Just You Is Enough

By miracles_do_happen

230K 8.9K 423

Highest rank: #337 in Romance #404 in Romance #509 in Romance #735 in Romance #590 in Romance #74... More

There's A Rainbow After The Rain
Can We Still Be Friends
It's Raining Questions
Authors Note
Love Will Lead You Back
You're Asking Too Much
Life Is Full Of Surprises
Try me
I'm only human
I Never Left
Don't act like you're Harry Styles
It's like counting one, two and three
It's an order not a question
Live life to the fullest
Hello (A/N)
New Year
Meet and Greet
Old songs and memories
Who are you?
The moves
Lies beneath those eyes
Play it cool
I Need A Break
Welcome Home
Feel brand new
Born to be brave
Are you kidding?
Own ways
Ferris wheel
Let's Take It Slow
Unspoken Words
Making memories
We will get there
Think about it
Who am I?
Where do I begin?
It's About Time
Moving forward
Meeting the family
He moved on so fast
Change is here
Expect the unexpected
He's back
Phone calls
About the book ( must read)
Give it a try
Are we like something or what?
Coffee and a Phone call
He is long gone
I need an answer
Bitter sweet
Something inside me
Icing on my cake
Secret conversations
Love is not a freaking game
Me, myself and I
Begin Again
Sleepless nights
Sisters by heart
beautiful goodbye and a new friend
One step at a time
Emergency call and sweet talks
Starting again
Starting again (Part 2)
A good different
Sexy Mama
The Talk
Laters baby
Having doubts?
The Guest
Evening gatecrash
Decision Making
The choice
Vacation (Part 2)
In a heartbeat
No more lonely nights
The coffee talk
Finale (Part 2)
đŸ˜˜â€Happy birthday to me!!đŸ˜˜â€

Breathe In, breathe out

1.9K 86 3
By miracles_do_happen

'Breathe in, breathe out' I told to myself. On the way they talk and laugh together, I can't help but think on how their families were so closed together. In some way, I feel so out casted in here while watching all of them. I know I'm not supposed to get jealous of the attention she was getting but hey, I'm a woman too who has feelings and besides I really thought that tonight is going to be me, Luke and his family dinner but yet he didn't tell me that it's a plus one edition!

I mentally high five Nicole when she asked Tanya what is she doing in here and Tanya said that Luke told her that we are having a dinner and in some point he invited her to tag along tonight, one thing that made me a little upset about but I can't do anything about it because this is his house and besides she is a family friend so why not.

The whole dinner were filled of Tanya's journey being a famous ballerina and on how many countries she have been to and competed too. She really has all the things that a girl wants and I don't think that there is still something missing in her life, because everything on her is perfect. I can't help but look at her beauty, if I was a guy I think I'll go after her. She told everyone that she doesn't have a boyfriend right now but she said that she is already eyeing someone right now.

Once in a while Luke used to look at me and smiled at me and inserts me in the conversation they are having but it ends real quick as Tanya said something about Luke and her childhood days.

Thank god that the dinner were already over, I made my way to the kitchen to help the other helpers wash the dishes. I met this helper named Lara who's in her late forties; she is really nice and sweet. We talked about his son who is also around my age and she said that she's been working in here for her whole life because the Carlton Family were the one who helped her parents before and she is just returning the kindness they gave. She told me how she saw Luke from the moment he was born in this world and on how kind he is to everyone. She also told me how Tanya's family and the Carlton family were so closed together and now I understand. Her dad and Luke's dad were best friends since grade school so that's how it all started.

I'm putting all the plates on the sink so it will be less work for Lara. She told me not to help her but for me it is fine, it's just a small thing.

"You are really such a good kid you know?" Lara said and I just blushed on her compliment.

"It's nothing Lara, but thanks though" I told her and she smiled back at me.

"No one has ever treated us like that aside from this family" she said and some part of me saddens on her words.

Suddenly Luke showed up and rolled his eyes at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"I keep on looking at you everywhere and I just found out you are here with Lara." He said while he sits beside me.

"Well you are not good at looking everywhere because if you are, you will found me here already." I told him and chuckle.

"Whatever babe, anyway what are you doing in here?" he asked as he kissed my temple quickly.

"Nothing, I'm just talking to Lara about everything."I smiled at Lara and saw Luke nodded at me.

