Ex- husband and babies

By saiamrutha77

4.1M 118K 10K

She could easily recognize that touch. Sharon knew it was him. She could feel him against her body. His hands... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Loving you again

Chapter 6

138K 4.4K 168
By saiamrutha77

Sharon was sitting under the old oak tree, her regular spot. Well... technically her spot from past two weeks. Moving to complete different part of country for college was something which happened unexpectedly but the good thing is she had her bestfriend Lily with her.

"Here is your Coffee" Lily said giving Sharon her cup of Caramel Macchiato.  Sharon placed the book she was reading aside taking her coffee.

"Thankyou Lillian"

"No probs, well did you see any hot guy while I'm gone ?"

Sharon chuckled at her friend and shook her head in a no. 

"I tell you the seniors are so damn hot"
Lily exclaimed.

Sharon totally agreed because of him, she still doesn't know his name but has seen him a couple of times with his mates goofing around. Those dark locks and those deep blue eyes and did she mention that mesmerizing smile.

"Woah... you got crush on someone babe?" Lily questioned seeing Sharon lightly blush.

"Oh my goodness who.is.he?" She asked.

Sharon shrugged her shoulders "I don't know"

"You don't know? " Lily asked disappointed.

Sharon just smiled but praying inside to see him once again.

"Okay, I have to go . I have this assignment to submit to Mr.Adams. " Sharon said getting ,her books in one hand and coffee in another.

"Ba..bye" Lily said writing ferociously the assignment she was supposed to submit in 10 minutes.

Sharon chuckled and started walking towards the Management faculty. Just as she was about to enter a football from now where came and hit her hand causing her coffee to spill all over the floor and her to stumble a little.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" The first ever words he spoke to her. Sharon was a bit startled by the events that she couldn't reply.

He was wearing a black colour t shirt and these grey colour shorts, he looked absolutely amazing just in those.

"Hey"he called again placing his hand on her shoulder. Sharon's heart rate immediately increased. She shrugged his hand off or else she was going to die of trachycardia.

"I'm fine" she somehow said those words and was grateful she didn't stammer.

She then saw the coffee spilled on the floor and her heart cried for her Caramel Macchiato.

"Hey I owe you this coffee , is it okay for you to go and grab one with me?" He asked smootly.

Sharon could easily say it's okay, no need for that but she was no fool to drop such a chance. "We could do that" she said.

"So I would come and pick you up in 10  minutes in same place?"

"10 minutes?" She asked confused.

He chuckled at her confusion and asked "Don't you have an assignment to submit? "

Sharon realised that she still have her assignment to submit.

"Oops! I better run" she said turning around.

"Hey your Name?" He asked.

Sharon's face rose into a  smile before turning towards him and shouting "Sharon"

"Chris" he shouted back.

Chris! She thought , the name itself gave her a warm feeling.

Sharon woke up with a feeling as if she was falling. She blinked before she realised she wasn't in her bed. She rubbed her eyes and stretched her body,awaaw sleeping in the couch is not comfortable. Her eyes widened seeing the digital clock which said 11:24 a.m.

Shit. She never slept this late. Her first thought was Chase.  Where is Chase? She was about to call out when she saw him sitting on the floor with colours and drawing something.

"Good morning Mommy" he said as soon as he saw that she was awake .

Sharon smiled at him but couldn't reply because of the groggy throat. Sharon realised emotional evening the day before took a toll on her voice.

She cleared her throat before trying again "good morning baby." Her voice sounded scrapped.

"I think it's better you drink some water" Momo said.

Sharon nodded her head before pouring herself a glass of water and drinking it.

"How are you feeling?" Momo asked.

"I'm feeling quite good actually." Sharon said wiping her face with the hand towel Momo gave her.

Sharon decided to completely ignore the presence of Chris. Sharon was sure Chris couldn't come to the conclusion that Chase is his son for two reasons, one Chase looks nothing like him, he is exact replica of Sharon except for those eyes and Sharon could easily argue against that maybe telling blue is such a common colour. And two Chase looks really young than his age like he is 3 but looks like he is 2 and half or something. Sharon always complained to pediatrisian who said that was completely normal in boys until they hit puberty. Now Sharon was happy that happens.

Momo smiled proudly at Sharon. She could see Sharon determined and the woman who is going to cry and run away again. No Sharon won't do that again.

"And I told that little brat you are angry at him, even if you are not pretend you are." Momo whispered.

Sharon chuckled before stealing a glance behind Momo.  Chase was drawing something with complete concentration, his tongue stuck out his hair ruffled. 

"Snap out of that look Sharon and act a little stern with the lad or he would get out of control" Momo scolded her.

Sharon gave a sheepish smile before she went searching for phone.

She found it under the pillows on the sofa. She immediately hit savvy's number.

"Hello Manager of April's gifts speaking."

"Manager huh?!" Sharon chuckled

"Yes Self proclaimed Manager. If you called me to ask whether your Shop is still in one piece then Yes it is, except for the  super cheery employee everything is fine."

"Super cheery?" Sharon asked.

"Oh  yeah... Mira is on cloud nine" she said.

"Is it Sharon?" Sharon heard Mira asking in the background.

"Yes.. She is..." savvy started "wait I will tell her" Sharon heard some shuffling and Mira was on line.

"Sharon.... Thankyou so much. Your advice was best. Yesterday we both talked and do you know what happened?"

"What happened?" Sharon asked.

"He proposed" Mira literally was screaming  and Sharon could imagine how happy She is.

"And what did you say?" Sharon asking exactly knowing what she might have said.

