The Norsemen (Editing)

By BajanBelle

42.8K 1.9K 77

Disclaimer: This story is NOT based on the MARVEL universe. The Asgardians are based on Norse mythology and e... More

Chapter 1: Midgard
Chapter 2: Not a Myth
Chapter 3: Shopping
Chapter 4: Date
Chapter 5: I'm dating Thor.
Chapter 6: Crush
Chapter 7: Knowing you
Chapter 8: Loki
Chapter 9: Asgard
Chapter 10: Banquet
Minor Update
Chapter 11: Who was she?
Chapter 12: Asgardian Mornings
Chapter 13: Encounters, encounters, encounters.
Chapter 14 - Do I Love Him?
Chapter 15 - Scared?
Chapter 16 - Secrets.
Chapter 17 - A New Day in Asgard
Chapter 18: What If?
Chapter 19: The Return of the King
Chapter 21: Goddess
Chapter 22: Family
Chapter 23: The Son of Nanna and Baldr
Chapter 24: The Five
Chapter 25: The Truth
Chapter 26: Training
Chapter 27: The Prophecy
Chapter 28: Legacy

Chapter 20: Daughter of Ullr.

649 31 1
By BajanBelle


I wasn't sure about what to do with myself in front of her. So I just bowed frantically and apologized for the sudden intrusion.

"I'm really sorry to come to you like this." I bit my lip nervously, "I just need to know."

"It's ok my child," she smiled and gestured for me to sit. "Have some tea." She nodded to Fulla who smiled and poured some for us.

"Thank you," I said taking up my cup gently.

"You have questions about Kaylee I assume."

"Yes," I said nervously, "What she is... does Odin know?"

"No," she sighed, "I haven't brought it up to him because I'm never sure how he will react. I never know how to talk about Ullr with him."

"Who is Ullr exactly?"

She exhaled, "Ullr," she said softly, "was once King of Asgard. Many years ago Odin had to go away for a while, Ullr was elected to rule Asgard in his place until he returned. Many of the people loved him as King so when Odin returned to take his rightful place on the throne many were against it because they felt that Ullr should remain ruler."

I gasped, "What happened?"

"Well my dear, a war followed between Odin and Ullr, and when Odin won, Ullr fled Asgard and hid himself away. With his powers he can't be found unless he wants to be. Every time I try to bring him up Odin loses his temper, so I haven't been able to tell him who Kaylee truly is."

"Do you think he will make her leave when he finds out?"

"I don't know." She sighed, "I don't even know how he feels towards Ullr. No one does."

"Did you tell her not to eat the fruit because you think he will find out who she is?"

"No." she paused and exhaled heavily, "I told her not to eat the fruit because I don't want Ullr to return." Frigg pouted, "Ullr will stop at nothing to get back on the throne if he thinks that the possibility of him succeeding is great enough."

"What about what Kaylee and Thor want?"

"I've thought about that," she frowned, "but if she does decide to eat the fruit, I thought she should be ready to face what will come after."

"Kaylee has never been afraid to take on her father, but I'm afraid of how Odin will react to her."

"Odin," she sighed, "That one-eyed old fool."

I gaped at her.

She smiled. "He's as stubborn as ever but I'm sure after he met her, he knows she's nothing like him."

I frowned, "But what if Ullr comes looking for her?"

She sipped her tea, "We'll just cross that bridge when we get there."



"Thor," I grabbed his hand, "where did you go?"

I looked at him to see that he had Mjolnir.

"Sif and I went hunting to blow off some steam." He said softly not wanting to look at me.

I sighed, "Can we talk?"

"Not here." He turned walking towards his room. "Come on."

I walked in as he closed the door behind me.

I fidgeted by the door as he took off his armor and walked to the archway overlooking the river and hills of Asgard.

I watched him as he held a shirt in his hand.

"So..." I mumbled, "Aren't you going to put that on?"

He threw it aside and stood with his hands on his hips.

"Let's talk."

I don't know if he's trying to distract me. I looked at his perfectly sculpted body and sighed.

He raised a brow at me.

I walked up to him and hugged him, resting my face against his chest.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed.

"It's okay." He hugged me back.

"No." I looked up at him, "I shouldn't have thought that about you."

He smiled and kissed me, "It's okay love."

"Ullr was here."

He gaped at me. "When?"

"Earlier after you left..." I whipped my face, "he came to me and said that I should go home."

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair frantically.

"Did he leave?"

"I don't know, he just disappeared after I wouldn't go with him." I sat on the bed. "I didn't even know it was possible for him to get here without Heimdall."

"It is possible." He sighed, "Ullr and Odin can travel through memories."

"He'll be back," I exhaled, "I have to eat the fruit."

"Are you sure you're ready for that?" he frowned at me.

"Yes. I've never been surer about anything."

He frowned at me.

I raised a brow at him. "Take me to the tree."



I sighed. I have to speak to Kaylee. I hope she didn't say something to Thor that she will regret.

I looked up to see Renee running towards to me and I stopped in my tracks.

"Will!" she shouted at me, "We have to find Kay." She said out of breath.

"What happened?" I gaped at her.

She looked so frazzled, I've never seen her like that before.

"If she eats the fruit, Ullr will come back to Asgard." She said still trying to catch her breath.

"We have to go to the tree." I grabbed her.

We ran out to garden. I looked around where Sif had taken me.

"Where is it?"

"Did you get us lost?" Renee taunted.

"Shut up!" I glared at her, "It was around here."

"What are guys doing here?" Kaylee said from behind us.

I looked back to see her with Thor.

"You can't eat the fruit Kay," Renee pleaded with her, "your father will come back."

"He's already here." She frowned, "That's why I have to eat it."

"What do mean already?" I gaped at her, "How?"

"Ullr can travel to a place by his memory of being there." Thor sighed, "We don't have much time."

Renee grabbed Kaylee's shoulders, "Are you sure about this Kay?"

"Yes." she smiled at her, "I'm ready."

Renee hugged her.


Thor walked towards the tree as we followed.


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