holy grail

Von -deathlyhallows

207K 6.1K 4.3K

in which Mary, a sex driven teenage virgin acquires a taste for her school's campus priest. ... Mehr



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Von -deathlyhallows




After Jason and I had fully washed up from our steamy session earlier on we ate together. Jason made burgers for the both of us with a side of salt and vinegar chips (which I instantly devoured) and some fresh lemonade.

It was nice being able to eat with someone and talk to someone for once at dinner time. My family and I never ate together because my dad never made time for us and my mom—well she was just following along like a lost puppy, following his every word.

"Would you like to watch a movie? Maybe play a game?" Jason offered, his big brown eyes glancing over in my general direction.

"Maybe we can watch a movie. I'm a little sore." I smiled at him.

"What would you like to watch Ms. Winters?"

"You pick, let's watch your favorite movie." I said as I got up from the dining table and took his hand in my own; enjoying the extra large t-shirt of his he insisted I wear, even though I brought my own clothes.

"If I put you to sleep I'm sorry." He laughed while he gave my hand a squeeze and led me back into his room. We sat down simultaneously on either side of the bed on the fresh clean sheets. Jason opened up his amazon app on his tv and browsed around for awhile in the comedic section of the movies while I snuggled up under his white duvet and made myself comfortable.

Once Jason put the movie on he got under the duvet as well and cuddled up to me. I rested my head on his chest and diverted my eyes towards the tv, trying my best to pay attention to the movie.

"I'm not sure if you're into like—crime movies, but growing up this was one of my favorite movies." Jason said, running his fingers through my dark brown hair.

"I don't mind them," I mumbled lowly under my breath, yawning shortly afterwards.

As the movie progressed onward my eyes started to feel droopy and I could barely stay awake, but weirdly enough I was aware of my body drifting into oblivion and I just couldn't fight it.


I awoke to the sound of a creak in the wooden floorboard, opening my eyes quickly, but not moving a muscle. My eyes scanned the pitch black room as my fingers wiggled around the mattress feeling for a sign of Jason's presence, but surprisingly he was nowhere to be found.

I sat up from the plush memory foam that rested under my fingers and slipped out of bed before I rubbed my eyes and blinked rapidly, hoping my pupils would adjust to the dark area. I usually wouldn't be so up in arms about where Jason was, but it was still the early morning—probably around three-ish and this wasn't the kind of behavior for a priest.

Quietly, I walked throughout the suite and observed my surroundings to the best of my abilities. I checked each room closest to the master bedroom before I ventured into the living room, examining everything around me and a small light coming from the closet.

It was a vibrant green light that could wake the dead, even though it was small it was incredibly bright.

As I inched closer to the closet I did my best to peer into the open room, Jason was there kneeling in front of what looked to be a book, possibly a Bible.

"Dear Heavenly Father, I am so sorry for the various sins I've committed this past week. I thought this would be my clean slate and the start of my perfectly clean Catholic lifestyle, but she just makes it so hard. When I see her walking around in that short little skirt or those tight fitting khaki shorts I want to explode, just fill that pretty face of hers with my load," he paused, "when her and I had sex yesterday it was magical, it was so passionate and addicting. . . I'm disgusted with my actions as you are Father, but I just don't think I can stop. I want her to sit on my face and stroke my cock until I die."

I crouched down beside one of the chairs in the living room and listened in on his conversation with God. I probably shouldn't have, but it was interesting to listen to his thoughts about me.

"Please forgive me Father for I have sinned and I am aware I have," his shirtless chest puffed out disappointedly, "just please. . . Don't let Headmaster James find out about this and don't make it stop."

Near the end of Jason's prayer I got up to head back to his room, getting back into the bed and pretending to be asleep like I used to do to my parents when I was younger.

Jason's feet padded against the cold wooden floor for a few moments before he climbed into bed after me and held me in his arms tightly as he mumbled incoherent things under his breath; drifting off to sleep shortly afterwards—leaving me to attend to my own thoughts.

It was scary how fast I had corrupted him. It was like he was a piece of clay in the palm of my hands, nice and moldable.


A few hours later the sun had risen from its stance behind the mountains and shone brightly through a tiny crack in the window.

I studied the glowing light, hitting the lower portion of Jason's back before I ran my hand down the small trail and smiled in pleasure. He was absolutely adorable while he slept.

His arms were sprawled above his head and his mouth was slightly open, releasing the sweet sounds of his subdued snores. His dirty blonde hair was covering his eyes while his legs rested in a strange position, but nonetheless it was still cute.

Everything about him was so captivating, from the way his snores sounded to the way his palms got sweaty when he was engaged in sexual activity and I fucking loved it with a passion.

When Jason began to stir in his sleep I took this as my chance to get up and run to the bathroom before he woke up I mean I couldn't have him seeing me without makeup—not yet at least.

I used the bathroom quickly and washed my hands before I grabbed my toothbrush and squeezed some toothpaste on it, brushing for a good two and a half minutes; hoping Jason wouldn't wake from the noise.

