Dance is my life

By KairaSchwengler

326K 10K 1K

My school is bursting with huge egotistical dancers. Not all dancers have huge egos but I swear everyone here... More

New year, New Book

Semi Finals

5.5K 175 21
By KairaSchwengler

Lucy comes running through the halls, almost plowing people over in the process.

"My dorm in 10 minutes." She tells me then goes off running again. I look after her confused. I finish dropping my books off after class, grab my dance bag that I can carry around in public, which what I must add is amazing, and then I go to Lucy's dorm.

People that I don't know say hi to me in the hall and I wave at them. Most people have started treating me different since the secret came out which was expected. None of my friends treat me any different. Wilson and I made our relationship public, a couple people thought that I was cheating on Justin with Wilson but those rumours were quickly shut down.

I enter Lucy's dorm room and Brianna, Zac and Jayna are here and Lucy and Trevor are no where to be found. "Hey." Brianna smiles at me.

"Did Lucy almost tackle you guys too?" I look around the room.

"Pretty sure she was running everywhere, she ran from class and around looking for everyone." Zac states.

"She was running everywhere? How does she have that much energy after a long boring day?"

"She's Lucy." Brianna laughs.

"Does anyone know why we are here?" I asked.

"Nope." Zac says.

"Nada" Brianna just shrugs. We turn to look at Jayna who has said nothing.

"What? It's not my place to tell." She states.

"So mature" Brianna teases. We laugh a little and Jayna rolls her eyes playfully.

"Your a dork." Jayna says. Lucy comes bursting in the room scaring the pants off of all of us. Her face is red and botching and she's breathing like she just ran a marathon.

"Has anyone... Seen Trevor?" She asks us. Jayna goes and gets her a glass of water. Lucy chugs it and hands it back to her silently asking for more.

"He's been gone since this morning." Zac tells us. "Left the dorm at a quarter to five."

"Thats death o'clock." Brianna's eyes are wide. I laugh she is definitely not a morning person.

"We have to wait then." Lucy states. We sit and talk for a while before Trevor bursts in the room, like Lucy did almost 15 minutes.

"I have news!" Trevor exclaims happily.

"Me too! Sit sit!" She motions for him to sit.

"Mine can wait you first." Trevor says.

"Okay." Lucy pulls out an envelope.

"What's that?"

"So a while back I asked Miss Kim to help me with an audition piece, like way before auditions for the musical were even posted."

"Oh cool!" Brianna smiles.

"And this is the envelope that tells me whether I got in or not. I wanted you all to be here when I open it up."

"This is so exciting!" I shriek my whole body vibrating from excitement. She rips open the envelope painfully slow. She reads the letter aloud.

"We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for an apprenticeship at the royal academy of dance in Toronto, Ontario, Canada!" She exclaims excitedly!

"Canada!" Zac shouts laughing. "That's amazing!" Jayna starts jumping up and down ecstatic for her best friend!  Brianna is smirking happily and I'm ready to hug her! Trevor smiles shaking his head like this is amazing. We all congratulate her and she is so happy she's gleaming!

"Okay time for Trevor's news!" She sits in his spot and he goes to stand where she was.

"Alright, so this morning I got up early to go to an audition." He holds up something to us!

"What is that?" I ask.

"A ticket to Vegas! Im going to Vegas to compete on so you think you can dance!" I jump up my blood pressure raising again. This is amazing!

"Do you know what this means?" Brianna asks us.

"What?" We all ask.

"Party tonight." She smiles. We kick out the boys to get dressed. "This calls for a celebration."


"Come on you have the body for it! Just show me!" Lucy complains on the other side for the door. We are still in their dorm. The party has started but we have to be late. They helped me curl my hair and do my makeup. We all helped each other. Lucy says that this party is more formal than usual, I mean I'm not wearing a dress but I feel very dressed up, maybe it's the heels.

"Come on Grace." Brianna knocks on the door.

"I still find it hard to call her that." Jayna tells the others. I get that there is name confusion because they all knew me as Mae my middle name and not Grace my first name but they will get the hang of it. Plus I don't expect them to just start calling me Grace twenty four seven, it takes time to get used to things.

"Come on out!" Lucy screeches and I do as I'm told. I walk out and their jaws drop all except Brianna who just smirks and shakes her head.

