh and we live in the same state.. we still need to meet v.v lmao It would be awesome if we could meet and then meet up with the love birds. Now that would be awesome and do all crazy things XD Were all close to each others ages even though I'm like 18... is Damon 18 or 17?o.0 idk anymore cx haha But If he's only 17 then.... BOOYAH I'M OLDER THAN YOU BITCHES! lmao jk jk that's so bad to say o.o but I could be and that's still awesome.. either way doesn't matter... I treat you guys all the same no matter what age C: Though Mel thinks I'm a pedo e.o hahaha 

ahhhhh boys boys boys.. we tend to talk about our crushes and guys and our feelings a lot C: Hehe I can't really do that with my other friends.. I don't know why.. well maybe it's because you know who I like and you understand my feelings that I am feeling.. the feelings where they aren't normal feelings to the person you like.. yeah.. v.v Those talks are awesome because we can just make random sounds while talking about it and them and we understand how the other person is feeling and meaning to say without actually speaking any words C:

So were texting at the moment and stuff and were yet again talking about boys.. okay so I'm not going to text you back because I want you to read it here. ANJIE YOU LISTEN TO ME OKAY!! *wiggles old woman cane at you* You are someone's definition of perfect. Do not ruin that definition by putting something crazy in that boys mind. Got it? You are beautiful inside and out even with flaws or none. Someone likes you. Isn't that good enough? Yeah there is that possibility of that person not being interested in you for the long run but don't look too far ahead. Look in the now. He likes you. You like him. That should be the most important aspects of right now, not what's ahead of you.. stop thinking so negative about the situations. I know you don't want him to stop liking you. I'm betting he won't. I mean once someone has met you, how can they not keep liking you? You have unbelievably good charm ;D lol But yeah girla keep those dark thoughts away. Just enjoy the moment while it lasts. If it doesn't, it's experience.. v.v I should know.. I've had plenty.. But that doesn't stop me from crushing and loving.. it's just a cycle that keeps circling. If your lucky you'll keep falling for the same person over and over again C:

Now to tell you how lovely you are. Anjie you are down right lovely. Do you know why? It's because you are continuing to grow as the person you are. You are not giving up and you go through a lot but you are not giving up. You keep trying and you keep moving in life. You may be sick of it and you may feel like you can't handle it, you may even feel numb now but you my dear are not giving up. I know you almost have before but that's okay. You're alive, your well, your breathing. That to me is relieving and I hope it is for you too. I'm always here for you Anjie if you need me. You already know that. 

Now for love... I know you have given up on love but keep loving.. and try to love yourself. I know I at some point said fuck love but really it wasn't true.. your just mad at the moment.. but guess what now your hung up on a guy ;P hehe lol okay let me stop XD but loving yourself.. yeah you should work on that. I'm trying :3 I use to love myself.. I use to not care about what other people think.. but then that changed.. and I'm trying to get that love back for myself.. and If I'm trying, I think you should too. 

Yeah, I got you girl and you got me. I care for you lots and don't want to see you down or hurting. Keep your chin up and keep being that wonderful girl I know. It's impossible to move mountains but it's not impossible to climb them. So climb them and get through those obstacles in life. Just know I'll be right beside you if you need a hand to hold. 

I love you butterfly. Spread your wings out and twerk! lmao XD yeah twerk! #twerkteam ! XD lol girl I can not twerk ._. nope not one bit.. but whatever.. you get my drift! XD I probably dance like a white girl ._. uhm... yeah you got big boobies XD okay this might have just gotten awkward...... uhm okay bai ! Love you! XD



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