Family Secrets (Avengers Harr...

By demiwitch1

93.5K 2.6K 732

{sequel to What Really Happened in Budapest} Kendra Barton had finally sorted out her life. She knew about he... More

I Hate Flats
The Breakout
The Return
The Howler
At Least It Wasn't My Cat
Halloween Party (Finally)
The Snake
Winter Break
The Glowing Eyes
New Book Is Out

The Flying Car

5.9K 166 57
By demiwitch1

I was fuming while me parents drove me to platform 9 3/4. Fury had assigned me a mission on the day I was supposed to go to Diagon Ally.

Hermione and I had planned to meet up and buy our school supplies together.

But that didn't happen.

Under other circumstances, I would have loved a mission. But I guess I ended up missing my friends a little.

Instead, my parents went to but my school supplies for me. It turns out that all out DADA supplies where different books by this guy named Lockeheart.

From the little my dad told me about him, I gathered that he was vain and annoying.

I lurched to the side as mom made a sharp left turn. My cat Yet To Be Named's cage fell on top of me.

My cat screeched.

Mom said, not sounding the least but sorry.

I sighed and put Yet To Be Named's cage back on top of my luggage.

After many more sharp turns, dives and swerved, we arrived at kings crossing.

Mom and dad got out of the car.

"You coming?"
Dad asked as he opened the trunk.

I swallowed my anger and got out of the car.

I unloaded all of my luggage on to a cart.

"You remember how to get to platform 9 3/4?"
Mom asked.

"Look who your talking to."
I laughed.

"Alright, see you in summer."
Dad said,

Then they got in the car and left.

I rolled my cart through kings crossing. After a few minutes I reached the barrier between platform 9 and 10.

I heard a crash and saw Ron and Harry run into the barrier. But instead of passing through, they crashed and fell to the floor.

I rushed over and set aside my cart.

"Harry! Ron!"
I called.

They looked over at me as a security gaurd came over to lecture them.

"Do you know these boys?"
The gaurd asked me, apparently thinking I was the more responsible one.

"Yes, I'm their cousins, they are coming to visit my parents. I am so sorry if they caused any trouble. I am only a year older than them, but sometimes they act like toddlers."
I lied smoothly,

The gaurd nodded and walked off.

"Was that preschooler remark really nessicary?"
Ron groaned.

"Of course not."
I stated.
"Why isn't the portal working anyway?"

"We don't know."
Harry exclaimed.

"And we have already missed the train."
Ron finished.

"Great. Just great."
I muttered sarcasticly.

"Hey, my parents drove a flying car here-"
Ron started.

"Really? Me too."
I exclaimed.

Ron and Harry looked at me strangely.

"And they haven't left yet. We could just steel the car and follow the train to Hogwarts."
Ron offered.

"Wow Ron, that actually might work."
I said.

We all quickly ran outside.

"That's the car."
Ron pointed.

The car was old, rusted and blue.
We out all our stuff in the car.

"Ron you drive, I will sit in front to takeover if needed."
I ordered.

"What about me?"
Harry asked.

"You in the back."
I said

We got in the car and Ron started to drive. Lets just say the "take off" gave us quite a scare.

The train had just stopped in front of Hogwarts.

"Ron, are you sure you can get this car back on the ground?"
I inquired.

"Of course, I have seen Fred and George park the car tons of times."
Ron assured us.

"Ron, have you ever ridden in this car before you came to my house this summer."
Harry asked.

"Well not exactly."
Ron said.

Harry and I gave each other worried looks.

Ron tilted the wheel and the car dove toward the ground, picking up pace.

Ron struggled to take control of the car again.

We all screamed.

Then the car hit a tree, but instead of the tree breaking, a branch picked is up.

"We got the Whomping Willow!"
Harry yelled.

"Just our luck, we hit the one tree that hits back!"
Ron complained.

" My wand!"
Ron yelled

Holding his wand which was how broken in half.

The car whacked against the trunk of the tree. The window next to me shattered. I instinctively turned my back and the glass hit my jacket.

As the car shook, I fumbled with the door handle and the door popped open.

"Come on"
I told them.

I jumped out the door, then rolled as I hit the ground. Harry and Ron followed my lead, both failing the roll, but they were not hurt.

"Dad will kill me."
Ron groaned.

All of our luggage tumbled to the ground. My cat cage door had broken and Yet To Be Named fell out. She meowed and jumped on my shoulder.

We gathered all our stuff and headed toward the gate.

When we reached the gate we tried to open it, but it was locked. Snape appeared and opened the gate for us.

"Potter, I see you and your friends are in muggle clothes. 10 points from Gryffindor each."

Before we could protest he glanced at the whopping willow behind us.

"Follow me."
He said, walking away.

We nervously followed.


Hey guys, please don't kill me. I have two reports due in three days. I will try to update but no promises. Anyway, how did you like the super bowl? Comment which team you wanted to win.

Forever and always,


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