"Why are you looking for me anyway?"

"We are all at the garden at the back to have some tea, let's go?" he asks, honestly I don't want to go there.

"Ahmm, can I just stay here and help Lara and the others?" I asked and I can see his eyebrows raised.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" He asked and his tone is somewhat low.

Lara excused herself at the kitchen as she told the other helpers to come along with her for a while; I think she is giving us a space for a moment.

"No, there is nothing wrong. I just figure it out to stay here and help her with the other stuff." I bit my lip and turn to look around, this place is really huge.

"Okay I get you but please, I want you to be with me there with my family and Tanya. I want to see you all there babe."He begs.

I don't want him to be upset but even if I don't want to, I agree with him because I love him.

Hand in hand we made our way to the garden and we sit side by side. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton talked to me making sure to be on the topic, I ask where Nicole is but they said that she is already in her room.

"So where are you working Samantha, Samantha right?" Tanya asked me and I smiled at her.

"Yes it's Samantha and I'm working at the magazine line, named 'chemistry.' "

"What, a magazine line?" she asked like she didn't hear me and in other light I was offended.

"Yes, is there something wrong with that?"

I know that I am not like her who already reached her dreams but what is wrong with her? Working in the magazine line is one of the best things I prayed and yes thank God for granting it to me. One of my dreams aside from being in a magazine line is to have a bake shop someday and I believe that one day it will be all come true.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to offend you. It's just I remember when Luke told me before that he fantasize or go for the girls in the Hollywood or the girls in the fashion line telling me how they look good like a goddess and telling me how many cars they have."She laughs and Luke laughed with her too telling her how she still remembers that. I was embarrassed on that so I drink my tea and look at her.

"That's fine, actually I didn't also see myself before falling for someone like Luke because he looks like a bad news but then people change and sometimes we have to sacrifice things to be with someone you love. For me it's not important of what you have, it's on who you are." I told her and I can see how she tensed up on what I told her and I don't why. She smiled at me weakly.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it." She said and I nod.

"We know that Tanya, stop apologizing."Luke said and at the back of my mind I was now screaming.

Mr. Carlton clears his throat and we all look at him.

"So where are you staying now Tanya? I heard that you'll be here for a while right?"

"Yes, I'll be here and I'll be on some concert to perform in there. And before I forgot, I'll be having this charity event were I'll be performing and the money I will get will be donated for the people who lost their houses because of the storm. I hope you guys could come."

"Of course we will be there" Luke beamed.

"Really?" Tanya asked.

"Of course darling, just tell us when and where." Mrs. Carlton told her and she smiled.

"Okay, that's good to know."

I opened my bag and get my phone to see if someone texted me but there I no new messages.

"Wait, so you are working at Camilia's family company?" Tanya asked so I guess she also knew Camilia.

"Yes" I turn to see her looking at my bag and she saw my small calling card inside.

"Okay, good to know. Luke how is she?" she looks at Luke.

"She is fine, nothings change actually."

Tanya nod at him. "She is still with the guy she is talking about?"

"Nope, she's single right now and not seeing everybody."

"I felt bad for her."She said and I wonder how deeply she knows everyone.

"So as I was saying Tanya, where are you staying right now?" Mr. Carlton asked.

"I am now staying at the hotel right now." She smiled.

"Yeah she is which some kind of weird. That hotel doesn't look nice." Luke mumbled.

"Is that so?"Mr. Carlton asked

"Well a little bit." She said.

"Wait, why don't you stay here with us while you were here? You know we can hang out together just like the old times and besides you are like a family to us right mom, dad?" At the back of my head, I want to rip Luke's head right now! I mean seriously? I saw Mr. and Mrs. Carlton look at me at first and hesitate of what they are going to say. My boyfriend is so out of his mind right now, I know that he just misses her friend but hello, the girlfriend is here also.

Luke keeps on begging his parents and then when he realizes that they are looking at me that is when he noticed me.

"You don't mind right babe?" He asked and I smiled at him weakly.

"Thank you!" he said it like I agree with him. Gosh, I didn't say yes to him why he is so assuming! I just smiled at him showing him how uncomfortable I am right now.

I heard Luke's parents agreed at him for the sake of him.

The yarn of my patience is getting smaller. Please let this day end.


