Chapter 10 Fear N Trust nobody

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Chapter 10


(Knock at the door)

"Hello, hello? Helloo?" , Trina rang the door bell.

"Hold on a second" a women at the door had open the door. 

" Grandma Its me  Trina, I'm so happy to see you " she hugged her grandma as she seen her

Her grandmother opened her with welcome arms " I haven 't  seen you in a while Tweet I miss you so much"

Trina smiled

" I missed you too" she dropped down her bags " You changed the house so much grandma I love the way you did the upgrade"

"Are you Hungry baby, i can go fix you something to eat?"

" Naw grandma I'm not that hungry I just left from my mama house "

she takes her glasses to put them on '"how is your mother? "

"She doing great , i guess " She mumbled under her breath

"Tell her I miss  her and she need to come visit me "

Trina Private opinion


I Didn't want to ask my grandma can I stay with her  just yet  I don't know what she might say or ask me if I told her me and my mother had got into it. It was good to  see my grandma, but I didn't want to be here for real, I just wish my mother would listen to me and take my side. I had enough in life especially just seeing somebody just die right next to you. I just realized that you might leave this Earth without knowing what time or day of the hour you will just go. I wanted to break down in cry because I was just holding so much inside but I couldn't I will just move on.


" SOoo.. Grandma what you been up too?"

" Oh nothing just making it day by day paying my bill, I don't even have enough money to cover to mortgage,after your grandaddy past away I just couldn't do everything on my own. But the Lord is carrying me over so I will have to do until he tells me I cant do no more. I tried to go over and  applying at the Goodwill, but they said I made to much from my retiring money. I wish I could get that money from when your granddaddy worked it will help out so much , but you have to save your money child so you can fall back on something. I didn't say that was my worst mistake. Wooo child you I remember when your granddaddy would just take me everywhere around the town he would buy me everything bless his sweet heart.. He had everything cover for me all the bills I stayed at home until I was 35 and got a job until he started getting sick from that prostate cancer. It just broke my heart seeing him suffer, now I'm stuck with all the medical bills up to the roof and I cant keep up. So anyway child have you talked to your daddy? "

 "No' Ma'am I just was about to ask you have you seen him. It would be good to see him though I miss my daddy'

"Mhm your father was a good man too, he did everything for your mother they was suppose to get married and  but they were too young. I wasn't having my son tied down to some little girl and be in my house. Let me tell you what happen. Your daddy had  went off to the Navy and got a good job. I'm telling you a good job, your daddy would send money to take care of you while he was gone he sent ya mama checks and  she just wouldn't do right , she would have you looking any kind of way.  Your mama was hot then a fire cracker when she stop getting the checks so she had put child support on him. The only reason I think she did it because you know your other brother in sisters on your daddy side she thought they were getting more money. So your father left her alone. "

"So grandma I have to ask you did my father ever touch me or  someone else touch me? While i was younger?  "

Hold on said Trina grandmother  " i have to put my teeth in for this one. Now one time  I remember your mother she was staying at somebody house this lady came out with a knife I stood to the lady with the knife behind her back and told her I wasn't moving and I had God on my side. I wanted my granddaughter out of there and she belong to my son. Now she is using you and that baby don't belong to that boy. " She laughs ," That lady wanted to do me in, but I wasn't leaving without a fight, ya mama was a wild one back in the back let me tell you, but to your answer tweet no! Your father didn't not touch you, but we had thought someone had messed with you while you where a baby because you had some redness like someone was playing with ya vagina area, but your mother blamed your father for doing it to you."

Trina sighed with relief that her father didnt do it.

" So tell me what brought you over here? I know your graduation will be soon and I dont want no last minute ticket you herd me."

" Yes ma'am,  Well I came over ... because I wanted to see Daddy I haven't seen him a while and my mama and me we sorta got into it with each other and she didn't even care what I had to say."

"Now that is something I don't play about , now don't be fighting with your mama, the bible said , "HONOUR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER. THAT THY DAYS MAY BE LONG UPON THE LAND WHICH THE LORD THY GOD GIVETH THE.. EXODUS 20:12 "

Trina nods to what she said

"Grandma, she the one that told me my dad molested me. "

"God dont like Ulgy" Said Trina grandma " Your dad should be here sometime today if you stay here until he get off then he will come over. But child I'm going to get some rest and you  can help yourself to anything in here if you need me just call me."

She came over to give Trina a kiss "I love you tweet" 

"I love you too'" Trina smiled.

Kayla Private opinion


I said fuck school today, I cant even find my phone it must be in the car. Trina is straight tripping I don't want her mother as a mother I had a mother who birth me . She said  that I need to check the cam recorder I don't even know why I'm so worried about it. The only thing I'm going to find on here is me and Jordan fucking and the video me and  Trina doing a dance the other day that's about it. . Let me get this shit so I can press rewind it has been running through my mind every since she said that..


"Shit I cant believe it, this mother fucker,"said Kayla as she was pressing play on the Cam Recorder from the begging and she saw that Jordan and  Toya was on there having sex in his room and some other shit Toya had recorder.

Cam Recorder

?? So what button do I person

Toya: You press this button  to  record and it going to seen the live stream back to my computer

??: But I don't really want to do this. I mean this is my friend

Toya: Either you want to be with us or you want to be with her.

The person had walked in to the room and place the cam recorder. She couldnt see who it was  on the cam recorder.

Kayla Private opinion


It sounded like Trina voice a little but I couldn't make it out. I can tell that it is that bitch ass, that ratchet Bitch La' Toya ass. Wait until I go to school on Tuesday I will light her ass on fire.


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