Taming The Hybrid (TVD. Klaus...

By BeckySmolder

513K 9.9K 4K

Allison Lockwood, the older sister of Tyler Lockwood, returns to Mystic Falls after spending four years in Ca... More

Brotherhood of The Five
Obtaining the Sword
Dinner Date with Klaus
A Day in New Orleans
The Winter Wonderland
Kol's Death
Making Things Official
Klaus is Free
Saving Hayley
Expression Triangles
Back in New Orleans
Rebekah Visits
Meeting Marcel
Plan B is War
Carol and Tyler Visit
Bayou Bar Distraction
Unlinking Spell
The Baby's Blood
Klaus in Combat
To New Orleans
The Bar Attack
Casket Girls Parade
Four Elements, Four Stages
Mystic Falls Reunion
Saving Rebekah
Werewolf House Party
Magic Dreams
Rebekah's Trial
A Party for Peace
Feast of Blessings
The Bayou Attack
Dreaming of Mikael
Moonlight Rings
Esther's Decree
Home Town Comfort
Fighting for Family
Mystic Falls Return
The Wedding
10 Years Later
More Stories By Me

The Opera House

5K 119 26
By BeckySmolder

Chapter Twenty-Eight

"Klaus! You're still weak," I told him, running towards him. I had just walked into the room and watched him stumble as he tried to walk around the bed. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and sat him down on the bed.

"I'm still hungry," whispered. "There's a fresh blood supply in the kitchen."

"You won't make it that far. So be a good little boy and get back into bed," I sighed.

"If I had a quid for every time a woman has tried that line on me-- he began.

"You'd have, like, no money," I interrupted him sarcastically.

"I beg to differ. Some women, besides you, do find me quite charming," he said and grabbed me by my wrist. My eyes were forced closed and a second later I was seeing Klaus in bed with some woman. He was kissing her neck and she was giggling.

Klaus moved them over so they were both laying side by side on the bed still kissing. The sound of a sliding door filled the room and I could see Elijah standing in the doorway wearing a grey suit. "Sleeping with the enemy, I see," Elijah said.

"I'm the ally now, Darling," the woman said. Klaus and her now sitting side by side, sheets covering what I know is there naked bodies.

"Well, indeed," Elijah smiled, walzing into the room and pouring himself a drink.

"Oh, and as a gesture of goodwill from our old enemy, tickets to tonight's opera, 'Les Huguentos,'" Klaus said, grabbing tickets from a table on the side of the bed.

"They have a soprano to die for. I'll introduce you if you promise not to eat her," the woman said, running her hand up and down Klaus's chest. I could feel myself getting more and more jealous by the moment. Klaus had his hand on her thigh over the thing white sheet they shared. Ugh.

"Oh, Lana, a good soprano is never dinner," Elijah stated, heading for the door. Don't go! Interrupt them some more! Elijah stood in front of the door and took a sip of his drink.

"Tell Rebekah to bring Marcel. Fell free, to tell her now, big brother, I have some business I need to discuss with our new ally," Klaus smiled, and tapped his hand on whatever part of her that was under the blanket as she now was laying down again.

My eyes shot open a second later and I was looking down at my twenty first century Klaus. I gulped and held back my jealousy and anger. Somehow I knew that's what he wanted to get out of me. "Why am I not surprised you like opera?" I said, pulling out of his grip. Stupid, asshole.

"Well, I always had a particular soft spot for 'Les Huguenots.' I like the story. It was a tale of forbidden love, a 'Romeo and Juliet' of sorts," he replied casually like what he just showed me wasn't hurful or annoying. He began pulling himself up again, holding on to the bed post. I didn't bother to try to stop him, yet.

"On the day they are to marry, family and long-festering hatred intervene. Thousands are massacred. A father even kills his own child in the final act. I can almost appreciate the irony," he muttered. I saw the sad glimpse in his eyes and immediately felt sorry for him.

"Come here, asshole," I cooed, opening my arms. Klaus slowly turned and raised an eyebrow at me. I smiled softly and walked to him until my arms were around him. "You didn't think it was okay to show me that flashback, did you?" I asked him with a smirk.

"Why not? I was just proving other women are-"

"Attracted to you. Have slept with you. I knew all that. But you are mine. And I never want to see another woman touch you again whether it's from the past or present," I said possessively. I pushed him onto the bed rather roughly and watched him smirk.

"They're all in the past, love. I'm yours and no one else's," he smirked at me.

"Well, that Genivieve bitch, witch needs to know that. I caught glimpses of you two when she held you captive. I watched her touch you and you flirt with her. Oh, yeah. I forgot all about the stupid redhead until you reminded me I'm not the only one you've ever had or the only one that could possibly be interested in you," I smirked back bitterly.

