My Dad and his Brother

By menardmanuel

439K 11.6K 3.8K

Raphael "Raf" Smith is an ordinary 17 year old boy. He is the son of Alpha George Smith of the Blood Moon Pac... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

37.5K 1K 588
By menardmanuel

A/N: Hey guys!! I'm back, and as promised, here's an update for you guys!! I made it extra long for you guys because you deserve it!!! I hope you'll like it!! ENJOY!

Here's a sex pic of Alpha George to feed all your wildest imagination!! :) 


Raf's POV

The  week went by so quickly, and to my utter surprise, it's finally my birthday. I think the week passed by in a blur that I don't even remember the things that happened leading up to this very day. You can say that I'm excited because it's finally my time to shift and meet my wolf. I'm very excited to see what the color of my coat would be. Will I have the same coloring as my dad, or will it be different? Anyway, I know that my wolf will be beautiful. 

That's not all. It's finally the right time to meet my mate. I can feel that he/she is close and the chances that I'll meet him/her tonight is very high. I can't wait.

Well, after the dinner last Friday, like the typical dad that he is, we're busy all day. Sometimes I wonder if he's getting any sleep. Especially this week, he's been staying at the pack house more often than our own house. Sometimes I wonder if he remembers that my birthday is today. I'll be shifting when the moon is high and since, he's the Alpha, he'll be the one to help me in shifting to my wolf because the first shift is always that most dangerous part of being a wolf. 

I've seen wolves die in the process of shifting for the very first time. There was one incident that I remembered, three years ago. A young man named, Jonah shifts for the very first time.  While on the process of shifting, he cried so loud that, it's very deafening. It's normal to cry out loud during shifting, but Jonah's cry was very loud and the sound of excruciating pain can be felt. It's later that we found out that he's wolf died at the middle of the cycle. We're very lucky that he's still alive, but the price that he has to pay is very pitiful. He lost his wolf, and he can no longer walk. It's very devastating to his family, but we can't do anything about it. It's the will of the Moon Goddess.

He's still on the pack, but a lot has change in him. He was very care free and cheerful back then, but now, he secludes himself to his books and avoid people as much as possible. It's pitiful, but the pack understands that it's very difficult for him. Sometimes, I see him watching wolves shift and the look of longing is very evident. I'm just praying to the Moon Goddess that he'll bless him with a strong mate.

Waking up this morning, I didn't find any note or text coming form my dad or uncle wishing me a Happy Birthday. They really forgot??? I can't believe it. The only people that knows my birthday forgets it. I'm really hurt because of that. I think that, what he said last Friday must have slipped his mind.  It's just a front to cover that he's planning my birthday, but the reality is that he really forgets it. 

I'm sitting alone at home because my dad, along with my uncle Rick is busy at the pack house. I don't know what's making them busy, but I don't care. I'll just have to endure the fact that they're trying to distance themselves to me. It hurts, but nothing I can do. It's their choice. I'll just hope the when I shift later, they will be there to help me shift.

After doing nothing, just staring at the wall for two hours, I decided to go out because I'm dying in there without any company. I texted my dad the I'll be going out to get some coffee. He replied 'OK' and ask me to go straight to the pack house later. Well so much for acknowledging me and my birthday today. Great dad, really. Please not my sarcasm.

I decided to go to the mall and get some Starbucks. It's been a while since I had coffee in my system. 
Since, I'm there already, I bought a pair of black skinny jeans, a denim shirt and a pair of black boots. I'm not a fashion expert or what and I don't really care about what I wear as long as it's comfortable. 

I went home after wards to change clothes. I washed my new clothes and thrown it inside the dryer. Sine, I bought it, might as well wear it tonight. I showered before changing my clothes. I wear my luck red boxes tonight in case I meet my mate tonight and something happens. If you now what I mean.

After taking sometime, dressing myself. I look at my full body mirror for final look. When I think that I'm ok and feel comfortable. I went out and go to the pack house. The house is very quite, that why I don't like being here. It's as if nobody's living in it. It's a mansion, but the thing is it's like a ghost mansion. It's very old and you can tell that age of this because well, it very old. That's all I'm saying. It's been passed down to many generations and when I meet my mate, it's traditional that the first born of the Alpha will be the one to live in it. And since, I'm an only child, the chances of me living in it is very high. 