"What?" I ask. I look down at my outfit. Black skinny jeans, a black crop top and a nude, pink and black floral print blazer matched with nude heels.

"You look amazing. Do you have abs!?" Jayna looks at my belly.

"Kinda." I just shrug.

"I wish I could pull that off." Brianna says. "It's super cute.

"Is that what your wearing?" I look at them.

"I don't care we are all girls, those two however are waiting in line." Brianna tells me. She's in jeans, a white crop top with a plaid shirt unbuttoned over top, to finish it off she's in converse. She looks so comfy but I know I could never make it look as amazing as she can.

"Im next" Jayna enters the bathroom. We sit on the bed waiting for her to come out. She exits in white jeans, a cute navy top topped with black and white stripped heels.

"Beautiful." I smile at her. Next Lucy goes in. I check my phone I have a text from Wilson.

From: Wilson

Can't wait to see you tonight!

I just shake my head. He makes me feel dizzy, happy and clumsy all at the same time! I just can't believe have lucky I am to have him. To think when I first got here we kinda hated each other. That seems like a lifetime ago. Lucy exits the bathroom in a white peplum top, black jeans and bright pink shoes.

"Alright how do you dance at a party?" Brianna asks me. I shake my head shocked. I just move from side to side.

"No not at a BTSA party." Lucy shakes her head.

"If you dance at a BTSA party you better be dancing like real dancing." Brianna starts doing some hip hop.

"Really?" I ask.

"That's how we do it." Lucy nods.

"Also anything you can pull from past routines you can use." Jayna adds. I'm speechless. We went to a party earlier this semester but it wasn't as big as we thought and because the girls wanted to be late we were only there an hour before it got shut down.

"And now we are ready to par-teh" Lucy laughs. I put my phone in my pocket and leave everything else here. We decided to just walk home after the party that or Zac said he might be able to give us a ride. We all go outside to see Trevor and Zac. I feel very confident when I see their eyes almost pop out of their heads. We all walk down.

"Like what you see?" Lucy smirks at them.

"I'm just glad we get to walk in with you girls on our arms." Trevor smirks.

"I'll be walking in with Wilson boys."

"And I'll be walking in with Ben." Lucy says shyly.

"He finally asked you out?" Brianna asks. Lucy nods and we laugh a little. We all crowd into the back seat as Zac turns on some music. We sing along and take some selfies. I can already feel that tonight is going to be a good night.

We pull up to the house and it's just like most house parties except Brianna says there is a twist.

"At BTSA parties there is always at least one dance off."

"This one party we went to had seven in one night." Trevor laughs at the memory.

"But... Why?"

"It's just a thing that happens, we don't question it." Jayna shrugs. I laugh a little.

"It's tradition." Jayna nods and I shake my head.

"Let's bounce." Zac says and we all hop out of the car. I'm glad my skinny jeans are stretchy then. I don't think anyone would challenge me to a dance off just because I don't know what I would do!

It's actually in like a garage type thing that's huge. There is furniture pressed up against the wall and a table and two fridges full of booze. The dance floor is huge. Lights are flashing and the musical loud. There are people in the back yard where there is a pool and area to hang out and talk where the music isn't too loud.

"There she is!" A drunk Joey walks over.

"The BTSA beauty." Lindon laughs pointing at me.

"Do you guys know where Wilson is?" I ask them.

"Haven't seen him yet." Tucker tells me, he seems to be the least drunk out of all three of them.

"I saw him come in with another girl." Sasha sneers. I'm surprised I didn't notice her earlier.

"Let's go guys." Brianna gives Sasha a look that could kill. We walk away from her and I try to ignore what she said because I know she just said it to get to me but it's like I can't get it out of my head.

"Don't listen to her!" Jayna tells me when we get outside.

"She's just trying to get in your head." Lucy nods agreeing with Jayna.

"Don't give her the satisfaction." Brianna looks at me and I know I have to listen. I trust Wilson and I know he wouldn't do that to me.

We hang outside for a little when my phone tells me I have like 5% left. My phone dies soon after and I just leave it in my pocket. We go to watch a dance battle between some random people that I have seen around school. Neither of them are amazing but they do well.

"I challenge you." Sasha is sweating and her eyes are kind of blood shot. I can tell she is drunk. I don't want to battle her and take a step back.

