~Foolish~ Completed

By suggabae

71.8K 1.9K 253

Kayla was 12 years old when her parents were killed. At a young age she saw, her father die and her mother ge... More

~Foolish~ Introduction
Chapter 2 Forget Life
Chapter 3 Haters Everywhere we go
Chapter 4 Its not my fault
Chapter 5 Dirty laundry
Chapter 6 You lying Son of a Gun
Chapter 7 Lip Service
Chapter 8 Nobody's perfect
Chapter 9 Hood Figgas!!!
Chapter 10 Fear N Trust nobody
Chapter 11 Your Child and Mines
Chapter 12 Stay down from day One
Chapter 13 Nip and a Bud
Chapter 14 Me and Mr. Wrong
Chapter 15 Keep it on the Down Low
Chapter 16 Flashing lights
Chapter 17 I'm on one
Chapter 18 Don't Save her
Chapter 19 Summertime
Chapter 21 Changing faces
Chapter 22 Runaway Love
Chapter 23 Where you go
Chapter 24 I fumbled Ya Heart
Chapter 25 Here I stand
Next on UnFoolish

Chapter 1 Ain't Easy

4.8K 109 26
By suggabae

Chapter 1

Ain't Easy

"I'm Kayla, but people call me sunshine. I been in foster care since I was 12 years old after my mother and father had died. I had no one who really cared for me, but here I am running in out of foster care homes no one was never on my side. I really like going to school this is my last year I'm going on 18 in one month I can't wait until school is over . I have stayed with my home girl Trina she is like a sister to me. Her mother was like my superwoman the one I could run to and talk to her just about anything.

(School bell rings)

Kayla Closes locker, " One months out of this bitch"

Trina close her locker "And I say church."

They both laughed and said together. " Preacchh"

"Yes, Gawd, no more dealing with these ratchets.said Kayla

"Trina said "Yep",

"No more" as  Kayla looked at La'Toya up and down.

Kayla Private opinion


La'Toya was "I shall take ya man if you don't keep your eyes on him kind of bitch!" I couldn't be or stand by no ratcheted, every ratcheted couldn't even breathe the same air I breathe. But anyway me and Toya were cool until she messed with my boyfriend Jarrell. It was cool bitch, she got this one on me. I'm sorry y'all to say bitch a lot of  times, but I mean bitch In a good way some time!," she rolls eyes. I don't mean to waste my time on her, but I thought I should let you know.


"Where you going lil' girl?"asked Kayla

"Dont wait up for me", said Trina

 Kayla Private opinion


Trina might just be going to the back smoking weed again . I don't frankly do that shit it's not good for my lungs and I got asthma I don't have time for no one to laugh at me.  I got my ass in this class room I grabbed a seat in the back.


(last bell rings)

. "Ugh boring , took notes over this shit before" said Kayla

"Shh" the student behind her said.

"I can't even believe someone going to hush me." she turned around

"Malik get ya suave ass on", Kayla laughed

"Girl stop playing" said Mailk

Kayla Private opinion


Malik is one of my best friend, he I mean she did that. Yes I have a gay friend don't ask me why but she/he name is Maleekah, I mean my bitch is fire as that one thing I be mad in public, because she be representing when we in public. She even dress better than some of these women out here, but that is my best tho.This is the last class of the day History, I don't even know why I got this class to begin with I don't know why I have to learn about some crappy old mean men just lying around tell me abou their everyday life, what about my life? I don't read nothing about me in these book.


 "3 mins left til this class is over with," I whispered to Maleekah

(the bell rang)

"Turn up bitch, turn up!!" Said Maleekah

"I'm already turned up to the mother fucking max,prom was the shit last weekend and I have non regrets if you know what I mean?!?!"

Maleekah eyes open wide," You mean, yooooou mean.. you mean, you and Jordan right did it." "Yes girl" Kayla smiled 

They scream and laughed

"I know you going to tell me all about it I can just picture his biiiiiiiiiiggggg fat........."

Kayla squinted her eyes "I'm going to cut you off right there Maleekah you just too much ."

"What?, I was just going to say ass.You know I love the ass Like whats his name say girl with all that ass, ass,ass, ass, ass, now stop now hit that mother fucker hammer time."

