Saving The Infamous Delinquen...

By SanDiegoBeachBumm

10.2K 281 78

Hi my name is Ivey Sprecco and I've been blind since I was thirteen because of my mom's abusive ex-flame. No... More

I Know I'm Blind, But I See Things Differently Now.
I Was Being Judgemental
The Start Of A Friendship

Singing For The Delinquent.

5.8K 67 14
By SanDiegoBeachBumm

Yeah another story !! (:

This is gunna be slightly different from my other stories.

i hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

If you see a mistake anywhere in my story...tell me so i can fix it asap...(:

okay now grab popcorn and enjoy the


There. I finally click the speaker on the top of my digital clock.

'Five forty-five a.m.' My alarm states in its robotic female British accent.

Another early morning. Another nightmare. Another thing I can't fix.

Heaving a sigh I carefully pulled the edge of the comforters back as my dog Charm rubs his body on my calf telling me that he's there.

Placing my warm feet on the cold floor shivering at the sudden temperature change.

With a stretch I stand up to my full five one height stretching my unmoved limbs.

I blindly reach out grabbing onto Charms guide handle for safe measure.

He leads me to my joined bathroom.

Placing my hand on the cold door handle hearing it open indicted by the loud creek coming from the door hinges.

I push the door until it can't be pushed back any further taking my step into the bathroom.

"Stay here Charmy." I close the door as he lets out a low whine. I sigh. "Fine. Come in boy, but you're staying next to the bathroom door. And no peeking." I giggle at my foolishness.

I strip out of my pajamas and pull my hair band letting my shoulder length hair cascade down. I stick my hands out taking the feel of the cold stone greeting my skin as I reach out blindly searching for my toothbrush and tooth paste.

Finally. You would think after five years I would get used to being blind, but nope I'm just as blind as the first time I found out.

I quickly brush my teeth and use my mouthwash.

Placing my hand on the wall I walk to the shower carefully stepping in.

Turning on the nozzle with ease since Rachel my best friend Daisy's mom had printed out braille hot and cold indicators.

Basking in the heat longer than necessary. I finally step out wrapping the set towel around my small curvacious body.

I walk to the door slowly opening it so I won't hit myself like the last time.

Giggling at the thought.

"Come here boy." I feel the presence of Charm near me. I blindly stick out my hand as rubs the handle against my waiting hand. "Good boy. Now take me to the closet please."

You may think it's weird that an eighteen year old girl is talking to her guide dog, but I think my dog understands me so I don't really care what people say because he understands me more than humans do. It's sad, but true.

Charm pulls to a stop as I pat his head then I walk into my closet feeling the braille typing.

Saturday. I double check it as I pull the clothing out of the small cubby.

If you are wondering how a blind girl changes well I couldn't tell you that because this blind girl has an awesome best friend who picks out clothes for her every week for each day including my bra's and panties.

It's okay you guys don't have to tell me I know you guys are jealous.

I place the clothes on my body. Daisy tells me that they are bohemian-chic because I used to wear that before the incident.

A sharp pang hits my heart.

I swallow the lump down as Charm lets out a small bark whilst nudging my leg with his wet nose.

"I'm okay." He lets out two barks. "Okay. Fine. I'm better now." I smile as he nudges me once more. Damn this dog knows me too well. "It will go away then I'll feel better." I pat his head as I stand away from him.

I would never change Charm for any other dog. Ever.

Grabbing onto his handle as he leads me out my room, down the hall, and to the front door. "Good boy. Go get yourself a treat." He lets out a sparky bark as he runs off while I wait for him.

"Going for a walk."

"Yeah. Why are you up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep." Rachel yawns as I nod my head. "Just be back in an hour kay baby girl." She pecks my forehead.

"Okay promise." Charm is back at my side the next second as Rachel leads me to the door opening it for me. "Thanks."

"Welcome. Just be back in an hour or less. No more okay?"

"Yes ma'am." I mock salute towards where I think she is standing.

She laughs as the slam of the door indicates she left.

"Hmm where to?" I ask Charm.

He lets out a bark whilst nudging me to grab his handle.

Charm leads the way as I follow.

Breathe in.

After a couple of quiet moments that felt like a silent death sentence I began to hum 'Celine Dion- because you loved me' since it was my mom's favorite song before she had passed.

"You're the one who held me up

Never let me fall

You're the one who saw me through through it all.

You were my strength when I was weak

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith 'coz you believed

I'm everything I am

Because you loved me.

You gave me wings and made me fly

You touched my hand I could touch the sky

I lost my faith, you gave it back to me

You said no star was out of reach

You stood by me and I stood tall

I had your love I had it all

I'm grateful for each day you gave me

Maybe I don't know that much

But I know this much is true

I was blessed because I was loved by you."

Gulping in air as a tear rolls down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away.

Usually singing helps me when everything becomes to silent for me to handle.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

I began to chant in my thoughts while basking in the early morning breeze.

Heaving a sigh.

I wish I could see the sunrise one more time.

I wish I could have my mom back for at least a day.

Wishing doesn't help, but it does cushion the consist blows to my short lived life.