I don't have the keys with me so I knocked on the door. It opened and revealed my dad. 

"Hey son. I"m sorry for asking you to come you to come quickly, but I'm really busy and I really need to you to get something for me in the pack yard." He said smiling. What no happy birthday? He really forgets it. I just kept quiet and nod my head. I'm not in the mood already. After this shit, that my dad is asking me to get, I'm outta here. I'll just celebrate my birthday at home, and shift all on my own. 

"Is there something wrong, Raf?" Dad asked. I just shook my head. I don't want to say anything because I might say something that I will truly regret. You don't know how painful it is when somebody forgets your birthday. If he is my friend, I might let it slide, but he's my dad. He should know especially because I'm his only son. 

"Alright then. Just go to the pack yard and look for your uncle. He will be giving you instructions on what to do." He said quickly before going back upstairs to his office. I don't really know what's making him busy this week, I just hope that he's having complete rest.

I walk straight to the backyard of the house to meet my uncle Rick. I don't really know what my dad needs me for, they have plenty of people here but, yeah whatever. I passed by the kitchen, and saw people cooking. Is there a party in today? I guess I have been staring at the people cooking when a throat cleared. When I turn, it was my uncle Rick.

"Is there a party, today?" I asked. He just smiled and nod his head. I suddenly felt nervous. Today's my birthday and they're having a party for me? I smiled at that.

"Yes,  there is." Uncle Rick said. I thought they forgets it. I smiled and nods my head.

"Who's party is it?" I asked quite excited. He frowned at that.

"Your father didn't tell you?" He asked. 

"No, come on uncle Rick, it's for me right?" I asked excitedly.

"For you? It's for the visiting pack that arrived today." He said casually. My excitement dissipate. They really forget. My eye starts to form tear up. 

"O, who's pack is visiting?" I asked quietly.

"The Crystal Moon Pack. The Anderson brother, along with their mate and children are here. In fact, your father is in the meeting room with them." He explained. The Crystal Moon pack is very famous pack. It's the only pack where in there's three alphas in it. Well, they're triplets, so I guess they share the title, plus they also share their mate. Lucky guy!

"Anyway, back to you. Why did you assume that the party is yours?" He asked. I just shook my head and looked down.

"It's my birthday today." I said quietly and move outside. 

"Oh shit!" My uncle replied. When I look up, his eye are wide. He run towards my dad's office probably to inform my dad about it. I just shook my head and went out to the back yard to get some air. It's really suffocating in here. When I stepped outside, I can'y help but let my tears fall down freely. 

Am I that unimportant enough to be forgot, especially by my own dad? Am I that burden enough to suffer like this? Do I deserve this? I can't help the thought running through my mind about it. Maybe I deserve all this suffering. Should I leave? This place is getting small for me. Maybe I should leave now before I endure more sufferings. I'll look for a pack that will accept me. start a new life, away from the people that I love. 

Maybe it's for the best that I disappear for now, and let time heal me. I'm not saying that I'll be gone for good. I'll be back for sure when I'm strong enough to face the people that I love.

What will happen to my first shift later? Who will help me? Maybe it's time time for me to learn to live on my own, to be independent. With that thought in mind, I walk at the edge of the forest and look back at the pack house one last time and bid my goodbye. I opened my link with my dad, and bid my goodbye as well. It's stupid, but at least I get to say goodbye to the person I love.

"Goodbye, dad. I love you." I said thru our link, before blocking him out and running in the forest. 


I have been running for few hours. I don't really know if I'm out of our territory already, but I wish I did because if not, I'll be in trouble in more ways than one. I slowed down because I'm getting tired. Maybe a rest will help me regain my strength for later. I spot a huge tree resting in the middle of the forest. I sat by it, and let sleep take over my body.

I was awaken by a sudden heat from body. Its very painful for me to take. I cried out because it's very hot. I remove my clothes because I can't take the heat. Despite being naked, the heat still continues to surge through my body like wild fire. 

I feel that the moon is calling me.  I looked up and saw the moon so bright and so big. It's beautiful, but it's not the time to admire the moon because I'm into much heat. Suddenly, I felt the my bones are getting hot as well, then the first break happened from my legs. I cried so loud that I disturb the birds are sleeping. 

