If We Were A Movie. (on hold)

By Cassidy22

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Miranda and Gavin, Friends Forever literally. They had been friends for as long as they could remember and Mi... More

Chapt. One
Chapt. 3
Chapt. 4
Chapt. 5
Chapt. 6

Chapt. 2

484 12 8
By Cassidy22

[A/N] The first chapter got great reviews, so I'm a little scared to see the reaction to this chapter. it took me awhile to upload cause i wanted to make sure it was good. I hope you like, please scroll to the side, and vote,tweet, as well as like on facebook then scroll up and fan me. Please. Comment at the end of your reading please with an honest oppinion. More comments and votes faster the next chapter. Thanks so much.

Oh and forgot to explain that every chapter i will try to put a song on tthe side that reminds me of that chapter of of Miranda and Gavin in general. I know this weeks isn't the origianl but i love this version more.


My text book lay on the floor in front of me, I had a desk but it sat empty in the corner of my room never touched, never used, just there, I prefer the floor. I flipped five pages, I didn’t read or even skim it, my mind was occupied reliving the kiss and trying to understand what had happened. So really I was just keeping my hands occupied.

I sighed.

The ride home had been strange. I pretty much wrecked any perfection in my hair, with all the finger combing. I absolutely despise silence; it’s uncomfortable and super rare in this house, because when Gavin and I are together, there’s ruckus. I got to face the facts though, that car had been dead silent the whole way home. The radio of course doesn’t work since he pissed me off all those years ago and I stuck a fork in it, then when he pulled it out it wrecked it, normally we didn’t care we’d create enough sound with our voices but not today. The air was filled with awkwardness, plain old awkward awkwardness.

I grunted as someone slammed their fist on my door. I picked up the Chemistry textbook and rushed to the door, unlocking it, then opening it and heading towards the queen sized bed that was in the corner opposite the untouched desk, not even bothering to see who it was.

“You know there is such thing as welcoming your guest into your room.” Gavin laughed.

I turned around to see his fingers run through the blonde hair that was now neat and tidy on his head, unlike mine, but I didn’t respond to him, only took a seat on the red blanket that covered my bed.

“Okay, no need to make a snarky comment after that one.” The boy mumbled then straightened up and continued, “Rick, Justin and Teah, are coming over to watch a movie, in five so you better get ready.”

My eyes widened, I looked like crap; if they saw me like this I would never live it down. Then I realized, the boy who about an hour ago had kissed me, was now acting like nothing was wrong, well what in god’s name is wrong with him. I suppressed a groan, as I stood up and once again brushed my fingers through my messy ringlets.

“How the hell do you do this Gavin?” I shouted.

“Huh, do what,” He asked, confusion clouded his voice.

“One second, were Gavin and Miranda best friends the next you’re kissing me and then the next you’re acting like it’s all good and were Gavin and Miranda again best friends.” My voice had calmed down but still held a commanding angry tone.

His body tensed, and as I took a step towards him he nudged himself into the wall.

“We are, aren’t we; the word that comes after is forever, best friends forever.” The colour of his eyes deepened, “Plus Miranda, were Best Friends were not lovers, I was just trying to prove a point you don’t know me as well as you’d like to think.”

“So you kissed me Gavin, come on really, how does that not imply anything, I don’t love you, or have feelings for you, and I thought you felt the same, we’re just friend.” I glared.

“First off, your totally wrong, I do love you, it may not be in a, I want to make out with you kind of way, but I sure of heck love you. You’re more family then my parents are, they we’re fighting today you know that. My mom and dad are fighting because my dad wants to send me away to Military school, and mom says if he does she’s leaving him, like that will stop him.“

I shuddered, before pulling him into a hug. He pushed away though; his eyes were back to normal, and his face emotion-less, then playful.

“You stink, go shower before your stalkers and Teah get here, oh and…” he licked his finger then wiped a spot off my face, “there you go, big mac all gone.”

Ewwww.” I whined, trying to get all his stupid germs off my face, as I pushed him out of my room. I grabbed a pair of shorts and my second favorite sweater since my favorite recently got ketchup stains, then hopped into a well needed shower.