Being blind doesn't have any perks besides having a guide dog with you at all times even when I go to school.

I know you're jealous.

My dog Charm also known as Charmy or Charms is the sweetest dog in the world of sweetest dogs.

Although I can't describe how he looks either than he looks like a typical German Shepard. I can tell you that he is very soft and cuddly with an understanding and silly personality.

Say if I need to go outside he'll nudge my leg with his nose and lead me to the door without uttering a single command to him.

Sometimes I think he can read my mind, but then I'll be considered crazy.

Now if you are wondering how I became to be the blind girl. Well it all happened after my parent's divorce when I was about eleven years old. They had gotten divorced because my dad's friendly secretary apparently was even more friendlier with my dad.

I ended up choosing to stay with my mom because I was disgusted with my dad. 

Two years later at the age of thirteen my mom starting dating. Sometimes they would be good guys with boring personalities or annoying perv's that she met while going out with friends.

Then she started dating a good yet very odd guy as in quiet and wary almost as if he didn't want us to know something about him; his name was Nicholas Persio. 

He was a sweet guy with dark Italian features. Nick was always nice to my mom, but slowly he became more possessive. My mom felt suffocated so she had asked him to take a short break until things calm down. 

As you can imagine it didn't go smoothly. We ended up calling the cops on him and filing for a restraining order. I still remember the look that he gave me before sitting in the back of the cop car the look gave me a feeling that he will come back, but I brushed it off thinking he is trying to scare me so I flicked him off.

I know. I know. Immature, but hey I was only thirteen.

That day we ended up staying at Rachel's over night for safe measure.

It went well for about a week so me and my mom decided to celebrate her new found independence by having a in-home spa day with the just the two of us.

We laughed, messed around, and we're happy for the first time in a long time.

Then, I remember a sickening crack rebound off the walls of our house.

Then, came an intense burning in my eyes that had me drop to my knees in agony.

I remember the yells of Nick shouting abuse at my fallen mother.

I still hear my mom telling me to go and not come back, but she didn't know her only daughter was blind and useless.

Most hauntingly important was the piercing scream that slipped through my mothers lips. A scream etched into mind for it held fear and sorrow.

The same scream that haunts me whenever silence is around.

"Watch out!" A deep masculine voice rages bumping shoulders with me.

Charm instantly goes into defense mode at the contact of the stranger.

"Calm down Charmy." I pat his head affectionately as his barks seize. I stare blindly ahead. "I'm sorry it was my bad. I should have had paid attention to my surroundings." I apologize getting ready to continue on with my walk.

Feeling wind pass in front of my open eyes.

I know for sure that this person who judging by their voice is a guy is waving his hand in front of my face to check if I'm blind.

Yup mystery man I'm blind.

"No it was my fault." The voice apologizes taking my hand in theirs. Weird, but oddly sweet. "I should have watched where I was going."

The man sounded so sincere that it had my heart swell.

"It's okay..." I trail off waiting for him to fill in.

"Oh Evan. My name is Evan Harris." He awkwardly chuckles. "So are you completely umm-" He stutters.

"Yeah. I am completly blind." I smile.

It's been five years since the incident so I've learned to deal with it especially with the help of my best friend Daisy and her awesome mom Rachel.

"Wow- I mean like I've never met anyone who couldn't- umm- see."

I smile at his dorkiness.

"Well I guess I'm your first." I giggle grasping onto Charm's handle. My mouth hangs open when the words I had easily said registered through my head. "Uh- I mean- umm- I didn't mean it like that." I breathe. "Wow this is awkward."

"Nah. I don't think it's awkward. I actually think it's kind of cute when you're so flustered."

I feel heat crawl from my neck to my cheeks staining them pink.

Sensing my uneasiness Charm begins to growl then it quickly dispersed.

How odd, but didn't I tell you he is psychic.

"You have a very obedient and awesome dog." Evan states while petting Charm as his hand glided over mine leaving a calming warmth.

I pull my hand away.

"Sorry." I apologize at my loser ways as my cheeks feel even more warmer.

"No need to be sorry Ms..."

Oh how dumb of me.

I blindly stick out my hand. "Ivey Sprecco." He places his hand in mine.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Ivey Sprecco." Evan kisses the top of my hand.

I abruptly pull out of his grasp placing my hand against my chest as he begins to chuckle at my reaction.

Jerk. Sweet jerk.

"I really have to go." I state tugging on Charm's guide leash.

Charms pulls me as we begin our walk back home with my heart beating a hundred beats per minute.

I feel a heart attack coming on. Just kidding, but boy does that guy have a strange effect on me.

Guessing from a slight warmth I think the sun has fully risen.

Feeling a presence close to me I became more alert.

"Umm- I don't want to seem too forward, but can I walk you home?" Awkwardness threaded into his voice.

I pause to think.

"I guess so." I smile.

"Awesome!" He shouts in excitement as I pull back with raised eyebrows. "Uh- I mean yay awesome." Evan lowers his voice.

I giggle at his adorable awkwardness.

What I would do to see his face right now.

I feel a large warm hand grasp onto my exposed upper arm.