"I wasn't flirting with her-"

"You were," I retorted.


"You were. I watched it Klaus. You tried to seduce a deal out of her to let you go. I get it and all but it pissed me off cause she was so into you. I want to cut her hands off for running her hand up your thigh. I want to kill her completely for having her face so close to yours. Thanks again for moving your face away when she moved close enough to kiss you," I snapped.


"Don't!" I yelled. "Don't defend yourself. I defended you, already. But now I'm angry."

"I'm sorry," he said, shocking me. I frowned and raised my eyebrows. "I should have moved away. I shouldn't have 'flirted' with her. It was nothing though, love. I was hoping she'd let me free so I can get home to you. I'm not interested in other women, Allison. It's just you."

"I know," I whispered, looking at the ground. Klaus sighed and pulled himself up once again. I watched him struggled before staring at him as he took two steps towards me and was able to wrap his arms around me.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear.

"I know," I sighed.

"What's the matter, love?"

"I just don't like seeing that. I don't want other people touching you," I mumbled.

"It won't happen again."

"No more flashbacks either," I stated.


"Good," I said and he kissed me softly on the lips. Yeah, I missed him. So much.


"Not sure that helps," I frowned. Klaus and I moved rooms. Well, he insisted dragging himself to the little parlor area of the house. He was currently pouring himself a drink.

"Not sure it doesn't," he replied.

"You want to self-medicate your self-pity, fine," I sighed. I walked into the room and plopped down in an arm chair. "Better scotch then blood, I guess. No matter what Elijah says," I grumbled. I was still pretty ticked off with Elijah for hurting Klaus.

"Don't speak to me of Elijah."

"He loves you," I stated.

"Yes," he agreed. "He does, and he proves it time and again, even when my father enlisted him to kill me." Klaus then told me the story that continued from the flashback eariler. When Elijah was getting dressed to go to the opera his father showed up and asked him to help him kill Klaus.

"How was he gonna kill you, though? You can't be killed," I said.

"Remember the white oak stake. He had one. Fashioned by my father to take from us the very thing he forced upon us all, our immortality," he said. Yup, that was the only thing that could kill an Original. What happened to that stake? Elijah had gave it to Klaus before we left for New Orleans.

Klaus continued the story. His father had shown Elijah the stake and then when Elijah tried to attack their father, Mikael, who retaliated and tried to stake him. Elijah fought him off and then Mikael stabbed him with a regular piece of wood so he was dead for the time being. I felt bad for Elijah. His loyalty was always unwavering. He loved his family.

"Elijah has always carried guilt for that for not stopping our father," Klaus continued. "I told him not to blame himself. When your father wants to kill you, he wants to kill you, nothing you can do about it."

Klaus' phone that sat next to the drinks vibrated and Klaus quickly grabbed it. I furrowed my brows, wondering who it could be. "Oh, I hate to be a know-it-all, but my sister and her lover have been spotted in town. So story time endeth here, I'm afraid," he told me.

"What? No, Klaus," I protested. He moved to a small stature that sat on a table right by the one with the drinks. He knocked the statue down so it landed on the floor, in pieces. He then leaned down and picked up a stake. "Klaus, don't you dare leave this house," I warned.

"A white oak stake. My own version. And unlinke my father's, this one cannot be destroyed," he smirked as if I cared at all. He was proud of his work apparently. It did look kind of pretty it had like translucent vines wrapped around it. Yeah, not the point.

"Klaus-" I began but then he was gone with a flash. I groaned in annoyanced and checked that I had my phone. I did, thank god. I quickly pulled on some shoes, not caring I was in sweatpans and a t-shirt. I hadn't did anything all day.

I ran around looking for Klaus. He couldn't have gotten too far, right? Thankfully a few minutes later I spotted him, biting into some guy. "What are you doing?" I snapped, running over to him.

"I'm going to kill my sister, but first, I need some sutanance with a little less vervain in it," he said and I folded my arms across my chest. "No offense, love."

"Klaus, please. Don't do this," I begged. "She's your sister, Klaus. You've lost two siblings already how can you want to be the one take the life of one of the only ones you have left. If you do this, our baby is born without an aunt. Your left with no family besides Elijah and me and the baby. Is that what you want? To lose more family! My brother kidnapped me and tried to kill our child. Was I angry? Yes. Did I hate him? No. And I forgave him. This was forever ago, Klaus. I saw you when Kol died. You won't survive if you hurt Rebekah."