"You can't back out." Lucy tells me. "It's uncalled of." I sigh annoyed.

"Alright let's go." Sasha wants to go first.

"Alright we got Sasha who is BTSA royalty and the soul she challenged is the world  known female soloist champion and long time rival Grace Andrews." A random guy says. Everyone is watching, even the people who were outside with us. I scan the crowd and I still can't see Wilson.

"First is our royal highness and female champion for dance battles Sasha Vermon!"

This really cool song comes on and she smirks. The beat drops and she's off. She is sloppy but it doesn't look as bad because it's hip hop. She does some decent feet work and she's kinda good. I feel my palms sweat my nerves raising. She points when she's done and it's my turn.

My heart pounds as I stare at the crowd, their heads are bobbing and all eyes are staring at me. I close my eyes shaking my head getting into the music and dance. I pull out one of the routines I learned from Av on a date that Justin and I had. I remember practicing it forever with her getting the sharpness and timing on point. I feel amazing hitting on the beat. I do some floor work that I learned with Av's crew and pose.

The crowd loses it! They are going wild. I'm being patted on the back and arms. I look at Sasha who just glares. The music changes and she's up again. This time she's more precise trying to act more sober than everything be knows she is. She pulls out some fluent movements and I just stare. Where did she learn that? Soon after its my turn.

I tap my foot to the beat, feel the bass through my body and smile. I do the routine Justin and I performed earlier in the season. It's sharper but slower than I'd like. It works with the music perfectly. I feel amazing on cloud nine when I finish and the crowd shouts. This is it last round.

The music changes to Ciara like a boy. I know exactly what I'm going to do. Av taught me that amazing solo she owned me in and I smile letting Sasha go first again. She does well but when the second verse comes in I'm ready and off I go. I'm on beat my body is moving exactly like I want it to. I'm confident so I use my face and exaggerate. I finish off the rest of the song. I feel amazing.

"Alright who won what it Sasha?" The guy asks and the crowd cheers. I get nervous since they are really loud. "What about Grace Andrews?"

I hold my breath and the crowd is jumping they are even louder than the music and I can't believe it. "Grace Andrews wins! She dethroned BTSA royalty!!"

My friends hug me and the feeling is out of this world. We leave the area as people nod their heads at me. We exit into the back yard.

"Beer pong?" Trevor asks.

"I'll go!" Zac smirks flicking his wrist.

"Me too." Brianna looks to me.

"I'm good. Need to calm down." I state my head still pounding. The boys nod leaving.

"You sure?" Brianna asks.

"Yea I have Lucy and Jayna, go have fun." I tell her.

"Wait up!" She shouts after the guys who are already almost in the house where the beer pong is set up. Lucy, Jayna and I go to get some drinks. We stand looking at the dance floor. Ben the boy that's asked out Lucy and his one friend come over and ask Lucy and Jayna to dance. They look at me.

"I'll be okay, you two go have fun."

"You sure." Lucy asks me.

"I'm good. It's not like I can get lost." I laugh and they leave. I walk back outside.

"You did good." I turn to see Justin looking at me.

"Thanks. Sorry I had to own your girlfriend in front of pretty much the whole school."

"She's not my girlfriend. Just casual friends."

"I see."

"Where's Wilson?" Justin asks me.

"I was hoping you knew. I have a dead battery." I pull out my phone.

"Same, looks like neither of us have any idea." He laughs. I just smile. Where could he be?

"You were amazing!" Joey slurs. He and his two drunk friends join Justin and I.

"Thank you."

"I have never seen anyone dance like that." Tucker laughs.

"Honestly it was nice to see someone crush Sasha's ego, even if it was just for tonight." Lindon says. "But don't tell her I said that, I might get unlucky." He winks at me.

"Ew." I mumble to myself. They way they think of her is kinda gross. It kind of makes me feel bad for her.

"Well the dance floor is calling my name." Justin takes the three drunks with him and I'm left alone outside. I wish I knew what time it was. I go and sit down on the steps and just lounge for a little. Feeling a bit chilly in my outfit. I cover my exposed stomach with my blazer as much as I can.

Where could Wilson be? I decide to go and check for him again. I enter the garage area but the lights flashing make it hard to make out anyone's face. All I see is a mass of sweaty body's dancing synchronized.

