You're His Favorite Joke

By ScarletFlame12

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You've gotta watch out for the quiet ones and they hardly come quieter than shy but pretty Harleen Quinzel... More

Chapter 1: Think again
Chapter 2: A Bit Dramatic
Chapter 3: Work On It
Chapter 4: One night, don't fail me
Chapter 5: Gotham's Metaphor
Chapter 6: The best method
Chapter 7: A girl has her way
Chapter 8: When you have power
Chapter 9: Don't hold back
Chapter 10: Stain the white snow.
Chapter 11: Dance of Death
Chapter 12: Terminate
Chapter 13: Disorder is calling for a change
Chapter 14: The Best Remedy
Chapter 15: Breathe life into Harley
Chapter 16: From the ashes
Chapter 17: Dying to try
Chapter 18: Call him Mr.J
Chapter 19: My Harleen
Chapter 20: Survive Suicide
Chapter 21: Welcome to Arkham
Chapter 22: The Joke was on you
Chapter 23: Fire to your Ice
Chapter 24: False Successor
Chapter 25: Fought so hard for
Chapter 26: I saw his frown
Chapter 27: About damn time!
Chapter 28: Smiled and lit the match
Chapter 29: Among Thieves
Chapter 30: Partners again
Chapter 31: My Job
Chapter 32: Escape Clause
Chapter 33: He's ours!
Chapter 34: Self proclaimed Clown Prince of Crime
Author's Note
Chapter 35: I thought Batman doesn't kill
Chapter 36: Painful way to kill The Joker
Author's Note
Chapter 37: You ain't seen nothing yet
Chapter 38: Death is always fair
Chapter 39: Now this is a party
Chapter 40: Embrace your inner madness
Chapter 41: You ain't got his smile

Last Chapter: You're His Favorite Joke

1.2K 47 29
By ScarletFlame12

~~Lots of POV jumping~~

~Bruce Wayne aka Batman~

Joker pulled away a person I couldn't recognize as he fled behind the curtain. From doors on both sides, came out several guards. I looked to Slade who was trapped on some sort of cell.

"Find the source of the cage, Bats! I can help you!" 

I don't need or want Slade's help. He abandoned me when we first work together. And now, in his eye, was no longer anger. But a fiery rage that I won't be able to control. 

A guard ran to me. His punch was predictable as I backed away. He fell over as I punched his ribs and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. I saw, from the corner of my eye, two guard coming for me. I hurled the guard in my grips at them. They fell down while cursing.

"Joker will make you pay!"

I grabbed the edge of my cape and swung it side to side which made the next in coming guard dizzy. I grabbed his head and slammed his head  on the ground. I rolled over and saw a guard who tried to swing a knife at me. I backed away several time, jumped over his  head and gave a hard punch to his head. He fell down and revealed three more guards. They all attacked at once as I kneel down and used my forearm to block. I used my strength to force them off. I side kicked one guard and saw as one guard tried to kick me. I grabbed it without struggle and elbowed his head and gave a strong uppercut.  I turned to see a crate hurled at me. I quickly grabbed it and threw it to the pestering guard.

"God, I ain't mean no harm. Honest!"

I turned to see a guard on his knees.

"Truly pathetic." Commented Slade as I turned on my detective vision. The guard in front of me had a purple aura surrounding him.I dashed to him and lifted him up by his throat.

"You have information that I want! Tell me," I reeled him closer to my face, "or I'll spend my night breaking every bone in your body."

"Joker wants to gas Gotham! Gas it with this poisonous laughing gas! He said Gotham will die with a smile leaving him and Harley to reign forever!"

"Who is Harley?" I asked in confusion.

He remained quiet which made me tighten my grip. "You're making me lose my patience! Which means you're running out of time!"

"Shit! Okay! Harley is his girlfriend! She's crazy just like him and Joker want's Gotham to 'awe' of her. Like she's something important!"

"Thank you," I whispered as I punched him. I flung his body to the cage held by Slade.

  Joker plans to gas the city. The only way to do that is to tap into the sewer line below us. The mixture will have it flow through the outskirts of Gotham and into the center of the city. The gas will vaporize through the very sewers which will taint the air they breath. But why hasn't he done it? What is he waiting for? The guard said he wants to show Gotham  Harley. But it's not that simple.It's never that simple with Joker.

