The Real Me || Book One

By miraculousduo

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((COMPLETED)) Graduation night, they promised each other they would stay in touch, but things don't always go... More

Chapter One: Graduation
Chapter two: Finding Out Is The Worst Part
Chapter three: Same Class
Chapter four: Liar
Chapter five: Is It Too Late?
Chapter seven: Let The Games Begin
Chapter eight: First Signs
Chapter nine: Skin Deep (Part One)
Chapter ten: Skin Deep (Part Two)
Chapter eleven: Skin Deep (Part Three)
Chapter twelve: Confrontation
Chapter thirteen: Growing Up
Chapter fourteen: No Longer Kids
Chapter fifteen: Her Birthday
Chapter Sixteen: The Reveal
Chapter seventeen: It Wasn't Supposed To End Like This
Chapter eighteen: Mason and Marinette
Chapter nineteen: Everything is not as it seems
Chapter twenty: The Wedding
Chapter twenty-one: Marry Me, Here And Now
Chapter twenty-two: The End Is Just The Beginning
Book Two!!

Chapter six: Best Friends

8.5K 293 490
By miraculousduo

11:27 PM

Adrien's POV

It was almost 11:30 and I still couldn't fall asleep. My mind kept drifting to my conversation with Lucas when he came back from his date.


"Adrien!" He cried, coming into the room, and slamming the door. I sat up and looked at him.

"Lucas? Are you okay?"

He nods. "Yes, but that's not what's wrong." He grows a worried expression, and I stand up out of the chair.

"What is it?"

"I met her..."


"Her! Marinette!"

My eyes widen hearing her name. "When did you meet her?!" He walks over to me.

"A few minutes ago. It didn't go so well." He scratches the back of his neck, avoiding my strong gaze.

"What happened?"

"Well..." He sits down on his bed. "I kind of brought up how you wouldn't stop talking about her and Eileen told me that I shouldn't  bring you up because she would freak out, just like you did when you had your panic attack..."

"You didn't mention that, did you?"

He shakes his head and I sigh in relief.

"I'm gonna head to bed. Don't do anything that could prevent another panic attack."

I nod as he stood up and headed to the showers.


She would freak out if I was mentioned? No, Adrien, don't over think this! It's probably just a reaction due to my... stupidity.

Lucas was asleep in his bed, snoring softly. I looked over at him, and smiled. I've put him through so much in just one day, he doesn't deserve to be bombarded with my relationship problems, if its even called a relationship.

I rolled my eyes and got up from my bed. I can't sleep so there's no point in trying. I made my way to the window and sighed.

If I'm ever going to get over her, I need to stop over thinking these things and stop putting false information in my head.

A small knock on the door made me jump out of my skin. I looked at Lucas, who was still sound asleep. Gulping, I make my way to the door and place my hand on the knob before opening it. Who could it be at this hour? I look over to the clock. 11:38.

I finally mustered up the courage to open the door after a few seconds of dwelling over the thought of Marinette.

"M-Marinette?!" My jaw dropped as I seen who was on the other side of the door.

"Can we talk?" She asked, her voice quiet and hushed. I quickly nod, and let her in. She slowly walked in, and sat down on the bed.

I quickly joined her once the door was closed.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask, once we were both settled. A small sigh escapes her lips as she closes her eyes.

"I've been thinking, and..." And? And what?! "And I forgive you..." She re-opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Y-you do?" She nods.

"I do, but that doesn't change the fact that I was hurt."

I quickly nod, understanding.

"I should've listened to you when you tried to explain. I didn't think of the possibility that you were going through things too. I was being selfish..."

"No, you weren't. I reassured her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She turns her head to look at me.

"It was my fault for not keeping my promise, you shouldn't feel like you're the problem. It had nothing to do with you."

"Why didn't you call?" She asks, still looking at me. I look down, ashamed.

"I didn't call, because I didn't want it to seem like I was throwing myself at you."

She chuckles lightly and puts her hand over mine. "I would never think that, Adrien."

"I know that now." I smile and look back at her. Her blue eyes shone in the dim lighting, and I couldn't help myself but to look deeply into them. This was like a scene right out of a romance movie; dim lighting, a girl and guy, and a bed. Don't think that, Adrien! That's never going to happen!

She lets out a small laugh and lays her head on my shoulder. My cheeks turn pink at her sudden movement.


"Y-yeah?" I manage to speak, my head feeling flustered.

"Can we move past this, and re-new our friendship?"

Friendship? Is that all she wants now? I cough, clearing my throat.

"Y-yeah, let's move past this." I rest my chin on top of her head, and sigh. If she just wants to be friends, I have to accept that. I can't force her to love me, that's not how it works. I'd rather have her friendship than force her to have my love. I don't want to hurt her again. That was the stupidest thing I've ever done, and I'll always regret doing it.

"I still care about you, I hope you know that." She says, yawning. I nod.  "I know, and I do too."

"We'll always be friends, right?" She asks, yawning again.

"Yes, best friends." I close my eyes and smile. A fresh new start is exactly what we needed. No more fighting, no more tears, and no more silence.

As soon as I heard her soft breathing, I knew that she had fallen asleep. I smiled and gently laid her down, covering her with the blanket. I turned the remaining light off and laid down next to her.

"Mari?" I whispered.


"Thank you for forgiving me. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't."

(Last paragraph has been deleted, read below for why)

{Admin: I've read a few comments about the last paragraph being from a well known book from John Green. To be completely honest, I seriously don't know who he is and that paragraph just came to me on the spot but if it bothers you so much I'll change it just for you. Sorry for getting an amazing idea, not knowing it was from a different book, but just for that person in particular, I'll change it just for you! Happy?

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