undercover ∆ pietro maximoff...

By brig506

1.9K 82 34

"With him?" I ask, disgust clearly laced in my tone. "Yes, Allona. I know you and Pietro don't exactly get a... More

1 - mission
author's note
2 - beginnings
3 - new friends
4 - nightmare
5 - luck
6 - roommate
7 - easy
8 - forgive & forget
10 - night in

9 - a nickname & tutor

131 7 8
By brig506

Beep. Beep. Beep. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.

The aggravating noise continued to get louder until I couldn't ignore it anymore. I felt around for the off button. I had already hit snooze multiple times and if I didn't get up now I knew I would be late.

The nice thing about wearing a uniform to school is that I don't have to take the time to pick out outfits in the morning. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and put on a little bit of mascara. This was going to have to do for today.

When I got downstairs a delicious smell reached my nose. I took a big whiff and let out a content sigh.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." I was startled, not seeing anyone when I came down. I turned around and gave Pietro a dirty look.

"I was tired, okay? Anyways, I'm ready on time, aren't I?"

"Yes, you are, I am not denying that. It's just that now you do not have time to eat the delicious waffles I made this morning."

I gaped at him, not sure I had heard him right. "You made waffles?"

He seemed a little upset, "Yes, I made them. Is it such a surprise that I am not just a pretty face?"

"Well...yes," I answered honestly. He scowled at me.

"Whatever, come on or we will be late." I quickly grabbed a waffle and my backpack and headed out the door after him.

As I walked into AP Psych, I'm surprised to see Athan talking to someone. He's big and muscular and is probably a football player. I can see he has a black eye and some cuts on his hands and face. I sit down and give Athan a smile. "Want to introduce me to your new friend? I don't believe we've met before."

"Oh, y-yeah, this is Jacob." This is him? He must have been hitting the gym since the picture of him was taken. I smile and extend a hand for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you," I say. "Looks like you got a little roughed up. Mind if I ask what happened?" I saw Athan glance nervously at him but Jacob payed him no mind.

"Oh, just got a shiner from boxing. It was a little intense and I got hurt a little bit. Nothing that won't heal in a few days." I could tell he wasn't telling the truth, but I had to admit he was good at lying.

"Well, that's unfortunate." I gave a fake sympathetic smile, "But at least, it wasn't serious." He nodded in agreement, but I continued before he could get anything in. "So is that why you weren't in class all week?" I wanted to see if I could catch him off guard with a question, but I was also curious as to what his excuse was going to be.

"No, my dad had a business trip in New York and he brought my mom and I with him to see the Big Apple. It was fun." He gave me what looked like a genuine smile.

"Oh, that's awesome!" There were many questions I wanted to ask him but I knew it would be suspicious if I did. So I did the next best thing and asked Athan a question. "So Athan, when do you want to work on our project? I already have some questions in mind, now it's just the act of going through them."

"Oh! I forgot about that.." he looked down, seeming embarrassed, a light blush on his cheeks. "I'm not sure I can meet up today. Is tomorrow okay?"

"Of course! We can work out the time later. Oh, is it okay if we meet up at my house? My parents aren't yet comfortable letting me go to other people's houses, especially boys." I winked at him which just made his blush deepen. I glanced at Jacob to see if he was listening to us at all, but he seemed engrossed in the game on his phone. Just as I was going to continue, Mr. Fredrickson walked over to us.

"Everything going okay over here?"

I flashed him my dazzling smile, "Of course, Mr. Fredrickson. Did you expect anything less from us?"

He laughed heartily. "Of course not, Corrigan. I actually came over to ask you a favor. Since Jacob, here," at this he put his hand on Jacob's shoulder, "Hasn't been here, he doesn't have a partner for the project. There's an odd number of students so I was wondering if you and Athan would be willing to include him in your group. Besides, I know Athan and Jacob are very close friends. So ultimately it's up to you."

Wow, this is perfect. I'll be able to interact more with Jacob too. "Of course! I'd be happy to include him." I smiled at Jacob who just stared blankly in return. I guess I wouldn't be too happy if I was dumped onto other people either.

"Perfect! Alright, I'll leave you and Athan the job of getting Mr. Thomas up to speed. Good luck!"