Klaus took a few steps closer to me and brought a hand to cup my face. I tried to pull away but he held me tightly. I sinced and he eased his grip before his thumb moved and wiped under my eye and cheek. I could feel something wet and knew I must have been crying. "I'll tell you what I didn't survive, love. My sister bringing the most vile creature ever to have walked the earth down upon me."

"Yes, your father, but by hunting Rebekah and Marcel down to the ends of the Earth, by terrorizing them the way you yourself were terrorized... Don't become your father, Klaus. We are about to have a child together," I said, grabbing his hands in mine.

"You know, I've been called every shade of monster, but that's new. My father? Mikael was the monster monsters were afraid of. Come. Let me show you," he whispered. He grabbed me by my arm, not gentle at all. It kind of hurt.

He led the way for awhile before we stepped outside of this large building. He finally let me go and I looked down at my arm. It looked a bit red. I sighed and tucked in Klaus' large shirt I was wearing. It kept blowing in the wind. "That night in 1919 when the Opera house burned down on this very spot," he said, pointing to the building. So this was the Opera House. "That was my father at his worst."

Klaus took a look at my arm and grabbed my wrist. He frowned for a moment before kissing my arm all over. I smiled softly, he was the best. "I'm so sorry," he whispered against my bicep. I stopped him and grabbed his face in my hands.

"It's fine. And Klaus, I don't think you're a monster. I think your sexy, sweet, sarcastically funny, and the best father to be. When I mentioned your father earlier I wasn't saying you two were alike. I was just pointing out that this hatred and vengefulness in you was making you act that same as your father was. He was after you to kill you and now you're after Rebekah. Two wrongs don't make a right," I told him and he sighed.

I moved closer and pressed my lips to his for a chaste kiss. "I love you and I will always love you. I'm always by yourside. But I'm trying to help you think rationally for your own sake."

"I know, love, but I don't think I can just let this go."

"Klaus... You know what, just tell me the story," I said and he smiled, wrapping his arms around me. He decided to show me instead.

"Well, this is off to a bad start. Your first big date together in public after I gave you my blessing, and he stood you up," Klaus was telling Rebekah as he looked through the pamphlet that had to do with the show he was seeing at the Opera.

"Something must have delayed him," Rebekah said. God, they both looked amazing. Rebekah was in this sheer black sequined dress. Klaus was in a tux. His hairwas matted down and hers was in pinup curls. It was so fancy. I loved it.

"Or, now that your elicit affair is out in the open, he finds the whole relationship a tad lackluster and run off to Havana with a showgirl."

"Don't be such a toerag. I'm going to check the lobby," she stated and got up out of her seat.

"See if you can't find out brother while you're there," Klaus called out to her, watching her leave through a doorway blocked by velvet red curtains. It was so beautiful. "The curtain is about to go up," Klaus muttered to himself.

Klaus leaned back in his seat and locked his hands together. The room got a bit darker and there were crowds of people under this balcony seat and they were all chatting amonst themselves. It was so cool when he showed me things like this. I could look around wherever I wanted, as long as it was in the scene he was showing me. There was a small chandelier above Klaus. Wait. I looked back at Klaus' face and he didn't look good. He looked sick.

I then saw there was someone sitting behind him. I didn't recognize the man but I knew who it was when they held a stake to Klaus' back the otherside to his heart. "I would advise against trying to flee, boy. I can drive this into your heart before you can even think of getting to your feet, and I don't want you to die... yet," he told Klaus.

"Father-" Klaus tried.

"'Father'? Ha ha! Still clinging to that word after all these years, a bastard desperate for a daddy? I wonder if your real father would be as embarassed as I was of you before I discovered you were not mine. Most likely."

Klaus moved forward in his seat and Mikael stopped him, "Oh, oh. Uh0uh. Easy now, boy." Klaus slowly began sitting back but Mikael grabbed him and pulled him closer. "Don't worry. Death will come, but we need to have a little chate before you shuffle off you immortal coil."

"Any words we have for each otherhave been spoken long ago, but know this. I am no longer the animal beffing for scraps of your affection. I will die knowing my hatred for you was just. I will fall proud of all I have achieved here. So... Mikael... if you're going to kill me, then get on with it," Klaus replied bitterly. Aw, my baby.

"Au contraire, Niklaus. Some things remain unsaid. For instance, you were right to be proud of your achievement here. As I walked the streets, you name was spoken of in reverent tones by the city's finest. So after I kill you, I will remain here in New Orleans until every last person who remembers you is dead. The deeds of the mighty Klaus will be remembered by no one... And you, boy, will simply never have existed," Mikael replied. Then the lights were completely off and Mikael sat back. "Ah. The grand show. Oh, I made some alterations in your honor. You'll love it."