I rubbed the towel through my hair; it would dry into pretty ringlets, not perfect I only have perfect hair after a shoot, which was the best thing about my job. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy my job, its actually fun, but I hate the diets and the fact that nobody lets me live my photographs down, pretty sure Rick has about every one of my cover shots in his closet---that’s why he’s stalker number one in Gavin’s mind. I don’t even want to know what he does with them. I actually giggled as I finished with my very light makeup just a little eye-liner and mascara, I prefer to bring out my natural beauty, which everybody is gifted with. Before stepping into Gavin’s boring room covered with posters of girls wearing pretty much nothing, I breathed in and out deeply, preparing for the wild world of my friends.

                The talking stopped as I opened the door—great!

                Rick winked at me as I entered. Justin who was sweet and adorable, stood beside him, and tried to wink at me to but it just made me laugh because he can’t wink, he squints both eyes, and his face moves too, its quiet hilarious. I was startled as I turned to my beach blonde friend Teah, her baby blue eyes glared at me. Ah Crap! Apparently Gavin told them about his little adventure with my lips, of course T’s pissed, she has a humongous crush on this kid, who couldn’t be even the slightest bit less interested. To tell you the truth, she shouldn’t be offended by that, I think he might be gay, I’ve never seen him take interest in any girl, they were all just friends, and the ones he did date were all for popularity.

                I let my fingers run across my lips—that couldn’t be it mean if he was gay, he wouldn’t be such a good kisser—I would give him that, my best friend was a really good kisser.

                Teah glared at the motion, my arm fumbled to my side. Gavin gave me a huge adorable smirk, uh darn it, I can’t believe I just did that in public.

                “So Mandy, can I surprise you with a kiss,” Rick laughed, making that cartoonish kiss sound with his mouth.

                “Ricky, you kissing me wouldn’t surprise me, you want to surprise me, go kiss Justin.” I giggled, my eyes wandering to the cutie beside him. Justin’s eyes widened and his hands stopped running through his dark brown hair.

                “What, why, please don’t throw me into this.” He fumbled.

                “Too late sweet pea,” Rick said as he leaned over and kissed Justin on the cheek. I sat down next to Gavin, backs against the wall looking towards Rick who stood right in front of the TV. I shot my best friend an award-winning smile, with my perfect white teeth, then went to go flash Teah one. The girl was so jealous; you could see it in her body language. She never came to hang out with me, just him and I’m actually pretty sure she didn’t overly like me. The girl worked out every day, to have the perfect body, but I was somehow skinnier then her—I have a high metabolism, it’s not my fault. She also refuse’s to not-not where makeup, since she thinks it’s the only way to look pretty. Though the girl won’t listen to me when I tell her it’s not.

                I skipped giving her the smile and turned back to Rick.

                “Umm, Ricky I never said on the cheek and I‘m almost a hundred percent ---wait no-- skip the almost---I’m a hundred percent sure if you were to kiss me, it would be on the lips.”

                “Fine,” The boy shrugged.

                I covered my mouth, and started to laugh, because knowing Rick, he would actually do it and Justin would not be happy. The boy with the shaggy blonde hair leaned down and planted one directly on the brown haired cutie’s lips. Of course being Justin he had no idea what to do, so he just shook his head and did an awful impersonation of the Justin Bieber hair flip. He doesn’t have the Bieber hair but he has hair covering his forward and flipped out to the side.

                “Mouth wash is in the Bathroom Fake-Biebs.” I said in a burst of laughs. I could hear Gavin unsuccessfully stifle a laugh; I knew he would enjoy my nickname.

                “Now can I kiss you?” Rick mumbled as he wiped his lips getting rid of the Justin ‘germs.’

                I felt Gavin stiffen beside me at the question, and when I looked through the corner of my eyes I saw a glare paired with a frown directed in Rick’s direction. What the hell is wrong with this kid today, first off he kisses me; then he says it was just to prove me wrong and then he’s getting mad at Rick for wanting to kiss me. Again, I am so confused.

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