"Get me out of here... Or are you afraid of what I'll do?" Slade taunted but I ignored him as I went to the stage.

"I'll get out of her, Batman! I've escaped from far worse cages!"

I walked behind stage and saw a broken vanity mirror.  I turned on my detective vision, but selected the vision which allowed me to see any trace of D.N.A. There's a shard of glass on the floor that has blood on the edges.  I picked it up and copied the D.N.A sequence in the blood. Looks like someone held this glass too tight. 

After the D.N.A was checked, it's revealed to belong to...

"Dr. Harleen Quinzel..." I whispered to myself. 

"Joker and Harley will reign...Harley is his girlfriend!...She's crazy just as him!"  

The words ringed in my head. I remember when  I was in Dr. Quinzel's apartment, after putting some clues together.  Joker and Dr. Quinzel were sleeping together. He didn't kill her. He helped her fake her death as she took up the alias, Harley.

I used the D.N.A to help me see if there was a trail I could follow. I looked down to see a small drop of blood being empathized by a red/ pink aura. I followed the trail to emergency stairs that led up to the roof. I walked up the stairs and kicked open the door. I turned off the detective vision off and saw Joker's back and Harley on the ground, crying.

"I thought," Joker turned to me, "You got lost in all the chaos of the party."

"It's over, Joker. You lost. I know all about your little plan."
"Is that so," He smiled. "Was it one of my trusting guards? Remind me to kill them all and replace them, Harley." She shook her head, "Oh and Harley, don't forget to cut off their tongues so this," He points at me, "Won't happen again."

"You won't get a second chance to do anything, Joker. This ends here!" I ran to him, but he quickly pulled a gun out and aimed it at Harley.

"Not. One. More. Step. Bats! Or I'll blow her pretty little head over the roof and onto the ground!" He grabbed Harley by the arm and rose her the her feet. She stood in front of him as he brought the gun to her cheek and slowly brought the barrel down her chin. "We wouldn't want that now do we? Aren't I the reason of all your trouble Batman?" 

"Damn that Joker!"  Joker said in a harsh voice, clearly impersonating me. "Using my one weakness! My very own kryptonite! My inability to see somebody go," He used his free hand to wave, "Bye-bye!" He then placed his head next to Harley's and brought the gun next to his temple. 

"How about we kill two birds," He cocked the gun, "with one bullet!" He hit the trigger, Harley let out a horrid scream. 

"No!" I screamed.

~Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke~ (When Batman left him)

Insufferable vermin! Batman left me! Denied me my vengeance! 

I slammed my fist on the ground which made a guard stir. Looks like one is still up. I went to his virgule body and kicked it through the bars. "Get up!" I ordered. I grabbed him from the throat and applied force. He groaned as he asked what was happening. "You know who I am, so you know what I'm capable of." I placed my katana at his throat. "Get me out of here, and I won't kill you and your whole sleeping gang!"

I pushed him off and saw as he ran behind the curtain. 

"Don't think my temporary imprisonment makes my threats weak!"

At that moment, the bar shot down into the ground. I walked onto the stage and felt as the guard ran into me.

"I gotcha out! Leave me alone, you promised!"
"Tell me where is Joker. And I'll think about being true to my word."
"He should be up on the roof! That's where the detonator has the best range!"

 I pushed him away and continued on my way as I heard the guard run away in fear.  I made my way to the roof. I quietly opened the door to see Batman glaring at Joker and Harleen. Joker had his and Harleen heads together and a gun aimed at the side of his own head. He shot the gun but nothing happened.

"I guess not this round!" He then aimed the gun at Batman, but stopped when he saw me. "Deathbloke! I thought you were all busy being caged away like a princess!"

I ran to him and pushed Batman with one arm to the side. I felt as Batman gripped my arm and hurled me to the ground on the other side. Batman placed his foot on my throat, I grabbed it and gave it a hard yank which made him fall over. I jumped off the ground and ran to Joker.

This vile insult of life will die!

