The Games We Play

By literaryobsession

5.4K 145 10

"Only one will come out, Clove, make sure that it's you." Clove was known as the girl who never misses in the... More

The Child and the Victor
The Brawl
The Tributes
The Alliance
The Choice
The Plan
The Change
The Twist
The Truth
The Reaping
The Capitol
Tribute Parade
The Hunger Games
Career Pack
The Start


179 6 0
By literaryobsession

On the last day of training, we each had a private session with the Gamemakers. We were all gathered in the dining room for lunch and then they called us out, district by district. I was glad that I got to go fourth - you see, it was male and then female – because I could go and rest before the Games start. I wanted to flush out the guilt that was starting to creep under my skin. I am willing to kill for my dreams, for my goals and for my life but I was really conscious with the fact that some of these kids, I was thinking most of them, will be dying in my hands. I had to go to the Games without any feelings or hesitation at all. Without anything to block my path. It is hard, knowing that somehow I became a 'feeling' person. I blame Cato.

The dining room was quiet, especially when they called Marvel. He stood up, giving us a big confident grin. The Careers were as quiet as the others because we were all concentrating on what we had to do in front of the Gamemakers to get a high score. Careers always get high scores: eight was abysmal; nine was so-so; ten was good; eleven was brilliant; and twelve was unattainable. I wanted a twelve but no one, in the history of the Games, ever got it. I hope I would but eleven was okay too.

I thought of the logic on the scores. Why twelve? Why not fifteen? Why not the usual ten? But I got it. There are Twelve Districts, originally Thirteen, and then just for the sake of it, they made the poorest district the highest attainable score. It was a thought to ponder on but it amused me for a short time.

"So, what are you two doing?" Glimmer spoke silently. She was sitting closely with Cato, as she had been before. It was an irritating sight. "I'm going to use those lovely bow and arrows. I'm pretty good with them, you know."

On a scale of one to ten? Five. Okay. Five point one. Okay okay. Five point two. I looked away as I thought that. We weren't really in good terms but for the sake of the alliance (they had to take me in because of Cato's terms) I had to be civil. Well, til the bloodbath.

Cato shrugged but we all know it'll be with a sword. No one answered Glimmer so the conversation ended. Actually, it wasn't a conversation but I didn't know what else to call it. We all went silent again as Glimmer was called. Marvel did not come back so we guessed that after the session, we go back to our rooms. After fifteen long minutes, Cato was called. He stood up and stretched his long limbs, "Wish me luck, Clover." He smirked at me, just so he can see my reaction. He hasn't called me Clover ever since leaving the District.

"Just go before I stab you with my fork." I responded, which made Jeany move slightly away from me.

My heart pounded as he left, it was nearly my turn. Damn. I hate nerves.

They say that when you're having fun, time goes quickly and when you're not, it goes slow but why was it that the fifteen minutes given to us seemed so short because after a while, I was called.

I stood up and marched to the gymnasium, where the private sessions were held. As I enter the room, I heard voices so I looked up and saw the Gamemakers, those who had been watching us during our trainings. They were watching me intently, some of them instantly wrote things on a clipboard they had on their laps and the others were just watching. My eyes went and surveyed the room for my favorite set of knives and they were laid on a table nearby as though waiting for me. I took them in my hands and smiled, Clove, you can do this.

Before turning towards my usual targets, I took a deep breath. Finally, I turned around and hit my first dummy, the one with a severed parts. I ran and my favorite station, the one with the moving targets, came to life. My lips twisted to a smirk. I stood, from the line they marked for the appropriate distance, and then stepped back. One, two, three, four, five. Okay, enough. I smirked, pulled up my throwing knives, and started my show. I hit one, turn around as though to confuse myself, and hit another. It went on and on, as though it was a dance. I left the one on the middle untouched and with another five steps back, I stopped.

Do this for the score. Do this for the score.

I ran forward, turned twice on the spot, and then hit my target.

I want to say that I hit bull's eye but I didn't. It was good though that it landed on the middle of the target's forehead or else the Gamemakers would know I missed. I cursed silently in my head and turned to the Gamemakers, they nodded a bit with smiles on their faces. One was not and this was the Head Gamemaker. He was leaning forward on his seat, his eyes calculating. He knows. He knows, damnit. They thanked me and then said to go. I was escorted to the door and I stood quietly on the spot. Will this affect my score? I thought with a frown.

With a sigh, I went in the elevator and pushed the floor number. I leaned on the wall, my thoughts still on the score I wanted. When the elevator door opened, I spotted Cato, Brutus and Enobaria. They were talking, with smiles on their faces, and stopped when I entered the room. Enobaria grinned at me, "How was it, Clove? How did you do?"

"Fine. I did fine." I shrugged but Cato lifted his head and glanced at me curiously. I shook my head at them, "I'm not in the mood to talk. We'll just see the result later." Damn, damn, damn. They'll give me a low score. They expected I'd be good! I failed. Shit. I walked back to my room and shut the door close then threw myself on the bed. I didn't cry but I was so upset with myself that I ripped my pillow apart.

