P.W.H.S.B #Wattys2016 Entry (...

By SHHKeepItASecret

255K 5.2K 439

Who would of thought that a girl like me would end up pregnant with Harry Styles baby, who would of thought h... More

Author's Note
Chapter One *
Chapter Two *
Chapter Four *
Chapter Five *
Chapter Six *
Chapter Seven*
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Elven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty EIght
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Social Media's
Major Moments
Other Works
Rewritten PWHSB

Chapter Three (Editing finished but technical errors)

8.7K 185 11
By SHHKeepItASecret

~Chapter Three~

*5 Month's later**Lilly's pov*

I continue flipping through the book I got from my bookshelf emotionless. For the past couple months, since that concert where me and Harry instantly clicked. I've gotten closer to him and the rest of the boys including Eleanor and Perrie. To be honest, I'm still in shock that they all stayed in touch with me. Hailey? I don't know if they speak to her or not, but she hasn't brought it up in any of our conversations before.

My phone buzzing beside me causes me to get snapped out of my trance and to divert my attention to it fully, shoving my book away in the process. Hangout tonight?-Harry texted me causing a smile to spread across my lips.

Harry and me, well, we've gotten to the point where we've started spending the whole weekends hanging with each other. We extended to a point in our relationship where we're incapable of keeping secrets from each other. Yet, we've some how still managed to keep mine and his pictures out of the spotlight.

"Will you have dinner with me and my family?" His voice sounded hoarse as if he was whispering to not be heard as soon as I answer his phone call five minutes after answering his text.

"Um," I trail off in confusion. Why does he want to meet his family? He's been wanting me to meet them for awhile actually but I kindly decline not wanting to get their minds confused on their mine and his relationship with each other. But I know I can't get out of it this time, I already said I'm free for tonight by saying yes to hanging out with him. "Sure."

After we get off the phone I run to my closet across my room throwing the door open and pulling the string for the light on. Me and Hailey moved into a apartment building together. Its a loft apartment so each room is pretty big compared to how our collage dorm room was but we finally earned enough money to be able to start renting a loft together. Although, I don't know if it will stay that way for much longer due to the fact that me and Hailey have drifted apart in the past few months.

"What am I going to wear?" I asked myself aloud, placing my hands firmly on my hips as I look at the rack plus organizer of clothes of mine each neatly in order of what type of clothing they are.

"Hailey!" I called out, hearing the front door close downstairs knowing that it could only be her since I always lock the door behind me when I'm home alone.

"What?" She grumbled walking up the staircase before stopping in doorway and shooting me a annoyed look and I'm quick to take in her bloodshot eyes and greasy tangled hair. What happened to her?

"Never mind." I muttered in disappointment. I thought that maybe if I asked her for help on choosing an outfit for tonight that we could catch back up with each other. I always do this. I hate when people get mad at me or annoyed. I just avoid them until their done with being mad or annoyed.

I quickly lock my door behind her as soon as she goes back downstairs. Running downstairs. "Go away!" I screamed back, still leaning on the door. Why do I have the feeling something is about to go terribly wrong?

I let out a scream as I hear clicking before something slams through the wood of the door tight beside my ear. Running to the center of my room, I stop and turn to face my door again, my mouth dropping in pure utter horror at the sight of what has just occurred that could of easily killed me or hurt me badly.

She put a knife through my door. I back up further as I hear the wood splitting as she continues. I quickly grab my phone calling Harry who is on speed-dial, being the first person I thought to call also. "Hey-"

"Can you come get me?" I sob as it goes quiet outside my door and I stand completely still as if that will make her think that I'm no longer in there somehow.

I cross my arms over my chest tightly as I watch Hailey being handcuffed by one of the two officers that showed up. You would of thought, that when I called in saying my roommate was attempting to kill me they would of sent more.

"Lilly!" I can hear him before I even can see him. I'm standing across the hall from mine and hers open apartment door to petrified to go back inside with her in there even if the cops are here now for my protection.

Harry strong arms pull me into a tight hug, he doesn't ask why I hung up on our phone call and he doesn't question why I'm crying. He just holds me like the friend he is. "You're okay. I'm here now." He cooed into my ear quietly as I weep into his chest

"I don't think I can meet your family tonight." I informed him with a frown minutes after the cops leave with Hailey in tow.

I gave my story to the police before Harry got here they told me that Hailey is believed to be under the influence of cocaine shocking me to pieces and that I could stay here at the house tonight and have a friend come over if I'd like or go to a friends.

"Perfectly understandable." He murmured, brushing my hair back and looking into my eyes with his concerned emerald ones.

He slides his thumps across my cheeks, wiping my stray tears way. "I didn't get you in trouble at the recording studio, right?"

"You'd be worth the trouble." He said pulling me into another hug and I'm quick to wrap my arms around his torso breathing in his comforting scent of cologne.

"You give the best hugs, I swear. You just puts all of your strength into it like its the last time you'll ever be seeing me again." I laugh a little at his statement something everyone would tell me growing up even. That I hug with everything I got like it's the last time I'll ever see them again.

"What about we get some stuff, and you spend the night at my house? Get you away from here for awhile." He asked after a moment of shared heavy silence between the two of us.


Harry glances around my room as I begin packing a small bag for his place. "No family photos?"

"Oh uh, just haven't had time to unpack them yet." I play off quickly, with a forced smile to cover up the fact that I'm lying straight to his face about it. The truth is, I don't have family photo's because I don't exactly have a family that's another reason I don't want to meet his.

"But if you want to see younger me," I begin starts making him smile. "I have to see younger you first." I finish causing his smile to waver.

"Oh come on!" He groaned like it was the most horrible thing I've ever denied him before.

"Fine." I mumbled caving in to his sad eyes, grabbing a baby blue and light pink binder that is filled with all my childhood photo's which isn't many.

"Let's go to your house and will look at them."

I drop my bag by the door as soon as we walk inside Harry's house. "Make yourself right at home." He joked with a amused laugh as he throws his keys into the dish on the side-table of the entry walkway as I take in what everything looks like. Everything is painted white, the floors are made of either wood or marble causing me to gap in utter amazement.

"Do I get to see younger you now?" He asked teasingly, snaking his arms around my waist from behind kissing my shoulder where my sleeve has fallen away at.

"Of course." I grab his hand as he starts slipping his fingers below my shirt a little.

"No no no." I mumbled turning around to look at him. "Nice try, Styles." I grab his hands leading him to the couch across the room walking backwards. I don't even have the binder in my hands, its in my bag but he doesn't seem to notice or to care.

I place my hands on his shoulders still walking backwards to the couch. He places his hands on my hips before we fall back onto the long part of his sectional sofa.
His lips attach to mine grinding into me hardly as he begins kissing me. My hands grip the ends of his curly hair slightly as I kiss back and he grinds into me again.

"Harry." I panted breaking the kiss after a couple of minutes of heated frenching.

He leans his forehead against mine trying to catch his breathe again, like me. I kiss his bottom lip softly. I bite my lip smiling as I open my eyes being meet with his emerald green ones.

"Can't meet my family but can do this, huh?" He remarked with a light chuckle his breath hitting my lips only made me crave him for more but I knew I couldn't let it go any father then this. Not yet at least.

"This is much more fun."

He laughs smiling down at me. "I can totally agree with that."

"Then why stop?" I whispered seductively as I slip my hand under his shirt slightly and he tenses up and begins fidgeting.

"Because I won't be able to stop myself if I continue." He grumbled back before standing up. Wait what?

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