I pulled out my katana, but was stopped by Harleen who stood in front of me. She placed her hands on my chest plate while her sea blue eyes looked up at me. She wore this odd white make-up and a black mask over her eyes. I wanted to wipe that junk off. I never like when she wore make-up. When she was in my apartment, she wore some. She thought it didn't notice.  But I did.  I think Harleen was the most beautiful when she came out the shower. Yeah, she just killed someone. But she didn't have all that shit on her face. And now, her whole face is covered with it. 

"Don't! Please!" Harleen said. Just by her touch I felt my anger evaporate into the air. She was alive. My Harleen, I don't know what exactly happened between her and that clown. But I fall into the reassurance that she is here. Here and alive. That image of her dying in flames, the horrible image that was branded into my brain... I couldn't close my eyes without seeing that. My mind imagined her pain, her screams, and how I could've saved her.     

"Don't hurt him! Please!"
"Harleen, I don't understand...this repulsive--"
"Don't call me that! " She pushed on my chest. It was futile attempt cause I didn't move.
"That is your name! You're not his creation, Harleen! I'm sorry," I moved her with my arm, "But I have to kill him for what he did to you"

Joker smiled at me as I stalked to him. 

"I'll make this slow."
"You promise?" Joker hissed as I brought the katana at him.
"Your pain is promised. Your death will be a gift when I'm done with you."
"You're making me  blush!" Joker began to laugh loudly. I ready my blow but felt my katana leave my hand.I felt as something slam on to my hand. I groaned in pain as I grabbed my hand and saw my katana fall over the roof.

"I am tired of your interruptions!" I growled at Batman as he caught his Batarang.
"I won't let you hurt anyone, Slade!"
"My katanas aren't what I rely on." I turned to Joker and grabbed him by the throat and rose him off feet.
"Yo-u'll be slow!" Joker looked down at me with a horrid smile on his disgusting face.
"I'm sorry to dissa--ah!" I let go of Joker as I stumbled forward. Something, with force, was slammed against my  head.

~Harley Quinn~

I dropped the brick as Slade stumbled and let go of Joker. I ran to him as he fell on the ground laughing. I scanned him for any sign of harm. 

"Puddin, are you okay?!"
"Well done, Harley! Well done." He looked at Slade who was holding his head, blood dripping down his nose. 

"Allow me to present to you! Harley Quinn!" He twirled me around and gave me a quick peck on my lips. I laughed loudly as I saw Batman look me up in down. Slade, who wiped away his blood, glared at me with an unfamiliar look. 

 "Never doubt madness. It's fact, see it with your eyes! Madness is inevitable and...fair. Fair because it will inflict you and others," He pushed me forward to Slade who quickly caught me, "fairly. Demonstration number one," He points to himself. " Demonstration number two," he points at me. "Three!" He points at Slade and pouts," Whether you like it or not, Champ."   
"And, last but never least..." He points at Batman with a devil like grin. 

Batman stood tall as he balled up his hands into fist. But, after a shaky breath, he calmed.

"Joker...Let me help you. I don't want to hurt you. We don't have to keep on doing this. One day, it won't end well."
"Oh, I'm counting on it, Bats! Just not today! Cause, I have to say," His voice grew harsh as Batman stalked to him, "Today wasn't a bad day....Well not for me anyways." Joker glared at Slade and I. Slade stood in front of me. But all I cared for was the way Joker looked at me.

~Bruce Wayne aka Batman~

"Do it, old friend. I'm at the brink of not just this roof but Madness. Finish me off. Imagine all the horrid deeds you'll stop by just killing little ol' me!"  Joker said as he backed away from me. 

I want to help him. There's still a chance. No matter what he did, he is still a man. A man who had a life before everything went to hell. I believe that man is still in there. But he is dying.

I reached for the collar of Joker's jacket as he almost slipped off the roof. I rose him up as he gave a ear ringing laugh.  "Always my hero!" He laughed, but before I could respond, Harley protested.

"Don't hurt him!" 

I turned around, Joker still held by me, as I saw Harley with a device in her hand and a gun in the other. She had the gun aimed at Slade as she spoke.

"I'll blow his freaking brains out, B-B- Man-n!" She spoke as she shook with fear. Tears traveled down her face while I wondered why Slade just didn't dis arm her.