"Do you need help?" I heard someone ask something along those lines but I was too focused on opening my cheese stick. Why do they make the packaging so hard to open? It's like they don't want us to eat...


It took me a split second to realize someone was calling to me and I tore my eyes from the blasted package. "Yes?"

Jimmy let out a hearty laugh and repeated himself, "I asked if you needed help."

I felt my cheeks heat up and smiled sheepishly. "Oh...I guess I was too focused on opening it myself and didn't hear you."

He gave me a warm smile, "I guess so." I could tell his laughing wasn't mean spirited so I decided to let him help me.

"Here," I thrust the cheese stick towards him, ready for the embarrassment to be over. He easily opened it and handed it back to me. I felt my cheeks prickle with heat at his ease at opening it but I tried to ignore it. "Thanks, Jimmy."

"No problem, Corrigan. Okay, so I've been thinking-"

He was interrupted by Emily, "Well that can't be good," She teased him.

Jimmy glared at her, "I was thinking...that you need a nickname!" He turned to me and gave me such a huge smile, I couldn't shoot him down right away.

"Oh, yeah?" I asked, going along with it.

"Yeah! Corrigan is a mouthful to say when I'm trying to get your attention quickly. So how about Reagan? Get it? Cor-Reagan?"

I visibly winced although I tried not to, "Well...that's a whole new name, I'm not even sure how you got that-"

"Corri," Oliver stated plainly. "Just go with Corri."

I looked at him with my eyebrows raised, having heard him speak only a couple times. "I actually like that."

"Cory? That's a boy's name!" Jimmy exclaimed.

I gave him a displeased glance, "Jimmy, please, just because I didn't pick yours doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it. Names don't adhere to a specific gender, plus it's just a nickname."

He looked a little hurt and I felt bad for being so harsh, "Hey, I'm sorry Jimmy. I just don't like that everything has to be separated my gender." I smiled at him, trying to show that I was being sincere.

He smiled back at me. "It's okay Corrigan. Don't worry, I bounce back quick." He winked at me and I was glad I didn't really hurt his feelings. Why have I been so short fused lately? I mean there was that thing with Pietro, but I think I'm just really stressed. Thankfully it's Friday so I can try and relax this weekend.

When I tuned back into the table conversation, they were talking about their plans for tonight. "Emily and I are going to dinner and then see a movie! I'm excited, we haven't gone out for a while." Ama told us.

"Yeah, I usually opt to have a night in. But anything for my girl, right?" Emily kissed Alma's nose and Alma giggled.

Jimmy grumbled, complaining about PDA. But I saw Oliver had a ghost of a smile on his lips. They ignored Jimmy and asked me my plans. "Honestly. I'm just going to take today to relax. This first week has been a little overwhelming."

"I bet! Getting settled in and everything. Anybody special you're going to stay in with?" Emily smirked at me and I grew suspicious.

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly.

"Oh, nothing...just heard that the newbies are staying together," She looked at me to see my reaction.

I quickly debated whether or not to admit to it. I decided that denying it would just end up worse and I didn't want to jeopardize the mission just because I didn't want to be teased. "Oh. Yeah, unfortunately. Apparently our parents already knew each other. His parents had a business trip and he couldn't miss 3 weeks of school, so he's staying with us."

"Unfortunately?! The hot new guy is staying at your house and you're upset about it?" I gave her an incredulous look. "What?" she asked, "I like everybody, I'm not choosy."

Alma laughed. "She's right, you know. Even if you don't want to be romantically involved, which would be silly of you, you should still try to be friends. Since you're both new you can help each other adjust."

"Ughhh, Alma why do you have to make sense?" I groaned.

She batted her eyelashes, "It's one of my endearing qualities." We all burst into laughter at this just as the bell rang.

"Hey Oliver, will you tell Mr. Anderson I'm talking to a teacher please?" He nodded, "Thanks!"

I had to talk to my Pre-Calc teacher, Miss Williams. I have her right before lunch, and at the end of class, she had asked me to come see her when I could. I figured resource was as good a time as any, especially since I knew Pietro wouldn't want to wait for me after school. I needed to go to my locker, but I decided to just go after talking to her. I knocked on the doorframe and she ushered me in. "Corrigan! Hello." She smiled warmly. "Do you have any idea why I called you in here?"