"It's so you know I'm by you." He informs me.

"Oh okay." I blush. "But you do realize that I can tell you're there even though you aren't physically touching me. " I slightly gloat.

Five years of practice beotch. I smirk.

"Oh is that a challenge Miss Exotic?" He breathes into my ear.

I tell Charm to sit as I nod my head crossing my arms over my chest.

"Okay if you get one out of the three places I'm standing wrong then you'll have to go on a date with little 'ole me."

I giggle at his British impersonation.

"Challenge accepted." I smile standing completely still as I feel wind pass around me. "You're standing behind me."

"That was easy."

"Uh-huh." I smirk.

I feel heat coming from the front of my body to the right. "That's easy you are standing in front of me on my right side."

"You're good." He laughs.

"Now where am I?" I feel warm breath on my neck causing my body to stiffen and heat course throughout my body.

Damn it my mind won't work.

Nobody had ever had this effect on me not even close family and friends.

"You're standing directly in front of me?" I randomly guess.

"Wrong." He chuckles. "I'm behind you." I feel him move closer to my still figure. "I believe you owe me a date." Evan arrogantly states.

He probably has a smug look on his face.

"B-but you cheated." I lamely defend. 

Wow my mack skills are a complete fail.

"Nuh-uh." He states like a toddler.

How adorable.



"Yeah-huh. You cheated mister." I playfully scold him.

I haven't had this much fun flirting with a random stranger in years.

"Sure." Evan sarcastically replies. "Do you smell that?"

What? There's no smell.

I sniff around me. Nope nothing.

"What smell?" I stick my hand in front of my face fanning the surrounding air into my nose.

"It's the smell of your jealousy." Evan lets out a hearty chuckle.

I cross my arms over my chest, but I couldn't help, but laugh along with his addictive laughter.

"Okay you get one date. Since I'm feeling generous." I cave in.

"You won't regret it." He moves the hair away from my face.

A smile crawls onto my face at my comfort around him-- as if we've been friends for years.

"What time is it?" I ask grabbing Charm's handle.

"Seven-thirty. Why?"


I gasp. "I have to be home like right now before Auntie Rachel sends out a search party."

"Okay I'll walk you." Evan places a hand on the small of my back guiding me. "I'm going to follow your dog's lead."

A grown man following a dog home. What an odd sight.

I have never been this happy to be blind. I feel a smile grace my features.

I may not know if he is hot or not, but honestly I don't care. He is funny, sweet with an addictive husky voice and a contagious laugh. Most importantly he doesn't mind me being blind.

A comfortable silence falls between us as we are walking to my house following Charms lead.

"Random question, but if I were to sing on the top of my lungs 'I'm a goofy goober' right now would you still walk with me?"

I giggle at his song choice.

"Honestly no. Just kidding I will be singing with you."

"Oh would you now?" He breathes into my ear, then pulling away letting the breeze kiss my once warmed up skin.

"I'M A GOOFY GOOBER YEAH!" Evan shouts then continues our walk as if nothing just happened.

I pull to a stop.

"That had to be the most random thing ever." I burst into a fit of laughter.

My stomach tightens making it heard to breath, but I couldn't stop the laugh that was bubbling within me.

"It's cause I'm cool like that." He chuckles grasping my arm once again.

After a minute or so of walking we pull to a stop then Charm lets out short bark signaling we reached home.

Evan lets go of my arm. "I had fun today Ivey."

"Me too." I honestly reply.

"Well I guess I'll be going now and don't forget out date tomorrow."

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll be picking you up here at two in the afternoon. Bye beautiful." He states as his voice trails off.

Damn why did I blush?

I walk into the house as someone grabs onto me.

"Why were you with him?" Whew it's Daisy

I cross my arms over my chest with Charm's leash in my hands with the smile still on my face.

"Is he cute?" I giggle as a blush forms on my cheeks.

I hear her take a sharp breath.

"WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER IF HE IS CUTE?"  Anger thick in her words. I instantly flinch at her tone.

I pull back at her shouts; confusion crossing my features.

"What the hell crawled up your ass and died?" I pull Charm ready to get away from her.

I am in no mood for her mood swings.

She grips my shoulder; too tightly, as Charm lets a low growl at my discomfort. I forcefully pull out of her grasp while staring blindly ahead all while trying to calm down since I felt beyond angry. 

"Don't. Touch. Me. Again." I state through clenched teeth.

"IVEY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HE IS WANTED FOR MURDER!" She shouts shaking my shoulders ignoring my previous statement.

Reality hitting me full force at her words.

I feel the breath leave my body. No sign of anger.

"H-how?" I stutter feeling my legs give under me as I fall to the floor, Charm begins to lick my face while nudging my arm with his nose.

How can the sweet Evan Harris be a m-murderer? That's impossible.

"You are never talking to him after this day." Daisy states in anger.

How can the boy with an amazing personality take someone's life away? That just seems impossible.

I will need to know if it's true.


How do you guys like Evan? Ivey? Charm? Daisy?

Yup. new story ! (:

hope you guys liked it ! :D

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