"If you kill Mr. J, I'll kill him" She screamed while looking at Slade, "And all of freaking Gotham! Just let him go! Please!" 

"Looks like she got you stumped, Old boy!" Joker said to me, but I reacted by moving my hand up to his throat which made Harley scream in fear.

"Not so tight!" Joker said  harshly.

"I'm warning you! St-top! Le-t him go!" She closed her eyes as I saw the tears make her black liner bleed out. "God! Please! Ahh! Don't hurt him!" She fell on her knees, " I-I wouldn't know what to do...witho-ut hi-im!" The gun was no longer aimed at Slade as the device was laying on the ground.

"Destroy the detonator, Harley! I'll let him live!"
"Who would believe that you would ki--" Before he could finish, I tighten my grip which made him wince in pain.
Harley stared at the detonator as she picked it up.

"Harley, don't he wo--!" I made my grip even tighter.

"Okay! Just," She lifts the grip of the gun above her head, "don't hurt him!" She slammed the grip several times on the detonator until he crumbled.

"No!No! You stupid girl!" I let go of Joker who pinched the flower on his chest which made acid splash on my arm. I fell on knees as the acid ate away at my armor and then my arm. I quickly grabbed a neutralizer as I fought back the agonizing pain.

~Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke~

Joker starked at Harlee...Harley.

I want to protect her but seeing her throw herself on the ground...Crying hysterically over Joker, that filth that laid his disgusting hands on her, was something I know my Harleen would never do. The way her eyes looked at me when the gun was at my face. No remorse at all. Her blue eyes weren't bright, but instead it was graying. It was dying out as she shook violently while looking at me. When Joker pushed her at me, her skin wasn't as soft as I remember. Her pine cone scent was gone and replaced with the smell of gas powder.  This was no longer Harleen. My heart wasn't racing when I  looked at her.I didn't want to hold her, let alone kiss her. Instead, I felt what I thought I could never feel for her. Disgust and pity. This is a shell of Harleen, the values she had was gone. The mere person I fell in love with was gone. Here stood a fool, a fool who was dancing and entertaining her king.

I stepped back as she rose to her feet. Hands in front of her, as Joker stalked to her.

My instincts made me want to go to Joker and snap his neck. But the person he was threatening was someone I couldn't recognize.   My hands balled up into a fist.

~Harley Quinn~

"I don't understand, Puddin..."
"That's your problem, you insignificant being! You fool! Batman does not kill! No matter how hard I try and you think you can make him start! Who do you think you are? You threaten him? Where do you get off?!"

He pulled on my jester hat which made him tower over me as he yelled at my face.

"I didn't want anything to happen to you... I'm sorry, Puddin!" I placed my hands on his chest in hopes to calm him down. But he pushed them off as he rose his hand and slapped me on the side of my face. I fall on my knees. I turn and shield myself with my hands.

"He played me that's all! It's kinda funny, if ya think about it..."

Joker stopped walking.


"Did you just me the joke?"
"I.." I began, but he lifted me up.

~Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke~

Joker, with all his might pushed her off the roof. 

I froze but quickly snapped out of it as I dashed for her. I pushed Joker to the side as I jump off the roof.

I aimed the grapple I took from Batman and reached for her. I grabbed her by the wrist as we yanked as the grapple took a grip of the side of the roof.

"Why?" She asked.
I couldn't think of a reply.
"I'll tell you why," She smiled up at me. Tears rolling down her cheeks, "You think I'll change, don't ya? And people say Joker's crazy!" My grip on her slipped from her wrist to her gloved hand. 
"You're slipping!" I yelled as I tried to readjust my hold on her.
"To insanity, I hope!" She laughed as her hand slipped from my grip and she fell down to the ground.

~Bruce Wayne aka Batman~

"What did you do?!" I ran to Joker as I lifted him up by his throat.

"Nothing!" He laughed as he swung his arms around, "I'm sorry, truly! It only takes two to tango and threes...well a crowd! I should've known better than to let her ruin what we have."

I felt anger fill me as I slammed him into the ground. His laughter echoed as I grab his green hair and slammed his face repeatedly into the ground.  He turned to me, a bloody toothy grin on his face.

"This is you..." Blood spilled from his mouth. "My dark knight."