I'm looking everywhere for comfort. I cant find any. I cried because I'm alone in this. My bones are starting to break one by one, and let me tell you it's hurts like a fucking bitch. Then, the most painful break happens. My eyes widen when my spine breaks for the very first time.

"DADDDYYY!!!!" I cried so loud because it hurts so much. I cried because no one is here for me. I looked at the moon and prayed to the goddess that he'll help me get through this. When I looked at the moon, I find comfort. It's like it's telling me to close my eyes. I did what I think is right and closed my eyes. A flashback of all the happy memories I have played  in my mind. 

They say that when your life flashes through your mind, it means that you're dying or worst, dead already. Am I dead? If so, at least I get to see my dad and uncle one last time to even say goodbye. Even though this past couple of weeks has been very painful for me, at least I get to say that I have lived a happy life with the people that I love the most. Even though, I never get to say that how I truly love them at least I was able to show them and let them feel it in anyway, possible. With that, simple thought of the two person that I love the most, I welcomed death with open arms. 

"I love you baby, hold on for me."Somebody whispered before I was completely takes over. 


George's POV

I was having a meeting with the Crystal Moon Pack when we were interrupted by Rick. His eyes wide open and he looked frantic.

"What's wrong with you, Rick? We're having a meeting here." I glared at him. He just shook his head.

"You forgot something very important today." He said nervously. I looked at him closely because I never forget anything important.

"What is it?" I asked him seriously.  The alphas in the room are looking at us closely.

"Raf's birthday." He said quietly. I breathe deeply. I though it's serious. I glared at him.

"I can never forget Raf's birthday. It's tomorrow so, you don't have to worry about that. Now, if you don't have any more business, you may leave." I  said seriously. I though there's an attack.

"No, you're mistaken. It's today." He rebutted.

"You are wrong. It's tomorrow, the 18th." I said.

"Yes, you're right. It's the 18th, but today is the 18th." Rick said. My eyes widen at that. I pull out my phone to check on the date, and to my utter surprise it's really the 18th. I have forgotten my own son's birthday. I can't believe it. I failed, being a father to him. How can somebody forget his own son's birthday? 

"Where is he?" I asked frantically. 

"He's at the backyard." Rick says. Before I went out, I heard Riley, the Luna of the Crystal Moon pack asked Rick, who is this Raf.

"He's my son." I said before going out and look for my son. As I walk along the corridor of the house.  heard Raf, message me thru our link and what he said terrifies me. 

"Goodbye, dad. I love you." He said before closing the link. I tried to talk to him thru our link, but he has blocked me out. I was running outside in hurry, but I can't find Raf anymore. He run away?

I message all my patrol wolves to monitor the borders in case they see Raf, don't let him pass the borders. So far I haven't feel him leave the territory.Our territory is very vast and It will take ours of  running before you reach our borders. I want to find Raf immediately, because the woods is dangerous especially he'll be shifting for the first time. Rogues might linger the are and he's to vulnerable to defend himself. 

I shift to my wolf and run in the woods to look for my love. I was running for a couple of hours when I smelled this wonderful scent that had my heart beating so fast. I heard a heart wrenching scream from where the scent is coming from. That's when I knew that Raf is my second chance mate and I'll never let him go once I find him. With a new determination surging through me, I pushed myself to look for my love. 

After a couple of minutes, I find a grey wolf under the moon. It's Raf's wolf and it's very beautiful. I can't help, but admire the beauty f my mate. I rushed towards him and pull his body and rest it on my lap. He's very weak and I don't know if I'm too late. I pull his wolf body on my back and rush back to the pack house. 

"I love you, baby. Hold on for me." I whispered softly. 

"Don't worry baby, we'll get through this. After this day, I'll show you how much I love you, now that I know you're my mate, I'll never let you go. " I have mixed emotions running through me. Now that my mate is here, I'll show him how much he means to. I'll make love to him all day for the rest of our lives. I promise you that. 


Chapter 5, DONE!! Next update, probably on Monday. Tell me what you think!! LIKE, SHARE, AND COMMENT!!!

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