That Ugly Nerd Girl

By Thefemalecudi

675 15 0

Naomi goes through life being bullied by her peers. It's a constant battle to figure out how to stay positive... More

Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

That Ugly Nerd Girl

281 5 0
By Thefemalecudi

*Naomi's POV*

  I slowly walked through the hallway, clutching my notebook tightly to her chest, looking at the floor as she walked. Others bumped into me as if I wasn't there and honestly, I wish she wasn't. I wished I could fade away, to be invisible, maybe if there wasn't a Naomi Garcia everything would be fine is what I thought.

    I wasn't a lonely girl, I was popular when she was in her own world. I had a big group of friends that I was rarely able to see due to being taken away from each other for the new year. It sucked but, seeing them at least once a day would make me smile, even if it was only for a little while.

    I was surrounded by people who called her friend in class but, I would spend most of her time with only one, Nevaeh. I always felt lonely although she wasn't alone. I would always think while I walked. Some happy thoughts, some sad, some angry, and sometimes she would just think.

    I did wave to her friends that she passed in the hallway, hype for the moment until they left, and then once again slinking to my next class. The nerd, the ugly nerd is what I was known as. People didn't mind making fun of me but, when it was time for a test or giving in homework they would always ask me.

   The fake bitches, shaking my head. I wanted to stand up for herself, tell them that she wasn't ugly but, she believed everything they said about her. So I sat in silence, listening to the hurtful things they would say thinking I couldn't hear them. But I heard... I heard every single thing...

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