I gripped his throat as his laughs began to become sounds of him fighting to catch a breath. 

This could be so easy. I can end it all, right here. 

"Son," I heard someone say.  I turned to parents?

"Bruce," My mother kneels down and touched my hand around Joker's throat. "You have to fight with the darkness. There needs to be darkness for the light to shine. But don't become the darkness, cause you'll lose yourself."

My father went to his kneels, and looked me in the eyes. "Be the hero you know you are. Not the villain they want you to be."

I closed my eyes as I slammed my fist on Joker's face. He groaned as his eyes drift as he fell unconsciousness. I rose to my feet and saw as my parents stood next to each other.

"Protect Gotham, son. Do what we couldn't." They said in unison. 

"I've wanted to tell you so much," I spoke but a horrible sound made me stop. I looked at my father and saw as he fell on his knees. He coughed up blood as he fell down. I turned to my mother who's pearl necklace broke and  fell from around her neck. Another horrible sound rang in my ear as my mother fell to the ground.

No, not again. I fell to my knees and held onto their hands.

"Bruce," began my father, "Finish what we couldn't. Be what we couldn't become." 

Their hands began to fade away. I looked at my father, "I am what he made me." looked forward to a stranger's back who walked away from us. His whole figure was dark as he began to disappear. I rose to my feet as my parents began to fade away.

"I am vengeance." I looked at the spot where my parents were.
"I am the night." I saw the man with his back to me disappear. I turned and glared at Joker.
"I am Batman."

~Harley Quinn~

"Get up, Harley. You need to get up."

I groaned as I tried to open my eyes. My vision was blurry, but after a couple painful blinks, I saw Harleen in front of me.

Her hair was wet and down. Bruises scattered over her face and her glasses was missing a lens. Her pale white lab coat was dirty and was shredded at the ends. Harleen's shirt and pants were ripped and showed her bruised, bloody skin.

"Harleen, wha- what happened?"

I tried to rise from where I was laying but a venomous surge of pain went through me. I let out a agonizing scream as I fell back down.

"I don't know how you're not dead." Said Harleen as I studied my surroundings. I was on top of many garbage bags. The foul stench made me cough and eyes water.

"Joker did this to you."
"Shut up! Shut up! Harleen! Shut up!"
"Why are you calling me Harleen?"

I quickly closed my eyes. Tightly until I saw colors. I opened to see that Harleen  was gone and now in front of me was Slade. I tried to think of a response.

"S-Sla--" I mumbled but he spoke over me.
"Save it. You're right,"  his gaze on me was harsh, "Harleen is dead.  I've fought too many battles and learned when to walk away.  I've lost too many people because I let them get close. I let her get close and I thought..." his hand tighten into a fist, "If I just push her away... she'll be safe. But now I know, I was pushing her to him."

I scoffed, "Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. Ever wondered maybe it was inevitable? You guys were doomed from the beginning. You know what they say! Doomed love is the best kinda love!" I began to laugh hoarsely as blood spewed out of my mouth. I hissed as another shot of pain traveled through my veins.

"You gave him the best laugh. You proved his point and made yourself into his own personal fool. You're his favorite joke." Slade got on one knee in front me, making it easier to look into his eye. He displayed something dangling in his hand.

"This necklace's meaning is as pointless as you. It's as dead as Harleen." He allowed the diamond necklace to fall on top of my chest. "I thought my vengeance was directed towards Joker. But you decided to change. You're the one who killed Harleen."

I began to laugh through the pain and hissed at him, "Whatcha gonna do? Kill me?! Ha!" At that very moment his katana was at my throat. 

"I'm not going to kill you. I'm going to let you kill yourself. You'll run back to him, like a fool. Being with him is suicidal. If I kill you, you won't learn. You need to learn from your own mistakes.  I feel the only thing that you share with Harleen is stubbornness. So run back, you little fool. Run back to him and make him laugh like the joke you are."

His katana left my sword as rose and turned around.

"Slade," I said which made him stop. I opened my mouth to speak but I winched and sucked in some air to sooth the pain. "Harleen loves you." I felt myself grow weak as my eyes began to drift.

~Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke~

Harley's eyes closed. Her pain was too much, she wasn't going to die. She had some broken bones and possibly some internal damage. But nothing she couldn't survive.
I walked to her. I kneel down and brought her into my arms. I rose carrying her bridal style.  I looked down to her face as I walked. Her eyes shut as he breathing was slow. Purple bruises were covering her right eye and blood stained her lower lip.  I was now in front of the amusement park. There was a table used for registration in the middle.I slowly place her there. She groaned as my hand placed her head on the table. Her eyes tighten as her face scrunched up.

I turned around but her an odd clanking sound. I turned to see Harley's arm was off the table, dangling on the edge. On the ground, next to my feet, was the necklace.

I picked it up from the ground and walked to her. I placed her dangling arm back on top of the table.

"Harleen," I whispered to her. I placed my hand on the back of her neck and lift her up to me.  I softly kiss her swollen lips. I heard her groan into the kiss as I felt soft pressure on my lips. She was kissing back. Harleen is still in there. Weak. But alive.

I removed myself from her and cupped her face. "Fight. Fight and return to me."
I placed the necklace around her neck. The orange diamond twinkled up to me.

I began to walk into the forest. I heard a buzzing sound. I followed the noise to see a helicopter and Floyd being forced in by King Shark.

"Dammit, Floyd!" I growled to myself.

~Floyd Lawton~

"Easy!" I exclaimed as King Shark pushed he down to a seat as he strapped me in.
"Quit your whining, Lawton." Said King Shark as made the seatbelt unbearably tight. He left and took his seat next to Killer Frost.

I turned my head to the side as I saw a body bag being placed all the way in the back.

"Moone..." I whispered as I closed my eye and looked down. Shit. Out of everyone in this shitty squad, she had to be the one to die. I looked down at my handcuffed hands to see Moone's blood still on it

"Floyd," I looked up to see Ivy taking her seat next to me. "Listen, I'm really sorry. Enchantress was--"

"Let me stop you right there, Rosebud. Her name was June Moone. If you can't even remember that don't  apologizing to me like you knew her. Don't let her go down as some heartless villain. Let Moone go down like a--"
"Hero." Finished Ivy which made me scoff loudly.
"Hero. Yeah, hero. Shit, what I wouldn't do for a hero right now."

Before Ivy could speak, the boarding door was flung open with Slade climbing on. He pulled out his battle stick as King Shark ran to him. Slade swung the battle stick with made King Shark grab on to it. Slade quickly placed his foot on King Shark's chest as he rolled King over him. King Shark was flung to the control panel. Killer Frost threw ice daggers, but Slade deflected them and high kicked her. She fell down as Slade ran to me and slashed off the sear belt. He pulled me up from my seat.

"Oh, my hero!" I joked as Slade sighed deeply he was about to jump out of the helicopter til he heard. Poison Ivy cough sarcastically.

"Oh, no...please stop." She said dryly. Slade and I both looked at each other in confusion. She still was sitting and not even try to stop us. "I can't let you escape..." In her hand was a single rose that she threw at us.

I screamed in horror and closed my eye as it hit my arm. But it didn't hurt... What the hell? I looked down at the single rose in confusion.

"That was my attempt and I failed." She smirked.

"Wow, Ivy! You're pretty awes-O-OO-O!!" Slade and I were now in the air free falling. He held me by the side, but I was still handcuffed and was restrained from any movement.

"You asshole!" I screamed as the wind harshly hit my face. "You're supposed to count to three then jump! You don't just jump!!"
The parachute was finally launched as we were both jerked in motion.

I turned to Slade who had his helmet on.
I furrowed my brows and said in all seriousness. "I'm going to call you an asshole until we land. Asshole, asshole, asshole." I continued saying asshole and heard as he whispered, "Should just drop him and silence him forever..."

"Asshole, asshole and--!" We landed which made us roll multiple times. I rose to my feet and pointed at Slade.


"Are you done?" He spat.
"Yeah...Why did you save me?" I asked as Slade took off his helmet. He removed the parachute bag off his back.
"I told you before... I don't want to lose anymore team mates. Let alone a brother."
Slade didn't look at me as he studied his helmet.  I smiled at him and placed my hand on his shoulder.
"I ain't go anywhere, brother." I smiled at him.