Maleekah start dancing.

"Here come Mr. Wellston looking ass", said Kalya

"Young man you shouldn't dance like that in this hallway, kids these day. Either your going to clear the hall and go home or you going to go downstairs to the activities events,"said Mr. Wellston

"Yeah, Yeah,"Maleekah mumble under her breathe "All he is doing is being a women Mr. Wellston" said Kayla

"We will not tolerated at this school or at no other school. Now see you later and if I see this kind of behavior again Mr. Jones I shall see you in my office" he walks off.

"He is just an anal about things" she pats Maleekah on her back.

"Boo bitches." Trina came from the locker behind.

"Girl don't do that you almost made me have a Heart attack"said Kayla

"Well scoot ya ass over I'm trying to get into my locker."

Trina bumps her over with her hips.

"Aye did you want to ride with me and Toya. I know you can't stand here, but y'all should squash that shit ." said Trina

"Naw", said Kayla. " I will just catch the bus home.

"Alright see you at home ."

Trina gave her a hug and left with Toya

"Do she know she a ratchet?," asked Maleekah

"I herd that" said Toya walking down the hallway

"Do everyone know your really a man?!?!" laughed Toya

"Oooooo She tried it, didn't she. Hold my Gucci purse."

Maleekah gave all his stuff for Kayla to hold.

"Come on stop it ",laughed Kayla. "Here you go back all your stuff hold this I have to catch this bus before it leaves me."

Kayla hurried to lock her locker and ran downstairs to get her bus. The buses were pulling off so she went back inside of the building.

"You know you may have to  wait until the activities bus come to take you home right?" said Maleekah

"Yeah I know but I don't have the A on my badge to get on the bus, I know for sure the bus driver will not  let me on."

Kayla was getting upset.

"Well who can you call to come pick you up?" asked Maleekah

"No one, Trina was going home later, but I don't know if she is going to stay out and her mom is working late tonight. So I'm kind of stuck on my own," sighed Kayla. "So, let me go before it start getting too late It should take me more than 2 hours to get back home."

"Ok. I will see you tomorrow",said Maleekah Kayla walk outside the door.

Kayla Private opinion


The sun is setting and all these cars keep blowing at me like I'm some kind of piece of meat. It shouldn't take me no time. Let me think positive thoughts...Oh shit I got to pee I cant hold it and I cant even go no where it almost 6: 00 pm . Should have a rode home with Trina . I passed this alley on to go home.


(This car stop and blows his horn)

"No, Thank you" Kayla I smiled and kept walking.

"This is following me I hope he hurry up and leave. " said Kayla

(The car continued to slow creep.)

"Omgness he is following me," Kayla start to panic she crossed the street where the street lights where and he drove off.

"Good ,woo he had me a little scared , tho I have to get home go head and watch me some rewind slow jams."

She started to singing

"Let me go head and go into this Alley and go pee. I can't even hold it much long", Kayla walked into the dark alley as the light was flickering . She kept looking both ways to see if someone was coming.

Someone had start walking toward Kayla, she had pulled up her short. Then started running the other way but the footstep's got louder. A person had caught her and had hit her head against the brick wall.Kayla fell and passed out. Kayla Woke up 10 mins later with a man kissing over her body, and she was asking and pleading for the man to not to do so. She tried to grab his face mask off , but she couldn't release her hands away from being tied up. She was on the side of the dumpster 10 blocks away from home. She was screaming and yelling but no one could hear her. The man forced himself on him . she screamed with tears rolling down her face. The man kept going and cover her mouth after he got up and cut her loose and ran away.

Kayla got up from off the mattress and button back up her top and button her pants up. She had left her backpack and kept running and didn't stop until she got home. Kayla had got to the apartment building. Sat on the stairs and wiped the tears from her eyes. She heard the door slammed she ran upstairs to her apartment building and open the door.

"What happen to you ?" asked Trina

"Nothing", said Kayla as she was walking by.

"Well you didn't have to act stank about it" said Trina

Kayla ran into her bedroom locked her door and open her shirt back up and looked at the marks on her body. She cried some more and went back out to hopped in the bathtub. She had run her water sat in the bathtub and didn't say nothing and went in her room and didn't eat nothing.

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