"It's raining! Close 'r down!" A boy shouts.

"Everyone out. The rain is going to ruin the stereo so it's time to go." Another guy says over the microphone. People are rushing to cars. I go to where Zac's truck was parked but it's gone. Just my luck. I look for Lucy and Jayna but I'm out of luck.

I stand there getting soaked in the rain. Out of options I start to walk in the direction that I think the school is. I walk and the rain gets harder. My shoes are slippery so I take them off and the rocks on the pavement hurt my feel but I can't have it all. I'm pretty sure I look like a scandalous clown. I get a couple blocks and I see a truck parked on the side on the road headlights shining in my eyes. I blink and look both ways before going to cross the road.

"Grace!" Someone shouts from the truck. I stop walking having no idea how this person knows me. They stand in front of the lights and it takes a minute for my eyes to readjust. Then I see the face and run ignoring the pain. I jump into their warm arms.

"My grace." Wilsons voice enters my ears.

"I didn't see you there." I whisper but I know he heard me.

"That's because I never made it. My car broke down on the way there."

"I'm just glad your here."

"Come on get in the car." He leads me in. We sit in the car. "Where is Brianna and all your friends? Why are you alone?"

I tell him all of what happened. About the dance battle and beer pong, dates and the rain. He just listens which is nice.

"Well I want to say let me take you home but.." He points to the speedometer. "She needs a tune up."

"It's okay." I tell him smiling. I pull down the mirror. My hair is soaked and my mascara is the only thing running. I wipe it away with my fingers. I can already feel my hair starting to dry.

"What do we do?" He asks. I look at his almost empty back seat. I get him to help me put all the seats down flat. We make a make shift bed. He has blankets in here for emergencies, they aren't the softest but they will do. I take off the blazer and he takes off his shirt. It takes everything I have not to stare at this toned chest.

"Come cuddle me." He says. I lay down and he spoons me. He kisses the top of my head.

"I'm so glad I found you." He tells me.

"I don't know where I would be if you didn't." I say honestly. I didn't know where I was going. He starts playing with my thin hair that's now almost dry.



"I think I'm going to fall asleep." He says slowly. I feel drained and my eyes start to droop.

"Me too."

I wake up with Wilson holding me tightly to his chest. He is so warm. I check my phone only to remember that it's dead. I know that semi finals are tomorrow. The sun is just coming up. I shake Wilson awake. We go and sit on the hood of his truck and watch the sun raise.

Wilson calls his dad to come and pick up the truck. Turns out the battery just needed a jump. Wilson drives me home and he leaves me at my dorm room step.

"Thank you for spending the night with me."

"Thank you for finding me." I smile at him.

"Always." He tells me so seriously. I kiss him and enter my room. I smile to myself giddy. I look up and see Brianna, Trevor, Zac, Lucy and Jayna all mid conversation staring at me.

"Where the hell have you been?" Brianna shouts at me.

Oh boy.


"Just calm down Grace." Justin smiles at me as Wilson starts giving me a pep talk.

"You guys will be amazing." I smile at him glad to have him here. "I mean you have to be I am going to be in the audience."

"Yea because that's so helpful."

"Just go out there and do your best." He looks be right in the eyes, his forehead touching mine. "You'll be great." He tells me and only me. I smile and kiss him. We are about to go on so he leaves but he never leaves my mind. We walk on stage and I scan the crowd for him. I watch him enter and wish more than anything that he was the one beside me and not Justin. The music starts and I get into the motions of the dance. My passion is fuelled by Wilson. I'm so glad to have found him.

At the end of our dance we are supposed to kiss but I move my head slightly so he kisses my cheek I don't think anyone noticed but Justin and I. As we finish we stand and exit the stage.

"What was that?" Miss Kim asks me.

"I just-"

"You might just have lost us nationals, all the hard work for a boy?" She looks at my angrily. She stomps away and I hope to dear god that we didn't lose because I didn't want to cheat on my boyfriend.


So what did you think? More normal life chapter. What did you think of the party? What about the dance battle? The special Wilson and Grace time?

Next chapter will be up soon! I don't exactly know when it will be up but I hope this is long enough for you.

To the top is Justin and Grace's semi finals routine and all the girls party outfits.




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