"Honestly, not sure. I don't believe I did anything wrong."

"No, of course not," She swatted her hand like the idea of that was ridiculous, "You're not in any trouble," she paused for a moment, looking unsure how to say it, whatever it was. "I couldn't help but notice; math isn't your strong suit, is it?"

I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I already knew I wasn't and I had aways tried so hard to get better but math was always where I fell behind.

She saw my reaction and spared me from having to answer. "Now, you still have a good grade since I've only counted homework for completion, but I want to help you before it affects your grade. So I've talked to my best student and he's willing to tutor you!"

I hate tutors. I feel stupid when I can't get it even when they try to explain it. But I knew I needed help, and I knew it was good to accept help.

"Great," I said, with far less enthusiasm than her. "Do I know him?"

"I do believe so. If what the rumor is saying is true, he's staying with your family."

What luck. Wait, how does she know that?

"If you don't mind me asking, how do you know that?"

She left out a light chuckle, "Contrary to popular belief, teachers hear all the rumors too. Since he is, I expect no excuses that you two couldn't get together, alright? I've already talked to him. Peter is my best student thus far, very brilliant, so if he can't help you, there's not much I could do either."

Internally, I sigh. "Thank you, Miss Williams." I wave goodbye and head to my locker to get my books for my next class. I wasn't paying attention, I was too focused on 'brilliant' and 'Pietro' correlating. How did I not know he was that good at math? I mean, Agent Hill told me that there was more to him than it seemed, but people always say, don't they? My thoughts were interrupted as I ran into a firm object. I stumbled back, apologizing. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying atten - Pie-Peter?"

"Careful, Corrigan. No need to fall for me." He winked and usually I would find it annoying yet endearing, but right now my ego was bruised and I didn't care for it. I walked right around him without responding. I got my locker and put my combination in, or tried to. I'd always had trouble with lockers and today was no exception. I banged on my locker, willing it to open. "Hey, hey. Shhh. Calm down," Pietro tried to help but it just set me off.

"I am calm!" I cried indignantly. Okay, maybe I'm not calm. I took a deep breath. "Look, I'm sorry. I've just been feeling overwhelmed today and then Miss Williams told me I was bad at math and you were my last hope." He gave me a look and I sighed. "Okay, maybe not quite like that but pretty much."

"Am I really that bad?" he asked. I looked at him confusedly. He continued, "That it made you that upset I was your tutor?"

I released an exasperated laugh, "No Piet, you're not. I don't really care who my tutor is, although I'll admit I wasn't exactly excited to find out it was you," I winked so he knew I was teasing. Mostly, anyways. "It's just that I have to have a tutor at all. It's embarrassing, and they usually don't help much anyways." I looked down, already completely worn out, even though I still had half of the school day left.

I didn't see the relieved smile on his face, but I could hear it in his voice, "Oh! Do not worry about that, I will help you in no time. Besides, I think you just faked it so you would have another reason to spend time with me," he smiled smugly.

I laughed, "Yeah? Besides living with you? Keep dreaming." I grabbed my books for my next two classes and closed my locker. "I do have a question for you, though. Have you always been good at math?"

"Yes, pretty much. When Wanda and I were in school, I could always understand the concepts very quickly, and I could see the patterns in them. Then, after the uh, experiments," I cringed, I hated making him talk about them at all, "I can do them so much faster. I do not know if they explained it to you, but because of my speed, I can see, react, and think faster than normal, along with other things."

"Oh, that makes sense. I didn't know you were a math nerd growing up," I teased, pushing him lightly.

He scowled, "Whatever, the girls loved me then. Just like they do now." He didn't say it arrogantly, just stated it like a fact, and I suppose it is.

"Speaking of girls being all over you, do you have a date tonight? If you do, I want to make sure I can, at least, get a ride home after school."

He chuckled, "No, I do not have a date tonight. I do not like the idea of a dating a young girl in high school, at least not while she does not know who I truly am." I smiled at him, really proud of him for being like that. I looked at my watch and saw we'd been talking for a good 10 minutes.

"We should get back to resource, Mr. Anderson's probably wondering where I've been. Meet you at your car?" I started walking backward, waiting for his confirmation. He nodded, and I
turned the corner, ready to get the rest of the school day over with.

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