Cardinals{Theo Raeken/Teen Wo...

By AllyMotionless

243K 4.8K 1.5K

"If you call me back or let me in, I swear, I'll never let you down again" ~Cardinals by The Wonder Years More

One: 5A❤️
RANT: 5a Finale
Opinions Opinions Opinions
Twenty: 5B❤️
R.I.P Alan Rickman❤️
Twenty-Three pt 2
Twenty-Six pt 2
Twenty-Eight pt 1
Twenty-Eight pt 2
Twenty-Eight pt 3
Rant: 5b Finale
Thirty pt 1
Thirty pt 2
To All My African-American Followers/Readers
Sequel Update
Its finally up!


3.3K 74 1
By AllyMotionless

Song: Johnny's Revenge by Crown the Empire👑👑☠


"You're gonna leave here, thinking that you need to worry about me, but you're wrong. We're actually back on the same side..because that thing-that's what we need to worry about. Your pack and mine, we're gonna go back to school and pretend like we're normal teenagers, but at night, we're going to be fighting for our lives."

"What is it?"

"It's not a Chimera."

"It's just a kid underneath it."

"Not anymore..."

"Can't we save it? It's just a kid, it doesn't know what it's doing."

"We can't," Theo says, taking my hand. "I know that's what you do, but it's too late for it. There's no more humanity left in it."


"Scott, I can't go with you. I'm sorry. I'm not part of your pack anymore." 

"We need you. Please. Stile-" "You really think I'd want to go with you being the fact that all of you lied to me about my mother?"

"Please, Ry-" "I have to go." I hang up on him when Theo and Tracy near the school buses.

"Who we're you talking to?" He asks before kissing me.

"I don't wanna talk about it. Can we just get this over with?" I say, dodging eye contact with him. He looks at me one more time takes my hand and we start jogging. We see something move in the shadows, so we jump on top of a bus, then jump off.

"Did you guys see it?" Tracy asks.

"It's too fast." Theo answer. "Just keep your distance. We're not trying to catch it, not yet."
We hear it growl, making me shutter. Theo holds my hand tighter as we go after it.

We head inside the school, and as we turn the corner in the hallway, Theo stops us. "Damnatio Memoriae." He reads off.

"It's the same message, isn't it? What are they trying to tell it?" Tracy asks.

"They're trying to make it remember what it was..." I say out loud.

"But is isn't it just a teenager like us?" Tracy asks again. "Isn't is just a kid underneath?"

"They don't care about that. The Doctors, they needed a body because they couldn't resurrect the beast out of thin air. The kid underneath, whatever it is, that's just a side effect. All the Doctors care about it the beast."

"So what happened when it does remember?" This time, I ask.

"I'm not sure. It probably doesn't remember it turns back to human during the day."

Before another question can be asked, we hear noise. Tracy brings her claws out, and walks towards it. "No don't do that!" I whisper yell to her.

The lights go out, and the Dread Doctors are standing in front of her. She tries to take one of them out, but doesn't succeed. They slam her to the lockers. I'm about to go get her, but Theo holds me back. Another Doctor steps forward, and Theo steps to it, keeping me behind him.


"Where is it?" He asks.

"You already have you pack."

"That wasn't enough. Look at my eyes, they look red to you? I'm not an Alpha, I'm not even a read werewolf!"

Well duh, did he really think he was going to become an Alpha as soon as we got us? That's not how it works. Do you guys remember how
Ethan and Aiden became Alphas? Do you remember how Scott formed his pack? And Derek?"

Not out of revenge.

I don't know why, but I look up and hear a growl. "B-babe-" I say, pointing a shakey finger behind the Dread Doctors. It's coming straight for Tracy. Theo's facial expression changes as soon as he see it.

I can't it hurt her. I can't let her die again.

I remove myself from Theo's grip and stand in front of Tracy, while Theo yells for me. As it walks towards us, it growls, making the entire school shake. I hover over Tracy for protection.

As if it was a blink of an eye, the Dread Doctors are gone.

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