I spit in the sink and rinsed out my mouth before I went on to put a little makeup on my face, nothing too much though only a little foundation and some concealer.

Slipping back into the bed I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms Jason—who was now laying on his back, waiting until he awoke from his slumber.

Thankfully I didn't have to wait for too long, he was up after about fifteen minutes.

He yawned tiredly as his fingers traced the side of my waist. My eyes weren't open, but I could tell he was staring at me.

When he lifted my arms from his lower waist I automatically decided it was time to "wake up," so that's what I did.

"Good morning-" I smiled lazily, opening my mouth to say something else until I was cut off by his plush lips.

He wrapped his arm around my waist as he turned his head slightly, wanting more of my precious lips. My own hands ran over his back and my eyes shut from the small force of attraction, but before I knew it the kiss was over and I was giggling like an idiot.

His eyebrows rose in confusion as his index finger ran over his bottom lip at a slow pace, "mint? Did I just kiss you with m-morning breath-" his eyes were frantic, in a sort of nervous way.

"Um. . . well yeah." I chuckled, noticing the bright red tint adorning his cheeks.

"I'll be right back." He replied as he got out of the bed and shuffled towards the bathroom.

When he came back the red tint had faded away and his hair was pushed up out of his face as it usually was. He sat back down next to me and smiled in delight as I did the same; trying my hardest to hold in my laughter.

"That was embarrassing." He shook his head, breaking the silence between us.

"I found it adorable Mr. McCann," I removed a piece of hair from my face, "don't be embarrassed."

He grinned widely, unable to hold his beautiful bright smile back, but I didn't mind it. I found it cute, "Mr. McCann? I think I could get used to that." His thumb brushed over my heated cheek.

I was loving this attention from Jason and getting more comfortable around him especially now that I knew what he thought of our rendevous. I couldn't help but stare at him and just grin happily.

"You know I heard you last night," I took his hand in my own, "and I saw the green light."

"Did you hear what I said?" He asked nervously.

"Some, not all of it." He was quiet, my eyes searching for his own for any kind of emotion that couldn't be displayed in his body language. "Why are you so ashamed of it? If you enjoy the pleasure and it makes you feel good, you have nothing to be remorseful of." I gave his hand a squeeze of encouragement. I was hoping I could get a little more insight from the man behind the mirror.

"It's a sin Mary, you can't make excuses for it," he sighed, "I'll be dealt with for it I'm sure. I just can't escape your hold on me." He said as his hand let go of mine.

"I don't have a hold on you. You touch me as much as I touch you and you do it because you like it."

"I shouldn't. I'm not like this, I will be greatly punished for such a grandiose sin." He sighed again.

I knew he was upset about everything, I just didn't know it was this bad.

"Hey, hey, don't talk like that," I cooed, "If you want to stop then we'll stop and I won't push it anymore."

I didn't want to stop anything we had going on because I enjoyed his company and his díck, but I wasn't going to force him to do anything he didn't want to do.

"I don't want that. I want to keep seeing you, no matter what." His eyes were a softer brown than normally, softening while he spoke. "The truth is Mary. . . I'm aware of the pleasure it gives me and how I feel about it. My heart tells me one thing and then another thing sometimes. . . I'm at war with it."

"But you don't have to be. Just know that." I lay my head on his shoulder comfortingly.

"Thank you." He said as he kissed my forehead, "Now let's get you back to your room before we get caught." He chuckled.

I nodded in response, lifting my head off of his shoulder before we both parted ways. Me going to find my bag and change my clothes while he got dressed up to walk me back. Once we were both dressed and ready, he escorted me out of his suite and through the long hallway carefully.

"I had a lovely time Mary Katherine Winters." He grinned at me.

"How do you know my middle name? And it's still Frannie to you bub." I rolled my eyes playfully as he glanced over at me.

"You're a popular topic among the faculty." He shrugged his broad shoulders nonchalantly.

"How creep-" I started, only to be interrupted by the devil himself.

"Father Jason? Fancy seeing you here with Ms. Winters. . ." Headmaster James smiled at the both of us; it was sickeningly sweet, "although you should know students aren't allowed in this section of the school."

"Of course Headmaster, it was completely my fault. Mary left her bag in the dining hall and I found it, so I brought her up here to return it to her," he lied coolly, "won't happen again sir."

Headmaster James' eyes hovered over me and then over Jason, who looked extremely calm for someone who had just gotten caught, but maybe it was because Ms. Lopes was there with us the whole time.

"Good, good." Headmaster James nodded his head in approval and turned towards Jason, eyeing him like he was a bug under a microscope. "There's no time for small talk anyway; we must prepare for a special arrival, Father."

"It's very exciting," Ms. Lopes chirped.

"What kind of arrival?" Jason asked in confusion while I looked away and kept quiet.

"The Pope will be paying us a visit in a few days along with some other schools on his second visit to the United States."

"Pope Francis?" Jason and I both asked simultaneously, eyes as big as dimes.

"Of course." He smiled twistedly.


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