I was now on my flat watching movie; actually it only plays with me not paying attention to it. My mind brought me back to the events that happened earlier. I don't know why I feel like some of a jealous girlfriend even if I know that they are just friends right?

Tanya feels more than just a friend for Luke. Says my subconscious

No she is not. I told to myself.

See, I'm getting crazy because of her!

When we are on my way here, Luke keeps on talking about her on how they grew up together, what she likes and where she have been and blah blah blah. I don't want to ruin his happiness so I just behave even If inside of me my heart is aching for the attention he is giving to her. They are just friends; they missed one another, end of the story.


The next day, I am here at the conference room and proud to say that I accomplished one of the biggest projects I've been working my ass of and finally I can celebrate it with my friends tonight. My project with Luke was already done last week so I don't need to worry about it anymore.

"Congratulations!!" says Henry and Jenny.

"Thank you, guys!" I can't help but smile.

"Congratulations Ms. Hastings! I am so lucky to have you here at my team." Mr. Bennet said and hugs me and pulled away.

"Thank you sir, you have no idea how it means to me." I told him honestly.

"Everybody listens," says Mr. Bennet and all of us look at him waiting for him to continue.

"Okay, this is big project that we closed successfully, I mean of course with a big help of Ms. Hastings please give her a round of applause." All of my co workers clapped their hands and congratulate me once more.

"All of you worked really hard for this so I thought that maybe you guys need to relax you know? Treat yourself so I'm here to say that you guys can have a one week of vacation!"Is he serious? One week! Gosh, my team is going to have a one week vacation.

Everybody were jumping and clapping out of excitement and I can't blame them.

I made my way outside the room instead of joining them having a conversation with one another. I dialed the number of my parents and told them what happened and they are both happy to hear it.

"At least you are free on your birthday on Friday!" My mom said in excitement.

Friday, my birthday and I totally forgot.

"You didn't know that your birthday is in a week right?" she asks and I sigh.

"Yeah, you know how busy I am this past few days mom."

"At least now you have a week to have fun."

"Yes mom."

We talked for a while and I called James after and told him everything too and he congratulates me also.

I dialed Luke's number and within two rings he picked it up.

"Hey babe! "I screamed at the phone full of excitement.

"I'm sorry it's Tanya, Luke is still at the kitchen cooking." My good mood changes into a sour mood but I got it under control.

"Oh hi, okay but can you give him the phone? I need to tell him something"

"I'm sorry but like what I said he is,-" I cut her off immediately.

"Just give him the phone please?" I said and I can hear her huff on the phone calling Luke.

"Hello?" Now it's Luke.

"You didn't tell me that you already hired someone to answer your phone huh? Anyways I need to tell you something."

I can hear him sighed deeply "Babe, I'm just cooking lunch for us and I told her that If someone called me he can answer it and tell them that I'm cooking. You don't have to be rude to her.."

I frown and think back on what I have just told her, I didn't say anything rude in fact I said 'please' to her.

"Excuse me? Can you tell me what I told her because as I remember I said please to her and ask her to give back your phone to you because I need to tell you something."

"She said nothing okay? I just assume because she looks upset and sad so when I ask her why she just give me my phone." I can't help but get a little bit angry and upset at him.

"So you assume that I've been rude to her by looking at her? Without you knowing my side? I can't believe you right now Luke." I huff disappointedly and look back were my friends were talking together about tonight.

"Sam, I'm sorry if that's-"he was cut by Tanya shouting at the back.

'Luke you better come here, the food you made was getting cold and I'm hungry! We still need to prepare for tonight's party for my parents' I rolled my eyes and picturing them together.

"And I assume that it's my cue to leave, have fun and have a nice day."I told him ready to turn the phone off.

"Sam come on, don't be like this. Why did you call anyway? You said you are going to tell me something." He said trying to change the topic. And we heard Tanya calling his name once again.

"Well it's nothing important that concern you right now, bye." I ended the call and saw my phone light and his name flashed on it and I just ignore it. I don't know why now I'm the bad guy in his eyes when I did nothing. Who are you Tanya?


Guys! I hope you like it.

Can you guys please please VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE it FOR ME??

I Love you all and don't be shy to inbox me if you want okay? We can be friends.

Where are you guys from?


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