He yanked his shoulder which made my hand fall off. I scoffed as I shook my head.

"Does that mean I'm not getting paid?"

Slade began to walk away, ignoring me.

"Oh come on! If Batman didn't come along, I for sure would've killed anyone you pointed at!"

"Lawton, I'm ignoring you."

I ran to him, "And I'm annoying you. That's the little brother's job, you know."

"I'm starting to regret saying that..."

"Don't be," I smiled at him. "Slade, what happened back there? How did you kill Joker?"

Slade stopped walking.

"Joker didn't kill Harleen...And the person who did. Will be living a life that is more deserving than death."

I lifted my finger to him,"That sounds like a story you share over hmm....several drinks. I saw a bar down that road."

Slade looked at me with confusion.

"What?! You bugged my ass to study the surroundings, so I did. You're welcome!"

"The drinks are on you." Said Slade as he walked down the lone road, "Oh, by the way, the bar's called The laughing fish. You're not the only one who studied their surroundings thoroughly."

"I've been thinking," I began as I followed him, "We really need a name. I like the one eye gang... but I'm open to suggestions."

"I'm ignoring you again."

~Harley Quinn~

I was rolled inside my cell. The walls were clear, which made it easy for the creeps to keep an eye on me.  Back at Arkham.  But I'm not here as a certified doctor. Nah, now I'm a certified insane killer. Funny how things work out. I guess I can truly call Arkham home. 

I don't remember much. All that kept playing in my was Joker pushing me off the roof and what Slade called me.

"You're his favorite joke."

His words echoed in my head. In the deepest part of my soul, I felt like he was right. Joker played me. Made me the biggest fool. And now here I Arkham.

I would try to escape. But I'm not physically able to, Besides being strapped to the bed. My right arm is in a case while the top of my head was wrapped in bandages. I had fresh stitches on my stomach and have on this uncomfortable neck brace on. Every turn made me wince in pain. I need to get out! 

"Dr. Quinzel..." I looked up and saw Dr. Hugo Strange. Hand behind his back as he ordered the nurse away.

"Well look who it is! My Arkham B.F.F! Want some juicy detail on Joker? Or how about Deathstroke? No, I know what you want! First dips on the new psycho!"

"I should confess," He began which made me settle down. "I could've saved you from him. I studied you, Dr. Quinzel. You weren't the only doctor in Gotham who tried to understand the clown. I paid regular visits at Blackgate Prison. Joker was my patient. He constantly spoke of forcing a diamond into the shape he wanted. Little by little, I saw that that diamond...was you. After your incident, where he kissed you, I was there. I saw as you kissed back. It was at that moment that I had to come to Arkham. You had to be with Joker. It was because of my request that Dr. Frtizes, the fool, had you transferred. Along with Dr. Leland, of course. I had to study you. Can a patient make a doctor a patient at Arkham? I had to know what Joker was capable of. I had to see what you were capable of. Dr. Isley was the first doctor at to go insane. Then Dr. Crane. But you held this...innocence and this untapped insanity.I asked my self, can this shy woman be turned into a madwoman? Can she ever dare love a madman?  Our meetings every week...was my evaluation. I took notes and conducted experiments. Dr. Leland taking Joker as a patient proved to be the most fruitful experiment ever. Poor dear...I have all my questions answered. All, expect for one. And no amount of testing can give me the answer I seek. So tell me, Dr. Quinzel, was it all worth it?"

I slouched into my pillow as I studied Dr. Strange. Was it worth it? Everything I career, my identity...Slade...Joker took everything from me. All he did was lie and hurt me. He even laughed at my pain.

"Was it worth it?" I said out loud as I turned my head to the stool next to me. On top of the stool was a red rose in a purple vase. Next to a vast was a note. The note read,

Get better soon- J   

I felt a smile tug at my lips as my head rest easy on the pillow.

"Every second."


There it is! The end of You're his favorite joke!  I will have one more chapter, but it's more of a postscript. I am going to start off in a spin off story. I'll have more details soon, but I can say that it will still be based in the Batman/Arkham universe . But I want to know that you guys want a spin-off. So let me know what you think of the ending, the whole story as a whole and if you would like to read a spin-off story. Remember be kind!  

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