"Yes.... ofcourse I said Yes" Mira replied in a duh tone.

Sharon chuckled before congratulating her on her engagement.

Mira was excitedly explaining her proposal when savvy snatched the phone from her.

"Auh..... Her happiness is contagious." Savvy said and Sharon could imagine her frown.

"Okay, listen up. Close the shop before lunch give Mira halfday and you come home we would have lunch and head to beach, it is such a good day." Sharon said moving the curtains of her front room and she stood their looking.

"Ohkay... sounds good." Savvy said and hung up.

Sharon  stood their looking at the one person who was oblivious of her. She immediately turned her head, she didn't want to see him, it was already hard for her just thinking her baby,  her April was just across the street.


Chris was up before he would like. But sacrificing sleep for his beanie was Nothing . Nothing comes before beanie for him.

April said she wanted to go out, and Lily proposed that they hit the beach and April readily agreed.

Chris was pacing in the balcony he had a conference call just now with few investors. He had 10 minutes before April gets ready for beach house.  He was briefing Laura about the Call when his eyes fell on the house infront. It was quite. Chris could see a little boy from the window he was showing something to someone who turned out to be Sharon. Sharon had a very big smile on her face and she bend to his length and kissing him all over his face before scooping him into her arms, she looks so happy.

"Daddy....!" April called from behind she was wearing a flower  patterned sun dress. She looked so cute.

Chris scooped her in his arms, "ohho... my beanie looks so pretty" he said giving her sloppy kiss on her cheeks.

April chuckles and returning his kiss , April was loving the attention her Dad was giving her. He hardly have time for her these days. April eyes immediately went to the house before. There was a small boy in the arms of a woman whose back was now facing her. The boy clung to her body laughing. April felt a small squeeze on her heart, if I had a mother...She thought, little did she know the woman she is looking at her is her mother.

"Hey beanie let's go into the town and explore some good restaurants." Chris said bring April attention from the woman.

"I will love that Daddy" she said.

Chris smiled at her before giving the window of Sharon's home one last look.


"Do you like it April?" Lily asked as April tasted her chocolate marshmallow sundae.

April nodded her, happy She went with chocolate.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked April.
April knew she was trying to make a conversation but couldn't understand why? Usually she includes both her and her father in any conversation but now she was acting.... she don't know... distant. 

"Yes." She answered "Are you and my Dad not talking to each other?" She asked in a low voice so that only Lily could listen.

Lily smiled at her and shook her head in denial. April pouted but quickly dismissed the thought.

"Beanie the faster you eat the faster we hit the shore." Chris said ruffling her hair.

"Dad don't spoil my hair" she said with a huff.

Sharon wanted to go out. She doesn't want to pause her life now that he was here.

"Mommy can I get my truck? " Chase

"Ofcourse honey" she said picking her beach bag.

"Savvy get your ass down " she shouted.

"Coming" savvy replied.

"So is he coming?" Momo asked Savvy.

"Ofcourse he is coming" savvy whispered back.

Just as the cue Joseph's car parked into the driveway.

"See... now you handle sharon". Savvy said rushing downstairs.

"Hey, Joe." Sharon greeted but raised an eyebrow at his sudden appearance.

"Joseph was free this afternoon so I asked him to hang out with us." Momo said rubbing down the invisible wrinkles of her dress.

Sharon bit her tongue for any rash comment she could make and regret later. And moreover Chase loves Joseph and enjoys his company.

Sharon was wearing some Jeans shorts  and a beautiful sarong gifted by Momo herself. She was not afraid of anything. Nothing will happen. Chris can't recognise Chase and he won't come near her again... She will make sure of it.


It was busy day at beach. There were many people around but the perks of being regulars savvy new the secluded parts of beach. Sharon set the blanket and helped Momo sit down. While Joseph planted umbrella in the soil. Savvy applied  some lotion.

Chase immediately started building his castle filling his truck with sand. While savvy joined him after few dips in the sea. Momo was peacefully started reading her book while Joe met some of his buddies who were surfing and they joined them for a while.

Sharon sat few feet away from Chase and savvy , looking around. She always loved the sea. She had very good memories with sea as a child, she spent early years of her childhood in the same city, coming to the same beach.

Chase was busy building his castle while savvy tried her best to help him. Sharon laughed at the duo before her eyes landed on a familiar blonde girl from the airport yesterday. She was also just a few feet away from her. The girl was sitting in the sand and trying to pick something. Out of curiosity Sharon walked towards the girl, she looked oddly familiar but Sharon couldn't exactly point it. 

"Hey" she called.

The little girl seemed little startled at first but smiled at her after recognizing.

"What are you searching for?" She asked placing her  hand on the girls shoulder.

"Shells."she said little Shy.

"Shells? What for?" Sharon asked.

"My Dad is going to make me a necklace out of them." The girl replied.

"Necklace huh!  Cool dad, you got there!" Sharon complimented.

"Yea... the best" the girl agreed.

"Where is he then?" Sharon asked.

"He went to..." she started but was cut by a voice calling her.

"April" the same voice Sharon decided to bravely face.

April. Sharon stuck at that. This was her April? Her baby?

Yes, I am evil and I will stop there...

Sorry. Not sorry.

So that's chapter 6.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Do tell me how you are enjoying it.

I would love to hear from you guys.

So this chapter is dedicated to one of my close friends @sharmikasavanth who is celebrating her birthday today. Happy birthday Sharmi. Love you. Have a wonderful year ahead.

Well again then my usual rant

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See you next time until than



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