Klaus looked at him when he spoke then turned to look at the stage just as the curtain opened. I couldn't believe what was on the stage. Marcel tied to a tree, blood all over his wrists, seeping through his shirt. The woman Klaus showed me earlier was on stage, dead with a large wooden pole through her chest. Oh, my god. "And what a show it was. Mikael compelled the audience to watch it all, applaud as it it were the drollest of comedies," I could hear, present Klaus talking to me while I was still being showed the stage. Everyone in the audience was indeed laughing and clapping away.

Klaus let me go and the vision/flashback he showed me was over. "And then to leave celebrating a terrific night at the opera. I tried to save Marcel," he said. He grabbed my hand and I could see once again. Klaus was untying Marcel just when his father grabbed him by his shoulder and made Klaus face him while he pressed the stake to the bottom of his chin.

"My father had other ideas," Klaus was telling me. "Rebekah attempted to intervene." I watched Rebekah run over yelling, "No!" She ripped Mikaled from Klaus and then Klaus went for his father. Mikael got the upper hand and tossed Klaus into one of the backdrops for the show. Ow.

"All these years, I actually believed she was trying to save me," Klaus said to me in person. I watched as fglashback Klaus cried in pain while there was wood through his torso. Rebekah was trying to save Marcel until her father ripped her away and stabbed her to and tossed her to the ground with a regular piece of wood in her stomach. Mikael dug his hand in Marcel's chest and Marcel groaned. "But then big brother swooped in," Klaus narrated. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped me in his arms, hugging me to his chest.

The vision continued. Elijah was there and had grabbed Klaus. "There's no helping Marcel," Elijah told him.

"Just when we thought all was lost," Klaus whispered in my ear.

"We must run," Elijah said, the vision playing out more.

"And so I ran," Klaus told me. "Beaten like the dog my father believed me to be." I saw more of a vision where Mikael pulled his hand out of Marcel's chest and grabbed a lantern before walking down the rows of seats in the theatre. "And as we fled for out lives, he burnt it all to the ground and with it, we assumed, Marcel," Klaus told me. The vision showed Mikael drop the lantern and a fire started from there.

Klaus let me go and the vision was gone. "I lived, but all that we had built died, as did the last shred of me that felt human. That is what my father took from me that night. I assure you, Allison, I will not terrorize my sister and her lover for centuries. Nor will I humiliate and torment or dehumanize them. No, none of that. I will simply and quickly end them," Klaus told me before pressing his lips to my cheek. Now I understood his rage.

"Klaus, wait," I tried to stop him but he vanished a second later. I sighed and grabbed my phone, calling Elijah while I walked back home. There was no stopping Klaus and I wasn't going to be able to find him.

"Hello? Allie?" Elijah answered.

"Klaus is gone and he already bit into someone. I don't know where he is and I wasn't even close to getting him to forgive Rebekah. He has the white oak stake and he's after Rebekah and Marcel. They're not gone. Someone informed him that they were in town," I rushed out.

"What? I have to call Rebekah. When I did earlier she said she was in the car with Marcel driving away. She needs to be gone. I have to go. I'm with Celeste or Sabine. I'm handeling her right now and she's waking up," he told me.

"Okay. Call me if you find Klaus. I'm going home to put on real clothes," I said.

"All right. Be safe."

"I will be," I assured before hanging up.


I called Klaus a million times but he was ignoring all my calls. When I got home I had showered, brush my teeth, and got dressed. I had a boyfriend to find and stop from going on a murder spree. I slipped on a tank top, a pair of skinny jeans, boots, and a hoodie. I needed to find Klaus, now.

It was now night time and Elijah sent me a quick text telling me he was locked inside the cemetery under a Lunar spell. Kind of like Klaus was in the Gilbert's house when everyone went to find the cure. I decided to go check on Elijah because he said it was for Originals only and something Sabine had told hikm made him worry Rebekah would also end up there. And that means Klaus wou manage to find himself there too.

I drove as fast as I can, safely of course. When I got to the cementary I got out of the car and ran to the gates of the cementary. I ran inside without hesitating. "Elijah!" I called. I was hoping Klaus wasn't here yet.

"Allison!" I heard three different voices. Fuck.

~I have a bunch of fanfic ideas. So get ready for a new book cause this one probably only has about 10 chapters left. So for a new fanfic who should it be about?? Pick one out of the two guys for each. Thank you 😊😊

Kol or Damon
Stefan or Elijah
Matt or Jeremy
Alaric or Finn
Klaus or Tyler

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