My bedroom door opened, and in came Enobaria. "You messed up." She frowned and leaned on the door. "You messed up and you're frustrated."

"Get out, Enobaria. I'm not in the mood for this." I replied.

"I doubt they'd give you a low score. From what I've been hearing the past few days, you're showing good things. Practically scaring the others. Your score, from what you expect, won't be that high though." Enobaria drawled on, "That isn't a problem. Now, I want to speak to you about something."

I lifted my head, "What?"

"Our plan. Charm Cato, acquire ally and then kill him off in the end?" Enobaria raised an eyebrow, "You're doing well actually. I didn't think you could pull it off but you came through, Clover. There's a problem though. District One is interested in Cato."

I sat up, "You already told us that yesterday and Cato put his foot down. Without me, he won't go with One." I frowned when she didn't reply. "What? They accepted me already. They can't do anything about it but it isn't though I actually want to be with them."

"Not actually...District One. I was being general about it. By that, I meant Glimmer Stone." She frowned too. "A big block on our plan. Cashmere came over before lunch, talked to Brutus and he talked it over with me. District One wants Cato and Glimmer to form a...what do you call it...a romance in the Games. A bit of flirting, here and there. A form of alliance, different but attractive to the audience. It's a good idea, it has never been seen before." Enobaria stopped and waited for my reaction but I didn't give her one. "Cato and Glimmer looks good together, I can tell you that, but Clove, I'm looking out for my tribute. My Victor. I'm all for you going home but I can't if Glimmer's in the way. Do something about it."

"What did Cato say?"

"Nothing. He doesn't know it yet."

"Alright. I'll do something. Probably convince Cato not to do it." I blurted out things she wanted to hear but really, I'm not going to meddle in any of Cato's business. If he wants that, then fine and if he doesn't, then good for him. Enobaria looked unconvinced so I smirked a bit, "He is, after all, wrapped around my finger."

Enobaria smirked with me, "Alright, I'll leave it up to you." She lifted her figure from the door and left my room. Once she was gone, I laid back down and sighed softly. The thought of Cato and Glimmer together sickens me but...why? I am not jealous, of course, I'm just irritated. Love had no place in the Games, even I knew that, but a bimbo like Glimmer probably came to flirt with the good-looking tributes. Shit. Did I just call Cato good-looking?

I stayed on my bed til Andrew came and pulled me out of my bed for dinner. I let myself be pulled out, mainly because I was not in the mood to fight him away. The news that Glimmer wanted Cato put me off. When we arrived, everyone was already eating. Cato, our mentors, and even our stylists were all engaged in a happy conversation about the impending Games. Junius was sharing that there was a buzz going around that the Arena would be in an abandoned city, probably like the ruins before Panem. I sat on my chair, which was right across Cato but he didn't look up to smirk at me or do anything. Maybe it was just me or did his jaw tighten when I arrived?

"So Cato, your decision?" Brutus looked at him over the plate of heaping grilled meat, "I gave you your hour." So, that's why Cato looked like that. He was thinking.

Cato leaned on his seat, gave me a quick glance then looked at his mentor, "I'll do it. I'll have that damn romance with Glimmer."

Brutus laughed and nodded, "Don't be so upset, Cato. Sponsors will be clamoring for a piece of you. Romance is interesting, why haven't we thought of that before, Enobaria?" He grinned and then took a bite from the beef he had on his plate, "One good thing about it is that Glimmer Stone is a pretty sight. A leggy blonde. Pity she has to die though, it has to happen."

I stared at him, long and hard, but he didn't return it. He just continued eating, probably knowing I would scold him or object on his decision. I withdrew my eyes from him and finished my dinner. If he didn't want to talk about it then I won't push on the subject. Soon after dinner and wine, everyone gathered in front of the television and waited for the televised scores of each tributes. The scores will go from district to district, in the order we've been called earlier. Our scores will be under our photos, it was nerve-wrecking.

District One:

Marvel – 9

Glimmer – 9

District Two: (consecutive deep intakes of air was heard in the room)

Cato – 10

"Brilliant job, Cato!" Brutus clapped a delighted Cato on the back. Brutus actually got the same score. Then everyone turned their eyes on the screen as my photo was shown.

Clove – 10

I shook my head. Ten was acceptable, it was no eleven or twelve though but still acceptable. Everyone was cheering and another bottle of wine was opened, we had good scores so we celebrate. They even gave me a glass of wine, just for the heck of it. Enobaria, whom I saw in the corner of my eye, looked pleased as well. We didn't pay attention to the other scores, just because we had higher scores than them. But District Twelve had to come in and ruined it all. The boy was okay, he got an eight but the girl, Katniss, got an eleven. A damn ELEVEN!

I wanted that ELEVEN! How did SHE manage to get it? What did she do? Strip?

Everyone stopped cheering and all eyes were on us, wondering how we'd react. I didn't hold back, neither did Cato. In his anger, he actually managed to upturn the sofa. He was turning red in the face and he was actually growling. I knew he hated District Twelve but I didn't expect this. I, however, stood. Immobile. My fists were clenched and my lips pursed in a straight line.

I muttered a line, telling everything I felt inside.

"District Twelve is going down."

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